8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 16

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Hope you all are having a Great Friday........ I get to go work all this weekend !!!!! Yeah.........NOT

Mark pirate:
Hi Everyone!

I've been off-line here for a few weeks - life just got insanely busy.


I noticed Crash did another 7-Questions, so here's my answers:


3) What is your favorite big screen MOVIE? Star Wars (the original 1st movie)

4) What was your favorite subject and class in school/college/post grad school? Really hard one - My problem was that I liked so many of them! I loved most math and science, history, philosophy, literature, etc.

5) Where/how did you 1st meet your SO (or last hot date?) ... I kno ... its' a potentially a loaded question. This one is a little embarrasing - we don't know! We know we met at college, but we had a group of mutual friends and neither of us can remember exactly when we met.


Crash - I like the Secret Santa idea - how do we sign up?


Pamela (pdarrah)


In reverse order... the Secret Mickey Pre-cruise Event guidelines are still being discussed in comittee ( me an' Tina - Downrivermama ) however - I will make a note - and most likely we will post an official GUIDELINE and request interested DIS neighbors send in thier replies for inclusion by so and so a date. Tenatively, we'll have a standard short list of questions to be answered to participate. Plus I might make reference to the last half dozen of my 7 question postings for potential fringe background data. Several of the last few 7 question games were posted around the pirate sprints - so they're easy enough to find and multiquote. Of course, once you know WHO you are a Secret Mickey for - you'll have to dig a little if a given 7 question series had a good question that your beneficiary MIGHT have answered. So - although everyone will have some basic data on hand - extra insight can be gleened from the past if you'll search for it ... potentially. And some of you probaby thought ... HOW ON EARTH am I gonna secretly find so and so info about so and so? Ahhh... now there is a way without going through all 77,000 postings!

At any rate... it's sweet that you two can't quite recall when or where you first met. I can just imagine how lively your college days must have been to have been THAT busy. I was not as busy a sort - ut I certainly can identfy with moments as you describe it.

AND... like you I actually enjoied school subjects - except higher order math - which simply did not go over well with me.

AND... may it live on ....

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away


At Heathrow when you 'pretend to fly' they give you tickets you get on a plane on time:thumbsup2 and you get the seat you want :thumbsup2 and the plane leaves on time :thumbsup2 and the luggage isn't lost :thumbsup2 and is given back to you in better condition from when you gave it in:thumbsup2 and the food is great!:thumbsup2

Now, when you 'actually fly' the experience might not be 100% to that DREAM!:rotfl2:


Yaanow... Andrew...

Not too long ago I can recall LIKING inflight food (business and 1st .... plus one Korean Air coach flight that had some delicious mo-chee treats!).... and not really thinking much about possible late arrivals. AND I remember when the only airport where my luggage was delayed or damaged was Newark ... and now you're right. It's not quite what it used to be.

AND... like you I actually enjoied school subjects - except higher order math - which simply did not go over well with me.

I know it is strange, but I really enjoyed advanced math - stuff like multivariate calculus and non-euclidean geometry were a blast. This probably has something to do with why my bachelor degrees are in physics and mechanical engineering! However, I found the engineering to be pretty dull in the real world - mostly just do the same calculations over and over. I got a masters degree in computer science in night school - I really enjoyed the programming classes and even the theory stuff was pretty fun.

Yaanow... Andrew...

Not too long ago I can recall LIKING inflight food (business and 1st .... plus one Korean Air coach flight that had some delicious mo-chee treats!).... and not really thinking much about possible late arrivals. AND I remember when the only airport where my luggage was delayed or damaged was Newark ... and now you're right. It's not quite what it used to be.

This trip will be the first time that we've flown Continental. I booked all 5 of us at the same time, but only got e-tickets and receipts for 3 of us. But my credit card was charged for all 5 tickets, so I'm not sure what happened. A few minutes on the phone with customer services and they were able to get it straightened out and get me updated info right away. So far I'm happy with their service. Just hope I'll feel the same after we get to CA.
I know it is strange, but I really enjoyed advanced math - stuff like multivariate calculus and non-euclidean geometry were a blast. This probably has something to do with why my bachelor degrees are in physics and mechanical engineering! However, I found the engineering to be pretty dull in the real world - mostly just do the same calculations over and over. I got a masters degree in computer science in night school - I really enjoyed the programming classes and even the theory stuff was pretty fun.


I have a degree in electrical engineering, but also found it very boring. I ended up staying in retail management for years, and now I'm in pharmacy school. I plan to stay in retail pharmacy, hopefully staying on with Target.

I really like my nuclear pharmacy class, with all of the calculations, but think I would get bored of that quickly, with no patient/guest interaction.


