Wk of Jan 28--WISH Walking/Running Club

OK, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday because I was dealing with some family drama with my princess DD9 princess:. She has some behavioral/emotional "issues" that I'd really not go into here, but we have been seeking professional help. Anyhow, sometimes there are blowups/meltdowns that really, really are just draining. I didn't get any training in on Wendesday.
Good morning my teammates!!!! Yahoo it is finally Friday, Curling tonight, and DS is in a Bonspiel all day tomorrow. Can't wait I love to watch him play, actually he is playing on my team tonight as DH is working late and my skip likes to encourage Kevin to play and teached him alot.

Congrats to all those getting in their workouts and even when you are sick that is dedicatation:grouphug:

Cam: I haven't chatted with you for very long but from what I do know you are a awesome beautiful person inside and out, you are a inspiration, you DR on the other hand is a idiot, I was diagnosed with high cholesteral and tryglycerides last March, I have lost 33 pounds since then, with 27 to go:crazy2: and my DR thought that was amazing, and your 65 in 2 years is the about the same rate of weightloss so my DR would be very proud of you as we all are:grouphug: Give yourself a big hug from all of us.

To the rest of the team HI:wave2:

So today was the first workout on my own TM, but found out it doesn't have a pace calculator. Does anyone know of a website that says if you do speed of 3.8 on the treadmill what your pace would be?? I would like to do a graph and leave it by the computer for all the speeds.

Will be back to chat later, gotta hit the shower.

Does anyone know of a website that says if you do speed of 3.8 on the treadmill what your pace would be?? I would like to do a graph and leave it by the computer for all the speeds.

Kim - PM me an email address and I can send a pdf cheat sheet over. Oh by the way 3.8 is 15:47 MPM or 9:49 KPM for you.
Morning all! A little more snow here today. It's pretty, but not bringing things to a standstill. Today is a rest day for me--and then 13 tomorrow.

Kim--On my treadmill, 4.0 equals 15min/mile, 6.0 equals 10min/mile, etc.

jim--enjoy that extra cup of coffee

cam--Well, I am just going to second what everyone else already said!:grouphug: You are amazing and don't ever let anyone else make you feel otherwise!:thumbsup2

Dave--sorry about the DD issues:grouphug: Great pace on the 4 miler!

Gotta go!
Kim – I LOVE this pace calculator, but I am not sure it is exactly what you are looking for:
Congrats on your weight loss, too!

Dave – Sending you :hug: and pixiedust: for the issues with your DD9. We have been through so much with DD18, starting before she was 2. If you ever need someone to talk to, please please send me a PM. We have learned so much over the years, but something her daycare director told us when she was a toddler really kept us going: “The qualities you find difficult in her now are the very same qualities you will admire in her when she is an adult.” Small consolation when we wondered whether we’d let her “live” until she was an adult. But it really does help to put things into perspective and with Jenn it has all come true – she is strong-willed, determined, confident in her beliefs, independent and ultimately, has the sweetest heart you can imagine. What was so hard for us was that she would recover from the meltdown and go on as if it never happened and we were building up resentment and distance. It was so amazingly helpful to have experts around to help us get past that. It was also really hard to imagine how it was all impacting DS who is 5 years younger, but you know what? That had its positives, too. Okay, that is probably so much more than you needed to hear, but I hope you can see the positives in your DD and understand that it is hard for her, too when she has a meltdown. And if it is any consolation, just think of how proud you can be of how beautifully behaved and polite she was at the WISH dessert party. She really did you proud.

Laurie – I hope you are feeling better today. Sending pixiedust:

Judy – Sooo excited to know you’ll need a SCREAM TEAM for the Donald next year! May I apply for the job? :grouphug: How is Charlie’s training going?

Dena – That was one amazing post! How do you find the energy? As if we weren’t already impressed by the fact that you exercised ½ of the days in January! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 So glad you had that special time with DD. You are teaching her such great things already at this young age, to appreciate being outside and active!

BTW, Lisa, Lynnda & Dena – Keeping all of you in my prayers, especially for smooth pregnancies and effortless deliveries! :grouphug:

Chernabog – WOW! Awesome pace and endurance. I am thrilled to hear that even you had a hard time sustaining for 2 minutes at first. It gives me hope!

