~ From rainbows...through terror...to half in 2010! ~

Maroo - I'm impressed with you for choosing to do a 1/2 marathon, I'm so inspired by people who can run that far. Maybe someday I'll get up enough guts to join you and others in a run.
Hi Mary

Subbing to your thread and looking forward to the ride. :beach: Keep up the good work!!! :joker:
Do you have a Bally's Fitness by you ?

I'm not sure when this expires, but you can get 30 days free at Bally's if you sign up thru Discovery Health

I do really well for 2 weeks, then, I just give up!

Taking my son to the hospital M-F from 9-3 (and its a 45 min drive) is such an easy excuse. I'm hoping to motivate (kick myself into gear! into reality!) myself into doing Mall walking next week! I know I'll be glad if I do!

Then eating. seriously. I know what to do - but I love the drive thru - hamburgers.. or chinese buffet (ok so I ate there yesterday, but I didnt enjoy it.. every time I eat there I think, this is so not worth the calories.. yet 2 or 3 times I year I still eat there!)

No...never heard of Bally's...? :confused3

I am from Jackson, Mississippi...I don't think we have those down here?

You have to take your son to the hospital every day? Does he work there? He isn't sick, is he?

I have been able to try to do "drive thru" meals a little better. I am on the Weight Watchers online and I have an iPhone now...so I can actually check the restaurant points and make pretty good decisions about what to eat there. If you play your cards right, you can eat fairly healthy! :)

But...I do have to stay WAY away from the Chinese food buffet!

Sorry to hear you are sick.Yeah that gives us an excuse to feel sorry for ourselves but stay strong.You are motivated to do this!Stay on your plan.

It stinks when the treadmill goes at this time of year- we have a Sole F63, we love it.Love the Ipod dock!
I think it is great that gyms are offering a pay as you go now.You figure the economy the way it is if they did not do something like that they would lose tons of business.Everyone knows what it is like to pay for the gym and then stop going but the monthly payment is there.I was actually going to check with my old gym to do Spinning(pay as you go).I don't know if they do it but it would be great.

Where are you from? I was laughing about being cold at 40 degrees! I would be in shorts- no lie!


Ah! An Ipod dock? I wonder if it would hold an iPhone? That sounds AWESOME! I really may have to get another treadmill. I hate to do that...because it is so expensive...and I am really trying to save up for the Disney trips!! :)

I am from Mississippi...and it is a "wet" cold down here... I can almost handle the cold up north....well, sort of...not really!

I am sick as a dog! Seriously...quite sick...more on that in a min...

;) Just checking in to say hi. Good news! It's been above freezing here for almost a week, and the ice is melting fast! This is absolutely incredible and unheard of for this area! usually it is about -20 F from the end of Nov. until the end of Feb., but not this year. :confused3 But that's good for me, because I really need to get out there and start walking! I'm not sure I'll ever "do" a marathon, or even a half marathon, my back is so bad, but at least I can try to keep it from getting worse!

Well, yes and no about that peanut butter.... We can get small jars of it, but it is made in China, and I'm a little leery of using it. With all the scares about Chinese products these days, I'm just not sure. I'm sure that they don't check quality standards AT ALL here. The things I miss here the most are: good coffee (they only drink tea here), easy access to new movies, or any movies for that matter on DVD, reliable utilities, my family, and quilting fabric. ;)

Well, time for my little "workout". Oh, by the way, FitDay is a website. Just google it. It's free and good.

Talk to you later,



Oh my gosh.

That is crazy. I think God would have to speak out loud before I could move there! (Not really...I would follow Him wherever He told me to go!)

I am planning to WALK the half...it will take me forever! But it will keep me from hurting my back and all of the training should help my back, hopefully!! :) And my knees, etc. It will help to just lose some weight!

Yeah...it sounds like we should avoid the peanut butter in the USA, too!!!!

I guess they don't deliver Netflix over there, huh! :rotfl2:

Thanks so much for posting and keeping in touch! :)

Maroo - I'm impressed with you for choosing to do a 1/2 marathon, I'm so inspired by people who can run that far. Maybe someday I'll get up enough guts to join you and others in a run.

Oh my...I won't be running!! I am planning to speed walk. I will still burn a TON of calories...but I don't see myself ever running anywhere!

Great Job Mary!!!:cheer2:

:cheer2: GO MARY GO!!!:cheer2:

:cheer2: GO MARY GO!!!:cheer2:

Thanks, Mindy!!! :)

Hi Mary

Subbing to your thread and looking forward to the ride. :beach: Keep up the good work!!! :joker:

Thanks for posting!! :)
So...it has been a very stressful weekend. For several reasons.