Yaanow... Andrew...

Not too long ago I can recall LIKING inflight food (business and 1st .... plus one Korean Air coach flight that had some delicious mo-chee treats!).... and not really thinking much about possible late arrivals. AND I remember when the only airport where my luggage was delayed or damaged was Newark ... and now you're right. It's not quite what it used to be.


Well the airport security is getting very tight nowadays....


This man is looking for a Disser who posts far too many animations in his posts and maybe asks too many questions......

Security rules at times can go wrong and be a bit jobsworth


But sometimes the odd person actually enjoys it and asks for a second opinon and extra checks.


But its all worth it when you get to your seat for the 11.5 hour flight to LAX, with your luggage having an extra holiday going via Singapore.

yes another update............

When I saw my surgeon for post op on Wednesday he told me to call my MD about my " cold " because he is just a surgeon. Well I am getting really excited about this job so I call my Dr. this morning and casually mention on what's been going on.

They tell me I need to be seen now especially since I had surgery..........o.k so now I find out that I have bronchitis and a sinus infection.

100.00 later and 4 more new meds, I will be taking my nap soon.

I told him I find it interesting that nobody in my family is sick and I became sick 2 days after hospital.:rolleyes1

I don't want to make any accusations but jeez no I know why recovery has been a little slow.

imagine having 4 incisions and how much it hurts to cough & sneeze.

enough of my rant.............

Good Morning Sunshine!

Well - it does seem sort of grey outside - so this probably only applies above 8,000 feet .... the or the estimated cloud ceiling...


No vacation... although I'm mostly a SAHD... I do have business interests to attend to from time to time. Just a couple of days ago I was telling Alicia I need to maybe get out to Chicago for a day or so... but I'll try to handle it by phone as usual. Ever since 9-11 and the arrival of our kids I've found a different way of balancing and approaching business pursuits.

Anyways - I gotta get the older girl ready for school now...

Excuse me....

Good for you ! Any parent who stays at home has a full time job in my book. My DD is very supportive for me going back to work. I think it will be hardest on Dante though.

No sunshine here either Crash, in fact is just started raining as I was on my way home for lunch. Some of the weather from the midwest is arriving here on the eastcoast. We are supposed to have severe thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening. So much for the high school Homecoming Game tonight. :rolleyes: At least the Homecoming Dance isn't until tomorrow night, supposed to be a lot nicer by then for the kids!!! :thumbsup2

Oh my, Hazel just arrived home from food shopping, have to help her get the food in the house, then grab some lunch. See y'all later.....:wave:

At least no tornadoes...........that will be nice that it clears up for tomorrow.

Welcome back. Hope you're back on your feet soon.

No storms here yesterday -- kept expecting them but never came.

Gray and gloomy today. I hope it warms up and the sun comes out. I am spending the weekend camping with my boys at Rock Cut (near Rockford) with their Scout troop. I have an eight-mile hike ahead of me tomorrow with our High Adventure crew and don't want to be slogging through mud.

Weekend is going to be nice & sunny :thumbsup2 Have fun ! When my DS was younger I was a den leader for years.
Tina glad to see you are back and on the road to recovery. :cheer2: :cheer2:

Thanks, I really did miss this thread !

Diane: Aw now I know why my ears were ringing. It's a good feeling to know I was missed.:hug: Missed you too.


I imagine this (below) must be music to your ears!


This sounds like a wonderful developement indeed! Your lucky stars must be shining upon ya', eh? ... So let's keep that "good music" coming!​

Thanks Tom.............can't miss now. :thumbsup2

Two slippers in that photo....

One word............YUMMY !

In reverse order... the Secret Mickey Pre-cruise Event guidelines are still being discussed in comittee ( me an' Tina - Downrivermama ) however - I will make a note - and most likely we will post an official GUIDELINE and request iinterested neighbors to send in thier replies for inclusion by so and so a date. Tenatively, we'll have a standard short list of questions to be answered to participate. Plus I might make reference to the last half dozen of my 7 question postings for potential fringe background data. Several of the last few 7 question games were posted around the pirate sprints - so they're easy enough to find and multiquote. Of course, once you know WHO you are a Secret Mickey for - you'll have to ig a little if a given 7 question series had a good question that your beneficiary MIGHT have answered. So - although everyone will have some basic data on hand - extra insight can be gleened from the past... potentially. And some of probaby thought ... HOW ON EARTH am I gonna find so and so info about so and so? Ahhh... now there is a way without going through 77,000 postings!

