8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6

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No BIP I didn't think you seemed snappy at all. I was just making it clear that I'm not very religious at all, but I do say my own little prayers at night so hopefully any little bit helps.

BTW, not to be a downer, but while we're on the subject. I don't usually ask, but the police officers that work with my DH seem to be having a string of really bad luck. Just this week we found out that one of the officer's little boys has Leukemia & we also found out today that another (a close friend of ours) has a son with a problem with his heart & is in CCU at Children's Hospital in Boston. I do believe in the power of many people sending out prayers, good vibes, good karma or whatever you want to call it. So I appreciate any good thoughts or prayers you can send this way.

Prayers and pixie dust for BIP's DH and for the PO's families and especially the children.
I'm glad that you feel like her case is in competent hands now. That is more than half the battle. Really, it is! Still, I have a feeling that you might need to be the one filling the doctor in on what your daughter ISN'T saying, like times when you know she's having pain, or things that make the pain worse. Sometimes with joint problems, the person having the pain & difficulty gets used to it to the point that it seems ok. If she's grouchy and/or depressed, it could be in large part due to her trying to manage the pain while also trying to live her life.

I'll be keeping her and the medical staff who care for her in my thoughts & prayers!

Thank you so much for your prayers.
It has been a long year for her.
I'm finally back on line.

I've been off line for a few weeks. I'll know I'll never catch up. Usually the posts are not more than blah, blah, blah. But, wow, I've missed a lot.

Your stories are profoundly inspiring. V-man, you are one in a million.

Oh how funny... my older one is asleep and in her sleep I just heard her say... "oh... WOW"... so I guess she must be havin' a really great dream of some sort. How really charming... what do you know.. in the midst of one of those gently defining moments as a parent when I might otherwise say here is another ocassion where I "paid the price of ownership" as a parent... there comes an unexpected "dividend"... the "oh... WOW" from my daughter as she dreams... now if only I could get that same "oh WOWs" from my spouse more often... <chuckles>.... as my personal preference would really be to generate those "WOWs" every evening... or maybe even a couple times EVERY evening... <chuckles>.... with her... OR... even better might be to get me to "oh WOW" every evening .... several times every evening..


I fear I've given new meaning to the term:

"Oh WOW!"​

Aw Crash is missing his spouse......how sweet.
Guilty pleasure!
DW and I love My Super Sweet 16 and also Parental Control! popcorn::

We're getting ideas on what NOT to do as parents so as to keep DS from winding up on shows like that!! :rotfl: She also likes Super Nanny...the Terrible Two's torture begins this year!! :faint:

We watch Super Nanny with Angelina, after each episode she will say, "That's why I'm not having any kids!!!" It's funny, when she was about six years old, she told us she was having 50 kids, we told her WE (mom and dad) were running away from home!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Judy how did you know i needed to get my taxes done....

By tomorrow i promise.....

Now next week you guys really do need to kick me off because i have to study for three exams towards my professional license while i'm still at home.

They have the tests over three days but i had to schedule all three for one day (March 14th) because my job isn't paying me to take the time off.

One test is three hrs, one is two, and one is two & half.

Time off? :confused: First of all, why aren't they paying for your time off AND for the exams...it benefits them, no? My exam was on a Saturday but they paid for my refresher class and the exam fee (but only if you pass ;)). Only the one exam, 5 hours long...recert in 3 years. But now they may want me to get another cert and that exam is in June :sad2:
Did anyone else find TAR boring last night? (Sorry for those who TIVO'd but I follow the general consensus that once it airs on the west coast, it's fair game for discussion -- at least that's how it works on the TV boards I post on).

It seemed like all they did was run from one place to another and the detour was boring -- no excitement and everyone breezed through it.

J. R.

I thought it was just me because I'm not much of an AR fan. :confused3
Hello everyone!! I have been reading and reading and reading and thought I should jump in to say our family is on this cruise as well. We consist of me - Laura, my DH and our 3 children ( 1 DS and 2 DD's). We are so excited to be going on this trip :banana: Anyway, I'm really looking forward in chatting with you all for the next 16 months, bye for now,


:welcome: Aboard Mate ...Lots of infor on Page one and if you like the Cruise banner it be in your best interest to be a**ing it to your siggy line , Or you might be walkin the plank ....

I've skipped like 100 pages, so maybe someone has come up with this already, but I think CJS arrives in Singapore (or wherever) to discover that someone has been running around Asia as CJS for the last howevermany years.

He won't know who's friend and who's foe.
Mistaken identity and hilarity ensues.

Thats not it .....good guess though

Judy - I love your family pic (I think), but you are so very very small . . .

All these baby stories makes me think (and thank) about how easily we've had it. We tried for about 1 1/2 years for DS8. We thought this was odd since we were in our early 20's. We were just about to start messing with fertility mumbo-jumbo when I got pregnant (and of course, had lived in fear of getting pregnant since, well, our late teens :rolleyes1). DS came at the perfectly right time, as my mom died of cancer when I was 5 months pregnant. It was good to have something (someone) else to focus my energy on. Delivery was, shall we say, eventful. I'm not one to go into detail, even with people I know, so let's just leave it at it really messed me up psychologically, and the few people I have told the story to totally get why.

ANYHOOO I swore I would never, ever go through that again, which was a killer because we always wanted 2-3 kids. Especially with all the moving we do, I wanted more than one kid. So I went into total denial & got myself knocked up, figuring I would just have to deal with it. Yeah, this one happened instantly!

