"Baby's 1st" Stroller Tag DISign


DIS Veteran
May 30, 2008
I was wondering if someone could make me a stroller tag that says something about it being baby's first WDW trip? Here's all the info I think you might need:

1) If you need a theme, I would like for it to be either Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or the Princesses. If I had to pick one Princess, I'd pick Snow White.

2) Baby's name is Caroline

3) We leave on October 23rd.

Also, I'm relatively new to the DISboards. I'm active on IVillage's boards, and I'm noticing some differences in the way things are done on both boards. I wonder what the best requesting etiquette is. Is is better to post a new thread for a request? Or is it better to make a request within a DISigner's existing thread? I just want to make sure that I'm not making life hard on the regulars to this board.

Hi and welcome to the CReative DISigns board
I warn you it is addictive!!!
I have this one which I did for another DISing friend. I am happy to adapt this for you if you like it
Tell me exactly what you want it to say and your trip dates and if you like it I'll get straight to it

That one is PERFECT!!! Thank you very much!!!

I'd like it to say:

This Carriage Belongs to Princess Caroline
Harbin Family Vacation- October 26-November 1, 2008

I really appreciate it!
Here you are!!
Feel free to look in my thread and my photobucket (links below) and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Hugs as always

That is SOOO great!!! i do have one question, though. Is that a capital H in Harbin? I can't tell! :)
Never mind. I just compared the H in Harbin with the h in This, and I can see the difference now. Duh! I should have just done that in the first place!
Here you are!!
Feel free to look in my thread and my photobucket (links below) and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Hugs as always


May I have this made for my grandaughter please? :worship: Her name is Emma Decker. Thank you.
Here you are
I didn't add vacation dates as I didn't know them!!
I can easily add them on if you wish
Let me know if you need any changes made!!
My daughter is Emily too, but she is now 20 and at University!!

Hi...could I possibly get this with the name Allie on it ? If you want you can add the date Dec7th - 11th..
Thanks so much..:)
Can someone make this for me? Thanks

I am so sorry I must have missed your post!!!!
Thanks for the nudge!
Do you want trip dates on it or just Emma's name
Sorry again. I'll get to it tonight after work
Hugs and apologies
I would love it if I could get a carriage sign for my granddaughter's first trip -- Amelia is her name and our dates are Oct. 18 -25.

Thanks so very much! :)
I am so sorry I must have missed your post!!!!
Thanks for the nudge!
Do you want trip dates on it or just Emma's name
Sorry again. I'll get to it tonight after work
Hugs and apologies

Just the name. We are lucky ennough to get to go to Disney World in Jan. Double use! Thanks


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