At any rate... it's sweet that you two can't quite recall when or where you first met. I can just imagine how lively your college days must have been to have been THAT busy. I was not as busy a sort - ut I certainly can identfy with moments as you describe it.

AND... like you I actually enjoied school subjects - except higher order math - which simply did not go over well with me.

AND... may it live on ....


Oh I see that I missed something here.................count me in ! On our DD cruise I orgnized a secret exchange before cruise. We set a limit amount and it was so much fun getting your package in the mail !!:goodvibes

Pamela: :rotfl2: I figured you or Cheryl would notice the pic. Yup that's a ST for ya.

Going off to la la land
yes another update............

When I saw my surgeon for post op on Wednesday he told me to call my MD about my " cold " because he is just a surgeon. Well I am getting really excited about this job so I call my Dr. this morning and casually mention on what's been going on.

They tell me I need to be seen now especially since I had surgery..........o.k so now I find out that I have bronchitis and a sinus infection.

100.00 later and 4 more new meds, I will be taking my nap soon.

I told him I find it interesting that nobody in my family is sick and I became sick 2 days after hospital.:rolleyes1

I don't want to make any accusations but jeez no I know why recovery has been a little slow.

imagine having 4 incisions and how much it hurts to cough & sneeze.

enough of my rant.............

Just a thought...

I'm just another JOE in the peanut gallery.... but I remember how my spouse has always been edgy about hanging around hospitals and such - and I mean about her concern with bad germs there. Other folks I know have made reference to how the walls might have some sort of dirty germ as well. It used to be looked upon with some disblief by me - until I mildly came around to respect these warnings.... My point - after your procedure - it is wise to avoid illnesses - especially if you show symptoms after having recently come out of a hospital ... even more so if you were there for in-patient care.

Also, I'm sure many have seen in the recent news (3 days ago - Oct 16th 2007):


that 19,000 people died in the United States in 2005 after being infected with virulent drug-resistant bacteria that have spread rampantly through hospitals and nursing homes, according to the most thorough study of the disease’s prevalence ever conducted.

The government study, which is being published Wednesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association, suggests that such infections may be twice as common as previously thought, according to its lead author, Dr. R. Monina Klevens.

If the mortality estimates are correct, the number of deaths associated with the germ, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, would exceed those attributed to H.I.V.-AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, emphysema or homicide each year.

By extrapolating data collected in nine places, the researchers estimated that 94,360 patients developed an invasive infection from the pathogen in 2005 and that nearly one of every five, or 18,650 of them, died. The study points out that it is not always possible to determine whether a death is caused by MRSA or merely accelerated by it.[edited]

SO - to stay on top of this is potentially shrewd.... it's an underestimated, often unrecognized risk. Losing 19,000 people in the US alone is a major hazard. Comparable to the 39-49,000 fatalities from auto accidents. Vehicular accidents are a leading risk - and here is some perhaps biased data I found - it's cited only because it was conveniently found: http://www.benbest.com/lifeext/causes.html#data_usa

And on an unrelated side note - does anyone happen to know how many dust mites live in the average square yard of carpeting?


a) Zero
b) One
c) Ten
d) 100
e) 1,000
f) 10,000
g) 100,000
h) 1,000,000
i) 10,000,000
j) 100,000,000
k) 1,000,000,000
L) infinate numbers!!!

for the correct answer try this link:

Hope you all are having a Great Friday........ I get to go work all this weekend !!!!! Yeah.........NOT

Mark pirate:

It was until I caught DD in a lie, now she is grounded for the night and will NOT be going to the movies with her friends tonight. So now, mom and dad get to look at the ST sourpuss face all night. Oh well, lie to dad, pay the price. I did give Angelina a choice, either stay in tonight, or stay in tomorrow night and miss the Homecoming Dance. Since she paid for her Homecoming Dance ticket with her $$, she decided to stay in tonight.......:rolleyes:
yes another update............

When I saw my surgeon for post op on Wednesday he told me to call my MD about my " cold " because he is just a surgeon. Well I am getting really excited about this job so I call my Dr. this morning and casually mention on what's been going on.

They tell me I need to be seen now especially since I had surgery..........o.k so now I find out that I have bronchitis and a sinus infection.

100.00 later and 4 more new meds, I will be taking my nap soon.

I told him I find it interesting that nobody in my family is sick and I became sick 2 days after hospital.:rolleyes1

I don't want to make any accusations but jeez no I know why recovery has been a little slow.

imagine having 4 incisions and how much it hurts to cough & sneeze.

enough of my rant.............

Oh Tina, I sure do hope you start feeling much better real soon sweetie, here's some get well :flower3: :flower3: :flower3: for you............:wizard:
Just a thought...

