Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Well, my husband acted a little upset when I took one of his button down shirts and made a dress out of it, but I had literally never seen him wear it. He is such a pack rat; he has clothes he wore in high school in his closet!
My DH is the same way. He has clothes from High School too. It must be a guy thing.

Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.
party::bday:party:Happy Birthday to Chianna!!!!
Stephres- is the eyeore you are looking for plain cotton or seersucker?

CampbellScot- the little girl I sew for has the same problem; she has a pink baby doll who is oh-so-eloquently named "Pink Baby."

Has anyone contacted Mitchell Fabric about whether they will ship to the US? Or Disney Brat, I have a ton of fabric if there is anything you would like to trade for picking up stitch for me?

I don't post much because it always takes me so long to catch up....

My college roomie and I were Elphaba and Galinda one year for Halloween. Her mom appliqued green lame onto turtlenecks that said "Shiz University"- one black and one white.

I am so excited that at least two people on here only wanted to be 'mommies' too! That's all I ever wanted to be---but unfortunately, it's not what I got. I have the degree and am still waiting on the kiddos.
I am not ready for Limited Too and Justice Just! The clothes in there are cute but seem so much older! I know I don't have much time left though.

I am trying to keep my kids out of there too! It makes me sad to think they are growing up that fast. I don't want them to look too old!

Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.

:bday: Happy Birthday Chianna!
Hi all-
I read this thread every day, although I do not sew myself. My mom is making some customs for the girls for our October trip. I was picking up fabric at JoAnn's the other day, and I found these amazing satin appliques of Cinderella and Ariel by a company called Fab-lique. They are quite big, maybe 12 inches or more. They retailed for $7.99.

Mom is making an Ariel twirl dress for my 6 year old, and a pink princess twirl dress for my 3 year old. Although I got the Cinderella, I'd really rather have Sleeping Beauty, since the base of her fabric is pink. I know they make SB, as she is pictured on the back of the card. I did an internet search, but came up with nothing. :confused3

Can anyone help me locate the Sleeping Beauty one? I can trade you for Cindy or send PP funds if that's OK here. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Thanks for your help!! :lovestruc
you are too sweet!!! I know you will do a great job with your costume, I do not know if this would help but to do the front sweetheart shape I
measure around bust area -34inches - so the front piece is 17 plus 2 extra inches for seam allowence- so all together the front piece is 19"


fold pattern in half and cut the shape



at the waist I cut the pattern to give the shape



hope this help, I will pm in the morning!!



I have to go to work and help prep in the kitchen, then I have payroll. But when I get home I am going to have a bit of time to myself. I plan to do a cut out from the sheet with chalk. I will do the measurement and see if I get it right this time.

I found a micro fleece in cream I really like and it has a lot of stretch to the side, do you think it would work?

Thanks for the help, I need it.

Lisa all I can say is :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Did you lean by yourself to do appliques? I really do not think I have the talent or patience to do this. Your work is truly a masterpiece!!!!


Wow, thank you Linnette! I take that as a big compliment after seeing your creations. I am mostly self-taught on sewing and applique. I actually only started doing applique less than 2 years ago so I still feel fairly new to it although I've refined my technique a lot. I don't think it's hard but I think having a lot of experience in various art media has helped with some things like faces.

Hi all-
I read this thread every day, although I do not sew myself. My mom is making some customs for the girls for our October trip. I was picking up fabric at JoAnn's the other day, and I found these amazing satin appliques of Cinderella and Ariel by a company called Fab-lique. They are quite big, maybe 12 inches or more. They retailed for $7.99.

Mom is making an Ariel twirl dress for my 6 year old, and a pink princess twirl dress for my 3 year old. Although I got the Cinderella, I'd really rather have Sleeping Beauty, since the base of her fabric is pink. I know they make SB, as she is pictured on the back of the card. I did an internet search, but came up with nothing. :confused3

Can anyone help me locate the Sleeping Beauty one? I can trade you for Cindy or send PP funds if that's OK here. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Thanks for your help!! :lovestruc

I may be going to JAs for thread today so I'll look. I've seen some large appliques there in the past but can't remember seeing Aurora.
Hello All,

I have a Kenmore Sewing Machine 385, it's about 10 years old. I cannot get the Zig Zag to work at all. I cannot find the mannual (of course). I have tried every combination of stitch settings that I can think of. I do have a few different plates...would the machine recognize if I did not have the correct plate in???

