The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday, Wendie! You have already received the best gift, now enjoy it!!! I'm so happy for you and your mom!

The cake last night was spectacular!!! The spice cake with pumpkin pudding was amazing!!! I wish that pudding flavor was not seasonal! Next up, I'm going to try strawberry cake with cheesecake pudding! Sounds yummy, huh?

Dinner tonight will be Lindsay's Kitty Chili with cornbread muffins. I'm also baking some potatoes, since DH and several kids like to put their chili on the taters. It's cold here, so it should taste good!
Hey Foodies!

Care to help me build a menu?

I was selected to host a Lipstick Jungle house party in a few weeks. It's a new show from the author of Sex and the City, and has a similar feel to it.

The party is at 6pm on a Sunday night, just for my girlfriends (no kids or husbands!), and is based around conversation and watching the pilot episode.

I want to do foods heavy enough to make a meal, and girly drinks.

Unfortunately I'm on a business trip the few days prior so I will just have Sat night and Sunday afternoon after church to get ready.

What are some girly/Manhatten-y foods and drinks you'd suggest? Recipes would be grand as well. I thought maybe a signature cocktail, bottle of white and red, and a non-alcoholic drink as well. What do you think?

I don't want to be playing bartender all night if I don't have to.

(I'm inviting 15 ladies, though they may not all come of course)
Whenever I make the buffalo chicken dip, I use a large can of chicken instead of cooking my own. It's quicker, and I don't have to worry about the chicken being undercooked, overcooked, etc.

I don't know why but the chicken and the ham in cans work well in that kind of recipe. I use the chunk ham and broccoli in scalloped potatoes and it is always moist.
Wendie, Hope you got to go for you bday dinner!

Nancy, So glad to hear about your Sis IL!

Gretchen, I hope you do find some time for yourself...don't burn out. :hug:

Laura/Becky, Let me know if you find the Neighborly Farms cheese. It really is good IMO.

Aimee, your party sounds like so much fun! Now to planning...when I think of the city, I think of so many different types of foods...street vendors, little italy, chinatown, jewish deli's, etc.

It sounds like you want to do easy stuff since you will be away before about stuff like (you can have a menu displayed in a frame and make up names like...don't laugh at me or my names :)):

Carnegie Deli appetizer reubens
Broadway Kosher smoked salmon, cream cheese on crackers
Little Italy bruscetta (sp)
Aimee's Shanghai mini egg rolls
New York Corner mini hot dogs
Ali Babba hummus and crackers
quiche de Paris
then fill ins like cheese plates, veggies, chips and dips
Lipstick Jungle italian pastries amd or cheesecake

as far as drinks, maybe have 1 signature drink like a cosmo, sangria or bellini (make pitchers of it or have the instructions how to make them displayed on the bar area) and then beer, wine, sodas, etc.

Hope this helps and you like some of these ideas. Let me know if you need any recipes, etc.

I wish you the best of birthdays :hug:
Aimee, your party sounds like so much fun! Now to planning...when I think of the city, I think of so many different types of foods...street vendors, little italy, chinatown, jewish deli's, etc.

It sounds like you want to do easy stuff since you will be away before about stuff like (you can have a menu displayed in a frame and make up names like...don't laugh at me or my names :)):

Carnegie Deli appetizer reubens
Broadway Kosher smoked salmon, cream cheese on crackers
Little Italy bruscetta (sp)
Aimee's Shanghai mini egg rolls
New York Corner mini hot dogs
Ali Babba hummus and crackers
quiche de Paris
then fill ins like cheese plates, veggies, chips and dips
Lipstick Jungle italian pastries amd or cheesecake


Lauren- you have missed your calling. I think you are a party planner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due to snow, my birthday dinner out has been rescheduled until tomorrow night, lol. "The Lobster Trap" (catchy name huh?,lol) is closed until tomorrow at 11am.
It is ok by me....just makes 2 nights I don't have to cook....the little local pizza shop was open tonight. I don't mind celebrating my b-day 2 days in a row as long as I don't have to age any more, lol!

