Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Sorry!! Here is a better picture..


I am thinking the first one is a zipper foot, and the long one is the buttonhole foot. I have one that looks like the third one with my machine...and I looked in my manual, and it is called the monogramming foot....not sure about the last one.
I think that we came to a consensus here that the Brother machines with the drop-in bobbin aren't very good at shirring. Mine, in particular, doesn't seem to keep the elastic tight enough. Not sure what type of machine you have, but that might be an answer even though it's a frustrating one.

Yup I have a brother! UGH I will try the steaming like Heather said and maybe I will get lucky...
Serger question: So, I've been sewing like crazy (will post pics when hubby brings my camera home from his business trip.) And I'm starting to think a serger is a necessity, not a luxury. Only problem is, $$$. I've found some of the Singer type machines on sale around 225-250; is it worth it to get one of these? Or should I save up for a Bernina/Janome type version? I'm not planning to sell, just make stuff for my family and gifts. Thanks.
I just got my Babylock Evolve a couple weeks ago. I never had a serger before, and now I don't ever want to be without it. I think my favorite is the 5 thread safety stitch and the rolled hem. Alot of machines don't have the 5 thread. It is a 3 thread overlock with a chainstitch in front of it. This way I can sew things exclusively on the serger without having the thread showing through when you pull the seam and see those white threads showing through.. eeek! that would have driven me crazy. I know it doesn't bother some people. The rolled hem is FANTASTIC though! I totally hope you can get one. Most people would probably be satisfied with the 250 ones. I was just tempted by all these ladies around me that have Evolves. I blame them! It has jet air threading. <3!

I need to ask for prayers...I wish I could go into detail right now, but I am not sure I should share on a public forum...but just say we are having a hard time in our community right now and we need prayers for sure! Ugh...that's all I can say!:guilty:
Hope you are okay! I am not sure if you posted an update that I missed.

Back from our 9 day trip, we had a great time. We stayed at the Pop and had GREAT bus service. The girls got lots of comments on their custom outfits, except they didn't want to dress the same on this trip so they wore their matching outfits on different days. Guess it had to come to an end sometime. The only disappointment was Jenna was so excited to see Tink and she wanted to save her Tink outfit for that day. So we get to Toontown early, still have a 45 minute wait and then Tink doesn't say a word about her outfit. She was pretty disappointed. This is the outfit:


Aww!!! How upsettting about Tink!! Poor little girl! The outfit is really cute though. Sad that tink may have ruined it for her.

Thought I would share some of my latest sewing....

T-shirt for ds for dinner at Ohana....

Close up:

This is for dd..and I am not sure if I really like the "flower" buttons that I used on the applique. I still have to do the button holes.
Your appliques look so good! Omgoosh!!!
I LOOOVE the minnie dress. That fabric is going to be on my must have list!

So I had some time yesterday before a hair appointment and wandered into a sewing machine store.... I was hoping for more info about a ruffle foot for my machine. The ladies working don't think my machine will take one... poo. But they did encourage me to upgrade. They showed me the latest and greatest Brother/Disney machine.... insert drool here.... this thing is COOL. And 160 included Disney embroidery images ain't bad.
So the super good deal they offered me was 7998.00 with trade in....
Oh, I am still giggling.
Maybe someday. It is a seriously cool machine. The ladies at the store had a great sense of humor about it all. They were just having fun showing me all the features of the thing. Apparently one of them just bought herself one. I wonder what kind of employee discount the get
I seriously plan on getting one of these fancy machines. I want to sew for out when DD is older, and think it is worth the investment... :rolleyes1
My MIL used to work for Bernina.. she got to buy her machine at wholesale. I think it was about half price. :scared1: They gave her a free top of the line Bernina serger too. I can't believe she quit.

You would love the machine!! And really you can't put a price on happiness?? So back in the day, my DH bought me the top of the line Baby Lock! I love it and wouldn't give it up.... except every time I take it in for servicing.... they tell me they can upgrade me to the newest Baby Lock for only 160 a month!!! First time they told me that, I laughed, but it pops into my head ALL the time!!! It comes with a little "snowman"... I was like what??? Yeah, you put the snowman on you hoop, exactly where you want the embroidery to start, and that is where it starts. No more guessing and hoping the machine starts where you want it to start!
Oh my goodness.. I definitely need a snowman!!! I hope Viking has that on their machines too. I am pretty in love with Babylock right now because of my serger though. :love: 160 a month makes it hard to say no I bet. I hope you get it so you can help enable me to get one myself. hah!

Yeah! I was telling hubby, imagine the stash I could put together with 7K.
With 7k you could probably build a building to put your stash in and still get a huge stash.

I just have to show all of you my dd Courtney's prom picture. My baby is growing up so fast. She is such a good girl. I am so proud of her. I guess I bragged enough. I just wanted to share my picture.

She is beautiful! That dress is fab too. I love anything pink!
Would you mind sharing where you got the appliques for the Little Einsteins?? I have been looking for one for Hollywood Studios and I really like that one.

And, I LOVE your Minnie with the flower buttons!!
There is someone on ebay and etsy that sells them. I'm not sure if stitch on time sells them. PM me if you need a link to them. My favorite were the ones on ebay. I digitized my own when I made a LE dress. I still need to post that one. I only posted really fuzzy pictures of it on my DD.

I actually bought them already, childrens place had them on sale for $4 a piece and they were a lot better made than the walmart ones. I was going to go with walmart until I saw those :thumbsup2

They are more knit shorts than bikers but VERY cute.
Ooooh I love CC knit shorts. They are so soft!!! I need to get some.