Any help would be so greatly appreciated. I would like to try a couple applique's...and I am trying the Petal Skirt (without pattern...of course), and need to zig zag the edges of the petas (quares)...ugh.

I need a newer machine...but I don't want to spend the money out of our Disneyland fund!!! LOL!!
This is my draft...of a petal skirt...without the pattern. I am going to do the top with the polka dot (orange & white)...what do you think of the patterns...I really wanted to make something that she could wear with the orange boots (bought them last year for Halloween and they still fit) I am thinking of doing 3 ruffles on the back of the top...omg...so many choices :) then doing an applique of Mickey's head using the black & white polka dot and the stiped material on the left side of the top???


Here's my available settings and I do have the zig zag foot on...but still no zig zag!!

But I am so excited...I was playing around with the stitches...and my machine ruffles...without a special foot!! Who knew!! Yay!:yay:

OK...gotta go for now...going to take DD (4) to the State Fair to see The Doodle Bops!! Yay!
This is my draft...of a petal skirt...without the pattern. I am going to do the top with the polka dot (orange & white)...what do you think of the patterns...I really wanted to make something that she could wear with the orange boots (bought them last year for Halloween and they still fit) I am thinking of doing 3 ruffles on the back of the top...omg...so many choices :) then doing an applique of Mickey's head using the black & white polka dot and the stiped material on the left side of the top???


Here's my available settings and I do have the zig zag foot on...but still no zig zag!!

But I am so excited...I was playing around with the stitches...and my machine ruffles...without a special foot!! Who knew!! Yay!:yay:

OK...gotta go for now...going to take DD (4) to the State Fair to see The Doodle Bops!! Yay!

I have almost that same machine. I have a Kenmore but a little older. When I do a zig zag for finishing, I set the thread tension at 2, the stitch selector at C and the stitch length at 1. I don't think the plate should matter, but I never change mine. Hope this helps!
I have almost that same machine. I have a Kenmore but a little older. When I do a zig zag for finishing, I set the thread tension at 2, the stitch selector at C and the stitch length at 1. I don't think the plate should matter, but I never change mine. Hope this helps!
I tried that setting...and no luck...I think I need to take it in :(!! I borrowed a machine that my mom bought at a garage sale...it's about 25 years old but it zig zags...It's just different than mine...so it messes up my momentum...you know...it's so routine...you get into a groove. I tried using it the other day when I was making the Petti Skirt..and ugh...Oh well...I'll have to use it for the zig zag for now!!
Okay, I can't believe what page we are on! It will be time to start a new thread in no time! I've been busy working on that pesky twirl skirt. We aren't getting along. I have no problem hand gathering, its the sewing the layers together that is giving me fits. No matter how careful I am, the ends never seem to match. I've put it aside before it ends up in the trash:)

Okay, you guys have confirmed that no one reads the thread I started for the dismeet on the other board. :rotfl: So, I'll post what I had over there on here and combine it with what Karen had.

I changed my dates to show the 3rd- the 9th because I will be leaving early on the 10th and won't be able to meet up that day.

I agree with Karen that it looks like the 8th would be the day the most of us could make a meet. But, we could do 2 or 3 meets if others are leaving before or arriving after the 8th.

Heather (HeatherSue)+3- 2/3-2/9
Jeanne (jham)+5- 2/7-2/14
Cathy (twob4him)+1- 2/5-2/8
Tom (princessleighsdaddy)+2- ?
Kristine (tnkrbelle565)+?- ?
Tifany (tberi)+3- anytime
Bernadette(lovesdumbo)+1- 1/31-2/7 or 2/1-2/8
Miss Cammie (CampbellScott) +1- ?
Stacy (sohappy)+?- 2/5-2/8
Stephanie (Stephres)+1 or 2- 2/7-2/9
Stacey (Snubie)+?- ?
Karen (KareBear1)+?- 2/8-2/11
Daniela (luvinyou)+?- 2/13-2/22 ?
Chantelle (Disney4me) Feb. 10-17
PrincessKayla- Whenever!
Gosh I'm jealous... I wondered, have you guys considered doing a fabric swap while you're there? Everyone bring something from your stash you'd like to trade?

