Boys R Icky, I need a new BF, our RPR trip report...A Wonderful Trip!

This is great!!! You're going to have to go back to keep us entertained with your trip reports!!! :goodvibes :lmao: :surfweb:
Motherfletcher said:
Not too much on BF? Have you dumped him already?

Bf left early tuesday morning with his son. ( I havent dumped him YET, but he definitely didnt pass the "vacation test!)
Day 9

Its our last full day here. :guilty: And we have so much left to do! We knew we had to get up early so we could do everything we wanted. Two for sure...Hollywood Horror Makeup Show (can you believe its 9 days and we havent seen it yet?) and we HAD to try Mythos. So we had a plan. We left early, going to Universal first. We walked. I hadnt mentioned that before, but we almost always walked. The boat never seemed convienient for us, but we did try the pedicabs a few times. As we are walking up to the gates at Universal, Brandon discovers that his lanyard is pass! So we turn around and go back. The cases we had have a zipper on the side that we put the passes in, and a clear plastic part with velcro that we put the room key in. The room key was there but the zipper was open and no pass. Brandon had a habit of zipping and unzipping it. We look around back at the room, but find nada. OK. No biggie. We'll just go to guest services. It is a pass with a photo (3 month costco pass) so there is a record. So we walk back to guest services at Universal, the outside window by ticket sales area. We had to wait a while, but when we did, they found our info and gave brandon another ticket thing to scan to get in, then we had to go back to guest services on the inside and get the pass reprinted. The first time they printed it, and we were walking away and Brandon says "hey mines green, yours is purple" Oops. So we turn around...the pass is a 3 month pass...but not 2 park pass. So they print it again. Now we're good. No charge for the lost pass either (up here at six flags there is always a charge for a new on when you lose it)

Okay, cool, now we are good. Into the park. Okay it should be no surprise to you by now....we went to the Mummy first. I think its should be a law by now. You must ride Mummy first and last everytime you go into Universal. So we rode the Mummy , walked on. It was still early. It would have been a walk-on in the regular line too. The "get there early, get there early , get there early" thing is SOOOOO true. I know it gets old saying it over and over, but its so true. Esp if you head to the back first. Empty. And it was around 10. So at least an hour of walk-ons.

Now I insist we head over towards Horror Make-up. But we pass MIB and those bad scores are still painful to me. I cant leave with that kind of embarrassment hanging over me. One more time. And this time I insist , I am not gonna be on the right side! So in we go. I shoot my little heart out. Okay dont make fun of me you 9999999 peeps but I got the bonus and got 260,000! I was happy with that. Of course both Kev and Brandon beat me by a bunch but I was still happy. Took the sting of humliation away anyhow.

Then finally we went and saw the horror show. And as usual it was a hoot!


The guy was hilarious! We were on the 2nd row.


And I'm sure you wont be surprised at the volunteer!


After this we headed over to IOA. We wanted lunch at Mythos
We walked in, no wait (it was about 11:45). It was very cool.
This was our view from our table


And once again the boys surprised me by eating "something that is not chicken strips" They loved the buffalo chicken wrap


Next we headed over to dueling dragons, but first we stopped at the mystic fountain


I think Dueling Dragon is the prettiest roller coaster anywhere. I wonder if anyone has a vote on that "Worlds Prettiest Coaster"


Next it was water ride day. All wet...all in a row


Jurrassic park adventure

Ripsaw falls broke down twice while the boys were on it. so it took forever


Then back to the HUlk again. and again.


and a little spidey for good measure


Then we decided its time for the pool again, so I send the boys back and wander around citywalk for a bit before joining them.

That evening we head to Pastamore for dinner (movie/meal coupon) I liked mine, Brandon liked his. Kev thought his was icky. Pretty ordinary place tho, the fun level wasnt too high ( we take our own, thank goodness!)


One more ride on hulk and back to the hotel. I made a deal with the boys if they packed everything up and took it to the car, they could stay and watch the dive-in movie at the pool. So thats what we did.

Next up, one last minute whirlwind tour...then on the road again!

It sounds like you liked RPR well enough. How long did it take to adjust to it not being HRH? Which will you return to, if $ were no object?
IMGONNABE40! said:
It sounds like you liked RPR well enough. How long did it take to adjust to it not being HRH? Which will you return to, if $ were no object?

It didnt take long to adjust at all. I really think we LIKE RPR better. Especially the pool. The plusses for HRH were the room size (we always had deluxe, not available at RPR) and the short walk. The walk time difference is significant, I have to disagree with those who have said it isnt. If I brought my Mom, or anyone who might be effected by that I would definitely stay at HRH instead. If I took 5 ppl again I would book 2 rooms APH rate w/o club. I am planning a surprise trip for just me and my son (if I can manage to get time off work) and I think for that trip I might book HRH, or I might try PBH, since I havent stayed there yet. Choosing between comparable rooms at RPR and HRH , I would choose RPR for a family vacation. I'm rambling now, I know. The $ difference was mostly because of staying Club, and I really dont think we'll do that regularly, but maybe occassionally. Club was nice, but I dont think we really need it. I didnt really answer the question. I think I will be visiting both again, so I can do more research! :hippie:
I just have to say that you sound like a great mom. I love seeing pictures of happy teenage boys.
PavelB said:
I just have to say that you sound like a great mom. I love seeing pictures of happy teenage boys.

