New Banking Deadlines?


Vacations are getaways from vacation planning!
Jan 9, 2007
Has anyone else heard of new banking deadlines coming out? Did I miss this? Suppossedly the banking deadlines are changing from the current pro-rated schedule starting at 6-months out, to an across the board 4-month deadline; 100% prior to the 4-month deadline and 0% after. I did not get this from a guide, but curious if anyone else has heard this, maybe from their guide?
Can you elaborate on this? So what your saying is I only have 4 months to bank 100% of my points instead of the current 6 mos.? When is this to take effect?
Can you elaborate on this? So what your saying is I only have 4 months to bank 100% of my points instead of the current 6 mos.? When is this to take effect?

My apologies as I did not state this clearly. It would be 8 months to bank at 100%. After the 8 months, during the last 4 months of your UY, you would not be able to bank any points. The CM I heard it from just said it would be in the near future and it is being done to eliminate all of the confusion surrounding banking deadlines.
My apologies as I did not state this clearly. It would be 8 months to bank at 100%. After the 8 months, during the last 4 months of your UY, you would not be able to bank any points. The CM I heard it from just said it would be in the near future and it is being done to eliminate all of the confusion surrounding banking deadlines.
That would be a nice improvement!
I don't see anything wrong with the system they have.
don't see anything wrong with the system they have.


Think its just that people don't read to understand the rules until its too late.
Me..I'll worry about this new rumor when Disney sends me the "official" letter.;)
My first thought is they are "dumbing it down" for those who refuse to read their member material and learn how to use their DVC.
I don't understand how it could be any easier--just look online at your account and it tells you all your banking deadline information. I really dislike when people refuse to read and things get "fixed" for everyone even when everyone doesn't need it "fixed". Sorry about the rant I'm just tired of the general dumbing down of society.:rolleyes:
If they are going to change the deadlines, I would perfer 100% until 10 months out. The way it is now, we hardly ever bank and not more than 25 % of total ever, but I like knowing that I have the option until the end of our December trip. We have March UY.

I can see how that would make it easier...but does it need to be made easier? The little chart in the member handbook is pretty clear.
We plan well in advance, so I don't think this would affect us.

However, I don't see any problem with the way it is right now. It took me about two minutes to read about it and understand it from the member handbook. The example makes it crystal clear.
It may be less calls for Member Services, there may be some members that use all the deadlines, just a thought. I get to bank for the first time, maybe I'll do it tomorrow, get it over with. is being done to eliminate all of the confusion surrounding banking deadlines.

What confusion? The current system is simple enough if you take the time to read what they give you or ask someone.
Isn't the banking schedule part of the contract? It would make a reservation 2 to 4 months from the end of the use year more risky.
Granted it's not rocket science to consult a chart or check a web page to get your banking deadlines, but it is still a needlessly unnecessary step if a hard-cutoff can be established. I don't know technically how this would impact the points system, but from a member standpoint banking couldn't get much easier.

Interesting rumor!
I still have a hard time beleiving hey are doing this for the "members" benifit... DVC is a business.


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