Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

just purchased my furst disney applique and have to wait for it arrive but then i can finally start my 1st project a hat for my boy xxx
I have seen those! I was very tempted to buy one but 1) they are expensive and 2) I figured I could make something similar.

I do that all the time... but rarely end up making what I saw because I forget. :lmao: I need to start noting things as I see them.

We are trying to get that straightened out right now. I'm not trying to say that he is perfect (he's not that is why we aren't together), but I've seen Jenna upset too many times because he hasn't been there. I am trying to put our differences aside so that she can have a relationship with him. He has bought a house here. So I'm guessing that means he is planning on being here for awhile.

Maybe he has matured a lot in the past few years. I hope he realizes how much he's missed and doesn't let it happen again.

I am officially a college student (once again!!) I am retaking classes from a semester when I was 23 and decided just not to go to school anymore. :confused: I'm taking Intermediate Algebra...I am NOT mathematically inclined and algebra is pretty much the reason I keep quitting school cause if I can't pass it I can't get a degree and I freak out and quit. So, we'll see how it goes this time!! I am also taking American History, Am. Government and Intro to Psych. I think if I take summer classes I should be able to start my bachelors program next fall. :woohoo:

I hated algebra in high school so I avoided it in college - went for a BA instead of a BS. However, I went back to college a few years ago for a short time and did take algebra - and loved it!!! I actually "got it" this time and even took the next level class as an elective. I considered going for degree to teach middle school or high school math but had to admit I don't have the patience for it. :rolleyes1

Just a drive by because we are on our way out to a playdate but I wanted to share something.

I have the worst time finding shorts and pants for Megan. She is tall and leggy and I have a hard time finding slim sizes for her. She also prefers elastic waist to zippers and buttons, like any little kid.

So I found a tutorial on craftster about making shorts from a t-shirt and I tried with one of DH's (don't tell him). He wears only blue, black and tan so I didn't have a lot to choose from. I love how it came out and will have to check target or walmart for cheap t-shirts.

I used a henley style so it is thicker than the average t-shirt. My favorite part is you line up the pattern with the bottom so no hemming!

The only problem is my husband is too small! I need a bigger husband so I can make pants too, lol. I would also like to add patch pockets or something, but I am not Linnette so that is very hard for me. The best thing is they took 20 minutes from start to finish!


Those are cute! Someone on this thread shared a great site for tees - jiffyshirts.com. I ordered a few to see how they are and they shipped FAST. I had them 2 days after placing the order!!! The jersey isn't as soft as Old Navy or some other tees I've used but the price can't be beat, shipping is reasonable and they ship so fast. I had an Old Navy order placed a couple days before the jiffyshirt order and it took almost 2 weeks to arrive.
He has been paying child support since Jenna was 1 year old. The only reason he has arrearages now is because of a payment that came from the Air Force, but didn't go through the child support enforcement. We are trying to get that straightened out right now. I'm not trying to say that he is perfect (he's not that is why we aren't together), but I've seen Jenna upset too many times because he hasn't been there. I am trying to put our differences aside so that she can have a relationship with him. He has bought a house here. So I'm guessing that means he is planning on being here for awhile.

Well that sounds promising...I hope it works out for Jenna's sake :hug:

Gorgeous...I really need to make Ash one

:scared1: For those of you who were anxiously awaiting he Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince release this Nov. and haven't heard, Warner Bros. has pushed the release date back to JULY 17 2009

Darn it...this was supposed to be my Thanksgiving movie. (I don't watch football so I always go the movies while all the rest of the gang is watching football)

So Gorgeous....and how much do I love her hair???


Have we figured out what day we are going to meet? I think some people are going home just as I get there, so I'm not sure if I'll even be around for the meet, but 180 day ADR mark just hit and at this point I can only book CRT and Chef Mickeys because of the ADR systme change :mad: Anyhow, CRT is looking like I can only do it on the 8th as far as my family's plans go, but I don't want to book it if this is our meet day. I doubt I'd be able to move it around later. Maybe it's already booked. Maybe it's a moot point. :rotfl: I am a person who likes to HAVE PLANS, and I rarely change them. I don't mean detailed plans, but I do like to have my ADR's and parks down asap. Speak up people!

I'm still open with my dates. I was waiting to see the group vote.

Which video is yours? I accidentally closed the link and now when I press the link, a different video comes up.

Theirs is RobNKris (or something like that) featuring a very excited blond who got picked for family of the day :rotfl:

Cute and a half! I think when I made mine I eased rather than gathered. I think it is awesome!

