A trip to WDW w/NO kids? Hubba Hubba! Wink Wink! UPDATE: EXTRA, EXTRA!!! Pg 158


DIS Veteran
Jun 18, 2007
Hello to all who make way to my report! If you've never been here before, this report starts out as a pre-trip, and then turns into a Trip Report. Our trip took place from September 15th through 21st, 2007. The Trip Report starts on page 86, and I'm adding all the links to the updates at the bottom of this introduction. I hope everyone enjoys reading, and please don't be a stranger...I'd love to hear your comments, questions, etc.!

Thanks everyone!


So I decided to dive right into this thing called a pre-trip report. I hope I do not disappoint! :confused3 I’ve been able to learn so much from others that I want to share my perspective as well.

So I suppose I should start with the cast?

-Me :angel: (my name is Cheri) --I’ve been a fan of Walt Disney World and everything Disney, pretty much ever since I was in the womb. I’ve been there at least 9 times since I was 2. Once I book a WDW vacation, that’s it—my brain just goes to mush and I can’t think of anything else but what a fun time I’m going to have there! I’m just a fun loving person! :woohoo:

I married the most wonderful man :groom: in November of 2006….
-DH (Mike) --His first trip to Disney was when he was 4. In fact, he STILL has the old paper ticket from 1985 with the first 4 days stamped. Yes, there is ONE day left on his ticket from when he was 4 YEARS OLD! His parents also gave him their 2 tickets, also with one day left. I mean, these suckers are way BMGM (before MGM Studios). They’ve gotta be worth something by now, right? Let’s just say I married the right man. :rotfl:
Well, I’ve got to talk about him for a minute. He’s not a fanatic like me, but he had the absolute best time last July when we went with my parents and sister (19). Before the vacation started, he kept saying he was going to go back to the room mid-day and to “let him be” when he wanted to go back on his own. (We only had 4 days in the parks and didn’t take breaks---yes, we are STRONG! pirate: ) Well, he NEVER once went back to the room by himself! In fact, he was usually leading the pack to the next attraction. I guess he just didn’t know what to expect beforehand. He LOVED Disney World! I was SO SO SO SO happy! :banana:

That brings me to this year. We bought a house in February, and are in the process of building a garage using the equity (we got a great deal—don’t ask me how). So we were not planning on a vacation this year.
In May, I had an unexpected hospital visit. I won’t get into the details, but I was really sick for a while---ended up in a LOT of pain which got me in the hospital, they ran some tests, and it was nearly inconclusive. They gave me some meds, and I’m feeling a lot better now. But anyhow, a few days after I was released, Mike said, “I feel like we need a vacation after all of this.” I replied with, “Speaking of vacations, I heard Disney is offering the dining plan free in August/September,” --it was more of a casual mention than anything; I sincerely and truly was not expecting to go. To my surprise, he said “LET’S GO!” Of course I was shocked :eek: that he wanted to go….then happy…then not so happy thinking about the money. Then, we went over it and figured out we could afford to do a value resort and stay for 6 days & 5 nights. :wizard: Thank God for GREAT health insurance, or we would never have afforded the hosp. bills AND a Disney trip. (I also should mention that “LET’S GO” also means “You do all the planning and I’ll go along” which I’m really okay with)

This will be my first trip to WDW without my parents. They (and my sister) are jealous. My sister is in college, so she’d have to miss school—and my dad said it’s too soon to go (although he keeps saying we should go and have a good time with each other before "the kids come along"). All the while, Mom is putting thoughts in his head for next year.

(I really hope I’m not too boring at this point!) :guilty:

Ok, so now that we’ve made the decision to go—what days will we choose? Will we fly or drive? :confused3 Find out how we put it all together in my next post!


