Gluttony . . . Pure Gluttony. 14 nights food reviews from two little piggies!LAST DAY

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You had me at Gluttony....Pure Gluttony.:rotfl2:

Just finished reading your em.
We cant wait to try EOS for lunch. Those sandwiches look great.
What wonderful commentary.::yes::
I just started reading your dining review and realized we're both from Norwich. :thumbsup2 It's nice to know there are other DISers in Norwich. ::yes:: Maybe I'll see you in the Disney store sometime.
So we were planning to go to Earl of Sandwich today and sample one of the breakfast sandwiches but we couldn’t get out of bed so we did the usual, more Beignets , cereal and fruit! All good again – didn’t taste a beignet I wouldn’t marry all trip. :thumbsup2

We spent the morning at Typhoon Lagoon and after exhausting ourselves floating on the lazy river for 2 hours we decided we needed a treat! Off to our old favourites, the mini cinnamon donut hut! We were very good and just ordered 6 to share. They were lovely, light, warm soft – so good. BUT, they no longer come with cinnamon sugar on, just normal sugar. They are still the best donuts ever (take note Krispy Kreme) but the cinnamon sugar really made them stand out from other donuts before. TG 8/10, me 9/10. Will still defo have them again.

Earl of Sandwich for lunch. After being slightly disappointed with his Earls Club last week TG shocked the life out of me by ordering something different (he is not a man for change!). He went for the Full Montague (roast beef and turkey with cheddar and Swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, tomato and mustard sauce). I went for my 2nd fave sandwich – the Beef n Blue. TG loved his – 9/10. Me . . .not so much. Did it always have salad in it?! I remember it as being like the Original, apart from blue cheese instead of horseradish. This had beef (lots of it) lettuce, tomato and just a few dollops of blue cheese. I was disappointed. Maybe I just changed this in my mind over the past two years, but I remember loving it and now I probably wouldn’t order it again. 6/10 though for good bread and lots of beef! And look at that disgusting bright cupcake thing – he got that instead of my lovely brownie!!!! I was not happy!!!!!!! He says it was lovely and soft but I refused to eat any so can’t comment!!:(
Beef N Blue front,Full Montague at back

TG fancied an icecream so we popped to Ghiradellis and he got a mint-choc chip in a waffle cone. This was actually superb - loads of really creamy icecream and a thick cone with chocolate round it!! I ended up eating loads of it! Shocker!! :rotfl2: 9/10!
Watch out, the tongue is back . . . and this time its green!!

Riverside foodcourt. We sat by the pool all afternoon and TG announced he was going in for an ice-cream and did I want one . . . hmmm ice-cream or MAGIC COOKIE BAR?! No contest is there!? :confused3 I did take another photo of it, but I have a bikini on and we were now at the stage of the vacation where it hurt to hold my tummy in, so sadly I can’t post it. It was as good as before 10/10. I think I slightly preferred the first one, because having it chilled from the fridge in our room rather than melting round the pool and dripping into my belly button was slightly preferable! TG had a strawberry icecream which he gives 7/10.

Dinner tonight was at Whispering Canyon Café somewhere else we had never been before. I was all prepared, I made TG wear his Universal t-shirt, and when we arrived asked to be seated in the main area. Soooo wish I hadn’t!!!! We waited about 20 mins past our ADR time to be seated, and in that time could hear all the torture being inflicted upon people in the restaurant, which got us a bit panicky. By the time we got in there they were making a poor lady ride round the room on a horse thing. I don’t know what happened . . . . we were looking forward to tonight, we knew that sorts of things they do, but by the time we got in there we just weren’t in the mood for it!! TG was giving me daggers for making him wear the t-shirt!!

It started off badly with a waiter coming over to tell us off for not joining in the singing – we had literally just that second sat down! We were really thirsty from the long wait, but we didn’t see our waiter for a good 5 mins. Tony drank his drink in about 5 seconds flat he was so thirsty, so I hoped he would get the large glass brought out. The waiter commented on how fast he had drunk it but didn’t bring out a large glass next time – in fact it took about 15 mins to get a replacement drink at all! He also commented on his t-shirt but again didn’t do anything – I think he had sensed we weren’t in our perkiest moods!! After that we relaxed a bit and joined in with other people’s pain!