STEPH OH YEAH!!!! I forgot that Soup's parents live in Palm Harbor. I think Angie and Dave (we knew Dave before Angie did and have always called him Soup...I don't know why, but it's how I was introduced to him) and his boys have been going to church with them before all this.

Angie has finally got to hold Danica and it seems she is progressing as normally as any other preemie let alone the fact that she is a "micro" preemie. They are able to take her off of her ventilator for short periods of time. She has had brain ultrasounds and so far everything looks normal.
Thank you all for remembering her in your prayers.

And YES, Steph, you can help with the sewing. Her shower is in the beginning of Sept. I think. I will get back with you w/ the dates. I got some really cute pink fabric w/ skulls...you know it's so hard to find a "cute" punk rock fabric!!! That I am going to make one set out of. I bought 4 yds(cause I had a 40% off coupon) I think I'll make something w/ it for Lily too. But I would love for you to be able to help. I think Angie would really appreciate that it came from someone from the King's church. I can come down there to pick the stuff up and we can have lunch:goodvibes

That sounds like a great plan!

I don't actually go to church there anymore, but I haven't taken myself off the prayer chain yet. I have a hard time letting go.

I bet Megan would love it! I have found lessons to be a good solution for Sarah. Her instructor lets them groom and prepare the horses and let them out after. She also teaches them basic around the barn stuff. They even can go on trail rides! She is very good with them and safe too. I love it! :lovestruc

I could...whats a mouse cozy???? :confused3 :laughing:

1) Yes, that sounds great. When I took lessons I had to groom too. I also was involved in Pony Club which I guess is kind of like 4H.

2) I don't know, I just made it up! I was imaging something like a tea cozy to keep your mouse warm.

Wow, that JoJo one is a masterpiece! I love how the scalloped edges came out, just like a tent! The pink and black and zebra is too sweet. I don't think the peasant top looks like pjs, but maybe I am biased because I have made a lot of them! I would make capris in the fabric you used for the sleeves. Very cute!

Those are cute. When you come back can you post the link to the tutorial? Those look so comfy. I just realized that Megan is only wearing one shoe.

I know, she is a goof. Jacob was giving her a hard time because she was trying to put the shorts on with her shoes on so she took one off.

Here is the tutorial: http://www.rookiemoms.com/make-some-easy-kids-pants/

I used the shorts pattern from the twirl skort, but you could use the one from CarlaC's easy fit pants or any shorts pattern.

CUTE!!! I love the one shoe off, one shoe on look!!!

I had a visual of your husband reaching for a tee and finding a shorts shape cut out of them...VERY Enchanted-esque!!:lmao:

She would not put her shoe back on: it was very endearing! ;)

I took one from the back of closet that I have not seen him wear in years so I hope I am safe. Plus since he only wears three colors, there were plenty of shirts that were identical. He'll probably ask me about it now! :lmao:

Those are cute! Someone on this thread shared a great site for tees - jiffyshirts.com. I ordered a few to see how they are and they shipped FAST. I had them 2 days after placing the order!!! The jersey isn't as soft as Old Navy or some other tees I've used but the price can't be beat, shipping is reasonable and they ship so fast. I had an Old Navy order placed a couple days before the jiffyshirt order and it took almost 2 weeks to arrive.

Thanks! I'll check them out.
OK, I got Aurora done and tried to rephotograph Jasmine and Jojo. I'm still not thrilled with them - I think my camera is just giving up. I've had it 4 years so it's probably time for a new one.

YCMT has a cute beret pattern that is really easy to make and it looked really cute on Jenna and she was 6 at the time. So I'm sure that it will look cute on a 4 year old, especially your 4 year old.
Thanks!!! :thumbsup2 Yes, I just bought it a couple of hours ago!!! You know what they say about great minds.....;)


Have we figured out what day we are going to meet? I think some people are going home just as I get there, so I'm not sure if I'll even be around for the meet, but 180 day ADR mark just hit and at this point I can only book CRT and Chef Mickeys because of the ADR systme change :mad: Anyhow, CRT is looking like I can only do it on the 8th as far as my family's plans go, but I don't want to book it if this is our meet day. I doubt I'd be able to move it around later. Maybe it's already booked. Maybe it's a moot point. :rotfl: I am a person who likes to HAVE PLANS, and I rarely change them. I don't mean detailed plans, but I do like to have my ADR's and parks down asap. Speak up people!
I was hoping we could meet Sat or Sun (early). I am up for anything really. Now that I am 99% sure I am going! :cool1:
QUOTE=Stephres;26936690]The only problem is my husband is too small! I need a bigger husband so I can make pants too, lol.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Absolutely adorable!

