Wk Of Dec 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club


Target is less than 2 miles from our house. We are there pretty often. :rolleyes1

Thanks for the tip!

Howard (& Cam)
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :banana:

And although I'm heavier (and thus slower) than last year overall in my pacing, have completed all scheduled long runs (DW did as well in my absence) and we're looking forward to our first Goofy attempt. Still getting caught up with everything, stand by for more!
Oh Yeah! Matt's in the house! This is great news!

My taper dream...I get to WDW it is the night before the race and I am going to pin on my number and all my stuff is missing. I have forgotten to pack my race wear/gear! Help!
Cam – Thanks for the encouragement. I am trying not to stress :scared: too much. I will do the best I can & what ever will be….will be. I know you will do great too!!!:thumbsup2

Krista – Thanks for asking…Sean & Marie are doing great. Baby isn’t due until May 21st, so they are about half way there. They did find out on Christmas Eve they are having a boy. Also, I’d love to see the photos of the marathon course if you have time to post them.

Howard – Be careful with your training. We want to make sure you get to the start line healthy. You are amazing….the way you pull this all together in time for a Goofy.:worship: I agree those temps look a lot better then last years when it was 70 at 4am.:eek:

Carrie – Thanks for the vote of confidence. Logically I know it doesn’t matter that I didn’t finish the 20 miler….but the mental part is giving me a hard time. :lmao: Sorry your 20 miler didn’t go well….but….I’m glad to know I’m not that only one that had 18 miles as there longest distance.:rolleyes1

Steve – I’m with you….I’m ready to head to WDW now. Can’t wait to hang out with my WISH Buddies!:woohoo:

MSDave – Great job on your New Year’s Race. :thumbsup2 Love the photos. The ice on the road looks a bit scary though!:scared1:

Amy – Sorry your 20 miler didn’t happen, but like I said to Carrie….I’m glad I’m not the only one that had 18 miles as there longest distance. :rolleyes1 And I agree….I think it is better to show up to the start healthy then to have done a 20 miler.:banana:

Lily – I’m with you on taking John Bingham’s advice….I think I will be bringing everything with me. Loved your comment to Bill on only needing the shovels from the sand pails to shovel his snow. :lmao:

Mel – Have fun at VWL this weekend!:cool1:

Matt – Welcome Back!

Judy - Glad you are in a better mood today. :upsidedow

Sorry for missing so many people. I really need to get back to putting away Christmas stuff. It feels like it is taking me forever to get everything packed up.

Happy Tapering!!!
:yay: Target has LIME green WISH cow bells :yay:
OK so for those of you who missed it on the other thread there was a discussion of cow bells (for scream teamers) on sale at Target. Just went to my Target and got 2 red ones (for AT marathoners) but they did have a bunch of lime green too. I don't know what I was thinking but didn't get them, but I am going back after work and get all I can then I will give them to anyone who wants them Friday at POP :yay:

Angie- Where exactly are the cow bells in Target? I can't wrap my head around which section they'd be in! It's bothering me that I can't think of where loud obnoxious bells would be-- :lmao:

Jen in GA
Angie- Where exactly are the cow bells in Target? I can't wrap my head around which section they'd be in! It's bothering me that I can't think of where loud obnoxious bells would be-- :lmao:

Jen in GA

As soon as you walk in usually on left is seasonal stuff. They are with the football/super bowl stuff in that section. Some people on the other thread posted that their targets did not have them so I guess it's random. I know I should probably more worried about gels, and beans and important supplies, but we need fun stuff too. They even had green pom poms, maybe I will grab those too. I just knew I was not going to get my 2 boys to wave those. :confused3

Amy and Karen:

Thank you both for the notes about my training and pulling it all together for Goofy.

I have only run 52.37 miles since my semester ended. My long run was almost 15 (14.95) and it was a glorified run/walk. All of these miles are not near enough to "get in shape" and make a good showing for the Goofy.