Onto food – corn bread came out to start, with butter. This was my first taste of it with butter and it was very good! I love this cornbread stuff!! Think I ate most of the plate of it!

TG ordered the cheese, sausage and cracker plate to start. I really wanted a skillet but this didn’t come with wings, and I have to have wings if they are on a menu, so I ordered those. We both had St Louis ribs for our entrée. The wings were excellent. TG didn’t much enjoy his - he said it was too dry and needed something to moisten it up. There was BBQ sauce, but we couldn’t quite see how that went with cheese! He didn’t eat much of this.
Cheese / sausage plate


Now this annoyed me!!!!!!! The entrees came out about 5 mins after our appetisers, so sat there getting cold while we were still eating. I hate that!! Our waiter did come over and ask if we wanted them taken back in the kitchen, but baring in mind where we were we didn’t dare make a fuss!!!! The ribs were Ok, a little dry and hard to get the meat off . . . I think I am a babyback snob to be honest! TG said the same. The mash was excellent – I love mash! I asked for coleslaw instead of whatever the veg was (green beans?) and he brought me a couple of pots of this out – this was as far as he went with having fun with us!!
Ribs,mash, coleslaw. You can see (what's left!) of the cornbread as well.

Now this is one of the few places where I remember our waiters name, but I can’t name him for the following reason . . . at this point we were full (darn cornbread overload) so said we wouldn’t have dessert . . . he asked if we could keep a secret and I quite honestly told him we can’t. He didn’t seem to believe us though :rotfl: and went and got us 2 free desserts! Is this something they normally do here? I don’t like to name him in case he gets in trouble! He got TG the Kahula flavoured chocolate cake and me the Smore cheesecake. I can honestly say this is one of the best cheesecakes of my life, and not just because it was free! It was really creamy, had a graham cracker base, and lots of marshmallows on top. I very nearly ate it all and I was stuffed before I started! Inexplicably I forgot to take a photo of this!! It was quieter in the restaurant by then, and the waiter came over and had a nice long chat with us – he was really nice and I left the place feeling a lot better about it than when we arrived! I doubt we would return though, the stress is too much – its probably more fun in a large group!!! TG is “5/10 - too stressful and meal mediocre”. I would give a 7 for the wings, cheesecake and cornbread! We left a huge tip so we didn’t get harassed on the way out – sometimes you just gotta buy your freedom!!!

That was all we ate today, impressed!? :laughing:

Coming soon . . . Golden Corrall breakfast, KFC lunch, House of Blues dinner, Mickey bar, Cookes of Dublin snack, and another goofy snack!.
You had me at Gluttony....Pure Gluttony.:rotfl2:

Just finished reading your em.
We cant wait to try EOS for lunch. Those sandwiches look great.
What wonderful commentary.::yes::
Thank you!! You just can't beat The Earl . . . or can you?!

I just started reading your dining review and realized we're both from Norwich. :thumbsup2 It's nice to know there are other DISers in Norwich. ::yes:: Maybe I'll see you in the Disney store sometime.

Well hello!! Have just been on your trip-report and seen you are a librarian . . . do you work for Norfolk Library Service?! :goodvibes If so I think we have the same employers . . . I work for County Council! If we do work for the same people then I would like to take back that little "joke" about me writing these reports while I'm at work . . . :rotfl2:

We spend hours wondering round the Disney store pretending we are back in Florida!!!!!
They are still the best donuts ever (take note Krispy Kreme) but the cinnamon sugar really made them stand out from other donuts before.

We waited about 20 mins past our ADR time to be seated, and in that time could hear all the torture being inflicted upon people in the restaurant, which got us a bit panicky.