First...a sort of funny story...but part of my stress...

This is Muffin. She is my baby! For those of you guys that have no children...especially my other single friends out there... you might get what I say here...This is my child! Ya know what I am saying?


Isn't she cute?


Muffin was staying at Lauren's house the other night while I took Lauren to a church function. When we got back, we couldn't find Muffin! :confused3 We could hear her barking, crying, but we could not find her! Finally, one of Lauren's friends thought she heard the barking coming from the toilet...

opened the lid...

and about had a heart attack!

Because Muffin was IN THE TOILET! :rotfl:

How in the world she managed to get in the toilet AND shut the lid on herself, I have no idea!


I did have Lauren all weekend. And I am sick. Here was the schedule.

Friday: Got off of work at 3:00. Ran home. Got packed, grabbed Muffin and drove to Lauren's. I got there right after her bus got there. Fed Lauren some supper. She worked on homework for an hour or so. Then we loaded up in the van and drove to the church. We stayed there until after 10:00 PM!! I was exhausted! But, we had to go to the store to get some snacks for the students. Then back to her house. Then the whole Muffin thing happened. They had some Bible Study time. We finally got everyone in bed around 1:00 AM.

Saturday: Lauren had to be ready before 8:00. Which means our day started at 5:30. Got her showered, dressed, hair, makeup, etc, etc done. We all ate breakfast. I took a nap. About 30 minutes. Then we had to leave for the church again. While she was doing church activities, I went and took another nap! Our church has a few really comfy couches! But just for a little while. Then lunch (which was pizza! Yummy...but...well, I ate Pizza! And I didn't have enough points for all of that!) then recreation, then more meetings. Then dinner (lasagna! HELLO, people! Bad, bad, Mary!!) We finally got home Saturday night at 10:30. Lauren was exhausted, so she was ready for bed pretty quickly. Got her in bed and then I crashed at 11:00 pm.

I woke up this morning and felt HORRIBLE! The original plan was for me to get her ready and take her to the church and then pack and go back to my house this afternoon.

But, I couldn't do it. I have fever. And I must have looked horrible...because Lauren said, "You are not taking me anywhere! MOM!!" Her Mom came, and bless her heart, got her ready for church...then passed her to me for a little while while she got ready to go (fast!) and then she took Lauren to the church. I was just out of reserve.

So...now I am at home. I have taken quite a bit of medicine...and hopefully will be asleep by the time the big game starts!!

Good news, I guess, is that I won't be eating junk at any Super Bowl parties tonight. But I ate my crummy stuff on Saturday! I just need to bring my own food to those things. But I just don't have the extra time to fix anything because it is all I can do to get Lauren's food, my food and feed both of us during the short times we have to eat. Ya know?


I am definitely not doing any exercise today. What do you guys think about working out when you are sick? My general feeling is that if I have fever, I should take it easy? What is your philosophy on that?

Well...sort of a downer post...but you will get it all from me on this thread! Have a good day, peeps!! :)
Maroo :grouphug: and some pixiedust: get healthy dust!

Yes, you need to recover before you exercise! Move when you can, and many people end up losing quite a bit of water weight when sick... :rolleyes1 Drink WATER - drink chicken broth - eat a few crackers, but mostly stick to liquids!

I finished your trip report... :goodvibes Lauren sounds like she could teach! I was involved with the Church Youth Group when my 2 boys were teenagers - those sleepovers were exhausting...

you're poor baby - stuck in the toilet!! :scared1: Some things you'll never know!! (and I do understand about the love connection with our furbabies!)

Have you been to Dottie's Weight Loss Zone? Its all things Weight Watchers
http://www.dwlz.com/ you can spend hours wandering around her site - very inspirational too! I noticed on the main WISH page there is a post about weight watchers - I do believe you will get out of it what you put into it!

http://www.ballyfitness.com/ but you are right, no Bally's in Mississippi - 29 in IL - I'm in the cold frozen Chicagoland area - and wondering why about now!!

:cheer2: Great Attitude - you may have made some high calorie choices then, but not now - the trick is to find balance, and if you have to - pack your own! ALWAYS carry water - fill up on water, and nibble on the higher caloric stuffs!!

My son, 20, is having some challenges - he was in the hospital for 5 days, not really sure what happened, lots of tests - all negative - sensitive subject - we are now going for 2nd opinions and he is getting some OT/PT type therapy treatments... Life throws curveballs - I get to plan a trip to Disney - as well as having many many miracles and Faith affirming occurances in the midst of our crisis!