Aimee your party sounds like sooo much fun.....all I know is that you have to have pink drinks!!!
Hey folks, has anyone noticed what page this is??? :cheer2:

Tonight I am making jambasta :)

WFD at your house?
Lauren- you have missed your calling. I think you are a party planner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awww, I am glad you liked my ideas!

Awesome Ideas, Lauren!!! I'm totally stealing your labels. THANKS!

Steal away...whatever you decide to do, have fun!

Due to snow, my birthday dinner out has been rescheduled until tomorrow night, lol. "The Lobster Trap" (catchy name huh?,lol) is closed until tomorrow at 11am.
It is ok by me....just makes 2 nights I don't have to cook....the little local pizza shop was open tonight. I don't mind celebrating my b-day 2 days in a row as long as I don't have to age any more, lol!

Aimee your party sounds like sooo much fun.....all I know is that you have to have pink drinks!!!

Celebrate away!!! :) Pink is good!

Tom has been asking for chicken ala king for a while now, so that is what I will be making. He is not a big fan of alot of veggies though so I have to alter the recipes I have. I will serve with either toast or rice and a salad.

Have a great day all!
Page 1000!

Wendie- My SIL has a birthday month every year. Not a birth Day not a birth lasts all month long! Enjoy your two days!

Dinner last night was good. I am getting used to no butter in the sauces and gravies I make, although a cream sauce made with olive oil is just not the same :sad2:. I made a chicken and white bean soup with chicken meatballs as well and it was good. I think it needed tomatoes but was outvoted. My neighbor was sick so Buddy took a pot pie down to her family along with a pot of soup. Now I just need to get a pie to my Aunt along with some soup and I done.

I am not sure about dinner tonight. I need to clean out my refrigerators and wash them out. I will pick a protein up at the store when I run out for laundry soap that I forgot to buy on Sunday.

Now I need some input. We are thinking of a family trip to Disney in November, the weekend after Thanksgiving. It is not set in stone yet, we need t get Buddy in board and now everyone down to Kady has orders not to let the cat out of the bag. I have to find a way to convince him that it is okay for him to take a week out of work ;). I know that Kathy and Gretchen have gone down this week. How are the crowds and what are some of the highlights? I have read about the Candlelight Processional but know nothing about it.
Nancy, How exciting that you may be going to Disney!

I have never been there at that time so I cannot give any advice on crowds but when we were there during Xmas 2006 we really enjoyed the Candlelight Processional and Osborne Lights at MGM...I also believe they have Xmas story tellers around the world in EPCOT.

All ears has alot of info:
I don't know why but the chicken and the ham in cans work well in that kind of recipe. I use the chunk ham and broccoli in scalloped potatoes and it is always moist.

I totally agree! As an added bonus, it really cuts down on the prep time!
Lindsay - can I just say that your kitty chili ROCKS!!!!! It was so incredibly yummy! Even my 2 pickiest eaters cleaned their bowls! Definitely a keeper. It was really easy to throw together, too. I think that next time I make it, I will start it earlier in the day and let it simmer a bit longer to thicken up a bit more!

WFD? Leftover kitty chili!!!!! DH wants me to make macaroni and cheese to mix with it, so I will. Anything to stretch the leftovers! I will not be eating with the family, as I have a dinner with our women's church group tonight. It won't be wonderful, but at least I won't have to cook. Katie can handle warming up the chili and making a box of mac and cheese!

Lauren - Your ideas for Aimee's party sound so cool! I agree with Nancy. You should open up a party planning business with Lindsay as a caterer, and the Liam sisters as well! What a success that would be!!!!
Wendie, happy birthday one day late!

Aimee, I would go with cosmopolitans for your cocktail. You can make up a whole pitcher of them in advance. Plus, they are pink!

