8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 7

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Kevin just agreed to take over the model train store he's worked at,on and off,for the last 12 years! Long story short. The lady who owned it originally had a combination model train and beading store. Because of health reasons, she needed to get out from under the train side. She sub-let it to an older gentleman(Conrad) who turns out, knows doodle squat about running a retail business and even less about trains. That was about 5 months ago. He has now decided he wants out. Poor Jeanne was beside herself because that's another $750 a month that she has to scrape up. She told us a man came in and offered Conrad $.25 on the $1.00 for his inventory and then he'd sell it on Ebay. Kevin found out about it today when he went into work. He called Conrad and said "Why not keep it in the family?" Conrad said, consider it a deal!! He doesn't want any money up front. He's going through a messy divorce and bankruptcy at the moment and doesn't want any cash in his accounts.

So, we are going to be changing the name from "Grandpa's Trains and Things" to "Grumpy's Train Shop/Store"

Wish us luck!!!

As a collector of O and G scale trains........Hope you guys do Great Things !!! Best of Luck with the new Business !!!!

An interesting Dad story.
My parents divorced when I was 3. I have only a couple of memories of my parents being married.
When my parents divorced (my mom's idea) my dad not being the single kind, immediately got remarried. But my step-mother would give Cinderella's SM a run for her money. She was very mean to us. Later we found the majority was jealously. She made seeing my dad miserable for all, so we just did not do it. Since they lived in another state it was not that hard.
Over the next 15 years I rarely saw my dad. He was the VP of the university I graduated from and he did not come to my graduation. The funny part is I, nor any of my siblings, harbored any ill will toward him period. He was not mean- just was not anything.
After he retired he kinda started to get back in touch. I took it in stride but told DH that there was NO WAY I was going to take any flack from SM. Turns out she was sick and although never friendly, I could handle her.
SM died at 12:05am 01/01/02. Within 2 days of her funeral my dad asked for my mothers phone number. I was beyond shocked. They had hardly spoken in 30 years. I gave it to him and warned my mother. She could not imagine why he wanted to talk to her. Long story- somewhat shorter :lmao: - they got married again 5 months later, on their original wedding date!
We even had a "Fake 50th" Anniversary party for them 2 years ago on what would have been their 50th.
They are absolutely hysterical. It is like the last 35 years never existed.
So for the 1st time in my life, I got a dad ....at 35.:rotfl2:

Wow there is a book and a movie in that story!! Glad it had a happy ending, but what a winding road travelled to end up in the same place! Are you close to you Dad now?
Great ... I got ready for bed and it turns out DH is watching a movie in bed (I think it is the 2nd Matrix movie) so I'm not going to be going to sleep for a while! At least my contacts are out now, so my eyes feel a little better...

I just noticed that in the family photo I posted, both DS and I are wearing Crocs! :cool1: :laughing: DS's are his brand new Mickey Crocs that Santa brought.

pdarrah (Pamela)
As a collector of O and G scale trains........Hope you guys do Great Things !!! Best of Luck with the new Business !!!!


What kind of G scale do you collect? We have LGB, but DS has Lionel.
Pamela that is such a lovely dress. Your mother must be an excellent seamstress. The insets on the sleeves are just beautiful!
OK Folks - Its time for a Blast from the Past! Replies to posts from nearly 1 week ago :lmao:

If they are anything like the horrible strawberry whipped cream thing DH had in 2004, they can skip mine! We were going to try it again in 2005, but his birthday was the last night and our servers were so bad on that cruise that even though I reminded them the night before and told them as soon as we arrived that night that we needed to be done (including the birthday cake) before Till We Meet Again - it didn't happen. We had to skip desert to even make it.

DS7 announced a while ago that he was going to get married at WDW when he grew up. I pointed out that his future bride might not want to. A few days later he told me it was "OK" because he had talked to Ruby (the 4 year old next door) and she had agreed :eek: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I think I am at least 7000 posts too late ...


Same here ... DS7 has LOVED Epcot since he was quite small (maybe 3?) It is actually usually the park he chooses to go to the first day.

They sure did! I spent my freshman year of college in Williamsburg, VA. When I got there I did NOT understand why everyone seemed to have these totally ugly Duck Shoes from LL Bean..... THEN the rain started! I swear it rained (mist, drizzle, showers, pouring, and so on) from October to April! The weather was one of the main reasons I returned to the mid-west for the rest of college! And yes, I did get a pair of those ugly shoes - they were necessary to stay dry. (The brick sidewalks may be picturesque - but the puddles were HUGE.)

