Headscratching Comments from Others

DH first trip to WDW was this month.

He only wears jean shorts (Lee Brand, no cutoffs thank goodness)

He wore a fanny pack the entire time (He brought home this huge thing that carried two water bottles, I took one look at it and returned it for a smaller one)

He constantly opens his mouth and inserts a foot, so I am entertained throughout the day every day. He had no clue of the names of the characters, some of the combinations that he came up with :rotfl2: DD4 looks at him the same way I do (what planet are you from!)

Didn't do waterparks, so we did not have our water shoes along.

Yeah we saw quite a few women dressed as if they were headed out for a night on the town instead WDW. Husband commented right in front of one, Honey I didn't know we were going to Vegas, you told me we were going to Disney. (she was standing at the corner of main street :lmao:)

Can't wait to go back!!!!!!
I only tried the no water shoe thing once and I swear I almost lost a toe!!! Well not really but my foot got scraped up bad and I will never do that again!!

Same here. We were in the the big wave pool at TL and DS got road rash from rolling, I got a cut on my leg and DH had it the worst... The wave ripped his water sandal IN HALF!! Maybe the refurbishment at TL has to do with re-surfacing the wave pool, it's way too rough.
I have to disagree about the blue jean shorts. Around here everyone wears them and they have them in all the "in" stores like Hollister, Abercrombie and American Eagle. I just paid $40 for a pair for my DD, they are definitely not out of style.

No, you actually are proving my point.

See you're not from the southeast (which I don't consider FL to be, not at all the same culture). From what you say people in your area consider jorts to be ok. Its just not the same here. I'm not saying your wrong. What I'm saying is that in a place like WDW you will run in to people of different backgrounds and cultures, kids and teens dont get that so they make fun of anyone different than what they recognize.

However, I assure you if you go to a college football game in the southeast wearring Jorts (Jean shORTS) of any kind people will make fun of you.

I wore long pants with flipflops a year ago around some guys from california at an accounting convention in Orlando. They made fun of me and thought I looked rediculous, back home no one would have noticed. But, back home everyone would have noticed a 30 year old wearing shorts down to below their knees and solid white tennis shoes, like all of them wore. Maybe its the opposite where your from.
I've never worn water shoes at a waterpark but I probably should have when we went to TL last time in May '01. Wowza - HOT!!!!!

I can't say that I've ever heard any strange comments. I did scratch my head at a couple of things on our last trip. The first was the lady using a wet wipe on the handrails for the ride queues. I was mostly wondering why she didn't just NOT touch the rails although the wipe thing is a bit odd to this non-germophobe too. And the second was a girl who was wearing a WHITE shirt without a bra. Can you say headlights?[/QUOTE]

LOL.........AKA, "The turkey is now done" look.

Why don't I ever see such sights when I'm at disney? I always see the men wearing speedo's with too much bodyhair. NEVER do I see the white shirt + Kali Rapids look.

Sometimes it's not that great!!! Oh and don't forget the women who wear all white sans bra and panties!! Especially during the rainy season LOL Poor girls
Hmmm I am confused, I was born and raised and have lived in the south all my life, in several different states. I see people wearing jean shorts ALL THE TIME. Men, women and kids. I worked in retail for along time and the stores sell TONS of jean shorts. They still do, esp in the Juniors section which of course is predominately sold to young teens and adults.

Water shoes are very very common around here as well, esp for kids. I don't see many adults wearing them but the kids do. In fact any time their schools have had water related activities they are required to wear water shoes.
Ah, the jorts insult thing. There are many theories, but no one seems to know where it really came from. It seems to be kind of specific to sports fans in the SEC (because really, no one from anywhere else in the country is ever going to be wearing shorts of any kind to a college football game -- too cold at night.) Funny article on the topic:


This isn't the first regional brouhaha over what to wear to a college football game. In my day (early 80's), standard attire for an SEC football game if you were male was a pr. of khaki trousers, and either a button-down dress shirt or a polo-shirt (preferably Polo). If the weather was cooler, the button-down would be worn with a sport coat and a tie. Girls wore suits, or dress trousers/skirts with a silk blouse and pearls. Yes, we dressed up to go to football games -- it was a tradition. Students from up north were always freaked out by it. (BTW, You'll still see a fair number of women in dresses and pearls if you go to a tailgate party at Ole Miss.)