1) Yes, that sounds great. When I took lessons I had to groom too. I also was involved in Pony Club which I guess is kind of like 4H.

2) I don't know, I just made it up! I was imaging something like a tea cozy to keep your mouse warm.
My older sister was in Pony Club in Maryland when we lived there. She loved it!
So funny :rotfl: about the mouse cozy. ;)
Man I miss so much on here. It takes me so long to get things completed because I am so indesicive. (Pardon my spelling I know that wasn't right) And then I miss out on so many pages here. Well I was trying to create the Insa skirt without the pattern and it came out okay. It doesn't look like it lays like it is supposed to but close enough for me. So I wanted to share some of the things that I have made for our trip at the beg. of Sept.


I still have to figure out what to do with the pants to go with the princess top.
Absolutely adorable...I love:love: the applique and fabrics for the Jo Jo. I love the Minnie Mouse one too! Can I case someday?????
And now onto your absolutely adorable DD! Seriously love the hair and cute smile! :banana: :cutie:

OK, I got Aurora done and tried to rephotograph Jasmine and Jojo. I'm still not thrilled with them - I think my camera is just giving up. I've had it 4 years so it's probably time for a new one.

Lisa, how did you just "whip" that up in one day?? :confused3 It would take me forever to pick out the material. Cut the pattern for the applique. Cut the applique fabric. Attach and stitch the applique and then sew up the rest of the outfit.....:worship: You are so amazing!!!!!! :flower3:

Have we figured out what day we are going to meet? I think some people are going home just as I get there, so I'm not sure if I'll even be around for the meet, but 180 day ADR mark just hit and at this point I can only book CRT and Chef Mickeys because of the ADR systme change :mad: Anyhow, CRT is looking like I can only do it on the 8th as far as my family's plans go, but I don't want to book it if this is our meet day. I doubt I'd be able to move it around later. Maybe it's already booked. Maybe it's a moot point. :rotfl: I am a person who likes to HAVE PLANS, and I rarely change them. I don't mean detailed plans, but I do like to have my ADR's and parks down asap. Speak up people!

When I put everyone's dates up it looks like meeting on the 8th would probably be the best bet. We could actually do 2 meets one earlier n the week and the 2nd one later? I'm looking to get at least 20 people to one of them- then we could really set up something fun, but it might be impossible to do considering everyone's dates.

What ADR change are you talking about??

Here's what I have so far-

Heather- Feb 3-10
Jham Feb 7-14
2B4Him- Feb 5-8
Sohappy Feb 5-9
Stephres- Whenever!
Dinsey4me Feb. 10-17
PrincessKayla- Whenever!
Karebear Feb. 8-11
OK, I got Aurora done and tried to rephotograph Jasmine and Jojo. I'm still not thrilled with them - I think my camera is just giving up. I've had it 4 years so it's probably time for a new one.


WOWIE ZOWIE (or Zoe!) as usual, this is gorgeous!!!!
Anyone seen Curious George fabric anywhere? I found some on :wizard: but most of it is pretty expensive. Just wondering if it's expensive because it isn't in any stores. I could swear I saw some at Joann's.

How do you vote? I went and watched your video, but I can't figure out how to submit a vote.

Love the outfits, it is motivating me to get my sewing machine out. I need some new fabric, though.

I made my ressies for my Thanksgiving trip. I am so excited. I don't know if I am going to make that many new customs, since I just went in April.

I probably will make an outfit for MVMCP, though.
Thanks!!! :thumbsup2 Yes, I just bought it a couple of hours ago!!! You know what they say about great minds.....;)

I was hoping we could meet Sat or Sun (early). I am up for anything really. Now that I am 99% sure I am going! :cool1:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Absolutely adorable!

My older sister was in Pony Club in Maryland when we lived there. She loved it!
So funny :rotfl: about the mouse cozy. ;)

When I put everyone's dates up it looks like meeting on the 8th would probably be the best bet. We could actually do 2 meets one earlier n the week and the 2nd one later? I'm looking to get at least 20 people to one of them- then we could really set up something fun, but it might be impossible to do considering everyone's dates.

What ADR change are you talking about??