Kristi – Do you realize that you “walk” faster than many runners? How awesome! Great job on beating this week’s time by 2 minutes! :banana:

Mel – I had to laugh at the “navy blue with stars” thing. I can’t quite figure out who was more likely to have painted them for you – the wild todd or your really cool teen! ;) Then I thought that maybe Jeff painted them for you! :rotfl: And thank you for your wise words, Mel. I look at how much weight you have lost and kept off and how fit you are and you really are a role model for me, sweetie! :love:

dkp – Thanks again for your support. And I don’t expect to ever see this doctor again. Now that I know there is no pulmonology issue (though I am definitely supposed to work on breathing patterns when I run – the tests were done on a bike, NOT the TM as I’d hoped), I won’t be dealing with him ever again. (Where is that brush-off smilie? ;) )

Kathy – I am so glad to see you here! How are things going with the new PT working on your shoulder? I am really excited that you are registered for the Mickey next year! It will be a blast! I hope all goes smoothly for Erin in her recovery. Just remember that for some reason the pain spikes at day 7 but then gets much better. Give Erin a hug for me! Oh, and Howard registered for the Goofy too and will be very psyched to hear that Lynne did already!!! :cool1:

Craig – Your schedule sounds grueling! Good luck and I think that just keeping up with that will be a great workout! Oh, and come May 19, not only will you be done with your grueling schedule but you’ll be packing to head to a “happy place”, right? :)

Mike - awesome time and distance. See, most people would have used the weather as an excuse NOT to get in that run, instead of doing it early to be sure not to miss it. That is so outrageously awesome! :thumbsup2

Jackie – Aren’t “new miles” the best?!?!?!? And you ran for 6 minutes – AT THE END!?!?!?! The rest of the day should be a cakewalk, right? :)

Terri – keeping your pod appt in my prayers. How does your achilles feel these days? Are you seeing any improvement? Does the pod have you on crutches or otherwise taking it easy? Thinking of you, sweetie, and sending prayers and pixiedust:

Carole – great workout! Sorry you are doing a 12-hour shift today. I hope it isn’t too exhausting.

Jim – It sounds like things are really bad in Central Florida, weather-wise. I hope you and yours are safe and sound (and dry and not without power)
Good morning team. I woke up early and did 3 miles on the TM at the gym. It's far too cold here to contemplate an outside run. Yesterday was my rest day.

Thank you for the Garmin information! I need to look into one, although I'm not convinced I need one yet. Plus I think I'd like to see it in person.

You all have been very inspiring! Don't let the turkeys get you down!:cheer2:
Good morning TEAM!!!! Happy Friday! I got my workout in last night, I did about 3 miles on the elliptical and then about 30 minutes of weight lifting. I still can't figure out why I'm not sore from lifting today. :confused3 I guess it's a good thing, but there's nothing better than feeling a slight soreness after a hard workout or run.

Cam--I am so sorry that your doctor is a jerk. I read your post last night and I'm still steaming about it this morning. Does he have ANY idea how hard it is to lose weight and maintain that weight loss? Does he have ANY idea how a long distance athlete's body works? I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I don't think there was anyone on our team who worked harder for that Mickey medal than you did. I don't think anyone deserved it more. You are an inspiration to us, your family, your colleagues, and your community. Try to forget what he said. You know the truth. Howard knows the truth. We know the truth. You are an incredible athlete. :grouphug:

Judy--Congrats on signing up for the half!!!! :cheer2:

Dave--:grouphug: I hope everything is going better today with your princess:

Carole--I am so going to try walking on the treadmill backwards, I have balance issues when I run. (ie. I trip over my feet all the time when I run and have permanently scarred knees :rolleyes: ). Was is super hard to get used to walking backwards?

Jackie--Awesome job on the treadmill this morning!!! :cheer2: I wish I could be one of those people who can get up in the morning to run. Sadly, I enjoy sleeping too much. :faint:

Mel--I'm like you, I really have no idea what color my toe nails are, as I haven't seen them in years. The only time I'm not wearing nail polish is when I'm switching colors. :upsidedow

Laurie--Hope you are feeling better! Have fun tonight.

Mike--Your posts make me :rotfl: :rotfl:

Craig--Did I hear you say you are running the full next year?? :cheer2:

Terri--pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

I know there was more I wanted to say, but I forget now. Grrrr. Oh well, that just gives me an excuse to come back! :)
Hi Everyone!

Deena- All that during naps?! I used to sleep during nap time - oh wait _ I still take naps even though my kids don't.

Oh, but he was really, really nice about it.
awww Cam! You are doing an amazing job helping yourself. I know too many people who just make excuses and never do anything about their weight.
As for the math of calories in vs calories out - I use fitdays program to keep track of that. It takes a while when you are first staring out, but pretty soon you have all your regular meals on file and entering your food only takes a few minutes a day. Yes, I keep a log of everything I eat, but thats a story for another day...
Cecilia...Carrie's right about the toenails...sorry I was being vague. My toenails are usually navy blue with stars :)
:lmao: Silly me, I will just repeat myself " toenails are for wimps" and painted toenails? :scared1: Hopefully by the time spring gets here I will have something to paint.:artist:

Dave - I completely understand the drama of a 9 year old girl. I have two dds - 10 and 8. Hang in there. The good news is that they say the ones that have a hard time in puberty are easier to handle in their teens. I can only hope that is true!
I really hope you can run Disney with us this year!

