Wk Of Dec 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club

They're calling for another storm on Saturday - Monday...hopefully it will miss us.:rolleyes1
Just a reminder to anyone who is considering a last-minute change of plans but has kidling issues -- DD19 is coming with us and LOVES kidlets. She was coming along to babysit a friend's four children but alas, those children wont' be around and Jenn is lamenting a child-free weekend (she'll have to resort to interacting with all the little ones in EVERY LINE we stand in! :rolleyes1: ) SO, if you are going and need a babysitter and haven't yet applied for a second mortgage to pay for the fairy Godmothers, I can attest to her reliability and sweetness! :love:
Hi all! :wave:
It's cold out there today! It was 5 degrees on the car thermostat when I left the house this morning. I think it got up to all of 12 degrees today! Oh joy, what fun. Tell me again why I live in New England?

I ran 2 hours on Sunday, did a little biking on Monday then ran 30 min on Tuesday before the snow hit. It was a pleasant run and rather nice and I'm glad I got it in before the snow. I worked out with my trainer this morning so shall take tomorrow off. Saturday I will run 1 hour then a little cross-train on Sunday. I cannot believe 1 week from right now I will be on a plane to Florida! Yea!! :cool1: Get me to some nicer weather-but not too hot!

Monte: hope the storm doesn't dump too much snow on you. How much do you have already?

Bill: if you would like to do some shoveling, you are more than welcome to come up here and help yourself. I'll give you directions to my house!

Panthergirl: the kids around here wait with bated breath whenever snow is falling to hear if school will be cancelled. They are such wimps!!

Hi Mouse Skywalker! Don't be a stranger.

nucpharm29: I used to teach spin classes and the first 3 weeks of the new year saw a huge spike in attendance. All those people who make New Year's resolutions and they last for about 3 weeks. I always thought it was humorous!

Calcio: pixiedust: :love2:

And a big :welcome: to our new folks!

Have a great evening everyone!
Put me in line for booing the resolutionists. I forgot my hair band today and was running away on the TM at the gym when one of "them" came in and turned the fan on full blast behind her (pointed at me of course) and it blew my hair in my face and mouth so bad, I had to abandon ship and move to the elliptical machine. Another one came in and shut all the TVs off because they "bothered" him. Then he turned on his Walkman (yes you read that right, the do still exist). I managed 30 minutes on the elliptical after a whole 5 minutes on the TM. Oh well, 3.5 miles later I am still a little :mad: !

I have been wondering about clothes too. I have my skirt and a s/s lime tech shirt as I only have a cotton WISH tee. I can wear that for the 5K but not for 13 miles!! I have packed my jacket that zips to a vest and my running gloves and a l/s shirt JIC. So see, us northerners have "issues" too. Unfortunately, 50 is on the fence for me so I will just watch the posts and see what everyone else says...:rolleyes1
Hey kids-

I found Hanes sweatshirts and sweatpants in the women's section for $3.00 each at Walmart. I bought enough to have two days of throw away clothes. The sweatshirt is great- the sweatpants don't have a drawstring and they are kind of low rise so they're not great, but for $3 I can deal...

Jen in GA
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome and for offering such an open group. You all have made me much more excited about coming to Orlando for the Half and can't wait to meet you all at the Pop on Friday and again way early on Saturday. Do I bring my own bright green shirt? (BYOGS?) :thumbsup2
Thanks again!!
Have they already sold out of snow blowers and plow attachments for the lawn tractors?

More attachments for the tractor...now I have an excuse to buy one. They had plenty of leaf blowers, would that be a good substitute for a snow blower. :lmao: :thumbsup2

Bill: if you would like to do some shoveling, you are more than welcome to come up here and help yourself. I'll give you directions to my house!

I would love to but I have to be home by dinner time, can't miss out on the wonderful meals Lynnda makes. I could also bring some small helpers that can make a great mess of everything while I am there.