Therefore, I am in the "I am going to finish it, come what may (time wise)" mode and will get it done. It will not be easy, it will not be pretty. But then again, I never expected it to be nor am I asking for it to be a breeze. I say bring it on!

Once I graduate in May, I will have the time to train properly for the MCM and Phil. Marathon. I will go into the 2009 WDW Marathon with a goal - a PR. :woohoo: I really believe that will happen. I am going to work hard to make it happen. I will not be doing the Goofy next year. I am just going to be a Marathoner. I feel I need to cut back to concentrate on the 26.2 distance. Besides that Cam :lovestruc :love: :flower3: and I are (hopefully) renewing our vows the next day (Monday) and I need to keep some energy for the important events of the day.


Hello, WISHers!

Talk about mood swings ... I go from

:banana: :banana: :banana: I'M GOING TO DISNEY!!


:scared1: :scared1: :scared1: I HAVE TO RUN HOW FAR?!?

I am starting to get obsessive about packing. I've already packed all I can into my carry-on -- which, as you all know, is all my running gear! I have already checked it about a dozen times. I just realized that I don't have any disposable ponchos so I'm off to Target (for the second time today) to pick up a couple. I'm also going to look for the lime green cow bell and another box of Clif bars.

For runners who have flown before -- is taking Body Glide in carry on a problem?

To get rid of some nervous energy I did a quick 2 miles through the neighborhood. Last night I did an easy 3 on the TM. I realized that my "easy 3" was faster than my first 3 5K times! I guess I am in much better shape.

Let's just keep repeating -- WE CAN DO THIS! WE ARE READY! :cool1:

Hello, Team!!
I don't usually do this, but what with taper madness running rampant and screamers freaking out on strategies...just wanted to point out that we DO have a WISHer in an event this weekend. I was VERY sorry to have missed MouseDogMom/Jackie on her January 1st event, so trying not to let that happen to anyone else! Please stop by the Race Reports/Encouragement/Kudos thread, if you can, so that others will know we really DO CARE about all of our athletes, WDW marathon weekend participants or not!! :goodvibes
Howard - Drats, he's in Red D. He's going to be looking for you, though. :goodvibes Oh Howard, you're going to miss out Water Stop.

I am slated for Blue C as well but knowing that all the Wishers are at the Red Water Stop, I am probably going to move to the Red D corral instead. I like the Red course better anyway.

:hyper: Wow...I have that nervous/hyper feeling. Will this last for another week???? Goodness...I have those butterflies playing bumper cars in my stomach. I think what i need is a nice little run :). Gonna' head out as soon as I post. *deep breaths*

So last night on the elliptical a Resolutionist tried to race me. Huh??? :confused3 I speed up..she speeds up. I reverse...she reverses. It was very odd. I'm thinking to myself...look lady...I'm at the peak of my training and I can literally stay on this thing for 5 hours so how about we not race. But instead I kept my eyes glued to the tv and continued with my intervals on the old XT machine. Geesh. :rotfl:

OK...so now I'm obsessing about food....when to eat...where to eat...what to eat. So yesterday it was clothes today it's food. Before that sneakers. Then who knows what else...weather, corrals, blisters...ACK! I haven't had any taper running dreams....but I did just dream about fig newtons! :laughing: What is up with THAT?? I don't even LIKE fig newtons.

I hope everyone is doing well :).

Matt: Welcome home!!! Nice to see you here on the boards!

Cowbells!!! We NEED more cowbell. (anyone catch the SNL reference???)

Dave MS : Take care of that hip buddy! I've been dealing w/ hip issues for a few years. I know one thing for sure STRETCH a bunch!!! And ice as well at night :). Hope the soreness/tightness goes away soon!!!

TGIF...have a great weekend everyone!!!!
Yay, Bill, come on over to the Red Side! :banana: We'll take good care of you! :laughing:

OK I have a HUGE favor to ask of everyone who will be at the finish line of the Half.... And I know Anne is going to keep on me about this but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remind me to KEEP WALKING when I am finished!!!

