What are your favorite books?

If you like to read...you should look into something called the SONY Reader.


I've had one for a while now and I love it.

If you travel, you can take up to 80 full length novels with you. I realize that might not be necessary, but I know when I go away....I usually have a couple of books to take with me. This makes it so much easier.

It's an expensive gadget but worth it in my opinion. also...books are much cheaper. I bought the new Julie Andrews autobiography. It's $25 in stores. I paid $14 for the digital copy and I bought it from my laptop at 2am. It takes about 45 seconds.

The other great thing is the weight. The device weighs about 10 ounces. I just finished reading World Without End and it's approximately 1000 pages and weighs 30lbs (ok...may 28).

Just an idea for you to consider...

By the way....I dont work on comission and have no affiliation. It's just an awesome product that not many people know about.
I'll read anything and everything by James Patterson, Dean Koontz, Tami Hoag and a few others that are escaping the bowels of my brain right now.

I want/need one of those Sony Readers!!! I love gadgets and books so what a great combo! And that way my DH couldn't fuss at me for having 2-3 books on my nightstand, 2-3 on my desk and the boxes of books that I have stored in the closets. Well, he could and will still fuss because those books aren't going anywhere because I will eventually have a reading room but this would keep me from adding to the stacks 'o books.

Thanks for the good work on the Sony reader. My DW is dying to have one (a reader) and was concerned about the price of the books and its ease of use.

Along these lines, particularly for P.G. Wodehouse fans (me included), many of his books and stories (including My Man Jeeves) are in the public domain (in the U.S.) and are now available for free download from Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/w#a783 (yes, this is legal, at least in the U.S.) These can be read on just about any word processing program, including most hand held pda's. I download them to my pda phone so I can read them whenever my DW is shopping (and shopping and shopping). . . .
I don't know the Sony Reader looks very cool, but I love my actual books, there's nothing like opening a brand new book by a favorite author, I just can't imagine reading off a gadget! I think I'm getting old though cause I don't like text messaging either. :blush:
If you like to read...you should look into something called the SONY Reader.

Do you find it really as easy to read as paper? I find that i cannot read on my computer as long as I can a book because my eyes get tired. Do this device have the same effect?

I have really enjoyed audiobooks as of late. Unless I am on vacation, I have almost no time to read at home but I find using the time that I am commuting to listen to books has been great for me. I now have a subscription to Audible.

They have done a really good job of recreating the paper experience.

There is no backlighting. It's almost like reading a paperback book.

The other cool thing is that there are 3 sizes of font.



Almost anything by P.G. Wodehouse, but in particular the Jeeves and Wooster stories. The deftness of wit he employs is sometimes astonishing. I will re-read passages just to make myself laugh again. An example:

Describing a vicar who had apparently lost money that he had borrowed from a parishoner at the gaming tables: "He looked like a sheep with a secret sorrow."

Start with "My Man Jeeves" and keep going. They get better and better.

If you enjoy these books, you might enjoy one of my favorite authors - Terry Pratchett. He isn't as well known here in the USA, but at least now his books are available here! When I first started reading his stuff I had to get friends/relatives to cart books back from the UK when they traveled.

He writes amazing satire - disguised as "fantasy". You'll find him in the fantasy section and, yes, there are trolls, dwarfs, etc in the cast of characters - but it is NOTHING like your average (or even above-average) fantasy. Most of his best works are part of a series that takes place on the "Discworld" - pretty much each book stands alone, but they get more and more fun as you read more.

For those who like audio books, many of Pratchett's books are available on Audible and they are very good - I've been enjoying re-'reading' some as audio.

I mostly read James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Patricia Cornwell, Michael Crichton, and stuff like that. Also love the Harry Potter series. I'm re-reading them all right now for about the 3rd time.
If you enjoy these books, you might enjoy one of my favorite authors - Terry Pratchett. He isn't as well known here in the USA, but at least now his books are available here! When I first started reading his stuff I had to get friends/relatives to cart books back from the UK when they traveled.

He writes amazing satire - disguised as "fantasy". You'll find him in the fantasy section and, yes, there are trolls, dwarfs, etc in the cast of characters - but it is NOTHING like your average (or even above-average) fantasy. Most of his best works are part of a series that takes place on the "Discworld" - pretty much each book stands alone, but they get more and more fun as you read more.