Or is that a horrible idea that might turn violent? :rotfl:
i have so missed all of you. I only just went back a few pages and every thing looks great as usual. Gorgeous pics of tessa and sawyer! Really those pics are stunning and I love the goofy ones too.
Thanks about the pictures!

I love her back to school outfit! Very cute! Where did you find that t-shirt, I love the style!

IA gift for another boy, modeled by my DS. His first modeling gig! ;)
What a little cutie you have!! Hopefully this will be his first of many modeling gigs! :thumbsup2 I love the hat, awesome job!

I just loved your tutorial....very clear and helpful! Can we add that to the book marks? :confused3
It is done! I put it under costumes and named it "Pocahontas by mrsmiller".

You certainly don't have to wait until you have something sewed to post on here! You are welcome to just chat with us!!

You probably hear this all the time, but your daughter has GORGEOUS hair! Wow! I LOOVE your Insa imitation. I loosely imitated the scallops for a dress for Tessa, too.

They're all wonderful! Don't be a stranger.

Tessa is LOVING Megan's shirt! But, I think her shorts look cute, too! I'll have to check out that tutorial. Did you get it from the bookmarks, or should I add it?


That turned out really pretty! Don't you love it when you find a perfect use for some treasured fabric?


I think that I am going to try a cinderella applique. I am going to look for fabric this weekend. I thought I was finished sewing for our trip but I had to change our Crystal Palace ADR because MK is closing early on Oct 4th. So now we are going to 1900 Park Fare. Has anyone been? Thus the need for a new princess outfit for the trip!
We LOVED 1900 park fare. If you want to read about it, click on the TR link in my siggy. The 1900 Park Fare chapter is entitled "SAWWWYYEERRRRRR....I'm coming back for you, Sawyer!"

I love the new non-disney outfit!!! Your house is gorgeous, too!

Wow ladies. I have spent hours the past few days reading this thread. You all are beyond amazing and inspiring!

I have never sewn before, and didn't even own needle and thread for minor fixes. But your customs are so incredible I wanted to try, in a small way, to CASE something from here. A few days ago there was an adorable white shirt with black buttons making Mickey's head.

I got a black tshirt for my dd8 and some lime green buttons (she loves green), thread, and some needles. Many thumb-pricks later, and some frustrated grumbling, and leftover glue tackiness I have a shirt made. It's my first ever sewing project! I never even got to take home ec in high school. I'm so excited I immediately put my dd in the shirt and snapped a picture so I could come and introduce myself, in awe, to all of you!

GREAT job! I love the lime green on the black. Your little girl is real cutie! If you want to post an image directly on to the thread, you just copy and paste the code.

[quote="Mommy2JulietJocelyn, post: 26953380"]
second question - Singer's website has a ruffler foot - is it worth the price of $50 +s/h? I bought material to try making pettiskirts for my girls and I will be making ruffles for the first time over the next 2 weeks - practice material first then for the petti's but saw this and didn't know if it would be worth it.
I wouldn't pay that much for a ruffler! I've gotten them as cheap as $8 at JoAnn. They generally only have low shank rufflers there, though. Their regular price is $15 on ruffler feet. I bought a slant shank ruffler on ebay for $25 in the past. I should explain that there are 3 different types of shanks- low, slant, and high. I think a generic ruffler would fit on any machine, as long as you have the right shank.

[quote="kimmylaj, post: 26954656"]please help me make a decision, we leave for disney in 3 days and we have ressies for 1900 park faire. i dont have a custom for this meal and i am tempted to get some fabric and make one, but my mom bought my daughter some really cute dresses and i think she is hoping i will put her in a little cinderella one she bought her. what should i do?[/QUOTE]
I was going to go with the concensus and say I'd put the outfit from your mother on her. Is there anything you can do to fancy it up and make it more custom looking? Or, would your mom be hurt if you did that?

[quote="robnkris, post: 26957585"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Magenta"]Okay, I'm reposting my trip report from TGM over here! It's full of video and pictures! I hope I get some readers![/COLOR][/SIZE]

Yay!! You have to post a link in your siggy, too! That's how you rack up the readers!
I decided to do a non-disney outfit today since I have not sewn in over a week. I don't want to get out of the habit!!


