Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 2

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Holy Cannoli y'all!! I have been lurking and reading on this thread for WEEKS now! I have finally made it to the current page!!:cool1:

I am such a non sewer, but my mom and grandmother were forever quilting and my mom always made our Easter dresses and first day of school dresses (that I cried over and had to be wrestled into as I had firm intentions of being a BOY...even told my first grade teacher my name was "Jo"...*ahem* She thought i was a boy for two weeks thanks to the short hair and overalls...when she found out I was in fact a girl, I was sent along to the psychiatrists office!:rotfl2: This ceased to be an issue when I was enrolled in Our Lady of Sorrows elementary school...uniforms...*sigh*)


I am now thinking I need to get a sewing machine of my very own...perhaps a Disney embroidery step daughter is quickly growing past the age of foo-foo ruffles and such, but I've got time!!! Who knows...maybe I'll conquer my fear of childbirth and have a little girl of my own so I can ruffle her like crazy!!!

I'm amazed by y'alls creativity and artistry. I'm truly inspired and I just love this thread! Everyone is SO positive!! You can FEEL the creative energy zooming around! I LOVE IT!!!

So I just wanted to say Howdy:wave2: and "Wow!" and I look forward to seeing more!!!
I don't remember who made this dress, but I LOVE it.


I have the fabric and thought I'd use if for DS. But I want to make one of these, too. I was wondering if the back had buttons or a zipper or what it looked like. Also, the red cord thingy around the waist. Is that part of the bow or something else? Any help is appreciated!

I bought black tanks in a size 4/5 at WalMart a month or so ago. I made these dresses with them. I don't know if they still have them or not. They had plenty of sizes and colors at that time.


I really love these sets & the pink & black combo!
Here are just a few more of our outfits. The quality of these pictures is not good. I took them with a disposable camera after my digital camera's battery ran out. I forgot to pack the charger! I usually have good luck with those little disposable cameras, but not this time.

My seven year-old wanted a High School Musical outfit to wear to the pep rally. She picked these fabrics and we added appliques. There's a basketball and the words "Go Team" on the back.


An acquaintance who has the embroidery machine did the Ariel embroidery. She did a nice job.


I wish this picture had come out better! These rhinestone Minnie shirts go for around $50 on an auction site, but a very kind seller sold me the materials and pattern and I made them myself. They took forever! There are those pink Crocs again! The red/white polka dot sandals never left the suitcase once Grandma bought her the Crocs.


This Belle applique t-shirt was done by the same designer who did the JoJo applique. I can't say enough good things about her! You can't really see it in my horrible photo, but we cut the Belle sections out of the princess fabric and used them along with pink, purple and yellow polka dot fabric. My daughter didn't want the typical Belle yellow.

You did a BEAUTIFUL job!! I especially love how you anchored the elephant on the top with the frayed patch under him.

Your friend is going to love them!!

Ya know, if you ever wanted to "Disney-ize" them, you could add some mouse ears to their heads! They'd be cute for a toddler in the AK!

That such a good idea. We are both going in Sept, but she bought 6-9 months, he turns 1 this week and just had a growth spurt so not sure they will fit! We were going to cut them off, but the snap is in a weird place and if I added velcro (don't know how to add a snap) it would work, but that seemed like alot of work.
I have the manual, I just haven't even looked at it yet. I don't think that my husband pays close enough attention to what I am doing to even know that I haven't touched it yet. I doubt he could even look at them and tell which is which. I am so comfortable with my Janome that I probably won't really "sew" on the Brother.

I want to try a little bit of embroidery. I haven't bought any thread yet. I have looked at it on ebay a couple of times, but I worry about the quality. I really like the idea of having a whole set so I can just pull it out and work with it instead of having to go to the store and get colors for every project.

Have you bought many of the embroidery cards? I haven't done that either. I guess I should probably figure out how to thread it before I start investing the big bucks in it though!

I mostly just want to use it for small things like bows.

I recently purchased a set of embroidery thread from (look under "Thread Shed" -- I can't post links yet). I researched on a couple of yahoo groups and before ordering. They shipped quickly, and the thread is working very well. I like it better than the Coats & Clark and Sulky from JoAnn's. I believe it's Gunold brand although the spools are unmarked. I ordered a color chart too, and that has Gunold's name on it. There were good prices at (look under Specials for a Disney thread set), but I emailed them to ask a question and the response wasn't really a response, if that makes any sense. I think the problem may have been a language barrier kind of issue. Anyway, it was cheaper there but I went with Long Creek Mills.
:) I have been looking at this thread for a few weeks now, I have not a creative bone in body. Do any of you very talented people ever sell your creations. I have seen some wonderful creations that I would love to have for my DD 4 for our trip in October. Just PM me if anyone sells or knows someone who sells that would be willing to work with me regarding the look and fabrics. Thanks so much, and FYI I am already looking at EBAY to buy myself a sewing machine !!!:)
I wangted to show this pirate tutu set I made. This is an older pic, I Imade it last yr for a charity auction, but wanted to show it & show my easy "corset" LOL
I just took 2 pieces of fabric & looped ribbon between them:



wow I think I want to make one for DD now! I think we are all dressing as pirates for MNSSHP but she wants to be Tinkerbell lol

Very cute!! That looks doable!! Have DD be pirate/Tink. Do the pirate corset tutu in Tink colors! You coud even add the wings!! How Cute!!
my dd's picked out this fabric for their dresses they want me to make them for the county fair...and then i had a great idea afterwards to put the mickey head on them so they could wear to animal kingdom...what do you all think? i have no idea how to applique at when i am ready i will ask for advice on how to do it...


i am making the C pattern....


p.s. i am in the process of having a garage sale this weekend so i most likely will not get to this project until sunday at the earliest...
Ok.. dont tell hubby LOLOL
:lmao: Oh my gosh, too funny! I took a pic of my 1 year old son in a dress and my husband didn't find it to be very funny. Go figure!

