Problem with Tigger


Earning My Ears
Nov 21, 2006
I just caught the end of a national news report that Tigger hit a park guest-what are the details. Does anyone know?
It looks like the kid was pulling at Tigger zipper and Tigger went to push him away. If anything it is more disturbing that the kid elbowed Tigger in the head. The father should be reprimanding the boy for his behavior as well.
I saw the interview on the Morning Show. In my personal opinion, it looked like Tigger was playing with the kid. The punch didnt seem that powerful to me. They showed the punch over and over, and it really looked playful to me. It happened days ago and the family already has a lawyer, they clearly want money. Its sad, this could possibily ruin the characters interacting at all with the guests.
My guess it that Tigger was provoked but instead of assailing as suggested it was more like getting the boys attention. At 14 yrs old, for those of us that have been there, we all know that teenagers sometimes like to test the waters. :banana:
ha, this been on for awhile...

a lot of CM believe he was either provoked or he lost his balance.

heres some points

1) If he was punched in the face HARD, someone who got punched in the face with glasses, i would take off the glasses... the nose piece hurts like hell when its pushed in really hard.

2) Now why was the video cut 1 sec out of the punch. We do not see anything on what happened after... clearly, someone is hiding something.

3) Now who here hears the CM side... NONE!
If you look, to me it looks like Tigger was falling backwards and he was trying to catch his balance. The kids left arm looked like he was holding him up. At the end of the clip tigger shakes his hand and the kid has a smile on his face....Get a grip...
If Disney does settle with these people, they should aslo ban them from ever returning to Disney.
I saw this video on the news last night. When you watch it, it's obvious that Tigger was first trying to step away from the teen but the kid has Tig in an arm lock and he couldn't get away. He either lost his balance or swung to try to get the kid to let go of him ... Either way, it looks like the kid provoked it with that hand behind Tigger's back, which we'll never see. (My first two thoughts were that the kid was either pinching Tig in the back and not letting go, or, as the previous poster said, was trying to pull the zipper on the costume.)
i cannot believe the family now has a lawyer and is making it look like tigger did a bad thing. it's people like this that are always out to sue someone that really ruin things for everyone else. if you don't know how to interact with characters and just want to stir up trouble, stay out of places where there are thousands of people who are just trying to have a good time. i hope that boy gets bullied in school now for being such a jerk!
The family is actually from my hometown and I would not buy it for a second, trust me on this one.
If I were 14, I would not want my picture all over the news, crying about Tigger "hurt me." When I was 14, you got beat up for a lot less than that.
This is far out there.That's was not a punch.This is so sad .......I mean someone could lose their job over this. The whole time we were at wdw the charters were friendly and very kind to my children.(even when one kept telling them about universal studios)
OK, I just watched the video a few times, It appears to me that the kid is tugging on something behind Tigger's back. (Wonder what he was doing?-uuuggghhh ZIPPER maybe??)
I don't think there is any wrong doing here. This family is out to make a buck!
I can imagine the CM went to stop him and lost his balance. I would think that it's hard to get used to costume hands that big. He just taped him in the face by accident. I would be interested to know WHEN this family became outraged. Right when it happened or a few hours later when they thought about what they could gain from it.
It looks so innocent and accidental on Tigger's part. And it hardly looks like a "punch" to me. Tigger must be ticked now!
i cannot believe the family now has a lawyer and is making it look like tigger did a bad thing. it's people like this that are always out to sue someone that really ruin things for everyone else. if you don't know how to interact with characters and just want to stir up trouble, stay out of places where there are thousands of people who are just trying to have a good time. i hope that boy gets bullied in school now for being such a jerk!

:sad2: Nobody deserves that. It's probably the parents that are instigating this whole thing. The kids are innocent, I'm sure. If I were that kid, I wouldn't want a bunch of publicity about being beat up by Tigger. Come on. It's the parents that deserve a reprimand. Just my .02


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