EDITED for updates:
The Dates!
Pic of "The cast"
Dining Ressies
Itinerary: Day 1(arrival) & Day 2 - MK
itinerary: Day 3 - MGM Studios!
Itinerary: Day 4 - Epcot!
Itinerary: Days 5(AK), 6(TL?), & 7(Last day...*sniffle*)
A song that I wrote for your enjoyment!
Full Itinerary re-cap
Storytime!!! Disney 2001 rewind: Part 1 - The saga of the Thermostat!
Disney 2001 rewind: Part 2 - The Saga of the Bacon (1st half)
Disney 2001 rewind: Part 2 - The Saga of the Bacon(2nd half)
Disney 2001 Rewind: Part 3 - "Well endowed" with lemonade
Disney 2001 Rewind: Part 4 - the Saga of Grandma, more funny tidbits
Disney Rewind 2001: Can't leave out Grandpa, now can we?
UPDATE: ADR changes & map ordering attempts
UPDATE: Sci-Fi ADR change
Oh happy day! (Sunshine Rewards gift card arrives!)
UPDATE: Random things
Caricature from last trip
Flight Options & Dieting
UPDATE: Food 'n stuff!
UPDATE: Good for you food, and fish---not the kind you eat.
Still no tix...and no chocolate either!
Quick UPDATE: Maps are here! woohoo!
UPDATED itinerary
Another quick Flight Update
1 Month to go!
Mini Update -- including planned DIS meet!
Is the flight booked yet? :rolleyes1
UPDATE: New Itinerary w/flight info (1st and last days)
Another Grandma Saga (minus the bacon)
UPDATE: Free Money & a mini story!
Mini update: 15 days to go!
And now I grace you all....with a 12 day SONG!
Song for 11 days!
Song for 10 days!
Mini update - King Beds at AS Sports! :thumbsup2
Song for 9 days!
UPDATE with pics!
A song for 8 days!
Dad liberates some LGMH's at HD??
Dad REALLY liberates some LGMH's at HD!! WOW!! :rotfl:
UPDATE: I'm back in business!
My story of why I didn't get ANYTHING done last night
In honor of my disney brain....a song!
The last song! 1 DAY!
Pure excitement! :thumbsup2
We're back!!

Day 1: Part 1--The departure!
Day 1: Part 2--Are we there yet?
Day 1: Part 3--Officially at WDW!
Day 1: Part 4--Finally at the park!
Day 1: Part 5--Waiting on the luggage...and waiting...and waiting...and waiting!
Day 1: Part 6--Legos, Grub, and Shenanigans!

Day 2: Part 1--MK Rope Drop or Bust! (new and improved formula--with butt shots!)
Day 2: Part 2--Lost in Frontierland? (now with less butt shots!)
Day 2: Part 3--Devoted to my favorite man in “guyliner”!
Day 2: Part 4--Little Mexicans in Fantasyland!
Day 2: Part 5--999 Happy Haunts
Day 2: Part 6--A little surprise in the room!
Day 2: Forgot to mention something special!
Day 2: Part 7--Not all cheese is good...:sad2:
We interrupt this trip report for an update on me
Day 2: Part 8--Main course, dessert, and Boom booms!
Day 3: Part 1--Who got kissed?!!
Day 3: Part 2--EXTRA, EXTRA, Lead all about it!
Congradulations on your Marriage, your health, and your new pre-trip report! LOL Glad you got better and then got to plan a trip to the happiest place on earth! :woohoo: Looking forward to reading more!!! Thanks for writing!
Congradulations on your Marriage, your health, and your new pre-trip report! LOL Glad you got better and then got to plan a trip to the happiest place on earth! :woohoo: Looking forward to reading more!!! Thanks for writing!

Thank you!! I came to post the next installment (yes, already :goodvibes )
THE DATES – boy, oh boy

Now we had to get this sucker planned! I was nervous because I knew the longer we waited, the less chance we’d get the free DDP. Nobody had any Sept. vacations planned at my work, so I was ok with any dates. But Mike is a diff. story. I decided on September 15th through 20th and told him to request vacation from his job (works 12 hour days Sat/Sun/Mon). He said he was not sure when it would get approved. So I waited as patiently as I could. After a week’s time he was back at work and I called him and said, “Did you get the vacation or what?” To which he replied, “Yeah, it was approved.” I then learned that he already found out several days before!! (I don’t think he realized the urgency of this matter) Up until this point I had been checking our dates EVERY day to be sure they were still available at ANY value resort for the DDP. I had just checked the previous day, and the dates were still open at the AS Movies. So I checked it again…and NOTHING. I thought maybe there was a glitch with the online search thingie. So I immediately called …..and of course…..the dates were TAKEN!!! :shocked: I was FURIOUS!! :mad: So the Disney rep asked if I would be interested in any other week. I had him check for the previous week (7th through 12th) and it was available. So I snagged it, just wanting to book SOMETHING. I called Mike at work and gave him a verbal lashing, then asked him to try changing to the previous weekend. He gave me some hassle about it, said he couldn’t change it now, etc….I was still FURIOUS!
Through all of this, however, I still held out hope. I kept checking and checking, every day, several times a day for Sept. 15th through 20th. Finally, a week later, the clouds cleared…and YES, the All Star Music had an opening! I booked it on the spot, called Mike, then called Disney to cancel my OTHER (7-12th) reservation. (I didn’t want to lose this baby!) So, all was well. AND I noticed that if we had gone the earlier week, we would’ve missed the Haunted Mansion!! I’m just glad it all worked out. Granted, it would’ve all worked out better if Mike had told me as soon as he knew he had the vacation. But apparently he likes to keep me on my toes! (Don't worry, I forgave him :hug: )

A week or so later, after some more discussion, we decided to stay another night (leave on the 21st instead) and that took some persistence as well. We were able to get it but had to change to All Star Sports in a preferred room. I would rather pay less and stay in a room in the buildings NEXT closest, but it’s all they had left (reserved for the DDP). I am still wondering whether I should *try* changing to a regular room and chance it.

