Wk of Jan 28--WISH Walking/Running Club

Jim and Bill - Hey, you guys OK down there? :eek:
I was also thinking about our FL WISHers!

My grandparents live in The Villages where the tornados hit. My mom called me because her uncles in VA & PA could not get a hold of my grandparents. So, then we were in a panic. I call down to weather and the producer tells me there are fatalities. I don't tell Mom that! FINALLY, about 2 hours later, my grandfather called my Mom. That's all I know - that they are ok. From what I read online, it seems the Sumter Landing area of The Villages was hit hard. Thank God they live on the Spanish Springs side!

All that panic, then relief - I am exhausted now. I need a nap!
Judy, you crack me up. I know what you mean about the tracks on cruise ships...I use to work on a cruise ship and be amazed at the way people use to block the tracks while strolling. :rolleyes1

Greetings all -

I am unworthy to post today as I was a lazy bum and did not train again today. I have to admit I was really tired and did not get a good night's sleep. However I realize that is no excuse. Minnie training starts on Saturday and I talked myself right into staying in bed since after Sat I won't be able to goof off anymore.

Kristi - I had this problem on the track on the cruise ship. Which, BTW is on the top level. Boy, would I have liked to push those people off the side! Especially one group who insisted on walking three abreast. I was walking fast, but there were plenty of runners on the track too. A couple of laps of dodging them and I started yelling "COMING THRU" and I'd plow right thru them. Then a group of people were up there just strolling around - drinking their coffee!! - and watching the sunrise. One guy must have said something to a woman who turned to look at me then she tripped and fell down right in front of me! I had to jump over her! Stupid (&^%!#!@#$! GRRRR! :furious:

Cam - Good luck at the heart doctors. pixiedust: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Thanks for asking about Logic. Her leg is now infected which worries me greatly. She hates her antibiotics, and I don't blame her because they smell really bad. It's a struggle to get her to take them. She is a very large horse and in a battle between me and her 1200 pounds, well, sometimes she wins. But she's GOT to take them. One way or the other.

Hey, where's Dave hiding? :confused3
OMG, I just heard on the news about some nasty weather hitting Florida, I hope you are all OK. I didn't hear what area got hit with this storm.

Everyone in Florida stay safe.

Maria-- I forgot to include you in the NH/Ma/ME 5k/10k meets! I hope we can plan some and all get together. Where in Boston are you? Also, you mentioned about taking kids out of school for marathon weekend/vacation. I've been debating it too, in these parts that is practically a cardinal sin! I did it when DS was in Kindergarten and I was a nervous wreck for weeks about telling the teacher. The only way I'll go next year is if I can make it a vacation for him.Sunny

Hi Sunny!

I am in East Boston. DH normally does the Harpoon 5 miler and the Corporate Challenge in Boston, but that's it. I think he would like to do more, and I'm ready to get started, so please do include me in the local meets!

Bill & Jim -- I hope things settle down in Florida soon! Hopefully the rain will end, the damage will not be too bad, and you will be able to get back to enjoying a "snowbird" winter!

Cam -- I am so sorry that doctor spoke to you in such a manner! How incredibly disheartening. I want you to think about this. Someone like you, who has done a marathon, lost 65 lbs., and is still working on it, is a hero to me. You are where I want to be. You are an "After"! Don't let that doctor diminish your accomplishments in any way.

Honeibee -- You made me smile! We all have moments when we'd give them away, luckily they don't last long.

Dave -- I have noticed how all the girls in DS9's class are a bit...intense. I hope things get better for your family.

I did my run yesterday, and today I'm back on the exercise bike. I'm halfway through week 2, so just one more week and I will have a new habit! They say it takes 21 days.

Everyone have a fantastic Friday!
Thank you to everyone for your kind words. Geez, I seem to always come off as so needy here and such a drama queen. I swear I am VERY low maintenance in real life. Really, I mean it! You can ask Howard if you don't believe me! Sorry, guys! You are just absolutely the BEST!! I told Carrie in WDW that I have never been part of a team before. Literally. NEVER did any kind of sport in my life. Closest was drum corps. I just really appreciate the support and comaraderie and LOVE here! :grouphug:

Judy -- You didn't update us on Logic. Please let us know how she is doing. Okay, you've got a deal. No chatter about that other runner that lives in your house! :laughing:

Kristi -- so glad your grandparents are okay.

hoosmi -- your remark had me :rotfl2: He is the first person I HAVEN'T offered to show my medal!

Colleen -- so glad you found a good doctor for your kids. And I'm really glad you didn't settle for less. :lovestruc

Bill -- So relieved you weren't in the storm's path.

Jim -- please check in so we know you are okay. My geography stinks!

Sunny -- awesome, chickie, but PLEASE do not overdo. Oh, and you must be so proud that you are raising such an aware, compassionate DS. I told you he is amazing! Now do you believe me? ;)

Krista -- you rock, sweetie! :flower3:

Maggie - sounds like you are doing great. I am so glad your hip/hamstring are helped by the stretches. It is so cool that we can all learn from each other.