Just a reminder to anyone who is considering a last-minute change of plans but has kidling issues -- DD19 is coming with us and LOVES kidlets. She was coming along to babysit a friend's four children but alas, those children wont' be around and Jenn is lamenting a child-free weekend (she'll have to resort to interacting with all the little ones in EVERY LINE we stand in! :rolleyes1: ) SO, if you are going and need a babysitter and haven't yet applied for a second mortgage to pay for the fairy Godmothers, I can attest to her reliability and sweetness! :love:

She is more than welcome to play with ours at Pop. I am not sure about any other times though. I don't think one of ours would let us go out by ourselves when at Disney. I think we have brainwashed him a little too much. :rolleyes1

Good Evening Team

So I went to the gym, that was the most HORRIBLE 4 miles I have ever done in my life!! But the sick thing is I missed running so much that I am happy to be able to have a bad run :banana:

Somebody remind me I said that when it wears off in a couple of months. So there is another thread out there about the horrendous spectator buses. I'm very scared :scared1:, somebody please tell me that somebody knows somebody who did not have a horrible experience with spectator busses.

I hope everyone has a good night

Do I bring my own bright green shirt? (BYOGS?) :thumbsup2
Thanks again!!
lol. I see you fitting in so very wel.... :goodvibes Yes, i fyou want to match adn have random WISH scream teams screaming ofr you, it's best to BYOGS. The brighter, the better. (Seeign as you'll be with a WISH pace group, though, you should get all those benfits anyway) I will be setting up another WISH shirt sale when I recover from marathon (hopefull late January).
Wonderful to have you as part of the WISH Team Cari and Lara! :wave:

I'm thinking I will follow the adivce of John Bingham and bring all my running stuff so I can figure out what to wear the night before. I've got some toss away clothes--will cover my WISH shirt though, so we'll have to find each other somehow.

I am getting so ready to go too. Can't wait.

MSDave, I'm happy you've made it here again. Have fun at the PJ party. Are you wearing your Mickey PJs? You know there was/is? this sale on them at disneyshopping . com. I'll bet you won't get any sleep.

Bill, you could use the shovels from your sand pails with all that snow you got there.
OK, lazy me did a walk fit video with a leg workout for 40 minutes. I may do some ball crunches later. It is so cold here that I just couldn't do any running. This morning it was -7 with a -17 wind chill!

Angie - I do all sorts of things, that's what I get for being in a small company. But my Title is Director of Sales and Marketing for a software development company. When I travel it is either for trade shows, sales presentations or training sessions. San Diego is a convention/trade show and then I blow out of town for WDW. Wouldn't it be cool if I could have hit DL and then WDW in the same week!!!!

BTW - Are you doing the kids races on Friday??? That is when we are too. Study my pic below and then look for me. Although I will be the lady straggling around with major jet lag (either that or yelling at DD4 who does what she wants when she wants!!!!) I am supposed to get in by 6am, take ME to hotel, hopefully shower and then off to the races. I really hope my plane is on time!!! Last year I found Kristi and her DH in the crowd. I was pretty proud of myself!
Just a reminder to anyone who is considering a last-minute change of plans but has kidling issues -- DD19 is coming with us and LOVES kidlets. She was coming along to babysit a friend's four children but alas, those children wont' be around and Jenn is lamenting a child-free weekend (she'll have to resort to interacting with all the little ones in EVERY LINE we stand in! :rolleyes1: ) SO, if you are going and need a babysitter and haven't yet applied for a second mortgage to pay for the fairy Godmothers, I can attest to her reliability and sweetness! :love:

Tell Jenn if she can't find enough little ones to keep her occupied, I've got a 17 year old band geek coming who'd love someone to hang out with! I have a feeling they'd find a few things to talk about. :rolleyes1

Angie - I think the only thing that got me through the injury was knowing how many people here have made it through tough times - you, Terri, Cam, Sunny...

MSDave - We've missed you too. Don't be such a stranger. It's not the same when I log on Saturday morning and the first post isn't yours!

They would have called off school down here at the mere mention of snow! :rotfl:

I was really surprised that we saw flurries yesterday and I didn't get a test notification from the school system about school cancellations!