Happy Friday!
Cam--I am so sorry that your doctor is a jerk. I read your post last night and I'm still steaming about it this morning. Does he have ANY idea how hard it is to lose weight and maintain that weight loss? Does he have ANY idea how a long distance athlete's body works? I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I don't think there was anyone on our team who worked harder for that Mickey medal than you did. I don't think anyone deserved it more. You are an inspiration to us, your family, your colleagues, and your community. Try to forget what he said. You know the truth. Howard knows the truth. We know the truth. You are an incredible athlete. :grouphug:

ya, what she said:grouphug: :) :thumbsup2

Cam you are an athlete. 'nough said.

Dave-- Cam's response is identical to my own experience. DD17 is an emotional rollercoaster. Unfortunately, we started late in getting her extra help. You are doing the right thing. :grouphug: and pixiedust: to get through the hard times. In our case, DS6 still does't know what to make of her and he worries about her all the time. It breaks my heart. One night he said to me, "don't by her a house to live by herself because she thinks she's all grown up but she still needs rules and she could get hurt". Imagine a six year old concerned for his 17 yo sister like that?

I finally got a full run in last night, between the rain showers as well. I did 4 miles with and overall pace of 10:13. It wasn't too bad except for the head wind I had to run into for a mile. Then when I turned around, the wind quit. So much for nature trying to help me out. :rolleyes:

If it quits raining long enough today, I may be able to get out and go bike shopping. Lynnda's is a little small for me and I think she is secretly afraid that I am going to break it somehow. Although since I have the day off, I may just curl up and sleep all day or at least as long as the rest of the family will let me. :rotfl:

Cam - Sorry to hear your doctor doesn't quite know how to say things. Give us the word and there should be a huge Wish group that will go and have a little discussion with him in the parking lot. ;) Glad the overall news was good though.

Dave - Sorry to hear about your family dramas. Glad to hear you were able to get your run in yesterday.

Judy - Glad to hear you signed up. We look forward to seeing you next January. Hope your horse is doing better and is cooperating a little more now.

nucpharm - I want some pretty snow. All I have is irritating rain. If it is going to be messy outside, I at least want to have some fun.

Jim - I agree with you on the weather. We are just now having the worst of it start. It looks like it will be a long day. I just hope the cool weather comes with it this time.

Kim - Just to make sure, curling is the thing with the brooms and a large rock. Kind of like shuffleboard except on ice.

Carole - Good luck with the new program. It sounds like you are off to a good start.

Jackie - Good job on the treadmill yesterday and making your third run for the week.

Mike - When it is that cold around here, I usually have to go in and try to warm up. Although icing down afterwards is alot easier since it isn't a big temperature difference on the legs.

Laurie - Hope you feel better soon. Be careful about doing too much when you are sick or it can make it worse. I have had someone (DW) telling me that for the past week when I wanted to get out.

Thanks everyone for the info on the pace stuff.

Bill: Yes curling is like shuffle board on ice.....:thumbsup2 We only started in 2006 and love it. BTW, congrats on the run, great pace.

Cam - I'm so sorry about your experience yesterday! You really are an inspiration to this group. I admire your acomplishments so much! I often tell my workout buddies about all that you've done!! After what Bill said, I'll have to tell Phil to make sure and be sensitive (i'm joking, he is anyway) or he might be greeted at his truck by an angry mob in lime greem shirts!:rotfl:

Dave - glad you were able to get your workout in. Here is a :grouphug: . Sorry about the struggles you are having w/ dd. I'm sure that is draining for both her and you guys. Your family is in my prayers for energy, wisdom and grace.

I have not really worked out very much this week. The snow is making it a little difficult as preschool has been canceled and it is 17deg. I'm just not sure if i can bear to get on the TM today. I think the boy may go play at the neighbor's house for a little while. If so, I need to force myself to do something. Adventure racing season is coming up and i don't want to be SOFT!!!! Also, that 50k is coming. I should be having at least enough anxiety to get me going, but...well....
Cam--I am so sorry that your doctor is a jerk. I read your post last night and I'm still steaming about it this morning. Does he have ANY idea how hard it is to lose weight and maintain that weight loss? Does he have ANY idea how a long distance athlete's body works? I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I don't think there was anyone on our team who worked harder for that Mickey medal than you did. I don't think anyone deserved it more. You are an inspiration to us, your family, your colleagues, and your community. Try to forget what he said. You know the truth. Howard knows the truth. We know the truth. You are an incredible athlete. :grouphug:

Krista said it all perfectly! DITTO!!!
Hey everyone-

I had a sort of amusing experience with my DD, 7, yesterday. She was in my car with her know-it-all, full of herself, totally obnoxious friend. This is their conversation:

My DD says "I was in a 3 mile race with my momma once..."
Her friend, "I've run 4 miles in a race..."
My DD, "My momma is running 26 miles."