The moral of the story?.....Persistence really pays off!

In other news, we’ve decided to fly since it will be more economical—in fact, we were waiting for the prices to drop and they JUST DID! :thumbsup2 I’m probably going to book our flight this week! This will be my first time flying to WDW! It will be nice not to have that 10 hour drive! 60 days left! :woohoo:

NEXT: Pic of "The cast"
Glad you are feeling better.
I am going to move you over to our Pre-trip boards. After you return from your trip, give me a PM, and I'll move you back, so you can tell us all about WDW and Free Dining, I am so jealous. I want to do it next year in the fall, and I hope they have free dining too.
Glad you are feeling better.
I am going to move you over to our Pre-trip boards. After you return from your trip, give me a PM, and I'll move you back, so you can tell us all about WDW and Free Dining, I am so jealous. I want to do it next year in the fall, and I hope they have free dining too.

Okie dokie. Sorry, I didn't realize I was in the wrong place :confused3

And I didn't know the thread could be moved. Thank you!
I am hoping they have FD next year, too! I'd love to go again.
I don't think my name for this report is catchy enough, so I need some suggestions if anyone can offer some :)

I'll be back to the planning soon but for now, I joined photobucket :cool1: and I *think* I figured out how to post a picture

...and that didn't work....so let me try again.


This is a picture of my husband and I ---one of our engagement pictures.

NEXT: Dining Ressies
I'm the only one posting on my thread right now--and I'm ok with that. I guess I should try and get the word out. But I don't want to say "HEY people, come to my thread" and then not have anything of substance.

So...here's a real-time update.
Mike is in TX for a couple of days (he’ll be back Friday evening) and I emptied the coin jar to cash in at the bank. I usually wait til a couple weeks before vacation, but I knew it would be easier doing it with him gone. He is the one that puts all the coins in there (I keep/spend all mine), and he hates when I cash it in--because he doesn’t like looking at an empty jar I suppose. I refuse to use Coinstar because I don’t want to give up ANY of my money. I earned it. :rolleyes: (I was a finance major and now work in the accounting department of an Electric company…it’s just in my nature) Unfortunately I can’t get around TAXES even though I earn all of my paychecks, too. ;) The total came to $82.50---not bad for a small (plastic) orange juice container. I deposited it, and figured it could go towards vacation in some way. Once it gets closer to go-time, I’ll get some brand new shiny pennies, and a few rolls of quarters so we’ll have plenty for the coin-pressers. :thumbsup2 By the way, I found a list of all the machines in the World –which Mike went GAGA over!
If anyone’s interested, here’s a link: http://www.presscoins.com/Listings/WDWChecklist.pdf

We looked through the list, and saw a lot that we would like to add to the collection (got about 80 last year)
Let’s see…what else have I been doing to prepare…..well, surfing the disboards of course! LOL I guess that’s why I haven’t posted my itinerary! :confused3 Also, I’ve been calling every couple of days trying to change ressies. If I can’t change to exactly what I want I will still be happy with what I have.

For now I’ll just post my current dining (all DINNERS) ressies (and the changes I want to make):

Sat. Sept 15 – arrival day (no ressie) --- probably eating CS dinner in Downtown Disney
Sun. Sept 16 – California Grill at 5:40 PM -- Trying to push back a bit later (7-7:30) so that we can see Wishes at (or just after) dinner.
Mon. Sept 17 – Sci Fi Dine-in at 4:05 PM --- Trying to push back a little later. If I can’t, we’ll just eat an early lunch. (Was considering changing this to 50’s Prime Time Café…but I’ve heard so many mixed reviews about both of these places. I’m sure we’ll make the most of either restaurant)
Tues. Sept 18 – Les Chefs de France at 7:10 PM ---LOVE this time…but what I really want is Le Cellier
Wed. Sept 19 – Garden Grill at 7:20 (nothing I want to change---can’t WAIT to see Mickey and friends!)
Thurs. Sept 20 (last full day :sad2:)– Spoodles at 5:10 -- I really want to try Mediterranean, but I’ve read so many good things about Kona on the message boards and in others’ TR’s, so I’m REALLY trying to get it. :wizard: c’mon Lapu Lapu, take me there!