Actually, the material they are made from is actually anti-microbial (one of the reasons so many medical people wear them) and they don't smell at all like other "plastic" shoes. Actually, my athletic shoes and loafers smell FAR worse than my crocs! (Probably too much info there - sorry :) )

Well, my eyes are going bleary so I think it is time to give up for the night. I've "ketchup-ed" a little. I'm am now sort of current and still reading posts from 350 pages ago :rotfl:

pdarrah (Pamela)

Pamela you were a Gorgeous Bride!!!! I love your Hat! Hope your bad weather passes soon too!
Ooops! Forgot - back there in the 1700's pages folks were posting photos of their families. So here is ours... This was taken at Christmas and is one of the few where DH and DS look reasonably natural - they both usually have totally fake smiles and look like they REALLY don't want to be there.


Ok - now I am REALLY giving up for tonight! G'night everyone.

pdarrah (Pamela)

You have a beautiful family too Pamela!!
:rotfl2: Is that what they call "potty humor"?

Yes Stacey, and unfortunately I sometimes have a "potty" mouth too! But gave that up for lent along with Lisa. No Cussing (only swearing and cursing allowed) :lmao: :lmao:
MR! How was the movie? What did you see?

Hey Lorri we watched School For Scoundrels (pretty bad) and The Night Listener (pretty good). DH said pickins were slim in Blockbuster, but I enjoyed both movies for the most part. Well enjoyed is a stretch for the first one, is was a bit contrived but okay for Parents and stinky teens :thumbsup2
Goodness - is that movie ever going to end? I'm gonna fall asleep on my keyboard!

The silver lining is that I have made it to page 1801 and past post 27000 in the back-reading! The really bad news is that is still 4000 posts behind :sad2:

:love: :love: :love: Thank you for everyone's kind comments on my wedding dress! She did an AMAZING job on it and it was exactly what I had imagined. :love: :love: :love:

pdarrah (Pamela)
Goodnight! I would tell you that I'll see ya on the flip side but it's already the flip, so I guess I'll just have to say see you in the morning!
Well I'm all caught up for now phew!

Once again I want to thank you all for sharing your trials and tribulations. Alot of this stuff cuts to the quick and we know is not always easy to talk about or to share. We all have childhood issues and like Lorri and Lisa said, the "normal" family just doesn't exist. And I'm sure like JR mentioned, we all worry what damage we might be inflicting on our own children. Being aware of the problems and acknowledging things is the first giant step to not repeating the past. We sound like a pretty self-aware and well-adjusted group, if I do say so myself! But since I need a strait-jacket, I don't think my observations counts ;)

Let's have our own DIS-functional Family Cruise!

All joking aside, here's a big hug for all my friends :grouphug:
Good Night Lorri!!!

Good Night Pamela hope the movie ends soon!

Good Night Everyone.........
My DH is a PO and I can tell you that they definately do not get paid enough for what they do.

Here Here!!!! Mine too!!!

When I make just slightly less than DH for sitting on my duff all day in an office. It really shows how underpaid they really are.

And he lost all his night diff when he switched to days. I was tired of being home by myself with the kids everynight, orginally he went 4x12 when they were small, he took care of them during the day, we had a sitter for a couple hours till I got home, but once they were in school full time he had his days free. I might not have minded him staying 4x12 if he did something during the day. But when I would come home from work and have to do EVERYTHING!!!! I took a year but this past Aug he went to days. It has made my life much easier.

Now we will be making up what he lost in night diff. Effective Monday he is transferring to SI from Brooklyn. He wont be paying the toll on the Verranzano Bridge anymore. That will save $100 bucks a month. And since he will be able to take the train to work now, we will be saving $$$$ on gas also.

I tell our PO all of the time that you couldn't pay me a million dollars a year to do their job. I think that it is a special calling- anything that is in special service including military firemen and such. I see our officers so much that I know they get to just "hang out" a lot of the time. but they never know what faces them when they respond to a call. Our city's mayor and his administration do not give our officers the support they need. DH father put in 33 years before he retired. Most of our officers are gone in 20 less if they have military time.
Oh yeah, one thing before I go...............Lisa, did I tell you today how much I miss our website?...........I do, I do!!!!
Well Good afternoon everyone ...I know I havent been around much cause the MIL has been in town and they left for Frisco yesterday , and Today I got the News that my real Father past away ...We were never really close but I knew him in my teens and early 20's ...I hadnt spoke to him in 14 years cause we had a fallen out ...I wont be around much over the Next week , I am flying up to Buffalo for the service on Monday , hopefully I will be back tuesday or Wednesday. I need to go back for myself for closure , I'm not going back for him or relatives as I have not really talked to anyone in that time as well ....I have mixed feelings , but I think I have to say goodbye for myself ...Melissa or the kids never knew him ....If I sound like I am rambling im sorry , I have had a world of emotions over the last few hours , but I knew I could come here and at least escape it for a moment ....Thanks For listening ...


I am so sorry. I hope this brings you some peace and closure.:grouphug:
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