DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 2

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I am not weighing in today Melinda. I am adjusting to my new life and I am sure I am gonna turn the corner soon! I now have to walk alot more than I was, so I know I am gonna get better. I really havent been eating as much as I used to, but I think I have been eating at the wrong time.

I am so proud of Dan. You would not believe how good he is looking. Everytime I see him, he is smaller. Man, wish I dropped weight that quickly.

Grumpy left a week ago today. He is scheduled to come home Sunday but we are predicted for 6-8 inches of snow.

I havent heard from DizneyDawn this week. I have left her a message or two but Grumpy has seen her and she is doing good. (I think)

I hope she made her goal!!!:thumbsup2
Good Morning!!!

Haven't weighed in...I'm afraid to! Those paczki's really had hold of me, so I know it won't be good.

Congrats to all the losers & samers who have posted! WTG!!!:woohoo:

Wendy...Have an awesome trip!!! We'll miss you!!! :wave2: (Can you bring us back a Mickey Mouse Rice Krispie Treat?!?...Please???? ;))

Off to get ready for work! Happy Day!!!! :cool1:
down .5

I wish it were more, but I really struggled the first partof the week so I will take what I can get...

I was on eatfest F-M...weekends are so hard!!! this weekend I have 2 birthday parties to do...thinking I can skip the cakes altogether tho...have to break that bad weekend habit I have...helps now that DH is onboard

last night we were on the way to the ballfield and DS8 wanted a burger, DH looked at me and said he wanted to take about 4 double cheeseburgers throw away the extra bns and eat one massive cheeseburger, but we went to subway instead, and had a turkey sammich....then on the way home we went by WallyWorld and walking through the bread section is nsxt to the bakery section....mmmmmdonuts....DH said he could eat a whole dozen....we lef with fruit(which is also next to the bread section)

helps to have somene else in my family suffering with me, I didnt realize it til he voiced it and made the conscious effort of avoiding it, but recognizing the desire and then making a definitive decision to do better was a very big step for me...

been out of it for 2 days and sheesh 10 pages to catch up on!!!

I wanted to post real quick before I ran out the door to work. I won't be home until later this evening and it's date night. :goodvibes

I lost 1lb!!!! I'm still 0.8lb away from my goal for the month but after the way I felt yesterday, I'm happy with the 1lb.

I can't read anything until later but I hope every one has a great weigh in today!!!
:sad2: :sad1: :sad: You will not believe the incredibly STUPID thing I did!!!!! I have been editing our Disneyphotopass pictures online for the last week - you know adding borders and stuff. I was going to order the CD. I knew they expired last night and had planned to order when I got home from church. I forgot and remembered tonight. They are GONE! :sad: When they say they will expire, they mean it. Which is contrary to what a couple of the photographers said...they said they usually don't expire for at least a couple of months. Nope, they expire! So, I guess I need to go back and get some more pics.:sad2:

OMG!:sad1: I would have hated to have that happen! I actually orderedf ours, but my pics were still on their site well after my deadline. Wonder if that is because I ordered the cd? So sorry you lost all those pics. I hope you have more to replace them with!
Congrats on our BIG losers so far!!
Wonders- I think I need to go get some teeth pulled too:rotfl2: Too bad my widsom teeth are gone already ;) You WW leader is right though, you still have choices to make and you made the right ones!

Grumpyyoungguy WHOOHOOTY! You do have it a bit easier I think. No fair how guys can lose so much faster than women. You still deserve a ton of congrats though.

And PIXIE- 4 pounds is nothing to sneeze at either!

Heck, anything is great! I am anxiously awaiting for my DH to get out of the bathroom so I can go weigh...he has been in there close to an hour. What the heck do men do in there for so long? I will never know.
Pixie - Now that weight loss was something worth waiting for. :thumbsup2

GrumpyDan - Great Job!:thumbsup2

Wonders - Wow that weight loss was hard to keep quiet, I bet!:cheer2:

Melinda - Thanks for fillin' in for UM! I am waiting for my CB breakfast to kick in. I need to "rid" myself of all those darn cookies. ;) :rotfl2: :rotfl:

I just hope I don't "break wind" at school today. That would be embarrasing. :blush: Luckily, since I work at a preschool, I could just turn around and look at the children and say, "Oooohhh, someone must have a stinky diaper!";) :rotfl2: :rotfl: Yeah, that's it, blame the kids! ;)

I'll report before I go to work. Need to go shower.
Yes, I caught the dreaded flu. The BIG flu. The one for which I signed up three times to be innoculated against, but wound up with a virus each time and couldn't get it.
Lat Thurs., I was feverish and not feeling great. Thurs. night through yesterday morning, I had a temp hovering between 100 and 102 and couldn't move past the bed and couch. What a nightmare!