LOL - another great installment, but I'm going to have to call you *out* on believing that there could be better donuts in the WORLD than Krispy Kreme. Here in Atlanta, you could be lynched for making such a statement - LOL! We were planning on doing Blizzard Beach this time, but I might just have to check out TL instead just to sample the "best donuts ever." :rotfl2:

Also, I just have to say that Whispering Canyon is kind of my "eh" ADR. DH really wants to go because he thinks that the hijinks will be hysterical, but I'm the type of gal who is not into hijinks at meals. The thought of ending up on the bad end of the torture scale makes me :scared1: . However, I'm glad to read that your server was pretty observant as to your mood - - maybe our server will just pick on DH, right? :hyper: Anyway, thanks again for another great installment!
Well hello!! Have just been on your trip-report and seen you are a librarian . . . do you work for Norfolk Library Service?! :goodvibes If so I think we have the same employers . . . I work for County Council! If we do work for the same people then I would like to take back that little "joke" about me writing these reports while I'm at work . . . :rotfl2:

We spend hours wondering round the Disney store pretending we are back in Florida!!!!!

I do work for the County Council at the Forum library. Say hi, if you ever see me. I'm the only American working there. Don't worry your 'joke' is safe with me. :rotfl: My hubby and me do the same thing at the Disney store, unless my friend's husband is working because he thinks I'm nuts for liking Disney more than him and when I don't even work there. :rolleyes1

I think you are brave doing the WCC, I am far too British! :rotfl2: I just want to eat my tea :rotfl:

So nice of your server to give you free desserts though, that cheesecake sounds amazing, I love smores :lovestruc

Laur's princess:
Friday 16th May.

Off to Busch Gardens today so we needed a big breakfast to get us on our way. Where better than Golden Corral – unlimited food and drink from the world’s biggest buffet (probably!) for about $8 each! :thumbsup2

I won’t waste much time reviewing this – if you’re American you probably have one near you and if you’re British just know that we have NOTHING like this at home and get yourself there!! :goodvibes

I will post all the pictures though.
Nice healthy fruit to start :rolleyes1

My plate - potatoes, biscuit & gravy (very good) bacon (pretty good) sausage patty (too greasy!)

Front plate - my waffle and pancake (nice but waffles should have mickey heads in them!)
TG had 2 plates at the back -one with fried eggs, the other with toast, bacon, chicken tenders, sausage and french toast! He had also had some pancakes prior to this plate!

Me, chocolate chessboard (i think that was the name! Anyway it was very nice chocolate mousse,) jello, and coconut cream pie (which I couldn't taste any coconut in so was basically a pile of cream and bananas. I wasn't complaining!)

Yes, that’s right, chocolate for breakfast and I have no regrets - it was goooooooooooood!!
TG - carrot cake, choc chess board, jello

All this from people who aren't big on breakfast!! :rotfl2:
Everything was nice, there is nothing bad here and nothing exceptional, but for the price it can’t be beat! It is a solid 8/10 from me, 7/10 for TG.

I have no food to review from Busch Gardens as we left after 45 mins – Toto, we sure knew we weren’t in Disney anymore! We got back to Disney and decided to get a KFC . . . should have just eaten in the POFQ foodcourt! This was not good food! We went for the drumstick and thighs bucket as conveniently I like drumsticks and TG likes thighs! I can only feel sorry for the poor chickens these came off, as they were obviously anorexic! Never have I seen drumsticks with so little meat on them and so badly dried out! And get this – no fries in the whole shop – had to have dried-out wedges or nothing. All in all not recommended. Orlando – you let us down bad on our favourites – Dominos, Krispy Kremes and KFC. Time to get some more Disney back into our diets!

Popped to AK for the Nemo show and TG had an icecream Mickey head thing – TG gives it 8/10. I was feeling too gross from the KFC to try it.