Where's Sunny with her "Caution: Half Marathoner in Taper" sign? I really need that now.:mad:

I'm so cranky I can't even stand myself. :headache:

That explains it! I was MISERABLE at work today - finally resorted to counting all the change in our Disney fund and rolling the coins to get my mind off my bad mood, then at the end of the day sneaked onto the computer and caught up on the boards. Everything and everybody got on my nerves - now I know it's just normal taper - maybe I'll make my own sign for my door!

BTW - Are you doing the kids races on Friday??? That is when we are too. Study my pic below and then look for me. Although I will be the lady straggling around with major jet lag (either that or yelling at DD4 who does what she wants when she wants!!!!) I am supposed to get in by 6am, take ME to hotel, hopefully shower and then off to the races. I really hope my plane is on time!!! Last year I found Kristi and her DH in the crowd. I was pretty proud of myself!

Yes we are doing them Friday after DH and DS - 11 do 5k. DS - 8 will be doing them he will be in first group and we will be the family in the bright red AT marathon shirts, but we will look for you guys!! :dance3:

Angie - I think the only thing that got me through the injury was knowing how many people here have made it through tough times - you, Terri, Cam, Sunny...


It does help to know there are others who understand and who have been through the same or even worse.

Amy--I thought about you while I was on the TM tonight, I was listening to The Black Parade, one of my favorite songs to run to! Have you heard Teenagers by MCR? That's another good one. I might like it even better than The Black Parade, it definitely is more of a punk song.

Angie--Sorry your run wasn't the best, but YOU RAN 4 MILES!!! Be very proud of yourself!

Yeah, so I did 2 miles on the TM tonight and I was TIRED!! And winded, I couldn't believe it! Good thing I read on babycenter.com that it's very easy to get winded your 1st trimester, even just walking up and down stairs, or I would have been worried that I was getting out of shape! I walked all but last .15 miles because I just couldn't take it anymore and had to run.

I am getting very excited for you of you marathoners! Especially the first timers! Savor each and every moment of the Expo and the marathon. Believe in yourselves and don't listen to the gremlins: you have put in your steps, you have done the work, the worst part is over, the marathon is the victory party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :dance3: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:


I am #23046 in the Half Marathon and #5981 for the Marathon.

If this information is correct (borrowed from Steve on the Phila. Marathon thread)

I am in the BOLD corral for the Marathon:

Corral A: Bib #s 101-2,000
Corral B: #2001-4500
Corral C: #4501-7000

Corral D: 7001-9000
Corral E: 9001-11,000
Corral F: 11,001-13,000
Corral G: 13,001-15,500
Corral H: 15,501-18,200

Please let me know where Charlie is going to be. :hug:

If anyone else will be in my corral and would like to say hello, please do so. I will be running with Kevin Z., Lynne and a friend of Kevin's running his first marathon.


I'm in Corral C for the full marathon also. It'll be nice to see some friends there.

I am #23046 in the Half Marathon and #5981 for the Marathon.

If this information is correct (borrowed from Steve on the Phila. Marathon thread)

I am in the BOLD corral for the Marathon:

Corral A: Bib #s 101-2,000
Corral B: #2001-4500
Corral C: #4501-7000

Corral D: 7001-9000
Corral E: 9001-11,000
Corral F: 11,001-13,000
Corral G: 13,001-15,500
Corral H: 15,501-18,200

Please let me know where Charlie is going to be. :hug:

If anyone else will be in my corral and would like to say hello, please do so. I will be running with Kevin Z., Lynne and a friend of Kevin's running his first marathon.



Howard :)...Scott (Scojo15) and I are in your corral. We'll definitely try to find you guys and say "hi". How's training going? I told Cam the other day (via her journal) that I'm so impressed by your tenacity and determination and slight insanity ;) in training for the Goofy.
Hey Vic, I need help with this one.

I'm not chalking it up as a taper dream but...

Today, I had a dream that they were back at Daytona racing. Dale Sr. won the race:thumbsup2 . The odd thing was that the cars were shaped like turtles:confused3 .

They were all saying that the new cars drove just fine, handled like the old ones, etc.

COT doesn't mean Car of Tomorrow or Car of Today. It's Cars of Turtles!

Further reinforcement that I've got issues!


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