I truly talk too much!
Mary, I want to keep up with you over here. How long are you going to be in WDW in October? We just changed our dates and will be going in Oct.

Congrats on the weight loss!!
Maroo Hope you're feeling better today!! Drink lots and lots of liquids!!

Do hope you're feeling better, Mar! ;) I was all set to start some walking yesterday, as the mud is slowly drying out, but I woke up to snow again today, so there went that plan. Now, I will have to go to drastic measures... I will have to get out my jumprope and take a swing at that. :lmao: I figure it won't be so bad if I put on my Disney music. :cool1:
It'll drive DH nuts, but hey, it's not about him.

By the way, he informed me last night that I won't see a difference in my marshmallow arms, if I don't burn more calories (that translates into "lose a little weight, honey", btw) at the same time. Of course, I know he's right, so I just MUST add the aerobics component to my toning exercices. I only have 6 weeks until I must don a swimsuit in Dubai, so my procrastinating window is now over. :thumbsup2

Take care! btw, we have the cold brewing here too. The neighbor girl came over with one raging case of bronchitis, and very nicely shared it with us. :sad2:
Weigh In Day!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I don't know why in the world I chose to use so many exclamation points on that...because there is nothing good about it today! And the cheerleaders! Geez! :sad2:

I gained 1 pound. :rolleyes:

Honestly...I am glad it was only a pound.

I was not able to walk at all from Thursday til today because I have been sick. I do feel a little better today. Actually, I don't feel "good"...but I am not as congested, so that is good!

I made crummy food choices this weekend and didn't walk...so...this is what I get!

But...I am back on the wagon (and was even yesterday) for my food choices and hope to work out again starting tomorrow. I need to avoid getting bronchitis, if I can...so I have been taking it easy!

I do have another long weekend coming up. Lauren has another church retreat...this time the Youth Choir. And I will have her Friday through Sunday again. But I am hoping that I will have some down time there and the weather will be nice, so I can walk at the church some!

I am going to get some new tennis shoes today! Mine are getting so worn out that the balls of my feet are hurting. So I will hopefully make some progress after that.
Maroo :grouphug: and some pixiedust: get healthy dust!

Yes, you need to recover before you exercise! Move when you can, and many people end up losing quite a bit of water weight when sick... :rolleyes1 Drink WATER - drink chicken broth - eat a few crackers, but mostly stick to liquids!

I finished your trip report... :goodvibes Lauren sounds like she could teach! I was involved with the Church Youth Group when my 2 boys were teenagers - those sleepovers were exhausting...

you're poor baby - stuck in the toilet!! :scared1: Some things you'll never know!! (and I do understand about the love connection with our furbabies!)

Have you been to Dottie's Weight Loss Zone? Its all things Weight Watchers
http://www.dwlz.com/ you can spend hours wandering around her site - very inspirational too! I noticed on the main WISH page there is a post about weight watchers - I do believe you will get out of it what you put into it!

http://www.ballyfitness.com/ but you are right, no Bally's in Mississippi - 29 in IL - I'm in the cold frozen Chicagoland area - and wondering why about now!!

:cheer2: Great Attitude - you may have made some high calorie choices then, but not now - the trick is to find balance, and if you have to - pack your own! ALWAYS carry water - fill up on water, and nibble on the higher caloric stuffs!!

My son, 20, is having some challenges - he was in the hospital for 5 days, not really sure what happened, lots of tests - all negative - sensitive subject - we are now going for 2nd opinions and he is getting some OT/PT type therapy treatments... Life throws curveballs - I get to plan a trip to Disney - as well as having many many miracles and Faith affirming occurances in the midst of our crisis!

I truly talk too much!

You truly do not talk any more than I do. :rotfl2:

Too bad I didn't lose weight with this illness! This was one of those "feed the fever" sort of illnesses. Not sick to my stomach...just sinus infection sick.

I think Lauren will end up doing some sort of counseling or law as a career. She has issues, because if she works too much, she will lose her Medicaid benefits...so she either has to get a job where she has excellent coverage...or get a part time job!

I have visited DWLZ...in fact, I used to use her site all the time, but now WW has restaurant points...so that is good!

Thanks for posting!!! :)

Mary, I want to keep up with you over here. How long are you going to be in WDW in October? We just changed our dates and will be going in Oct.

Congrats on the weight loss!!

Hi there!!!!