Then we went to Goofy’s to have some more snacks made up! This was my fave one of the trip – in fact it’s so good I repeat it later! This was marshmallows, covered in milk chocolate, smothered in choc chips and reeces pieces, and drizzled in caramel. If you are a chocolate fan I can recommend going for the choc chips as they set to form a really thick layer of chocolate!:love:

TG had a giant oreo cookie in milk chocolate, with m&ms and reeses, and drizzled in caramel. We had these after our dinner tonight – mine was 10/10, TG 9/10.

Dinner tonight was meant to be Bongo’s at DTD. I had noticed there are hardly ever any reviews of this place and though I would make it my duty to review it. But Bongo’s made a fatal mistake . . . they don’t take ADR’s. This gave me time to consider whether I really wanted to go here. . . a glance it my trusty Passporter told me to change – the review was not great! So we booked House of Blues the day before. An excellent decision – this was hands down one of the best meals of the trip. I ordered the ribs but instead of sweet potato mash I subbed for normal mash, and instead of the green beans (yuk) I had asparagus. Everything was perfect - mash was good quality, asparagus was dripping in butter (something I never dare do at home!) and the ribs fell off the bone. TG went for a pepperoni pizza. We ordered a side of cornbread (of course!) to go with it. So, so far I have had African cornbread, muffin cornbread, gross stuffing cornbread, this one was a first – ginger cornbread!! The menu didn’t mention the ginger! It was lovely and I ate loads of it, but I couldn’t help feel naughty all the way through, as if I was eating my dessert along with my entrée! Lovely though, hot, moist and oh so light! The maple butter with it was just scrummylicious. I could have eaten this meal every night of the trip as long as they kept on letting me get rid of the green beans!! I am a 10/10. TG is an 8 (should have had the ribs!).
Ribs front, pizza back, cornbread on right

And just to show how good it was, plate and bones licked clean:rotfl:

We didn’t have dessert here as we had a plan – Doh Bar!! Yup off we went to Cookes of Dublin to treat ourselves to a deep fried snickers!!! We decided to share one as we had those goofy snacks back in the room.

They cooked it fresh while you wait, which took about 5 mins. Because it was fresh it was boiling hot to try eat, annoyingly so. We left it a few minutes then attempted it again. . . hmm. It was OK. Very sickly and very hard to eat, because as it is all melted the stick just kept breaking through the batter – in the end we found it easier to eat without the stick. I probably wouldn’t have one again, and give it a 6.5/10 – I’d rather just have a normal snickers. TG gave it an 8 and ate most of it! I think if I’d been patient enough to let it cool down more I would have enjoyed it a bit more! Serves me right for being an oinker!

Hard to eat!

That's all folks!

Up soon, Discovery Cove breakfast and lunch and Trails End dinner. That’s right, no snacks!!
Glad to read that you enjoyed HoB! We've yet to have a bad meal here, whether it's in Orlando, New Orleans, or Las Vegas. :thumbsup2
Yup off we went to Cookes of Dublin to treat ourselves to a deep fried snickers!!! We decided to share one as we had those goofy snacks back in the room.

Um, WOW; fried Snickers, like the candy bar, Snickers?!? Here in the South, deep fried Twinkies were all the rage a few years ago - - I wonder if the Snickers is an off-shoot?

Anyway, another great review - - I can't wait to make my own Goofy candy creations - yours looked to die for! :banana:
Everything is looking sooo yummy! I am hopeful to try HOB in October as well. I've heard so many good things!

I have to share my opinion on doughnuts in general and especially the KK. Here in Michigan, there are a few KK places and they are NASTY!!! We have this lovely doughnut and coffee shop from Canada named Tim Hortons that is so wonderful! They have these little doughnut hole things named Tim Bits that are soooo good! :yay:
Fantastic update. House of Blues looks really good but not sure about the deep fried snickers. Not sure I could cope with the double whack of calories from batter and chocolate together!
I think you are brave doing the WCC, I am far too British! :rotfl2: I just want to eat my tea :rotfl:

So nice of your server to give you free desserts though, that cheesecake sounds amazing, I love smores :lovestruc

Laur's princess:
You're right! It seemed such a good idea when I booked, but then I got there and just needed to focus on the good stuff! The cheesecake is so worth going again for though!