I got a good tip on another board that I should wait until about 45 days before, because that's when people have to cancel their trips. I'm still going to call up until then --can't help myself :rolleyes1

Well...full itinerary to come soon!

NEXT: Itinerary: Day 1(arrival) & Day 2
I joined Sunshine Rewards today! I can't wait to earn my Disney Dollars! :woohoo:

If anyone wants to check it out, PM me and I'll send you the link
(had it posted here but learned I shouldn't have :/ )
Is the sunshine thing worth joining? I never heard of that!

Well I only just joined, but I did a few surveys and already have over $6.00 in my account. (Well, it will be Disney Dollars for me--but there's an option to get paid by check) You can also buy products and earn certain percentages on those purchases if you use the links on this site. I set up a new (free) email account to use so that I don't get junk mail in my regular account. I stole the idea :confused3 from the person who referred me---Lesley (of TimandLesley) --by the way have you checked out her trip report? It's super awesome! Hopefully she'll see this plug. :goodvibes
Cherbear! So glad I came over to your TR. You and DH are so adorable! I can't wait to read on and see how this all unfolds.

Don't mean to sound crazy but the mods may be along soon and the referral link in your post is a big no no here on the DIS...:( Just trying to help (but FYI I clicked it and am going to sign up under you lol)
Cherbear! So glad I came over to your TR. You and DH are so adorable! I can't wait to read on and see how this all unfolds.

Don't mean to sound crazy but the mods may be along soon and the referral link in your post is a big no no here on the DIS...:( Just trying to help (but FYI I clicked it and am going to sign up under you lol)

Thank you for the compliment! I can't wait to see how it unfolds, too. lol :lmao:

You don't sound crazy at all! I really appreciate you telling me that! I guess I should've read through the rules better, huh! :rolleyes1 I took out the link...but what about the reply from pamouselover with the quote? (hey pa...can you edit your post too? thanks in advance!) Anywho, thanks for giving me the referral. Hope you earn plenty of Disney Dollars!

I'm busy looking at flights -- as soon as Mike gets back from TX (tomorrow) we'll discuss the options. He is not worried--says we can wait and get one with no problem. I said "Suuuure, Mr. 6 hour layover in Atlanta" :rolleyes: I have to admit I'm a bit concerned...but I have faith that it's going to work out. Cause we're goin' to Disney! :wizard:
Thank you for the compliment! I can't wait to see how it unfolds, too. lol :lmao:

You don't sound crazy at all! I really appreciate you telling me that! I guess I should've read through the rules better, huh! :rolleyes1 I took out the link...but what about the reply from pamouselover with the quote? (hey pa...can you edit your post too? thanks in advance!) Anywho, thanks for giving me the referral. Hope you earn plenty of Disney Dollars!

I'm busy looking at flights -- as soon as Mike gets back from TX (tomorrow) we'll discuss the options. He is not worried--says we can wait and get one with no problem. I said "Suuuure, Mr. 6 hour layover in Atlanta" :rolleyes: I have to admit I'm a bit concerned...but I have faith that it's going to work out. Cause we're goin' to Disney! :wizard:

LOL! Hopefully it'll work out with the flights...As soon as I saw flights I liked I jumped on them...I kept going between Jetblue and Delta and Jetblue just wasn't being as nice to me, so Delta it is ;) $89 1 way and $99 the other...Non stop and the times (almost) I wanted.

I am having trouble signing up on sunshine rewards...says I can only sign up once...LMAO...I tried logging in to see if maybe I signed up before--no dice..says unknown name...hmmm I'll try again later....I could use Disney Dollars! Just 35 more days!
LOL! Hopefully it'll work out with the flights...As soon as I saw flights I liked I jumped on them...I kept going between Jetblue and Delta and Jetblue just wasn't being as nice to me, so Delta it is ;) $89 1 way and $99 the other...Non stop and the times (almost) I wanted.

I am having trouble signing up on sunshine rewards...says I can only sign up once...LMAO...I tried logging in to see if maybe I signed up before--no dice..says unknown name...hmmm I'll try again later....I could use Disney Dollars! Just 35 more days!

I think we're going with Delta. Although there are some good ones with AirTran too. I've never flown with them, though. We'll see what happens when Mike and I put our heads together. Probably end up taking the direct flight in arriving at 6:30 pm. :sad2: It would be the easiest way...but it's not my favorite choice.

