our non-rushing (sorta) disney anniversary w/ PICS & VIDEO! new TR link - p. 136

Great report Dawn - can't believe it's over!:sad1:

One of the worst feelings in the world -- walking OUT of MK for the last time of your trip!

So lucky you'll be back in just 2 DAYS!!!!!

Here's some :pixiedust: again to keep those nasty storms away!
What an awesome ending! I just loved the pirate and princess party. I can't believe all of the extra special stuff they do. Great pics and report! :goodvibes
I am really glad you enjoyed the PPP. We were there for the 2nd one and it was GREAT! I loved seeing TINK in the parade. They need to bring her out more often in WDW! Darn them for keeping her locked up in a drawer. ;)

Thanks for the great pictures of the windows. I don't remember ever seeing them decorated like that... way cool! It really is those small touches that make Disney awesome.

Your just a few days away from going back! Good for you! :banana:
What a great last day! If it has to end then it sounds like you did it right!! Luke is just too cute. "I'm checking it out." :rotfl:

I'm so sad it's over but lucky for me you are about to embark upon another trip in just 2 days?!? I hope the weather is ok and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! Have fun!!!!!
Great update! I never noticed those store windows, they're so cute! Also cute are those pictures of Luke on the bus, you can tell how tired he is! Sorry to see the report coming to an end but that's the good thing about stretching out a report... usually when it ends it's like the trip's really over but it doesn't matter this time because you leave in TWO days!!! Have fun!
:goodvibes Loved the update. Leaving MK for the last time is so sad!!! :sad:

:cutie: The photo of you and Ray in front of the castle is darling.

:thumbsup2 Very cool pictures of the windows on Main St. The little touches are magical! pixiedust:
Dawn - love the update. Sad it's almost over but then again we will have another one soon, actually two if Erica does one too. I never noticed the windows on Main street either. My favorite one is Belle dancing with Beast. Hope you two get to go to the Halloween party.
Well I am almost fully packed!!!:laundy:

About to run to the store to grab a few things I've thought of

I think I only have about 12 bags :scared1: ...j/k :rotfl: but I always bring to much :laughing:

Oh well if Dawn needs anything I just might have it!

So, good thoughts for you guys for the trip and especially good thoughts for those who have homes and lives in the path of this destruction that is coming on shore this morning. That has to be so sad and so frustrating to watch that coming at your house knowing you can do absolutely not a thing about it.

Thanks MeMom!!! :hug:

And yes prayers to those being affected by the storms :grouphug:

but then again we will have another one soon, actually two if Erica does one too.

I'm sure we will do one together but that will be double princess: princess: the fun right::yes:: ??
Wow great long installment :)

The photos of Luke dancing ae just so sweet and bless him in the tired photos :goodvibes

Looks like you had a fun time at the party and have a fabulous trip in a few days!
About to run to the store to grab a few things I've thought of

I'm sure we will do one together but that will be double princess: princess: the fun right::yes:: ??

Double the fun, yes, and you may be a princess:, but Dawn - she is :maleficen, if I recall correctly! I'm sure the princess and the villainess will have a ton 'o fun!

We've got BBQ chicken, hamburgers, fries, baked beans, cole slaw, carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal cookies over here. Better stop by and get some while you're out!
I just finished Erica's TR from christmas, thanks for those amazing pics Erica!! Add in the beautiful halloween decorations posted here and I have decided that when I win the lotttery (yep, keep dreaming!!) I will buy myself an AP and visit WDW in each season, do the halloween, christmas and pirate/princess parties plus hit up the F&G and F&W festivals too. Anyone care to join me? Lapu lapu's (or maybe grey goose slushies) all around!!

I'll join you! Sounds like a good goal to me! :thumbsup2

Hi Dawn! Loved the last update - the pics of Luke are so cute - I'm glad he and his family had such a good time! The mist around everything is so cool! I really, really want to do that party! I hope they are having it in March!

HAVE A GREAT TRIP IN 2 DAYS!!!!!! :dance3: :yay: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :woohoo: :jumping1: :Pinkbounc :simba: :stitch: :goofy: :bounce: :jumping2: :jumping3: party: :dancer: :wave2:
i just wanted to say hey to everyone and apologize for not responding to you individually. i'm completely consumed with getting everything done before tomorrow when erica will be here! i don't know if i'll get a chance to sit down and respond before we leave. i'm going to try to finish this thing before wednesday morning though! i don't have any videos left to upload so it shouldn't take me long.

hope everyone's having a great labor day holiday!!! :goodvibes
I think you've sold me on the Pirate and Princess Party - I will just have to go to that next year! Love the pictures of the window displays - awesome!

Have a great trip in two days!
Hey Dawn and Erica!!!!

Ya'll have a safe trip and lots and lots of fun!!! I can't wait to see the MNSSHP pics when you get back!!!
No need to respond to me. I know you're busy with work and preparations for your trip. Have a good time and have fun with your friend. I hope the weather behaves itself.:banana: :banana:
well, i have news!!!! we *may* be leaving tomorrow instead of wednesday. i will be back later with more details!!!


so we've come to the dreaded last update of the TR. don't you hate these? THE DAY WHEN YOU SAY GOODBYE TO DISNEY WORLD. blah. :sad2:

i knew it was coming and i'm a big girl, so i dealt with it. we woke up around 9:00 on saturday morning and after cleaning up, we started packing all our stuff. such a horrible task!



anna and luke taking in the view of DTD before we left.....


we said our goodbyes to anna, luke and chris. we were leaving to go directly home and they were gonna do some shopping at DTD, then head to cocoa beach for a couple of nights.

i took this as we pulled away from our congress park building. goodbye calm, peaceful, serene, gorgeous saratoga springs!!!!


goodbye disney world........I LOVE YOU!!!!!


check out that fat bottom lip......one sad girl!


anna and company had a great morning at DTD. here are some pics she sent to me.....



i had highly recommended the make-your-own treats at goofy's candy company, so they made sure to go by there and get some!


taking goofy pictures while waiting for goofy treats at goofy's candy company!




check 'em out!!!!! i can't wait to get one of these babies in a few days!


luke's face says it all........YUM!!!!!!!



well, our drive home was uneventful. i don't even really remember much of it. i know we left disney world at 10:45 and we arrived at ray's mom's house to pick up the boys at 6:30. we were happy to see the boys and they were very happy to see us!!!!! i had missed them so!



glad to be in their own back yard again!


we were sad to be away from disney but happy to be home. i knew i had 2 more trips this year, something that i know most people aren't blessed to have. i consider myself a very lucky girl this year! so that helped deal with the "disney blues" a little bit.

now i'm off on my next disney adventure......possibly leaving tomorrow! princess: princess: we will definitely update if we change the plans and leave early.

hope you guys enjoyed this TR! i certainly enjoyed sharing all these wonderful memories with you. we had an absolute blast this trip and i can't wait to keep going to disney throughout the years and create more fun memories with my family! ray says he's going to need a disney break after our december trip, and i can't blame him. i mean there ARE other places to vacation! :laughing: he's such a great husband and he really caters to my disney obsession - i'm a very lucky girl!

thanks for reading and i hope you guys will join erica and i for our TR for this upcoming trip. we will for sure post the link here!!! :grouphug:


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