Here's what I have so far-

Heather- Feb 3-10
Jham Feb 7-14
2B4Him- Feb 5-8
Sohappy Feb 5-9
Stephres- Whenever!
Dinsey4me Feb. 10-17
PrincessKayla- Whenever!
Karebear Feb. 8-11

We fly in on Saturday and won't get in until laterish assuming our flight is not delayed so Sunday would be better for us. As far as a group of 20, the Jhammies=6 so that's a good start :thumbsup2

Here's the quote from the DIS on the ADR system :headache: I think trying to get my ADRs will be a nightmare. As soon as they start taking them for after Jan 25, 899 kajillion people will be trying to call in. :scared:


Disney will begin implementing a new reservation system that combines dining, recreation and tour bookings.

The conversion will start on July 21, 2008 and is expected to be functioning on October 24. While this is taking place, the latest dining reservation date which can be booked in advance is January 25, 2009. Once the new system is operating, it will revert to the 180 day Advance Dining Reservation window.

The exceptions to the shortened ADR booking window are Cinderella's Royal Table, Chef Mickey's and Victoria & Albert's
Tonight is the night!!! I am going to do Isabelle's Friends around the world applique. I really hope that it goes well. I am currently worrying about the mickey ears on the little head. I don't want it to look like there is a muffin on her head:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I also don't know whether or not to use black thread to outline the face. It seems like it would look more like the authentic drawing that way, but black on peach would REALLY show up my mistakes, so I am still debating:confused3 Hope you all have a great weekend I will be a slave to my house this weekend:scared: I am WAY behind.

NOW, where is that applique tutorial???
When I put everyone's dates up it looks like meeting on the 8th would probably be the best bet. We could actually do 2 meets one earlier n the week and the 2nd one later? I'm looking to get at least 20 people to one of them- then we could really set up something fun, but it might be impossible to do considering everyone's dates.

What ADR change are you talking about??

Here's what I have so far-

Heather- Feb 3-10
Jham Feb 7-14
2B4Him- Feb 5-8
Sohappy Feb 5-9
Stephres- Whenever!
Dinsey4me Feb. 10-17
PrincessKayla- Whenever!
Karebear Feb. 8-11

I believe DH got me in at Wilderness Lodge for Saturday the 7th and Sunday the 8th. I am hoping to have me and the two kids. We'll drive back Monday. Thanks!

Gorgeous! I'm so jealous of your appliquing abilities. I can pretty much sew anything I want to for Megan but I will never be able to replicate your applique skills.

Tonight is the night!!! I am going to do Isabelle's Friends around the world applique. I really hope that it goes well. I am currently worrying about the mickey ears on the little head. I don't want it to look like there is a muffin on her head:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I also don't know whether or not to use black thread to outline the face. It seems like it would look more like the authentic drawing that way, but black on peach would REALLY show up my mistakes, so I am still debating:confused3 Hope you all have a great weekend I will be a slave to my house this weekend:scared: I am WAY behind.

NOW, where is that applique tutorial???

When I made mine Tom asked me why the little kid had a muffin on its head! :lmao: He's mean though, so don't listen to him.

Hey, I've heard there is a really helpful appliqué tutorial somewhere around here...
:scared1: AAAAHHHHH!!!:mad: : :mad: :mad: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

For those of you who were anxiously awaiting he Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince release this Nov. and haven't heard, Warner Bros. has pushed the release date back to JULY 17 2009
There was an opening for a summer release and due to HP's successful summer release last year they decided to take advantage of it.

I am sooooooooo Freakin' mad! I'm glad I never got that counter to work in my siggy, it jsut jumped from 106 days (or so) to 300-something. If I had to look at it every time I logged on I'd just be ticked off!!!!

I guess it is a good thing I didn't tell Nik when it was supposed to come out! She is on book 5 right now and loves it! If any of yu wondered what Nik might be like in person she IS herminie! Or as I call her Hermine Hinnie!

Yes they are buying AKLV, which I agreed with them on their choice. However, the bonus is that Disney will match their points for a year...so our trip in Feb will be "free" :cool1: Well, then there's the AP with dining and airfare to buy....:rolleyes1 I will tell them Welcome Home from you!!! :dance3:
We got that too so Our trip in Nov is on the matching developer points. Then we get to use our real points next November!