I think that I am going to try a cinderella applique. I am going to look for fabric this weekend. I thought I was finished sewing for our trip but I had to change our Crystal Palace ADR because MK is closing early on Oct 4th. So now we are going to 1900 Park Fare. Has anyone been? Thus the need for a new princess outfit for the trip!

ADORABLE!!! What a little dolly!!!

Wow ladies. I have spent hours the past few days reading this thread. You all are beyond amazing and inspiring!

I have never sewn before, and didn't even own needle and thread for minor fixes. But your customs are so incredible I wanted to try, in a small way, to CASE something from here. A few days ago there was an adorable white shirt with black buttons making Mickey's head.

I got a black tshirt for my dd8 and some lime green buttons (she loves green), thread, and some needles. Many thumb-pricks later, and some frustrated grumbling, and leftover glue tackiness I have a shirt made. It's my first ever sewing project! I never even got to take home ec in high school. I'm so excited I immediately put my dd in the shirt and snapped a picture so I could come and introduce myself, in awe, to all of you!


Awesome shirt!! I love the green with the black!! Your daughter is lovely!:goodvibes

I am not ready for Limited Too and Justice Just! The clothes in there are cute but seem so much older! I know I don't have much time left though.

I with you on that one sister! Limited Too sells one too many "bootie" shorts...as they ADVERTISED them...no no. Maybe when Sally is...like...20. Until then we will stick to The Children's Place (aka Bloomingdales;) ) and Land's End kids stuff. It's cute, not too babyish and certainly not selling bootie shorts!:snooty:

2) Pictures please! I am trying to visualize but my brain is fuzzy.


hmmm...cocktails? ;)

Okay guys today is my daughter, Chianna's 9th birthaday. She is with my mom now but when they bring her home is when all the fun starts. We will have over a couple of friends, swim, eat chocolate cake and ice cream and then go to dinner where she wants to. Im afraid my time here is going to be limited. You all do your best not to post that much so that I don't have a lot to catch up on now, ya here. lOl... anyhow, have a good day.

party: :bday: party: :cake: :jumping1: party: :rainbow:
Happy Birthday Chianna!!!


Okay, you guys have confirmed that no one reads the thread I started for the dismeet on the other board. :rotfl: So, I'll post what I had over there on here and combine it with what Karen had.

I changed my dates to show the 3rd- the 9th because I will be leaving early on the 10th and won't be able to meet up that day.

I agree with Karen that it looks like the 8th would be the day the most of us could make a meet. But, we could do 2 or 3 meets if others are leaving before or arriving after the 8th.

Heather (HeatherSue)+3- 2/3-2/9
Jeanne (jham)+5- 2/7-2/14
Cathy (twob4him)+1- 2/5-2/8
Tom (princessleighsdaddy)+2- ?
Kristine (tnkrbelle565)+?- ?
Tifany (tberi)+3- anytime
Bernadette(lovesdumbo)+1- 1/31-2/7 or 2/1-2/8
Miss Cammie (CampbellScott) +1- ?
Stacy (sohappy)+?- 2/5-2/8
Stephanie (Stephres)+1 or 2- 2/7-2/9
Stacey (Snubie)+?- ?
Karen (KareBear1)+?- 2/8-2/11
Daniela (luvinyou)+?- 2/13-2/22 ?
Chantelle (Disney4me) Feb. 10-17
PrincessKayla- Whenever!

:lmao: :hug: Poor HeatherSue!

I so so so so seriously want to be there. I'll beg, borrow and steal if I have to!!!:cool1:
Does anyone know how to make a doo rag? I want to make one for my baby GS, 3 months old, to go with his pirate outfit. It would be great if I could figure out some way to put elastic in the back instead of having to tie it.
HeatherSue;26962019We LOVED 1900 park fare. If you want to read about it said:
I checked out your TR. Thanks for telling me about it. It looks so fun! I think my boys will like it as well. They enjoy watching Cinderella with their sister so they will appreciate all the characters.

Thanks for the kind words. I am having so much fun sewing! My DH just laughs when my DD has a new outfit on!
Holy Cannoli TROPICAL STORM FAY?!:scared1:


We leave on Thursday for Disney...set to arrive around 11am.

somebody, ANYBODY in Florida, please use your extensive Hurricane knowledge to tell me that any nasty weather will be GONE by Thursday...

okay...calm my hysteria...



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