BTW- your user name cracks me up every time I read it. It reminds me of the wonder pets!!!
LOL! My daughter keeps repeating the line from one the Wonder Pet's shows "There's nothing like celery after a good pee." The wonderful world of children's television! :rotfl2:

I used bias tape. I think someone around here called it the duct tape of sewing, and they're probably right.

:woohoo: That was me! I said bias tape was the new duct tape! Woo-hoo, I'm famous!! :banana:

I love this fabric! You did a great job!

They say they don't feel left out and only want sleep pants sewn for them, but I feel all guilty :rolleyes1
I'm tellin' yah, you need to make these custom Mickey coveralls for all the boys!

So I just wanted to say Howdy:wave2: and "Wow!" and I look forward to seeing more!!!

WELCOME!!! I loved your story about telling your teacher you were a boy. :rotfl2: Too funny! I hope to see some custom creations from you soon!
For those making this costume, are you buying shirts or making them? How or where? Tying the tulle onto elastic looks easy, but is it easier to sew it? How does it get sewn together onto elastic?

I found the shirt at Wal-mart about a month ago. I originally planned on making it, but it was so close to what I had in mind, this was just too easy! I started to do a no sew tutu, there had to be a easier way! I found sewing much easier, but I'm doing it my own way. I made one with six colors last night from cutting to finish it took two hours (my first solid black one took much longer!) I don't actually sew it onto the elastic, I fold the top edge over and make a casing. Then I run the elastic through it, and safety pin the elastic together. I do this so when she needs a red, white, and blue tutu, instead of making a new one, I just pull this one apart and use the colors needed. Yes, I have a stack of "tutu parts" in the closet! Every tutu I make has six parts and each is eight layers finished length is 12" for dd3 I guess I just invented the interchangable tutu!:rotfl2:
I would just measure around your daughter, and make it 1 1/2 to 2 times wider than the measurement (depending on how full you want it. Then, just measure on her how long you want it to be, adding some for the hem and top casing.

I have about four different pillowcase dress patterns on the bookmarks site.

ETA: Actually, I just went and counted and there are 7 underneath the pillowcase dress heading. One is a romper though.

I know I printed them all out. I have no idea why I am stuck!! I made a really cute custom notebook for my custom projects.

I love love love the pattern for the rick rack pillowcase dress.
It's a little known fact that Belle wore pink Crocs when walking into her poor provincial town. I had carefully packed perfectly coordinating footwear for all of my girls' outfits, but some things are not worth arguing about.


Can you tell me more about how you did Belle?

That is one of the dresses on our list for WDW!!
Here are a few more pictures from our last week trip.

I adapted the licensed pattern for the Snow White outfit. I made it in cotton and the two fabrics actually have a subtle print. I don't know why, but when I saw them at Joann I immediately thought "Snow White." We lost the knot cover for the cape so my daughter kept yanking the cape back on her neck.


I love this Snow White outfit. Did you make it two piece? How did you do the tiers of the skirt?

Thanks for your help -- I think I know what you mean. In other words, the three skirt layers are individually sewn on a straight piece that you cannot see. I just love the "flair" of the ruffles -- they don't look gathered but almost circular.
Hello! I'd love for you to post close ups of the corset! I can now do a tulle tutu skirt, and the corset likes like the toughest thing to that outfit. However when someone earlier explained how they thought it could be done, I though, "Well maybe..."

Here are a few I had taken to send to someone. They aren't great up close shots, but they might give you a better idea on the construction of the corset. Let me know if you want me to take better pictures of anything specific.




I think the coins are cute. I saw packages of them at Walmart near the ribbon section. pirate: HTH!
my dd's picked out this fabric for their dresses they want me to make them for the county fair...and then i had a great idea afterwards to put the mickey head on them so they could wear to animal kingdom...what do you all think? i have no idea how to applique at when i am ready i will ask for advice on how to do it...


i am making the C pattern....


p.s. i am in the process of having a garage sale this weekend so i most likely will not get to this project until sunday at the earliest...

I Love this I need to go look for it!
Yeah! another trip to the fabric store!
Cute pattern to....can't wait to see the finished product!
I thought I'd share my budget sewing space.

I LOVE IT! ... I Love the JANOME, too! Very Nice!

I use them so much, I wear regular machines out in 1-2 mos :sad2: ...
I switched to using all-metal machines (mostly MORSE & INDUSTRIAL + a TOYOTA & a Bernina 350) ... but I had a VIKING for 7-8 years (almost daily use) = I miss "him" sooo much! :guilty:

I agree with you = you can get alot of help&info from your local sewing centers (my viking came from one) ... Most have GREAT SERVICE PLANS if you buy your machine there ~AND~ Many often do trade-ins & sell refurbished (in-house) ... + Most offer classes, too!

I bought my last two all-metal machines on e b @ y. I lucked out & found a reeeally great guy in Canada. ... He's awesome! & his machines are even better! :love: ... + He knows how to fix-up/restore just about any machine, to specs! + he packs his shipments really well & keeps the shipping very reasonable. :)

GREAT JOB on Your Sewing Room! :flower3:
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