I never knew what ASICS stood for. That is so cool! THanks for sharing, Judy!

MelR -- Phil seemed like a sweetie when I met him. I am sure he does just fine! And I can't even imagine how you could fear getting "soft" when I think of you as one of the strongest women I know! Sometimes I go :scared1: when I hear your plans -- like a 50K race! :worship: I hope you get a break today when DS plays with his friend! :goodvibes
Bill & Jim -- I hope things settle down in Florida soon! Hopefully the rain will end, the damage will not be too bad, and you will be able to get back to enjoying a "snowbird" winter!

The weather reports are now saying it is pretty much over on the east coast. There are still scattered showers throughout the day but the worst is over. The news is doing the constant reporting from one of the cities close to Daytona that seems to have gotten the worst of it. There are at least 14 people who died and lots of homes that were destroyed. The fact it hit when people were sleeping is what they are saying hurt everyone the most.

The sun is out at my house and it is getting steamy right now.

From what I can see it looks like the Tampa area (Mel) seemed to get by without any damage as well.

The weather reports are now saying it is pretty much over on the east coast. There are still scattered showers throughout the day but the worst is over. The news is doing the constant reporting from one of the cities close to Daytona that seems to have gotten the worst of it. There are at least 14 people who died and lots of homes that were destroyed. The fact it hit when people were sleeping is what they are saying hurt everyone the most.

The sun is out at my house and it is getting steamy right now.

From what I can see it looks like the Tampa area (Mel) seemed to get by without any damage as well.


I'm so sorry to hear about the fatalities and destruction. It seems like no matter the time of year, there are horrendous storms that hit different parts of the US. We don't seem to have a "safe" season.
I'm back and I really appreciate the posts and PMs and emails asking me how it went. I am really embarassed to tell you, quite frankly. I don't even know where to start. I wanted answers, though, and I guess, I got them.
I guess the good news is :
--->regardless of a person's weight, whatever level a 43 yr old 5'1" female should be able to do, I did 106%. Anaerobically, I am quite fit.
---->I should be proud of myself for finishing the marathon.

The tidbits I remember better, however are these:
---->I should be proud of how far I've come, but really, 65 pounds in two years is really only a bit more than 2 pounds a month
----->As long as my BMI is as high as it is, I should expect to be out of breath
----->The only way I'll see improvement is by losing weight, and after all, it's a simple matter of math -- I have to take in less calories than I burn, and if I'd just try to take in 100 fewer calories a day, I'd probably see some significant weight loss
---->There are surgical interventions for people who need to lose as much weight as I do
----->"I don't mean to be mean, but let's face it -- it takes a lot more effort to move a family sedan than a 2 seat sports car."

I feel so much better informed now.

So there you have it, my WISH friends. I've been pretty much hysterical since I got to my car. Please forgive the self-pity. I'm persuading myself not to lapse into self-loathing. I'd better hurry over to the weight loss during training thread before I attack the chocolate chip cookies!

So, the good news is that I'm just fat. If I work really hard to lose some significant amount of weight, he's sure that a year from now I won't be complaining of breathlessness.

Oh, but he was really, really nice about it.

I was trying to catch up with everyone's posting but I had to stop and respond to this because it just made me steam :headache: .
What an insensitive Dr.! What nerve after what you have accomplished! As hard as I understood you worked (from reading these threads) and completed a marathon he thinks he has to lecture you about discipline! Again, just :headache: . YOu should be soooo proud of yourself and your accomplishments!

Okay. Whew! Just had to get that off my chest.:flower3:
Cam - Thanks for asking about Logic. We reset her bandages last night and I felt a lot of heat around the wound. I have to take her temp when I get home and if she is running a fever I will call the vet. BTW, since I inundated you all with pictures of Mist, Logic didn't get much press. So..here she is....



I wouldn't have noticed that about ASICs either, except, well, you know how many pairs I bought when I was trying to find the right shoes, and all those boxes ended up in the bunny pen so they can climb around and chew on them. :upsidedow
What a beautiful baby, Judy! I hope Logic doesn't have a fever and that her leg gets better quickly and painlessly. Did you ever figure out what she cut herself on? or whether she got spooked by something? Poor girl! :hug:
AbraCat- Sorry your 4/1 was so tough. Given that you had a headache and all I’d try it again one more time, but if it still felt too much I’d cut back to 3:30/1 for a week. No need to push too much too fast. You’ll get there! Cute pics from your Disney trip btw!

Thank you, RunningLilo-- today was a crosstraining day (10 miles on the bike at the Y), but I'll give 3:30/1 a shot. If the weather cooperates tomorrow, I'm planning to take it outside for the first time.
I did get to workout while boy played w/ his friend. I did 45 mins on the TM. I did 40mins w/ heart rate of 151 and then 5 mins of hills w/ HR of 171 (wow-i think i need to do more hill work!!!) I'm trying to keep track of my HR as i have trouble running during the trekking sections of the adventure races. I just get really winded and we (as a team) feel like i should be able to move faster. I guess i'm trying to watch HR and see what's happening and then make changes where they need to be made.
Hey everybody,

Well, today I am feeling a little bit better!! I actually slept a lot last night and am hoping I was just exhausted and needed rest. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay home from work today, because we have meetings all day here at the school where I work, and the administration frowns upon taking sick days on conference days.....so, I dragged myself into work for the day. At least, I don't have to teach all day! Although, I miss the students being here today, but oh well!!