Another great installment! We are trying WCC for the first time in September, thanks for the review!

Make sure you have that cheesecake!!!:lovestruc And try look grumpy like us so he gives it to you for free!!!!

Glad to read that you enjoyed HoB! We've yet to have a bad meal here, whether it's in Orlando, New Orleans, or Las Vegas. :thumbsup2
Ohhh I can't wait to try the Vegas one in December!! :thumbsup2 But does the cornbread always have ginger in it?!

Um, WOW; fried Snickers, like the candy bar, Snickers?!? Here in the South, deep fried Twinkies were all the rage a few years ago - - I wonder if the Snickers is an off-shoot?

Anyway, another great review - - I can't wait to make my own Goofy candy creations - yours looked to die for! :banana:

Yup, a big, sticky, gooey, snickers!!!!

DH's eyes just nearly popped out of his head when I told him about your post- he adores Twinkies!! Where do you live because we're coming to visit?!!! :)

Goofy's was one of the best things we discovered this trip!! And don't forget to go in the afternoon - it was empty every time!

Everything is looking sooo yummy! I am hopeful to try HOB in October as well. I've heard so many good things!

I have to share my opinion on doughnuts in general and especially the KK. Here in Michigan, there are a few KK places and they are NASTY!!! We have this lovely doughnut and coffee shop from Canada named Tim Hortons that is so wonderful! They have these little doughnut hole things named Tim Bits that are soooo good! :yay:

HoB was the surprise of the trip, we just loved it!!!! And it wasn't even planned - how un-Dis of me! :rotfl:

I loved KK's until this trip but I am waaaaay over them!! I am going to keep a beady eye out for Tim Hortons, thanks!:thumbsup2
Fantastic update. House of Blues looks really good but not sure about the deep fried snickers. Not sure I could cope with the double whack of calories from batter and chocolate together!

Even for me it was sickly! I've always wanted to go to Scotland to try a deep fried mars bar, but its put me off!!
Just discovered your wonderful report today & can't wait for more.:)

We also love HOB :cool1: we ate there twice on our first trip & loved the Voodoo Shrimp with Rosemary Cornbread & the ribs. Yum.
What exccellent reviews. You are doing a fantastic job!!! Thanks for taking so much time to do this. I love all the pics and you two are so cute together. I cant wait for the rest!!
Oh what do you watch? Do you get Vicar of Dibley? That still creases me! Am so going to get the recipe cheers!

Finally how some time to catch up on your thread. I'm leaving for Trinidad/Tobago and Guyana in one week so I'm trying to whittle down my "to do" list. I lived near a British army bases for the 9 years I was in Germany so always listen to "The Archers" on Naafi radio. I went to London (among other places in England) every chance I could get and it's still one of my favorite cities in the world. When I moved back to Canada I had to keep getting my British fix so started watching Coronation Street, East Enders and Emmerdale. The latter 2 series were cancelled here so it's only Corrie now.

BTW, I felt the same way about the Zebra Domes and the Flame Tree Ribs. What was funny was that I had made many of the Boma (and other) dishes at home and was looking forward to comparing them to the " real and professional" versions. The truth was, the things I made at home were often much better than what was served at the restaurants. IE. the Mulva Cake recipe is actually pretty good but the Mulva Cakes on the Boma buffet tasted like cold, hard hockey pucks. I've also made the Flame Tree Ribs at home and use a better quality rib - and the rub and BBQ sauce taste wonderful.

If you want to make the coconut flan from Crystal Palace the recipe is on our exchange - I've made it and it's really good. Tonight I made the Sonoma Goat Cheese Ravioli from California Grill and it was fabulous - just the way I remembered it from the restaurant.

Thanks for a wonderful thread and great pictures! Hope you get that cookie recipe. If you get a chance, could you perhaps request the S'mores Cheescake recipe as well? I'd love to try that at home as I was too full to consider it at WCC - but then, I had the bottomless milkshake and skillet.
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