I don't live in the South any more, so this whole issue is just a curiousity to me. However, I'll agree that jean shorts can be a bit of an oxymoron if you think about it. If the point is to keep cool, wearing heavy denim in a tightly constructed style kind of defeats the purpose. The guy in that photo above is also wearing really pale denim, which is badly out of style at the moment, long or short.

FTR, DH does own a pr which are actually olive green canvas -- he wears them for yardwork.
Blah! I was born and raised in FL - I've never lived anywhere other than Jacksonville, FL, St. Augustine, FL, and Orlando. I wear blue jean shorts (so does my hubby and all of my kids LOL), I wear a Disney fanny pack at Disney, and I wear water shoes at water parks (but not the beach). However, I despise mullets. In fact, my poor 1 yr old has a "natural mullet" and I cannot wait until Thursday - we are driving down to Disney for the day and he will receive his first haircut at the Barber Shop to rid him of the dreaded mullet LOL - he really doesn't have much hair at all - but I can't deal with the mullet. My almost 4 yr old will receive her 1st haircut also LOL.
Oh and I had never heard of the no blue jean shorts thing before now - now cut-off shorts - that's a different story - cut-off's should be outlawed. LOL
I still think that noone is following my argument for why the OP was insulted. I'm not arguing whether or not the Jort is acceptable. I was just using the Jort as an example. I am an SEC football fan, so is everyone I know. Jorts are unacceptable to us, they may not be to most other regions of the country. . . Florida fans never understand why we make fun of their beloved Jort.

My argument is that once inside of WDW you see a melting pot of fashion and culture since people from the corners of the earth converge here. So, it doesn't suprise me that a group of spoiled kids will make comments about someone's clothing, because where they come from it may be a big deal to wear Jorts, Water-shoes, Fanny packs, Mullets, Jams, Members Only Jackets, Starter Jackets, earrings (men), tight jeans (men), cowboy hats, cowboy boots, annoracks, cuttoffs (of any kind), high socks, plaid pants, short shorts (men), big scruchies (women), or how about overall shorts, MC Hammer parachute pants, dickies, and the infamouse socks with sandalls.

There has been a time in everyone's life where you wore at least one if not the majority of the above listed items. There are probably several of us that still wear these items . . . I mean no offense, all im saying is that there are some unique fashion statements out there that somebody somewhere is going to make fun of.
What is an annorack?

And Spectro, I hear what you are saying and understand. Hey, from New England, we don't even understand your obession with college sports period..... :)
rain jacket with a hood. Used to get them from GAP. They come in a bag Just noticed someone making fun of them this past weekend. . . so this was a new one for me.

I prowbably spellllet it rong anyways.

I'm a product of the 80's kids that were taught sound spelling mixed with our southern drawls.
What's wrong with wearing sundresses around the parks??? Do you have any idea how much more comfortable a dress is than a shirt and shorts, especially when it's hot? No waistband, no material between your legs, the air has room to circulate; it's heaven!! I wear them in the parks all the time (They are all knee-length or longer, so I don't expose myself getting on and off rides.), and I certainly don't consider myself an idiot! My DH has told me several times he's a little jealous he can't wear them!;) Now high heel shoes, I understand, because I don't get that either. I wear my dresses with Teva flip flops, and I am always comfortable. I think that makes me pretty smart...:thumbsup2

I agree with you! Sundresses are so much cooler than shorts! Now I wear tennis shoes with mine, never high heels. That would just be masochistic!
I still think that noone is following my argument for why the OP was insulted. I'm not arguing whether or not the Jort is acceptable. I was just using the Jort as an example. I am an SEC football fan, so is everyone I know. Jorts are unacceptable to us, they may not be to most other regions of the country. . . Florida fans never understand why we make fun of their beloved Jort.

Oh, no, SpectroMax -- we get what you're trying to say. It's just that you confused a whole lot of people with the pronouncement that jorts are a fashion disaster where you are, and they wanted to know where that was and why.