Last January I went over the finish line, had my chip removed, then somebody...I don't want to mention any names....told me there were no more medals. After that we all kind of just stood around in shock that we did all that for no bling. And THAT is why I passed out. :faint: Not from lack of bling, but from coming to a complete stop after 13.3 miles. (That's what my Garmin said I did.)

After the Minnie and after ToT I just kept walking around for a while and I didn't get lightheaded. (Well, I didn't see any EMTs worth passing out over anyway.)

So keep me moving. Thanks Race Team!! :thumbsup2
KAren - How come we know it's mental, but it's still so hard to deal with????

Howard - SOrry, I'm a bit touchy. However, that's only 7 degrees less than last yeaer. I start to freak over 70. Then again, it's taper time and I'm fraking over everything! :scared1:

AMyBeth - I'm afraid it will go another week. Yikes! I'm new to my job and they may not acknowledge taper madness as an excuse!!! :scared1:

ANyone think this seems a lot harder now that it's not the weekend after New Years????
AmyBeth--:lmao: "We Need More COWBELL!":lmao: I saw a repeat of that skit the other night during some SNL primetime special. Oh, and glad to know I'm not the only one who gets the elliptical racers;)

Okay, so I don't know if it's just taper, or the fact that I'm also going to Disney, but I'm worse now than before any other race. My mind is just racing, and instead of putting this nervous energy to work packing (or at the very least list making) I'm eating and Dis-ing. I don't know the secret to losing 10lbs in a week, but I sure know how to pack them on. My dad even noticed my "on edge-ness" today. I never did get to the gym today. I never thought I'd be saying this but I need to run--or at the very least a xanax:rotfl:
Strike one - no disposable ponchos at Target

Strike two - no cowbells either!

I guess I'll have to get down to the big city and check there!
Amy--That's one of my most favorite skits EVER!!! I love it!

Karen--I am so glad that things are going well with the baby. I was thinking you told us about the baby at CDC, so I was thinking she was due now. I counted from Aug-May a couple of times before it dawned on me that you told us about the baby at ToT!!!! :rotfl: I was thinking, "wow, Sean and his Mom must be REALLY close, since he told her about the baby about the same time it was conceived"!!! :scared1:

Stephanie--I'm not even running the marathon and I've got taper madness!!!!

:I'm thinking to myself...look lady...I'm at the peak of my training and I can literally stay on this thing for 5 hours so how about we not race.

Cowbells!!! We NEED more cowbell. (anyone catch the SNL reference???)!!!!

Amybeth, love the story of the lady in the gym!:rotfl:

And yes, we need more COWBELL!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Welcome back Matt!!
So last night on the elliptical a Resolutionist tried to race me. Huh??? :confused3 I speed up..she speeds up. I reverse...she reverses. It was very odd. I'm thinking to myself...look lady...I'm at the peak of my training and I can literally stay on this thing for 5 hours so how about we not race. But instead I kept my eyes glued to the tv and continued with my intervals on the old XT machine. Geesh. :rotfl:

Cowbells!!! We NEED more cowbell. (anyone catch the SNL reference???)

:lmao: Too funny about the resolutionist. I'm getting a little sick of them as well. I went to the pool to do laps the other night, and for the first time EVER, all the lap lanes were in use. In fact, as soon as I walked into the pool area, one guy who was chatting with some other lady "pool walking" (not swogging, but literally walking lengths in the pool) quickly jumped over to another lane so that I wouldn't take his lane. I wouldn't mind if these people were really working out or doing something productive, but they were all screwing around and all I wanted to do was get some laps in. After about 10 minutes of waiting for a lane to open up (I was scared to death to ask any of them to share a lane), I ended up leaving to go spin on the bike for 45 minutes. But yeah, the resolutionists need to either "poop or get off the pot." ;)

We could always use more cowbell! I love that SNL skit. Have you ever watched Jimmy Fallon and Horatio Sanz in the background during most of the skit? Classic!



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