Useless Facts/Chit Chat Thread

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we'll have our get togethers at your house. :rotfl:

Hey i bet i have the lowest house payment though. That I love it's what has kept us from building here.

My house is spacious. I didn't say it was nice! :lmao: As long as we have that understanding, come on over!
I'm going to make you all feel better. 1800sq. ft. doublewide(yes i'm a redneck) 3br 2bath. on 5 acres. Now you should all feel better about yourselves. I do have a 3 car garage with a room upstairs and if you count the TT I have a guest house.:lmao:

We started out in a "manufactured home". We loved it...4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and lots of nice closets. It wasn't in a great area though so we moved out to the country. I do miss the much smaller payments. I sometimes think about how much simpler my life would be if we still lived there.
I'm just putting this out their to any of you who may be in the medical field. She is covered head to toe.

Any ideas?

Urticaria (hives). I had exactly the same looking thing when I was bitten by a spider. Unfortunately for me, in addition to the hives, I also had angioedema (swelling - my eyes even swelled shut - it looked like someone took a bat to me). DH took me to the doctor right away as I was pregnant at the time, but the hives and the swelling all went away in a matter of days. We figured it was from a spider bite, because the day before I broke out I found 3 or 4 spiders in my office. I didn't even feel the bite.
Hives can also be caused by a virus, especially in kids. Has she been feeling okay other than the itching from the hives? Are there any viruses going around your neck of the woods? I know here in MA strep throat and some sort of flu has been wreaking havoc the last couple of weeks. They even closed my 2nd DD's school because so many kids/staff were sick.
I hope she's feeling better soon, poor thing, I remember how itchy it was. I know one thing that helped with my itching was an oatmeal bath (I think it was Aveeno that I used. They come in single bath size packets). Good luck, and again, I hope she's feeling better soon! :goodvibes
We live in a 1300 sq. foot 3 bedrooms and two bath home, we bought it brand new 27 yrs ago, our payment back then were 375.00 and we wondered how we would make it :rolleyes1 our payments though the years have more than tripled and we still sometimes wondering how are going to make it...this manison will be paid for in three yrs.

We raised two kids in this house and it was always full of kids though the years, we always had at least 4 or 5 girls here at all time with my dds, and the house never seemed all of a sudden with the house basically empty with my dd married, there seems to be no room for anything :confused3
Urticaria (hives).

Hives was going to be my guess, too. My son has gotten them several times. The doctor said to give him Benadryl and it cleared up fast. I hope you are able to get into a doctor soon and that she's better in no time!!
Urticaria (hives). I had exactly the same looking thing when I was bitten by a spider. Unfortunately for me, in addition to the hives, I also had angioedema (swelling - my eyes even swelled shut - it looked like someone took a bat to me). DH took me to the doctor right away as I was pregnant at the time, but the hives and the swelling all went away in a matter of days. We figured it was from a spider bite, because the day before I broke out I found 3 or 4 spiders in my office. I didn't even feel the bite.
Hives can also be caused by a virus, especially in kids. Has she been feeling okay other than the itching from the hives? Are there any viruses going around your neck of the woods? I know here in MA strep throat and some sort of flu has been wreaking havoc the last couple of weeks. They even closed my 2nd DD's school because so many kids/staff were sick.
I hope she's feeling better soon, poor thing, I remember how itchy it was. I know one thing that helped with my itching was an oatmeal bath (I think it was Aveeno that I used. They come in single bath size packets). Good luck, and again, I hope she's feeling better soon! :goodvibes

Another she on any medication that has a warning label on it to stay out of direct sun? I was on some a while back, and when I went out in the sun I got a reaction that looked exactly like your daughters rash.
We started out in a "manufactured home". We loved it...4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and lots of nice closets. It wasn't in a great area though so we moved out to the country. I do miss the much smaller payments. I sometimes think about how much simpler my life would be if we still lived there.

There is something to be said for simplicity. If and when we need to move again, I will certainly look for something smaller. I love having acerage, but I don't like the upkeep of the yard and the pool! I want to get rid of STUFF! We don't need so much cotton picken' stuff!
There is something to be said for simplicity. If and when we need to move again, I will certainly look for something smaller. I love having acerage, but I don't like the upkeep of the yard and the pool! I want to get rid of STUFF! We don't need so much cotton picken' stuff!