For those who like audio books, many of Pratchett's books are available on Audible and they are very good - I've been enjoying re-'reading' some as audio.


My DH LOVES Terry Pratchett !!!! He doesn't read any other fiction but he is working his way through Terry's books and he is addicted. He especially likes the Discworld series and he keeps telling me I have to read them. He is very excited about The Colour of Magic movie .
I was an English major in college so I spent 4.5 years reading all kinds of stuff that either STUNK or was just wayyyyy out there. So now I read what I want to...anything that Nicholas Sparks puts out there and also a Christian fiction writer named Karen Kingsbury. I end up with a pile of tissues in my lap with both authors.

Although I haven't read it yet, I want to read Alton Brown's newest tome based on his Feasting on Asphalt 2 tour. My DH and I watch "Good Eats" every night and just love him!!
If you like to read...you should look into something called the SONY Reader.


I've had one for a while now and I love it.

The Kindle from Amazon is supposed to be good, too. We're more iPod people so DW got a platinum subscription to Audible, and we love that. It's about $23 a month, and she gets two books, and discounts beyond that. It's definitely more than the Sony reader, but it makes car trips much more pleasant. We sometimes listen together, and sometimes she puts her earphones on to enjoy a book herself. Between the subscription and the other books we wind up purchasing, we probably get 4-5 audio books from Audible each month. Audible will own us soon. :sad1:

I love a good mystery, and Margaret Maron's Deborah Knott series are great. The take place in North Carolina. Hard Row was her latest, and Bootlegger's Daughter was the first.

I've gotten into both Steven Berry (Amber Room, Third Secret) and Vince Flynn. I miss Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan series.
I have to agree with WaltD4Me...reading and Disney are my two favorite hobbies. (Well, do kids count as a hobby? Because if so, my time is spent overwhelmingly on that one... :) )

I love Bill Bryson. He's a travel writer, but has also written some surprisingly absorbing books on language and an excellent general science book, "A Short History of Nearly Everything."

I also enjoy reading Miss Read, J.K. Rowling, L.M. Montgomery as far as fiction goes (although I'm not a big fiction gal). I mostly stick to non-fiction and biographies.

It would be so hard to assemble a "Top Ten" list, but I appreciate this thread as it gives me some new reading material!
I have several favorites, the Harry Potter series, Pride & Prejudice, The Other Boleyn Girl, and Jennifer Crusie's solo books. I also enjoy Susan E Phillips & Stephanie Laurens. My Dh groans when I go to the library :-).
big reader here.....i always carry a book where ever i go...will have to check out the sony reader.....
robertgp124- i loved the amber room.

mostly i like mystery or suspense.
I mostly read James Patterson, Janet Evanovich, Patricia Cornwell, Michael Crichton, and stuff like that. Also love the Harry Potter series. I'm re-reading them all right now for about the 3rd time.

You and I have very similiar tastes in books. My DH hates that I have practically all of the J. Patterson & P. Cornwell books and doesn't understand why anyone would reread a book. I love him but he isn't a literary nut, he's just a nut.
I like historical non-fiction such as 1776 by David McCullough which I am reading now. Then I'll read The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin by Gordon S. Wood. Then after the John Adams miniseries on HBO I'll read the book, John Adams by David McCullough. Sounds like real fun reading, does it not?
You guys are so great with your books! Keep them coming! Today I went to the library and borrowed Pillars of Earth, Gone For Good, and Falling Man. I can't wait to read them! (Yes, I actually go to the library like a good little nerd).

Kevin, I suggest you read anything by David Sedaris. He seems to have the same type of humor you do. He is hilarious. If you read the book Me Talk Pretty Some Day, he has a story about teaching people from other cultures about how we celebrate Easter that will knock you over laughing!
I have three favorite books:
Pet Cemetary
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
and last but not least,
Kingdom Keepers
pdarrah, that's very funny -- Pratchett is another one of my favorites! I'm about 1/3 of the way through the Discworld series, and as a result I no longer fear DEATH, at least ever since I learned his horse's name is "Binky." :lmao:

Thanks for thinking of me! You have good instincts!


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