:confused3 I guess try again tomorrow. Good luck.

By the way I just read your last post. I also had just finished typing up a little something in Word and I'm about to post it.

I’m going to apologize ahead of time for not really having pictures to share, like many people do on their pre-TRs. But I’m sure when I come home from the trip I’ll have PLENTY (I don’t like to think about that though…I don’t WANT to come back!)

When I plan, I pick out the first few rides of the day, then I kind of go with the flow. Although I'm still way more obsessive about the planning than most people I know. :rolleyes: You’ll notice I’ll be really specific about some things, and I’ll add some vague notes about others. I bought the Unofficial Guidebook last year—which I LOVE, and I knew I couldn’t get my parents/husband/sister to follow any of it, so I read it, took in what I could, and pretty much planned our first few rides of each day based on what the book said. HOWEVER, no one was EVER as motivated as me, and took WAY too long to get ready. :mad: They didn’t understand the idea that the only way my plan would work is if we actually got to the park when the UG said to arrive. I kept asking for just ONE day where we’d actually get there for rope drop. That NEVER happened. Well this year, it’s going to be different! Just me and my babe and we’re runnin’ wild! Not to mention we’re going in September instead of JULY! I honestly don’t know what to expect. Some people have told me on some other boards that there’s only 5-10 minute waits for everything—but I just CAN’T fathom that. :eek: If anyone else has experienced anything different please let me know. I’ll accept ANY and ALL feedback on those who have gone in Sept. for free dining.

Well…on with the itinerary!

Day 1 (arrival day)
This one is not quite planned since our FLIGHT isn’t even booked yet. Depending on what time we get there, we’ll check in first (obviously), and we might go to DisneyQuest (if it’s not full—after all, it’s Saturday). Although I’d really love to go to Epcot and enjoy a couple of attractions if we get there early enough. We have a 7 day hopper (it’s only $4 or so for the extra day, so we figured why not?) Unfortunately there are no evening EMH planned that night in any park, or else we'd go to THAT park. Any other suggestions?

Day 2 (First full day)
-Rise and shine for our FIRST full day at the Happiest Place on Earth! (Wonder who will wake us up?)
-Get ready as quick as possible---We’re in Disney! Yeah! Mickey doesn’t care what I look like!
-Buy Entenmann’s donuts in the gift shop using one snack credit (Anyone know what time the resort gift shops open? I can’t seem to remember). Get some coffee in the refillable mugs (will buy those the night before). **Side bar: :idea: I thought of an idea that may be useful to others. I am going to buy some disposable coffee cups (w/lids) that are sold at the dollar store (Dollar General I think—my friend found them), that way we can fill our cups with coffee (or juice/soda) in the morning, go back to the room, transfer the drink to the disposable cups, then go to the bus stop. Then, when we’re done with them (whether at the bus stop or at the park) we can throw them away. No big cups to lug around, and we save time by enjoying our morning beverage while waiting for the bus. I’ll let ya know how it works out.
-Back to the itinerary---Take the bus to MK and wait for the rope to drop near Tomorrowland (I've never done this so I don't really know where the rope is :confused3 )
-Ride dumbo and get strange looks from all the families with small children (just kidding—seeing if you’re paying attention)
-Ride Space Mtn; try to ride Buzz, Splash Mtn, and Big Thunder Mtn –getting fastpasses when necessary.
-Get a FP for Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor (we’ll probably need it since it's new)
-Eat counterservice for lunch at either Cosmic Ray’s or Pecos Bill - 2 CS Credits (UG also said Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station is good—anyone agree?)
-Probably have to FP Haunted Mansion since it will just have opened back up NEWLY REFURBISHED!! Can’t wait! :woohoo:
Also not to be missed: Mickey’s Philharmagic, Carousel of Progress, Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan’s Flight, and It’s a Small World (even if I have to drag Mike by his hair…LOL)

-We'll take an afternoon break if necessary. Of course, being on the DDP, we'll have dinner---at California Grill at 5:40, then Wishes (not sure if we'll be watching it from the balcony (there is a balcony right?) or high-tail it back to MK on the monorail after our meal.
-Then we're staying for EMH! Full speed ahead is our motto!
-To bed, to bed I said! Tomorrow is another day.

Wow, I took up a LOT of room with the first full day. I’m thinking I should stop here and continue with Day 3 later. So...any comments, tips, etc.?

Next installment: itinerary: Day 3 - MGM Studios!
Hey I did find you and the compliment, thank you!!! :flower3: You and your fiance are adorable, can't wait to see your planning unfold, glad there are more posters now, they always pick up gradually, pictures DEFINITELy help!


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