May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 5

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I know what you mean. We have several folks from our Nov 06 cruise that we still visit and post with - as a matter of fact we'll be sailing with them in Dec for a girls re-united trip. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and hear all about their year. Is SO nice when strangers become friendly. :banana: :yay:

I can't imagine how I lucked out, we made some great friends that we've cruised with twice and honestly, I don't come from a large family nor does DH yet everyone seems to just be an extension of our family!

What Dec sailing are you on? That is our usual month to sail....our anniversary is 12/2 but we usually sail after the 8th or so due to my work.
I just signed a petition to suspend him. I'd throw him in JAIL. There are many things I can tolerate... but hurting animals IS NOT one of them. (Sorry - now I have to go have a diet coke and cool down).

I try and not watch the news because of this, it just gets me all worked up.

he hasn't pleaded yet but several others involved have already pleaded guilty and are working with the Feds, not looking good for Vick.

I hope they torture him to a slow and painful death. And even that would be too humane in my opinion.
I just signed a petition to suspend him. I'd throw him in JAIL. There are many things I can tolerate... but hurting animals IS NOT one of them. (Sorry - now I have to go have a diet coke and cool down).

I try and not watch the news because of this, it just gets me all worked up.


I know... I read the entire affidavit when it came out and I was disgusted. We've always had dogs, we are animal people anyway, I just can't believe it.
he was a 2001 1st round pick and had a $130 MILLION contract.....what kind of thug is he really? I guess now we know.

Ok, think of a pretty peaceful place and thing nice thoughts - forgot all about the evil in the world and breathe... (my mantra to calm myself down).

Ok, think of a pretty peaceful place and thing nice thoughts - forgot all about the evil in the world and breathe... (my mantra to calm myself down).

I really hate watching the news sometimes, even though I am addicted to Court TV, I just hate seeing all the horrible things going on. I mean I know its there and happens, I just don't want to see it daily.
I really hate watching the news sometimes, even though I am addicted to Court TV, I just hate seeing all the horrible things going on. I mean I know its there and happens, I just don't want to see it daily.

We can sure choose what we want our brains to see, hear and feel constantly and I sure don't want it to be all that, all the time either!
I agree, when do you plan on telling him?

I am soooo bad with with secrets....!:goodvibes

Well I know it will stay a secret until final payment is due because he is the type that thinks vacations are useless and no need to listen to him gripe until necessary. His birthday is April 9 so we are planning on giving him his plane ticket then. He will know we are going, but not him until then. He didn't want to do the TA cruise until the last minute when it was to late for a plane ticket. I think he will enjoy the Panama Canal and the grandson wants him to come.
I just noticed on our new homeowner's the hurricane deductible is $5k!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's always be $2k! OMG......if we get hit, we will be in trouble!
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