What a wonderful thing to say! I must say tho that I have been blessed with a fun kid! :goodvibes
Sorry this took so long...double shifts at work....yuck.


We were packed up, car ready, I saw my bill EEEEK! :eek: Ok OK it was 3600 something. That was everything. All food, souveniers , everything for 8 nights club level 5 ppl 4 days and 3 the rest.

We never had time to see a movie with the movie/meal deal coupons so I took those and gave them to the Club Lounge Staff. Hopefully someone used them! I did the express check-out and just left.

We then went into the parks one last time. Any guesses for where we went first? Yep. Mummy. Then we went to Jaws , ET, and finally Shrek. We were doing really well until ShreK. Thats a long or not. And the show is long too. We were walking thru the city park area where they have the character greet and they were playing "eye of the Tiger" So the boys did a slow-motion running video. I wish I could post it here it was hilarious! We did see the penguins.


Then we rushed over to IOA to ride Hulk, Dragons and Spiderman. We still had to buy souveniers and it was getting late. So we shopped at the shops in the entryway. By now its after 2.


By the time we got back to the resort and got in the car it was 3. We left Orlando and started north. All was well. We stopped at the parkway and stocked up on snacks for the ride. It was probably 2 hours later that I noticed that it seemed like the ac wasnt blowing cold enough. I fiddled with it and turned stuff on and off, but it just got worse. So, yes, I did have to endure a car trip thru florida in june with NO AC! That was sure fun! But we survived and made it home safely by 12:30 Sunday. Of course it was fathers day, so I didnt get to rest or anything, I had to go visit dad! But it was a great trip

Best things about the trip:

RPR is a wonderfully fun, family friendly resort. Highly reccommend it

The parks are a delight, express pass makes it easy to only stay a few hours, get some r and r and come back later


Dont try to do it all in one day. If you can stand it, get up early and go, it really does make your day go better.

I know this is going to sound strange, but be nice. Be nice to the hotel staff, the housekeeping staff, the ride workers, the pool staff, the restaurant workers. Smiles, respect, eye contact, and thank yous will come back to you in kind. Be nice to the other park guests too, even if they dont share your accent or background. Be charmed by it all. Have fun!


I just want to thank you for your report. We leave in a couple of weeks and this is just helping the excitement factor!! :cool1: :woohoo: :yay: :bounce:

Tamika, Tai, and James

:bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Linda, I've been lurking on this post. Of course I first started reading it because of the title you gave it. You gave a wonderful recap of your trip. Your DS should be very happy he has such a cool mom!
RUDisney said:
Linda, I've been lurking on this post. Of course I first started reading it because of the title you gave it. You gave a wonderful recap of your trip. Your DS should be very happy he has such a cool mom!

Thank you very much. Writing the report was fun, like reliving the vacation, but very time consuming! Its kind of cool to have it on here, later, if I want to remember something I can just look it up! :hippie:
I just wanted to add also, I got my moneys worth out of my AP even tho I didnt use it for the room discount. I used it almost everywhere else, when I remembered! I almost kicked myself when I realised I hadne used it at the Bula Grill the first 3 nights! Even when I bought a magazine at the hotel gift shop. (I think they thought I was kinda nuts, but what the heck)
lindalinda said:
I just wanted to add also, I got my moneys worth out of my AP even tho I didnt use it for the room discount. I used it almost everywhere else, when I remembered! I almost kicked myself when I realised I hadne used it at the Bula Grill the first 3 nights! Even when I bought a magazine at the hotel gift shop. (I think they thought I was kinda nuts, but what the heck)

There isnt an AP discount at any of the hotel restaurants or gift shops. Or I should say there never was before, is this new?

Great report, excellent pictures!
I asked, and they gave me a discount at the Bula Grill and at the gift shop, 10%. (Food only, not alcohol)
lindalinda, I really enjoyed reading your trip reports. Very entertaining and the pictures were great too. We also love RPR. Thanks so much for sharing.
what is the Bula Grill? We are staying at RPR for 3 it a bar?
can you take the kids?
lwilliam said:
what is the Bula Grill? We are staying at RPR for 3 it a bar?
can you take the kids?

The Bula Grill is the bar and grill outside at the pool at RPR. Yes kids are welcome. We loved staying at the pool and eating there.
I just thought I'd post this picture of my goofy son. He picked the flowers on the walk back from the parks to RPR. On a dare, we made them keep them in all the way thru the lobby at RPR! It was tough, but he did it!



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