We plan to be there from Saturday, Oct 24 and leave on Wed Oct 28th. But LOTS of stuff has to happen between now and then for that to happen. I do think we will do the race...but how long we can stay will depend on getting grandparents and other CNA's to help. Rick can't handle both kids during school by himself. It takes 2 adults to get both kids ready and off to school.

When are your dates? :)

Maroo Hope you're feeling better today!! Drink lots and lots of liquids!!


Thanks!! :) I have one of those Camelbak water bottles and it helps me drink LOTS of water! I normally get about 9 eight ounce glasses in a day. Plus some Propel. So, I have the water thing down! :lmao:

Do hope you're feeling better, Mar! ;) I was all set to start some walking yesterday, as the mud is slowly drying out, but I woke up to snow again today, so there went that plan. Now, I will have to go to drastic measures... I will have to get out my jumprope and take a swing at that. :lmao: I figure it won't be so bad if I put on my Disney music. :cool1:
It'll drive DH nuts, but hey, it's not about him.

Oh no! More snow? Yes...jump rope! And music does help a LOT. I found that Disney music is very inspiring...but not as good when I am trying to go fast...ya know? But I do like "I Can Fly, I Can Fly, I Can Fly"...it gets pretty fast in the middle!

I have a playlist of some songs by Tree 63, Point of Grace, 4Him, Third Day, Burlap to Cashmere, MW Smith, Andrew Peterson and Bebo Norman...basically "fast" songs...that get me moving! :) I can send it to you...or post it here (which might be better, huh?)...

By the way, he informed me last night that I won't see a difference in my marshmallow arms, if I don't burn more calories (that translates into "lose a little weight, honey", btw) at the same time. Of course, I know he's right, so I just MUST add the aerobics component to my toning exercices. I only have 6 weeks until I must don a swimsuit in Dubai, so my procrastinating window is now over. :thumbsup2

Marshmallow arms!!!!!!!! :crazy2: Is he in the doghouse?

Ah...wearing a swimsuit...certainly a motivator!!!

Take care! btw, we have the cold brewing here too. The neighbor girl came over with one raging case of bronchitis, and very nicely shared it with us. :sad2:

Aw...how sweet of her to share...:confused3

I am trying not to share with my friends. Although I will be surprised if Lauren doesn't get it. Since I was with her all weekend. But she is taking vitamins! :) And I did wash my hands constantly!

I actually work with cancer patients and I will be doning a mask today because I have talk to a few of them. :rolleyes:
I think Lauren will end up doing some sort of counseling or law as a career. She has issues, because if she works too much, she will lose her Medicaid benefits...so she either has to get a job where she has excellent coverage...or get a part time job!

We had always thought that too, then we talked to a Social Security counselor and he told us about SSI Work Incentive 1619B. Have you ever heard of it?

It basically states:

Under Section 1619(b), you may continue to be eligible for Medicaid coverage even if you work and make too much to not receive any cash benefits like SSI.

Here is a link about it: 1619B

Hi there!!!!

We plan to be there from Saturday, Oct 24 and leave on Wed Oct 28th. But LOTS of stuff has to happen between now and then for that to happen. I do think we will do the race...but how long we can stay will depend on getting grandparents and other CNA's to help. Rick can't handle both kids during school by himself. It takes 2 adults to get both kids ready and off to school.

When are your dates? :)

Right now our dates are Oct. 25-30th, but with Bill that is not set in stone. Does Lauren change her mind a lot? Bill does constantly and drives me insane, the obsessive trip planner in me goes crazy when he changes dates on me :crazy2: . After I get this latest TR done I am not started at PTR until he swears the won't change his mind on dates :rotfl: .
Oh my gosh!!

We would be there at the same time!! :)

Lauren isn't going on this trip...so she doesn't get to change her mind! She is actually pretty good about thinking something through, deciding and then sticking with it. She ends up burning her candle at both ends, sometimes, because she feels like she should follow through on everything. Even if she is really tired.

Lisa and I are going on this one, though. And that is 2/3 of the people that take care of her the most. But with help from grandparents, we should be fine to go...:) 5 days is just a long time to find coverage to make sure her needs are met.

Lisa also has a strange work situation and they won't guarantee time off. :sad2: Of course, once we buy tickets...they better guarantee it! ::yes::

That info re: 1619B is AWESOME! Thank you for that! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Looks like Lauren needs to move to Minnesota! :lmao: She can only make 25K a year here in MS. She better get used to the COLD...brrrr!!! :rotfl:
As I sit here at school eating my healthy lunch of salt free soup and a fruit cup, I thought of you! I wanted to check in and see how you were doing! So yesterday I didn't do my work out video instead I took 3 hour nap by accident! Sooooo tomorrow it will be! Hope all is well!
As I sit here at school eating my healthy lunch of salt free soup and a fruit cup, I thought of you! I wanted to check in and see how you were doing! So yesterday I didn't do my work out video instead I took 3 hour nap by accident! Sooooo tomorrow it will be! Hope all is well!