It was a digression, true enough, but when you mention something that makes people curious, it's kind to provide an explanation, even if it is off-topic. ;)
Well apparently jean shorts (jorts) are still appropriate in Ohio. I took the kids to a children's museum today and saw plenty of them (even though it is not warm enough today for shorts period).

I just bought both of my kids several new pair for the summer just this past weekend.

Now today I saw several people dressed strangly -- most notably the little boy in grey sweatpants, brown sandals (no socks) and a purple PJ top -- he was about 5-6.
The jean shorts thing must be exclusive to SEC fans, because I am definitely deeply mired in the Deep South. Jean shorts are not frowned upon in my social circles, but DH and I are not, nor will we ever be, sports fans.
Here's one -

My DH (yes MINE) wore shorts, white crew length socks and his black Mickey Crocs!! Our family annointed him "Disney Dork of the Day". :lmao:

He didn't care - he said he was comfortable that way and if anybody didn't like - oh well! I say whatever works for comfort, then go for it. I remember before my last trip reading conversations about what kind of shoes to wear with capris, I want to look cute - type of thing. I give folks the benefit of the doubt at Disney. You're walking up to 10 miles a day, usually in the heat, so wear whatever is comfortable. No comments necessary. (At least not to my face!)

Oh yeah, and I plan to buy and wear a fanny pack for the first time in August. Those backpacks get HOT!
Blue jean shorts are sold in every state.

they have been popular since forever.
Ah, the jorts insult thing. There are many theories, but no one seems to know where it really came from. It seems to be kind of specific to sports fans in the SEC (because really, no one from anywhere else in the country is ever going to be wearing shorts of any kind to a college football game -- too cold at night.) Funny article on the topic:


This isn't the first regional brouhaha over what to wear to a college football game. In my day (early 80's), standard attire for an SEC football game if you were male was a pr. of khaki trousers, and either a button-down dress shirt or a polo-shirt (preferably Polo). If the weather was cooler, the button-down would be worn with a sport coat and a tie. Girls wore suits, or dress trousers/skirts with a silk blouse and pearls. Yes, we dressed up to go to football games -- it was a tradition. Students from up north were always freaked out by it. (BTW, You'll still see a fair number of women in dresses and pearls if you go to a tailgate party at Ole Miss.)

I don't live in the South any more, so this whole issue is just a curiousity to me. However, I'll agree that jean shorts can be a bit of an oxymoron if you think about it. If the point is to keep cool, wearing heavy denim in a tightly constructed style kind of defeats the purpose. The guy in that photo above is also wearing really pale denim, which is badly out of style at the moment, long or short.

FTR, DH does own a pr which are actually olive green canvas -- he wears them for yardwork.

Hilarious article! And yes, I have been guilty of saying, "Timmy Tebow wears jorts" many of times. And yes, we still get very dressed up for our football games in the SEC. Here at LSU, we wear casual purple and gold sundresses, because as another poster said, they are SOOO comfortable in the hot, humid, scorching weather of the South. I also agree with you about jean shorts being an oxymoron. I feel that way about any tight shorts though, that's why I stick to the sundresses and flowy skirts. I too think that is a regional thing.

Things that may not be stylish in some parts may be acceptable in other parts of America. It's just something you're going to have to deal with anywhere. That's what's great about America!

One more thing, first thing that article did was call out LSU fans for smelling like corn dogs! To set the record straight: WE DON'T!!! Thanks Ole Miss for that rumor!
My argument is that once inside of WDW you see a melting pot of fashion and culture since people from the corners of the earth converge here. So, it doesn't suprise me that a group of spoiled kids will make comments about someone's clothing, because where they come from it may be a big deal to wear Jorts, Water-shoes, Fanny packs, Mullets, Jams, Members Only Jackets, Starter Jackets, earrings (men), tight jeans (men), cowboy hats, cowboy boots, annoracks, cuttoffs (of any kind), high socks, plaid pants, short shorts (men), big scruchies (women), or how about overall shorts, MC Hammer parachute pants, dickies, and the infamouse socks with sandalls.


When I think men wearing denim shorts I picture an old guy with giant white socks pulled up, white orthopedic shoes, denim shorts to his knees, sleeveless shirt (which is another no-no in my book. Unless said guy is muscular.), and a red "Veteran" hat sitting upon his head like a truck driver.


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