Our first home had a pool & after the novelty wore off, couldn't wait to get rid of it. (Built-in had to sell the house to get rid of the pool - LOL) Our second home was approx 3000 sq ft on one acre. I loved having the acre, but for 2 people and 4 cats, the house was too big & I was a slave to it. Now, we have a 1000 sf house with a motor port that houses our "guest house on wheels", a very small lot... but, a clubhouse w/a pool and all the frills. My only "ill-feeling" is the size of the lot. In retrospect, I wish we had bought two lots to put our home on, but that meant double home-owner fees & didn't want to pay that. If we ever sell our current home, I would be very happy full-timing in my RV - but DH has angst about that. So... I would probably look for about 1/2 to 3/4 acres & would have no problem putting a manufactured home on it. DH was in that business for about 5 years & some m. houses can be far better built than a site-built home. I'd probably look for something in the 1500sf range. Now, we never had children, so 1500 sf may be rather small if you have kids. Looking back on my growing up years though, we never lived in a home larger than 1200 sf, had one bathroom for 5 people, and we did just fine. We only had one TV set & that only got about 8 channels, too!! OMG, what a denied childhood we had!!! We also rode bikes with no helmets, suffered correction from our friend's parents and other adult neighbors, were guilty until proven innocent, climbed trees, roamed the woods, fields, and neighborhoods, didn't have Purell, ate fruit & veggies fresh picked & just wiped on our shirts, ran barefoot.... OMG!!! I should be dead!!:rotfl2:
Well, our house is a log cabin, that is about 1500 sq ft. Plus a full basement, with an office etc. We live on 5 acres, but it came from my grandmothers farm, and when she passed away, she gave it to my Dad and Aunts, so we are surrounded by their 55 acres. I also have a 1200 sq ft shop, that has a bathroom as well, so when Erica gets mad at me I have a refuge LOL. In the next couple of weeks, we are going to rent a high lift and take Ami's advice and make a "camp site" in the back 40. Right now, if the weather is bad (snow, ice) I have to park TT at dad's house, gonna try to fix that too.
Another she on any medication that has a warning label on it to stay out of direct sun? I was on some a while back, and when I went out in the sun I got a reaction that looked exactly like your daughters rash.

that was my guess...i had a softball player have that very reaction from medicine...but hives are caused by so many things, so who knows?
We only had one TV set & that only got about 8 channels, too!!

Where were you living? I only remember 3. Now we have about 250 and nothing is ever on!

My first memory of TV was when mom made me come inside to watch Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953. She said I'd always remember it. She was right -- I was really mad that she made me come inside! I think we were the only ones in the neighborhood who had a TV and then only because dad sold them.
Another she on any medication that has a warning label on it to stay out of direct sun? I was on some a while back, and when I went out in the sun I got a reaction that looked exactly like your daughters rash.

No medication either. The good news is she's looking much better today and the itching is gone. We may never know exactly what it was. Thanks for everyone's input.
Oh goodness, that is really good news. I sure hope you find out what happened to her to make her break out in hives. That is no way to spend your day. I hope she is on the road to recovery.
No medication either. The good news is she's looking much better today and the itching is gone. We may never know exactly what it was. Thanks for everyone's input.

So glad she is looking/feeling better! :)
VACAMPER, glad your daughter is better.

I'm outside in the gazebo eating the first grilled hamburger of the year, drinking some Harp and listening to AC/DC. My neighbors didn't like the Buckcherry song I was playing so I had to change it. It's 77 now which is great for Buffalo this time of year!

I love, wifi, beer (Hinder now), global warming and wine. Getiing windy here though.
It is so nice outside right now. It is 82º here and so beautiful. I just love this weather.
My neighbors didn't like the Buckcherry song I was playing so I had to change it.

I was just wondering how they let you know they didn't like it? (could use a few pointers around here :rotfl: ) Enjoy those burgers!! We had our first ones of the season a few weeks ago -- nothing like 'em!
I was just wondering how they let you know they didn't like it? (could use a few pointers around here :rotfl: )

DW told me to change it. She didn't like it either. :lmao:

Working on beer #4 now, a Molson -- no beer before it's time! Just finished a Tyskie (Polish beer) that's remarkably good pilsner. Gotta love it! Czech beer is the best though. Pretty expensive -- Harp is up to $28 a case now and I dread having to go get more. Luckily I still have a few cases around.
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