Stunned silence. Take that, you know-it-all obnoxious kid!!

Now I guess I really have to do it. I tell my DH the story and his response is "you're not really running 26 miles are you?" Hello, you don't listen because I'm running over 39!!! (You know, if you define running loosely). I'm guessing I'll be hiring a babysitter for the long runs if he doesn't get with the program...


Cam-- I'm really new, but this board and your stories inspired me to sign up for Goofy and get serious about exercise. Your doctor is a moron. Did you ask to see his Mickey medal?! Maybe you could thump him over the head with it!

Hoosmi (or Jen2) :)
Just have a sec but I had to respond to this.

Cam - Some of the smartest people in the world are the biggest idiots ;) Please don't take what that nasty DR said to heart. What you have accomplished is amazing ::yes:: We are all sooooo proud of you :cheer2: :grouphug:
T.G.I.F!! :banana:

Did you ever notice that it says this on the side of an ASICS shoe box...."Anima Sana In Corpore Sano" "Sound mind, sound body". So that's where ASICS comes from. Cool!:cool2:

Dena - Holy cow woman! What a post! You caught up with everyone. I bow to your ability....:worship: Excellent on the training! You are SO on your way!

Cam - OMG! You know, it takes a lot to make me speechless, but your doctor has done just that. :mad: I second all that Dena said. Forget the sedan, I want to get in our SUBURBAN and drive down there and have a little discussion with him. I don't care if he WAS nice about it or not. You can't talk to my Cam like that! Where's the whack-the-doctor smilie?!?!?! Thanks for asking about Charlie's training. But the man is a running machine and he makes me look really bad so let's not talk about it. :rolleyes2

Craig - Thank you. I feel more motivated now that I am registered. :goodvibes I don't think I care for your new schedule this semester. We need you here. This schedule doesn't seem to leave much time for posting.

Jim and Bill
- Hey, you guys OK down there? :eek:

Dave - :hug: for you and DW. I can't help you with child-related issues. If you had a foal or a kitten, I could help. I have stepchildren though. When they misbehave I try to sell them on E-Bay. :rotfl: So, as you can see, I am no help. (but I hope at least I made you smile this morning.)
Just back from the gym:

TM 1% (no hills today). 3 miles in 30:54. Perceived Effort- HARD!

If I can get in one more 3 milers and a 9 mile LR I will have completed HH Int. week2 without missing one wo:banana:

Cam - Some of the smartest people in the world are the biggest idiots!:

:rotfl: :rotfl: This is so true!

When we moved to NC, it was SOOO hard to find a new doctor for me and for the kids. I have tried 4 different doctors and have finally found one for the kids who is tolerable.


Dave, your family is in our prayers too! We all have those phases with our children that are mentally draining. DS9 will always be a concern for us. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone.:grouphug:

Good Morning TEAM!

It has been a crazy week at my house. With dh skiing, I am a single mom. To all single parents :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: you are all truly incredible.

The bad news is there is no hope in my catching up with the posts this week. The good news is that I was able to find and schedule babysitting this week and thus far haven't missed a workout.

M - walked 2 miles
T - rest
W - 1 hr yoga
Th - 3 miles, a tad bit of ab work, and lots of stretching. Last night I walked mile number 2 at 14.03! Not that I could do that consistantly, but felt good anyhow.

Cam - I am so sorry that your MD was so blunt. There is a incredible CV surgeon at the hospital I work at who can barely put 2 words together at the bedside. Really -- he just about grunts at patients. Luckily, he has a fantastic and smart PA that rounds with him and takes over for the bedside manner. My point is that frequently these doctors may be incredible at their specialty, but somehow the signal to the part of the brain that controls common sense and people skills is blocked. :grouphug: Your weight loss has been slow and steady. Keep it that way. You are doing great. You are already a success story!!!:worship:

Oh, and the stretches have been very helpful! Thanks.

Dave, :grouphug: dd16 has been an emotional ride for us as well. Hormones kicked in at a young age for her. Now that she is older, the difference is she is starting to identify her feeling better whick in turn helps with control. For me, the best thing I have learned is to stay calm and steady at times of her emotional outbreaks. Not always easy to do. :)

I am set for a 4 mile long walk tomorrow. Rest day for today. Hopefully, I will have more time to keep up with posts next week.

Jim and Bill
- Hey, you guys OK down there? :eek:

I seem to be ok. The big tornados hit probably 60-90 miles northwest of me. There was one sighted this morning (10:00 AM) about 5-10 miles away but the initial reports are that one didn't do any damage. Although the church preschool seemed to like it because they got to go to the sanctuary and watch a movie on the "big screen" for a while. :thumbsup2 I think the bad part has passed now and we are just getting rain for a couple of more hours.

Thanks for asking.



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