I'm just another JOE in the peanut gallery.... but I remember how my spouse has always been edgy about hanging around hospitals and such - and I mean about her concern with bad germs there. Other folks I know have made reference to how the walls might have some sort of dirty germ as well. It used to be looked upon with some disblief by me - until I mildly came around to respect these warnings.... My point - after your procedure - it is wise to avoid illnesses - especially if you show symptoms after having recently come out of a hospital ... even more so if you were there for in-patient care.

Tom, unfortunately I spend a lot of time hanging around hospitals. :rotfl2: The people that I work with do not experience any higher incidence of illness (colds, coughs or other infections) than non-hospital people we know. Most of what ever circulates around our household originates from the kids bringing things home from school. The fact is that all people are colonized with germs. Most of us have a strong enough immune system to ward off those germs and therefore don't get sick. Hospitals on the other hand is where sick people go to get treated. If someone is sick :sick: already and they are admitted to the hospital there is a better chance for them to develop a nosocomial infection (infection acquired while in a hospital). We unfortunately get a lot of patients from nursing homes. Many of these patients have been colonized with MRSA (methicillin resistant Staph aureus) which is a drug resistant organism. Once in the hospital isolation precautions are taken IF we are aware of these individuals. Unfortunately we do not test every patient that comes into the hospital. Patients that actually develop infections from these organisms are more than likely to have other problems that put them at risk. How did we get these drug resistant organisms? They have evolved over time from the inappropriate use of antibiotics. We have drug companies pushing for doctors to use their products and patients visiting MDs office with viral infections not feeling validated if they don't get a prescription for an antibiotic. We still have drugs to treat these patients but at some point they will develop resistance to these as well. The only answer is develop new drugs to treat these bugs and proper hand washing amongst caregivers. I know for a fact that our floors and walls are disinfected daily. The air filters are replaced on a regular basis. So I have a better chance of staying healthy if I go to work than coming home or hanging out with non-health-care works.
1. "I'm a winner" medal from an on-board game

The winners of the 11 nite Southern Mickey Ice Cream Eating Challenge!


2. Man over board ring (lifesaver) from the Magic


3. Animators Palate without people

NO PEOPLE - please click the link:

4. Island map of CC on CC (not just the map)


5. Mickey & Minnie on a jet ski painted on the magic

Minnie "Jet Skiing"


OK... thats' all for now...

This was a tough one!;)
Tom, unfortunately I spend a lot of time hanging around hospitals. :rotfl2: The people that I work with do not experience any higher incidence of illness (colds, coughs or other infections) than non-hospital people we know. Most of what ever circulates around our household originates from the kids bringing things home from school. The fact is that all people are colonized with germs. Most of us have a strong enough immune system to ward off those germs and therefore don't get sick. Hospitals on the other hand is where sick people go to get treated. If someone is sick :sick: already and they are admitted to the hospital there is a better chance for them to develop a nosocomial infection (infection acquired while in a hospital). We unfortunately get a lot of patients from nursing homes. Many of these patients have been colonized with MRSA (methicillin resistant Staph aureus) which is a drug resistant organism. Once in the hospital isolation precautions are taken IF we are aware of these individuals. Unfortunately we do not test every patient that comes into the hospital. Patients that actually develop infections from these organisms are more than likely to have other problems that put them at risk. How did we get these drug resistant organisms? They have evolved over time from the inappropriate use of antibiotics. We have drug companies pushing for doctors to use their products and patients visiting MDs office with viral infections not feeling validated if they don't get a prescription for an antibiotic. We still have drugs to treat these patients but at some point they will develop resistance to these as well. The only answer is develop new drugs to treat these bugs and proper hand washing amongst caregivers. I know for a fact that our floors and walls are disinfected daily. The air filters are replaced on a regular basis. So I have a better chance of staying healthy if I go to work than coming home or hanging out with non-health-care works.

Great points Rodger...

... I should have added - in the PAST - to the begining of my remarks. I maintain - I am just another pedestrian JOE who haunts the peanut gallery... and what my spouse says is often distorted by her average JOE husband into a sort of twisted Urban legend nonsense. THAN you circulate a recent article citing 19,000 treatment resistant fatalities (2005) and a fellow like me puts two pieces of two puzzles and declares SHAZAM!

At any rate - OBVIOUSLY - a hospital or medical professonal is the place to go when ill. And we probably lead the world with quality health care. In so many other places on the planet average lifespans are a fraction of ours... while in yet other places the USA trails in longevity... like in Japan. Of course, longevity is another animal entirely.

Forgive me for coming across as alarmist.

I have been known to go overboard before.


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