Man I miss so much on here. It takes me so long to get things completed because I am so indesicive. (Pardon my spelling I know that wasn't right) And then I miss out on so many pages here. Well I was trying to create the Insa skirt without the pattern and it came out okay. It doesn't look like it lays like it is supposed to but close enough for me. So I wanted to share some of the things that I have made for our trip at the beg. of Sept.






I still have to figure out what to do with the pants to go with the princess top.
Really cute!
Steph-Thanks for posting the link. I think that I will have to give it a try. Jenna wears shorts under her dresses when she goes to school and I just realized that she has grown out of hers from last year.
Just a drive by because we are on our way out to a playdate but I wanted to share something.

I have the worst time finding shorts and pants for Megan. She is tall and leggy and I have a hard time finding slim sizes for her. She also prefers elastic waist to zippers and buttons, like any little kid.

So I found a tutorial on craftster about making shorts from a t-shirt and I tried with one of DH's (don't tell him). He wears only blue, black and tan so I didn't have a lot to choose from. I love how it came out and will have to check target or walmart for cheap t-shirts.

I used a henley style so it is thicker than the average t-shirt. My favorite part is you line up the pattern with the bottom so no hemming!

The only problem is my husband is too small! I need a bigger husband so I can make pants too, lol. I would also like to add patch pockets or something, but I am not Linnette so that is very hard for me. The best thing is they took 20 minutes from start to finish!

Cute idea! I have the same issue with Nik and pants. The best place besides home made pants would be Old Navy slim. They fit Nik well. Actually the best place is Justice Just for girls. Nikki's FAVORITE store. Problem is it is very$$$ So she only gets one or 2 outfits from there a season and thankfully mema likes there stuff so she gets them for her ! LOL The store runs small anyway then if you get the slim they are perfect! You can get good deals though. They are owned by the same people who own Limited Too.

OK, I got Aurora done and tried to rephotograph Jasmine and Jojo. I'm still not thrilled with them - I think my camera is just giving up. I've had it 4 years so it's probably time for a new one.

The applique is stunning!

Hey I used that fabric before! It is so cute it is actually sparkly!
how about this costume: back is shirred and front has the sweetheart style
pattern (I am making this big for my neighbor she is a size 12/14 but you adjust to your size)

cut on fold of fabric


front(cut 2)

back (cut 2)

sew strap


sew front and back together do the same for the lining
you should have 2 pieces that look like this

pin strap to the front piece of the outfit


with right sides together sew the top of outfit making sure that you clip the center part of the heart shape front piece


turn inside out and iron ...

Hope this part make sense:confused:
open the outfit, you should have one big piece with the triangle shape hems in each side , align your seams and sew (serge) from one corner of the outfit to the other

turn your outfit in(inside of the outfit should look the same as outside with no visible seams)



press seams again

even the hem out and serge


press again

shirr the back of the outfit (I did 20 rows)

this is the outfit completed with back shirred


I had a yard of leather looking vinyl that I cut in 4 inches strips and made the fringes

because the vinyl is kind of heavy I added elastic to the top (back)






because of the shirr in the back the outfit stays in place and fits really nice in the front , I will put it on tomorrow and take pictures

hope this helps , I am working on the other costume tutorial I will have it in the morning



Ru ok? How did the appointments go? Do you need anything? I would like to send you a little care package, please email with your addy.

Now that I see your dress I have to make it with the shirred back and sweetheart front. That is the look I was going for. I am at work but have the weekend to try laying cutting out something that will fit me better than what I have. I still have 2 sheets left to keep trying. I measure but keep getting more fabric across my bust and than what I need. The center of the heart needs to be close together. I can't explain but will try to get some pictures in the morning.

Your dress looks so perfect! I also saw you did some applique work for boys and it was so cute. I have a 5 yr. old who is so thin that making shorts for him is easier than buying. However I have never appliqued and will have to try....after Disney.

I am so happy you are back and I pray you are ok. April
Which video is yours? I accidentally closed the link and now when I press the link, a different video comes up.

My video is robnkris05. The video is us as Epcot's Family of the Day. It's just my DH and I.


How do you vote? I went and watched your video, but I can't figure out how to submit a vote.

You just put a thumbs up!

Thanks again for voting! Disboutiquers rock! :cheer2:
My video is robnkris05. The video is us as Epcot's Family of the Day. It's just my DH and I.


How do you vote? I went and watched your video, but I can't figure out how to submit a vote.

You just put a thumbs up!

Thanks again for voting! Disboutiquers rock! :cheer2:

I tried to find your video, but it says it can't be found. Do you have a direct link?


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