I had the flu over thanksgiving, it was horrible hope you feel better soon

Harley - you did great!

Denny said he was watching me in the class and the girl back by the glass turned around and looked at him like he was a weird stalker or something! He said he wanted to yell "I'm just looking at my girlfriend!!!" :laughing:

WHAT:scared1: Thansk God I didnt know he was watching!!!!

I'm with ya there! I don't jump either :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I have to hold the girls down when they make us jump in class!

you need to go to Dicks Sporting goods and get you a Moving Comfort Sports bra...this thing is awesome, yes it does compress you but it really supports the girls well...very wise investment...

I hate my body!! (insert vomit smiley here!)

Well, the weather is so gorgeous (I can relate to WI Dude! and why isnt your dw joining us btw!! ;) ) I decide I should try to train for my 1/2 marathon (Ok stop :lmao: !! I get it, it does seem rediculous to me too!) my pants are falling down, my ankles hurt, and I slip on the dang icy patch... my legs feel, watery woozy like...

I almost finished the 5K portion of the route - no worse for the wear - but I did take a short cut - ended up only doing 2 miles!! I had my ipod on (RESPECT, Kokomo Beach Boys, Clay Aiken, some fast movin stuff - I like to have one playlist for a fast beat to run to!!)

aaack HOLD ME BACK!! :faint: :faint: :faint:

Lynda if that last post didnt make sense, its because I hit post after my ds 21 called, and I just knew... (he says "how did you know?" and I say, you're my first born, I've been able to read you like a book")

He intends to get engaged to his girlfriend... :faint:

"HELLO?" DS.... you havent graduated, you havent a job > WE CANT AFFORD TUITION...

I calmly talk and he sends me the link to the ring!! (HOLD ME BACK)


Now, I ALWAYS wanted something from Tiffany's, but am too darn practical!!

I think I"m going to go have a good cry!

MY GOSH WHAT A HONKING RING!!!!! I mean its beautiful, but hows he gonna top it at 10 yrs or so ?? just a thought!!!

I was fortunate to have my mom and Dismom to keep my baby girl when she was growing up!!! Everyone should be so fortunate!!! :cool1: I hope you find someone or someplace wonderful!

Amen Sista! coulndt have said it better, cant imagine what I'd do without Dis, she saves my life (& sanity) on a daily basis!!!

The ring is beautiful! I have been dating my DBF for almost 3 years now and he just grins whenever anyone mentions weddings or marraige, but he hasn't made any moves towards "the big question". I was married for 11 years before we met, so I am not in any huge hurry, but I am not getting any younger here!!!

I think I really needed to hear this today. I've been in that "funky" place. Pretty much telling myself, this is who I am, and accept it... backing out. Giving up. Whining. Pitying. Frozen. Oh look I'm starting to blog again!! :sad2:

I had tears wellin up last night becuse of this very same thing. My body image is in the pits right now...and I am disgusted with my performance in the weight loss area, and have taken a hard look at hwere I am messing up. I wish I could have some jeel of wisdom, but all I can say is I know how you feel BORG
SO, after a few weeks of being stuck.... I am down 2.5! I was so not expecting that! So that brings me to 5.3 gone so far. Where do I find those pretty ribbons? :cool1:
I lost
2.4 pounds

I noticed that alot of ya'll drink enourmous amounts of water. I'm not much of a water drinker but I'm going to get one of those big mugs I've seen and give water another try. My ggmother always kept water in a glass jar in the fridge and I remember it tasted sooo goood. Maybe that's what I should do. I just cant see me drinking 64, 84 or 100 oz of water. I do good to get in 20 oz- so my goal this week is to try this water thing.

The fast food fast is still coming along. I did have a grilled chicken sandwhich w/o mayo of course. I made friends with salad. We have a subway at work and that veggie salad with ff raspberry vinergrette is quite tasty and filling.

pixiedust112[/COLOR]- whoooHooty!- I sure hope I can look 5 years younger. Makes you feel good dont it.

aries1980,dance2874,and S.poppins- [/COLOR]I know what you mean about the kids who think the daycare worker is more like mom than the real mom is - I worked in a pediatric office with upscale clients and they didnt have a clue what was going on with their kid because they were never there. For me, I was lucky. My work schedule allowed me to only have my children in childcare part-time although I had to pay for full time to hold my place. When my last child was an infant I worked close enough to the center that I was able to go on my lunch break and nurse my baby- I guess I just got lucky to find a good center.

dismom9761- I usually stop by the gym on my way home from work at 7:45 am. I work "owl shift"- morning air will wake you up and its usually peaceful that time of day- and all the "skinny minnies" are still in bed!