That does sound like a healthy lunch! When I eat soup, I usually eat the very salty kind and end up gaining water weight! So, way to go!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Sounds like you needed to sleep if you took a 3 hour nap!

So...check back in with 'us' tomorrow and let us know how that workout went! :thumbsup2
I got a Wii FIT!!!

I am so excited! I love it!

I was TOTALLY SHOCKED :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: at how HORRIBLE my BMI was. :crazy2: :sad: :sad2: :confused3 :sad: :rolleyes2 :faint:

I won't even tell you. Because some of you actually LIKE me! :rotfl2:


I "clocked" 35 minutes on the Wii Fit. And I spent a considerable amount of time getting it set up...being told how...well...just doing the beginning stuff! And there are a lot of stops and starts as you go from task to task...so I spent about an hour on it.

And I made great food choices today. Got ALL of my fruits and veggies in and didn't go over my points! And I logged every bite! So that is good.

Next I am going to play the drums on rock band for a while...Which I should get activity points for...but I have NO idea how to count those! Anyone???

Tomorrow (Wed) is my regular day off (I work 32 hours a week at my primary job)...so I am meeting my friend at the gym and plan to walk a LOOOONNNNGGGG time! So...I will check back with all of you nice folks later!
This is very preliminary!! The Disboards (Podcast section) are just gauging interest at this point...

This is the 5th time I have posted this...sorry for the repetition for those of you that would have already seen it!! But I am so excited about this possbility!

I do think that the more people that sign up or show an interest will increase the chances that this could actually happen!

During the Marathon Weekend (5K, half marathon, full marathon, and Goofy) they have "charity groups" that raise money as part of the event.

The Disboards have been raising money for Give Kids the World (the resort for Wish Kids - an amazing place!!!!) by selling shirts and someone came up with the idea to set up a charity group to walk/run during the Marathon weekend to raise money for Give Kids the World.

Link to GIVE KIDS THE WORLD: www.gktw.org

Here is the thread:

Give Kids the World Marathon Weekend Interest Thread

This is what I am hoping you guys will help me do...

Do you know someone that would want to walk/run ANY of the races above FOR GKTW? It would involve raising money for GKTW as part of your race fees, but it is possible we would get some sort of group discount?

Anyway...I am hoping to generate some excitement about this! I really, really want this to work out! :)

If you know someone interested, please click on the thread below (also listed above)...

Give Kids the World Marathon Weekend Interest Thread
Your enthusiasim is contagious!!

Glad you are feeling better!!

Can you explain GKTW.I know it is Give Kids the World but what is it exactly?
Where is the village?

I would LOVE to explain GKTW!!

It is a "resort" for Wish Kids. It is located in Kissemmee (spelling) Florida. Right down 192.

Wish Kids are no longer defined by a "terminal" diagnosis. Treatment for cancer and other childhood diseases has come so far that most children diagnosed will not die during childhood. Which is WONDERFUL! But any child with cancer still qualifies. They allow any child with a life threatening condition qualify now.

I went with Lauren - a 15-year-old with severe CP with complications that are life threatening. Her doctor put her name in when she almost died last Christmas after a big surgery.

A child who requests a wish to go to Disney World, children from all over the world), stay at GKTW when they are in Florida. They stay in 2 BR Villas with kitchens, etc. And they are super accessible! Everything is handicapped accessible, right down to the miniature golf course and carousel!!

They feed the children and their families a hot breakfast and dinner, free pizza you can order almost anytime and ice cream ALL the time. Even for breakfast!!

This is my best video that sort of shows lots of pictures of GKTW...it is long at the beginning...you can fast forward through the black/white writing. This was made to be shown to high school students as a fundraiser.


What I can't show you is the detail...it is a LOT like Disney World...in the attention to detail. Everything is just magical. The music playing. The volunteers. It really is just a wonderful, magical place for sick kids!

Here are some pictures from the air posted on their Facebook site - check out the new section...it is a castle theme! :)


They have over 100 villas and stay full most of the year. They were so full, in fact, that Lauren had to stay in Disney Resort instead of GKTW. But we could still go to GKTW at any time!!! :)


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