Judy-Congrats on signing up for the half!! And your horse is beautiful--great pictures!
Melissa-Don't you wish things worked like your drive-thru grocery game in real life--get items, don't pay, and still get change back!! That would be a great world!!
Runinglilo-WTG getting out there on your own! It is great to get out there and just do it for yourself sometimes!!
Cam--Like everyone else has said, please don't let that Dr. get you down!! You are awesome, and an inspiration to many of us!!
Meghan74-I had the same feeling when I first started about 13.1 miles seeming so far!! I don't think about that anymore and just think about the run I am doing and it has been so much easier for me. My LR's so far have been 5 miles and that even feels so much easier and I never thought I would be able to do that...so stick with it, it will get easier.
Craig-sounds like you have a very hectic schedule!! Congrats on being the father of a college graduate!! Think of it this way, now you will have more money to spend on the so-called FREE sport!!!
Mike--Funny you mentioned Roller Derby about the whole track conversation. The same thought came to my mind!!
Jackie-I am so jealous that you can get up that early to workout!! I wish I could do it!! WTG on getting in that third run this week!!
Kim-have a great time curling with your son tonight!!!
Stephanie-good luck on your 13 mile run tomorrow!
Krisa/Cam/Bill--Thanks for the pixie dust!! I am feeling a little better today!!
Jen2--that is a great story about your DD and her friend---I have to laugh at the things kids say sometimes. Working in an elementary school, I hear some funny stories like that sometimes!!
Bill--Hope all is well in Florida!!! Glad to hear you are OK!

Sorry to those that I missed! Gotta get back to my meetings!!
There is a incredible CV surgeon at the hospital I work at who can barely put 2 words together at the bedside. ... Luckily, he has a fantastic and smart PA that rounds with him and takes over for the bedside manner.

Yep, that does seem to be our job description :) The doc I used to work FOR was very much the same way. Now I have a doc I work WITH (my name's even on the door :goodvibes ) who is excellent with patients!

Jim, where are you located?
We're okay weather-wise over here...just nasty and rainy today. I did almost get creamed in a police chase on my way home :scared1: Went through an intersection on a green light. As I passed through, I noticed a green pickup coming on my left coming through on the red light with a white unmarked literally on his tail. The truck turned left in the direction I was going, and lost control. He did a bunch of donuts which allowed the 6 other police cars to surround him. Heard on the news when I got home, truck was stolen. If I'd gone through that intersection 5 seconds later, I might hav been his hood ornament.

Cam...you don't seem at all needy. I keep telling DH that I'm low maintenance, but he doesn't seem to agree :rolleyes1

Suppose I should get back to studying. I'm going into DD14's Model UN class today to talk about the drug discovery and development process. They've been talking about the high cost of healthcare in the US. I've figured out a way to compare drug discovery and development to American Idol (Paula, Simon and Randy are the FDA :laughing: )
Hey all -
Cam: I agree with everyone else, evil doctor - also, just to add to his hokey logic, if you went on the 'Dr diet' and cut 100 calories a day, you'd actually only lose four fifths of a pound a month, so what does he know!!!!

Mel: I didn't have planter fasidoodad - I do now!!! Because I've been favouring the heel because the stupid first physio didn't give me gel pads to support it, I've now inflammed the achilles and PF. Got the gel pads now from new physio which have heeled the contusion in a week, but am now in pain elsewhere. I'm trying not to let it worry me, but I admit to a few 'can I really do goofy' doubts yesterday. I know that physically I can train for it so long as I start up by July, but psychologically I need to be running again by March to run my first half in July to be truly ready, and I'm not sure right now how likely that is. Find out in 25 days I spose!!

Judy : yeh - I'll meet you at last.

That's it for me, it's Saturday morning here so I'll head to the gym in an hour for my 45 minute cycle, then it's 1 hr 30 tomorrow. Helen
Laurie, glad you are feeling a bit better.

Carrie, I take it from the last few posts you are in the healthcare system, what a rewarding profession. I wanted to be a nurse but blood.....yuck..:sick: I decided If I can't handle blood I wouldn't make a good nurse...:laughing:

Mel and Abra Cat WTG on the workouts:banana:

Judy: what a beautiful horse.

Bill: glad you are safe, thoughts and prayers out to all those families with injurys or deaths.

Cam: I always tell DH I am low maintence he just laughs....not sure what that means:lmao:

Anybody notice a change in my signature? That's right boys and girls I'm doing the full. :scared1: Did I forget that I am now OVER 50? What am I thinking? I have to sign off now so I can go hyperventilate!
Yaa Susan:cheer2:

I wish I could commit to one or the other. I have to decide soon. I really want to do the full.

Come over to the dark side Kim!

Thanks Kristi! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....


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