Have a great day everybody!
Thanks for all the support about losing my pics!:sad2: Still can't believe I did that! At least I took like 250 pics. So I'll be okay until the next trip!

Sandy, I just saw Ds's ring - Wow. But with no job, are you buying the ring?:goodvibes

I have not weighed yet - dreading it. I sabotaged myself almost every night!

:woohoo:-6.2 lbs!!!:woohoo:

Woo-hooty for me! I do give some credit to not eating very much because of having my wisdom teeth out, but my WW leader said that I still deserve some of the credit because I didn't eat junk or use it as en excuse to chug milkshakes and other not-so-WW friendly foods. I guess she is right. So that brings me to a total loss so far of 15.2 lbs! I'm noticing a difference in my work pants - they are really really loose on me. I may be in a smaller size soon.

Off to sleep :cloud9:

Wow - I think I am going to schedule a dentist appt.! Maybe they can wire my jaw shut!

All I can say is, "GRRRRRR." But we do love you!!! Congrats! Shannon, almost caught you this week!

I'm down 4 this week, for a total of 19 so far. Man I hope I get a new ribbon next week!

WOOOOHOOOO Pixie!!!! That is awesome!
[B I lost 1.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]

I swear I heard angels sing the hallelujah chorus when I saw I lost!

I was trying to make that bold, but obviously I'm not smart enough to figure it out!
Up .5 I did it in black because I am in mourning. Why don't I want to lose this weight? If I really wanted to, then I would do a better job of staying on track. :sad2:

Eeyore and Harley, I am right there with ya'. :grouphug: We need to snap out of it, and realize that we can do better, and we will!

Maybe next week will be my week. Although I got two more boxes of Girl Scout cookies coming to me today. Gonna put 'em in the freezer (out in the garage), so they don't tempt me.
:sad2: :sad1: :sad: You will not believe the incredibly STUPID thing I did!!!!! I have been editing our Disneyphotopass pictures online for the last week - you know adding borders and stuff. I was going to order the CD. I knew they expired last night and had planned to order when I got home from church. I forgot and remembered tonight. They are GONE! :sad: When they say they will expire, they mean it. Which is contrary to what a couple of the photographers said...they said they usually don't expire for at least a couple of months. Nope, they expire! So, I guess I need to go back and get some more pics.:sad2:

SO sorry to hear about this! :(
Stayed the same:sad2:

I really shouldn't complain, since I ate 3 1/2 patczki's over the last few days and a waffle thing like you get at the carnival! I have to do better this week!

I keep looking at all these losers and beat myself up that it's not me! I have to figure out what the problem is that I keep sabotaging myself. I'm not very happy with myself today...can you tell?!? :sad1:

Still heading in the right direction, so I'm happy. :goodvibes I'm sure that I'll pack a few pounds back on this Sunday while I'm watching the Oscars! I have a bag of Cheetos stashed away - and I plan on eating them! :thumbsup2

Have a great weekend everyone!
It's me again.

Ya'll I just have to tell you about this girl I know. Well, she is 15, same age as my daughter, her mom and I have been friends for a long time but as our children have gotten older and into different things we just dont get together like we used to.
Anyway, she has always been heavy even as a young child. The kids made fun of her- (kids are honest but sometimes they can be mean)

Oh, my gosh! She has lost 90#- did you hear me 90 pounds!!!!

This 5'8 baby is GORGEOUS!!!

I'm just so proud of her! She really did it. I asked her how- she said "I drink alot of water" (that water thing again), eat alot of salad and fruit. She made winter guard with the band(the new name for color guard down here) and they practice everyday - its kinda a flag,riffle,danceline kind of group- so she is getting regular exercise. I asked my daughter about her- wanted to make sure she wasnt starving herself- she has lunch with her at school and said she sometimes eats from the regular lunch line but just not as much as she used to. So WhoooHooty for Melissa!:cheer2:
My Dearest Peeps: I have finally lost those 6 pounds that I gained back. I'm back to a net loss of 10, but it is time to get serious! When I set my mind to it, I can lose a lot of weight quickly. I'm ordering a bike today.
My Dearest Peeps: I have finally lost those 6 pounds that I gained back. I'm back to a net loss of 10, but it is time to get serious! When I set my mind to it, I can lose a lot of weight quickly. I'm ordering a bike today.
All 6 this week?? What's this week's number? Please? :flower3:
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