DS6 was born & was perfectly fine for 3 days - then started looking like he was having siezures. In the span of an hour, we went from taking our perfectly health baby home from the hospital to being sped across town in an ambulance to a NICU. Turns out Huckleberry had a benign condition that makes perfectly normal babies look like they are siezures. Of course there is no test for a benign condition, so we spent a week in the NICU while they tested for every scary thing known to medicine. That was the longest week of my life & the reason Ronald McDonald house receives a generous contribution each year! It was a real wake up to be as scared as we were & also realize that we had the healthiest kid there.

Anyway, our few little bumps in the road are nothing compared to what may of you have been through. I am in awe of the strong, determined people I have been chatting with here.
So Todd....how is that bedroom painting coming? Your doing it neon pink with lime green trim, right?

Its coming along just fine ....actually just got the painting done ...waiting for it to dry and put the bedroom back together ...I will have before and after pics later tonight

Does she have any tips on how she gets you to work???????
I'm always trying to get DH to do what needs to be done.
Usually the only way I can get it accomplished it by totally freaking out and screaming like a banshee!!!!!!!
Which by all means I do not like to do....but after a year of asking nicely to finish the molding in the br I HAD IT:mad: I snapped and it was done the next weekened.

Hmmmm maybe I should lose it more often :rolleyes:

I bet she just hides the rum...:lmao:
I'm finally back on line.

I've been off line for a few weeks. I'll know I'll never catch up. Usually the posts are not more than blah, blah, blah. But, wow, I've missed a lot.

Your stories are profoundly inspiring. V-man, you are one in a million.

I don't know what came over me today, maybe it's because BJ's 18th birthday is one week from today.

OK, I've got to run and pick up my other baby girl from her friend's house so we can have some dinner, sketties, Texas Garlic Toast with a mixed green salad on the side.

Be back later y'all :wave:
:goodvibes , to the v-man and those with special stories to share.

i have no right to comment, but andy, you wrote your feelings so
eloquently....that i 've been thinking about your family ever since.
:flower3: .thank you for having the courage to share your life.
and your special family deserve a mighty big :hug: .

for all the things i have said about the values of family working
together...you and the special few others sharing, added the real merits.
yes, i :sad1: . thank you for the suggestion.

for while you dosen't know much about me [ iam very reserved toward my
family matters]...i have read many times the ways you share your
good feelings toward others has always left me :) . it was finding
people like yourself that i decided these boards were a place for
me. {on our last cruise, i was really observing the disers...i was
impressed how much they gave to each other...and strangers.
( my family ).* though my postings are in the disney's spirit, by
designs....i am trying to be as accurate as possible--so they
have true meanings. time, :hourglass is just too short , for being
insincere. *you could been very bitter where your marriage self-
destructed ...instead you guys became closer & gave new love to
another lil :angel: and finally your daughter...she is such a beautiful
reflection of your recovery. even though the lil'ones that past..they had
your love to comfort them..what a miracle in blessing you gave.
:goodvibes , that's how your story effected me.

* at the same time..i was part of a research team developing neonatal
life-support systems.......one of the most interesting phenomenon we
observed...no mattter how critical ill the infant was....the chances of
survival raised significantly if...time was alloted for the mother to
touch and hold her baby before taking off...& having the father present
to...:grouphug: which supported the miracles you gave.

i hope the ladies here..stress pre-natal care for themselves..and their
families..lil'things can produced great miracles! the truth was : during
the 3 years, where free pre-natal was done..we never lost one single
baby. :yay: .however, during my ob stint...."4mos"...3 were lost.

* well since i can't hug the v-man...i going to our lil jordan...:hug: ,
whether..she likes it or not!

I'm not tryin' to add to my posting total... (yeah, right...) nor am I thinkin' I've duplicated any setiments already expressed (then again... how would I know as I have difficulty reading everything posted - muted chuckles)... but I felt compelled to say...

... I sometimes have a little difficulty with your poetry (I often have to reread parts of it a couple times to appraise certain aspects properly)... but this time I read it just once and I thought... how nicely put it was, what you had to convey. I don't know why or how I've managed to pile up so many posts. I just wrote another pal from another sailing that I (jokingly) might have a sickness as I've got 1000 postings on this thread in slightly over a month. That's way psychotic.... no offense Lisa, Andy, BBB or anyone else in the top 5 dozen for postings... as that makes all of us fairly enthusiastic contributors here out to be a bit psychotic (in a pleasant way, savvy?).

My point... I don't know why I've spent so much time here. It is ... nice... and there are many common interests .... and by far and away everyone here is a decent sort (if not better then...). And I do get a few chuckles every now and then. Shoot... I even chuckle at a few of my own when I get a good image to throw in.

But - my point - Lil' Grumpy thank you for your words and moment of clearity here. It almost makes me wanna post another 1000 images by the week end!!!

<collective groans - followed by gentle chuckles>
Its about time you did something :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:



Hey yeah ----that is the pot calling the kettle black.....:lmao: :lmao:
I homeschool2 children, take one to preschool, pick her up, helping to remodel a BR, cook, clean, fold clothes, do all the bills and taxes, clean up dog bricks, and still had a sleepover last night with my son's best friend. (and DIS):upsidedow
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