Nancy, the week after Thanksgiving is when Laura and I went three years ago. It was the first trip I took the kids on. It's a great time to go. The arks are dead. We never waited more than 10 minutes for any ride, even Space Mountain (we did use fastpass for some stuff though, like Soarin'). We were able to book a pontoon to watch illuminations from, we got all the adrs we wanted without booking a zillion years in advance, we got to go to the Christmas party, the weather was great...that's the week we are going down in 2008. Maybe we will see you there!

Kathy, the chicken and pasta dish was very easy. I just kind if made it up as I went along, so you might want to taste for seasoning since I did not measure anything. Here is the recipe:

Cheese-Stuffed Chicken with Asparagus pasta

For thie chicken:

Four boneless skinless chicken breasts
4 slices of proscuitto
4 ounces of brie, rind removed, divided into 4 equal portions
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup dry breadcrumbs
1/3 cup parmesean cheese
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. oil

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Combine the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, and parmesean cheese on a plate.

Cut a pocket in each chicken breast. Stuff the pocket with the proscuitto, then the cheese, and press to close.

Dip the chicken in the egg, then the crumbs, pressing lightly to coat.

Melt the butter and oil in a skillet large enough to hold the chicken. When the butter foams, swirl the fat to coat the pan and put in the chicken. Cook, turning once, until both sides are golden brown, about 3-4 minutes a side. Place the skillet with the chicken into the preheated oven and cook until chicken is just done--about 10 minutes longer (more if your breasts are big). Serve over pasta.

For the pasta

12 ounces pasta
1 bunch asparagus, woody ends removed, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 tbsp butter
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup white wine (optional)
1/4 cup parmesean cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Bring a pot of water to a boil and cook the pasta until al dente. When there are about 3 minutes left, drop in the asparagus. Drain the pasta and asparagus and toss with the sauce.


Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the wine (if using). Reduce the wine by at least half, or more if you have time. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Boil until the sauce is reduced by 1/3. Toss the pasta with the sauce until well coated, stirring in the parmesean cheese as you toss. Use enough sauce to melt the cheese and coat the pasta.

Serve on plate with chicken, garnished with extra cheese and chopped herbs to taste.
My other post was getting too long, but here are pictures from last night's dinner. This is a straw potato cake:


Very thin and crunchy. And this is a goat cheese souffle:


As you can see it overflowed! It was really tasty though. We also had a salad, which I firgot to take a picture of.

Tonight is TV night so I am making us sandwiches of the leftover brie chicken, sliced really thin and put on a baguette with artichoke pesto, thin sliced red onions, and arugula.
Aimee -- Your party sounds fun. Lauren had some great ideas.

Nancy -- Like Becky said, the week after Thanksgiving is great. I highly recommend MVMCP. I know it is another expense, but we think it is worth it. The parade is great, the fireworks are completely different from regular Wishes, and it snows (soap) on Main Street. The only problem with that week is it is tough to pack for it. We had some days where we were wearing shorts, and other days we were wearing our winter coats!

I'm not sure what is for dinner yet. I have to go to the store. Caili has been asking for lamb chops, so I am tentatively planning lamb chops, rice, green beans and broccoli. Of course, now that I said that, I will go to the store and they won't have any lamb.
Tonight we're going to the stockshow to see the Extreme Bull Riding - I am STOKED! I love me some violent sports.

We'll be dining at our favorite mexican place beforehand with the ILs. They have the BEST salsa.
Lauren - You really are great at the party planning!!:thumbsup2

Nancy - The week after Thanksgiving is a great time to go. We got there the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the crowds were very low through Wednesday after that it picked up quite a bit, about a 30-45 minute wait on the popular attractions. I enjoyed the Candlelight Processional a lot more than I thought I would, it is beautiful. The Osbourne Lights are also worth seeing and if you haven't been to Disney during the holidays you should go resort touring to see the amazing decorations. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Becky - Thanks for the recipes, I appreciate it!
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