May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 5

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OK, I promised a couple of pictures of Olivia- so here you go!




and yes, this is how we sleep --

what a cutie - thanks for sharing!!!! Olivia has a binky? (pacifier) Haley has one too although she and the school are weaning her off it.
what a cutie - thanks for sharing!!!! Olivia has a binky? (pacifier) Haley has one too although she and the school are weaning her off it.

Yes, she's a paci-addict. Her doctor gave me a lecture about it, but I'm not too concerned yet. She's only 16 months!
who's watching HSM2? I never really saw the entire HSM so I can't compare to much far Samantha LOVES it!
Yes, she's a paci-addict. Her doctor gave me a lecture about it, but I'm not too concerned yet. She's only 16 months!

I wouldn't worry at all....the girls Ped is not at all concerned with the binky nor with Samantha's thumb sucking, he's giving that another year before addressing.
I am sure they will....

potty training checking in...Haley has been great all night so far, she seems to have made up her mind - she is a BIG girl!
I am sure they will....

potty training checking in...Haley has been great all night so far, she seems to have made up her mind - she is a BIG girl!


Olivia will tell me sometimes when she has to poop, but we're a long way from getting trained. I'm just glad she knows what the potty is all about and will sometimes think to go there!

Olivia will tell me sometimes when she has to poop, but we're a long way from getting trained. I'm just glad she knows what the potty is all about and will sometimes think to go there!

I will be this first to stand up and say I am no fan of potty training!! Luckily Haley seems to really want to wear panties which helps!:rotfl:

i am still alive and well...just too busy for computer time...i will have lots more time now that the kids are in school!!!! :lmao: :rotfl2:

we are planning a surprise trip to WDW in sept and then we save for this cruise....i guess i missed all the controversy about the prices going up $100 per person and now down again...i will try to catch up a little at a time!!!

good to be back!

we are staying at the POP too in sept for free dining! we are also going to MNSSHP for the first time ever...i am really excited!!!!

i already joined a group for getting the photopass cd for cheap and it look slike we are all set...the kids have no idea! we will tell them when we are in route!
Just wanted to post and say hi!!

We have been busy getting Daniel ready for VA Tech and we came down last night. We got him all moved in today and then his roommate showed up with way way way way too much stuff. I have no idea where they will put all that STUFF...oh well I don't need to live there. I just want Daniel to have a great year.

The memorial to the shooting will be dedicated on Sunday. It is really beautiful and touching. Not much media here, I saw just one news crew today. They have doubled the Campus police for this year. Cops are everywhere!!

Off to bed...will write more later,
IMmmm, it's the end of a long week, and I could totally use a deck chair by the pool and a drink of the day! I'm still secretely hoping DH will surprise me with a vacation for my birthday on Sunday (I'm going to be SO disappointed when it doesn't show up though).

40 years of marriage has taught me cannot read our minds and are not particularly good at taking hints. Just telling them straight up what you want will save lots of disappointment since they really do like to make us happy if they know what we want. ;)
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