Unique Baby Girls names??

My girls are Isabelle and Elisabeth my mom jokes for short I could have Izzy and Lizzy. For the most part we use their full name, but sometimes we call them Belle and Lily.

For some reason almost every girl's name I picked started with a vowel and every boys name we had picked out ended in -en, -in, or -an.

Other names I like or have heard:

I have 2 girls and 2 boys and I wanted their names to be unique because mine was old and plain.

Some pretty girl names I have heard or found while researching names for my girls.


Being Irish I wanted Irish names for my kids--DD8 is Carina which is the female version of the correct spelling of Ciaran and I can't tell you DD4 because she is the only one to ever have her name in census history! Her name is an old Irish last name and her middle name is LIORA. I'll try to see if I can find the paper I used to write down all the names I liked and post them here.
Here are some names from my kindergarten class:
Addie Mae

Also like:

Family at Church has 3 girls:
We're having a boy, but if he were going to be a girl his name was going to be Tierney. My husband hates it cause he thinks it's not a name and it's weird but I love it so in the end he would have caved. Middle names would have been either Olivia, Emma, or Erin (Erin was my husband's pick, and I like it, but I think it makes the whole name sound pretty Irish, and with our very Italian last name that didn't fit too well I thought). If he was still totally again Tierney by the birth then she would have been Julia, but no idea what the middle name would have been.

My 2yo daughter is Madison Alyssa. Madison is I think the 3rd most popular name but we have never met another one IRL. There are none in her entire school (not just a preschool, they go up to 6th grade too) and none in the daycamp she's signed up for. We do know a few Ellas, Annas, and Lillys though.

My friend just had a baby girl and named her Emilia Victoria, which I think won't be too common, but definitely isn't weird either. There's also an Ellen in my daughter's class, which I haven't heard since my 60yo aunt, but I think it's a nice name. Less trendy than Ella, but same nickname possibilities.

Oh, and my niece is a Maya and we all thought that was so odd but there are 3 Mayas in my daughter's school. We all thought it would be reversed-lots of Madisons and no Mayas.
Irishbosoxfan, do you not want to share your 4yo daughter's name cause then she won't be the only one in census history with it? I don't care, just wondering if that's why or if you meant for personal/security reasons? Pretty neat that she's the only one with the name!
my Grandaughter's are named Eudora Fae (she was a preemie, 2 pounds with a finger on the scale, Eudora means gift from god)

and the latest is Sydney Nora.

I heard a girls name recently that I fell in love with, Makena.
Just because of the census! :teeth: When I had DD8 the woman I shared a room with during recovery didn't have a name for her DD and stole mine!! Found out when a nurse came to my room later that day w/DD and said "Carina must be a popular name because we have two babies in the nursery with it"--Aaarrrggghhhh---Then my baby brothers girlfriends sister had her baby about 2 weeks after me and she named her DD Carina also because she thought it was pretty!
It's just nice to be able to tell her she is the only one with her name and know noone else will ever have it-(Unless they want to sit in a library for hours pouring over old Irish geneology books!)
My DD is Bryn MacKenzie-Jennifer

Other Names I like:

Here in Boston, "Kennedy" is becoming a somewhat popular first name for little girls. "Olivia" also appears frequently.

Speaking of stealing names, my sister-in-law (not dear to me) named her first child Alexandra after I said I wanted to name my future daughter that! I ended up naming my daughter "Stephanie" and I think it fits her better than Alexandra.
Two of the prettiest and most unusual girls names I've heard are:

Carys (pronouced= Care-iss) and Chesa (Chess -a)
I like:

Anna Elise

This is a neat website for names. It used to have an "English" version. I don't see that option now, but it isn't hard to navigate in French. :)

I understand the name stealing. I really don't care much what other people name their kids, but my son will be Henry Joseph, which would have been my daughter's name if she were a boy too. Henry was my dad's name and he died when I was 17 so I really wanted to use his name and Joseph is my husband, FIL, and GFIL. So there was a reason behind the name. Well then our friends, after asking us what we were going to name our kid before we knew she was a girl, took the name for their son who was born 4 months after our daughter. So now all of our friends say "Oh, like the Floyd's son" when we tell them what we're going to name our son. I don't mind that they used the name, but now everyone thinks we're copying them!
I also have boys but if they had been girls the names were Danielle and Victoria. I also like
Samantha, Mia, Paige and my current total favorite unique name is...
Keegan, nickname KiKi :cheer2:
Okay, so I just read through the whole thread and I didn't see my DD's name. Dh and I were arguing about it when they were starting the c-section. He wanted Leila (pronounced Lay-la) which I was fine with, but we couldn't agree on a middle name. I wanted Zoe, but he won with Isabelle. So we have Leila Isabelle. We are having another and I think it's a girl so the process starts all over agian. I like Esmeralda (DH is Mexican). The nieghbor's twin girls are Iliana and Viviana, I love both of those.
DD 9 - Morgan
DS7 - Nicholas (if it was a girl: Kelsey)

My daycare girls are: Alexis, Erika and Grace

My DD is expecting in September. This will be our first grandchild. We are so excited. My DD and SIL don't want to know the sex until the baby is born so I don't know if this grandbaby is a boy or a girl. But if it is a girl, her name will be Eden. My SIL (seminary student) wanted Old Testament names. Originally they came up with Samuel or Rebekah. But my daughter got him on a technicality and came up with Eden. Not an Old Testament name but definitely in the Old Testament. I love the name. They will probably use Rebekah for the middle name. BTW, my DD's name is Leah which I don't think I saw listed in any of the posts.
I love love love unique names!!! We had a boys name all picked out, but when we found out we were having a girl, the process became difficult. For some reason, I dont like alot of girls names LOL! We came up with Paisley Rain. We get complimented on her name all the time. And it fits her to a T!

If we ever have another girl, I have NO CLUE what we will name her. I cant decide whether to stick with all "P"'s or go with another letter.
I have 3 boys so used the girls name on the dog :) "Linzee". Other girls names that I think are pretty are:


Smiles to all!


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