Oh yeah and in talking her today I discovered that during the field trip to the zoo today, one of the parents seemed to think it was okay to walk from the bus into the zoo right next to my daughter SMOKING THE WHOLE FREAKING TIME! What part of "severe asthma" does the school not understand?!?! (She can't even go outside if it's under a certain temperature).

I feel a bit lady doggish but I really think I need to write to the teacher and the principal and tell them it is NOT acceptable for a parent to smoke on a field trip!!
That is just horrible. My DH has this problem while he works offshore. He can't breath when people smoke, but they just don't get it.

Do you have as much fun watching her eyes light up as I do when my 3 year old daughter gets a new outfit. She runs over and tells me "Mommy, I know you love me!" That is the best ever!
awww.. How sweet.

I love to shirr the backs for a great fit. I wind my bobbin by hand and make it as tight as my old hands can get it around the bobbin. I also find my first shirr line is loose at the top so I now start in the middle then work up and down.

I hope this helps.
I still can't get it to work. I called the dealer where I got my machine and she said it is probably how my machine bobbin is made. Ugh... :confused3
I hope I can figure something else out to make it work.
I failed shirring 101! I do plan on trying again and think part of my problem was I was going through 3 layers and the other was I didn't wind the bobbin tight enough. I tried it over and over and over!
Glad I am not the only one who can't get this "simple" technique to work. I feel so dumb.

Oh my goodness you guys, I have some really WONDERFUL news!!!!! ABSOLUTELY wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just found out late yesterday that we will FINALLY be able to adopt our beautiful baby boy!!!!! After 17 very long months of worrying and fearing the worst, we finally have an adoption date!!!! Oh I am soooooooo excited!!!! This smile has not left my face since I heard the news! In the beginning of July our son will become ours legally forever and ever!!! No more worrying that he will be ripped from our lives!!! This huge weight of fear has been lifted and we have truly been blessed!!!!!!!!! Oh I can not wait......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. You guys are the best and I love being a part of this group!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I am late, but congrats! How relieving this must be!

We also had one with the families from out Life Group at church, but they didn't wear the tutus that day.

The Easter dresses(I love all the dogwood blossoms on the ground - almost looks like snow - except for the cold part):

Love the Easter Feliz dresses!!
I saw you said you are in a Life Group. I didn't realize other churches call it that. I am in one on Tuesday nights. It is probably my favorite day of the week because of that. We have been doing Beth Moore studies.

Love it! Lilly is such a lucky girl. I need to make Hannah a mikadonald dress! hehe!

Wow! So cute! LOOOOOOVE that fabric.

Cute! I just bought tons of that fabric. She looks adorable in that dress.

If you want I can get you some! I live VERY close to JoAnn's was actually there yesterday and picked up alot of stuff, they had lots of Disney on clearance. among others. Let me know if you want me to get it for you.
Did they have any strawbery shortcake?? I have the blue patwork one, but am looking for anything else.

I was going to recommend The babywearer dot com. but I see Flea beat me to it. I am not surprised you are a babywearer too!! ;)
I also like to use cotton gauze for summer time wraps. They are not heavy and keep rather cool.
And for some inspiration:
(please excuse how awful I look in these pics :) I do not photograph well!)

Is that a BB slen or something like that? I have a BB slen.. I think that is what it is. I have the pink one. I didn't use it that much. My DD didn't like it. :( I am keeping it though. It is so yummy and soft! I loved the babywearer forums.

Your DD looks sooo familiar!!! Surely she doesn't live in Louisiana???

Hey gals! The test track and EE dress came in today and they are SOOOO adorable! Here are a few shots I took.
For those who don't remember I DID NOT MAKE THESE LOL
I did help with the colors and I did come up with the design

I know I commented on these before she tried them on, but they are just so beautiful! Good job on the designing. Is it bad that everytime I see your name I want to go and make pralines????? My maw maw used to make them all the time. She has passed away. I wish she used recipes. She always did it by scratch and we never have found a recipe that tastes the same.


my first zipper!
What pattern did you use for the bodice? I love that! It is beautiful! You sure do learn fast!

all the babywearing talk has me thinking.
I wanted to do this last time and bought a ring sling and a baby bjorn and DD did not like either of them, in fact, she didn't like swaddling either. She would tolerate it for about 5 minutes and then cry.
I hadnt even considered it with the new baby. I never loved the sling all that much, I found it akward to put on- I hate things that go over my head I guess. and then there was all the adjusting each time I used it, had to tighten after putting on, then loosen to take off, etc. The bjorn was somewhat easier to get on and off, but she didnt like being held close. I would try to go for walks in the neighborhood (although I really had hoped to wear her around the house) and most of the time I would have to turn back from my walk cause she was unhappy (and quite often she would get hot and sweaty)

What do you experts think of ring slings and baby bjorn???
You should go over to thebabywearer forums if you haven't already. They don't speak highly of baby bjorns. I blame baby bjorn for me not wearing my DD early enough for her to love it. I had one of those and it was so uncomfortable when she was newborn!!!!

And here is a new Patriotic set I did this year.... Totally reversable!


That looks so cute! JoJo always makes me smile!


I designed and digitized the embroidery on the neckline myself! I'm hoping to open up an etsy shop for my digitized embroidery soon.

Wow! That is so cute! Did you shrink the pattern to make it fit tighter? I don't like the looser fitting ones so much. Your neckline embroidery is precious!!!

Well, I finished one design and got it on the shirt!


Really cute. I don't have the steady hands to do that.
At least when working with smocking I just get poked with a needle if I mess up. Hotfix sounds like I'd burn myself!!!

By the way- Toadstool- here is my new foot- I went and bought it the other day. I used it today for the first time. While it's supposed to be geared towards quilters, I tried it out on CarlaC's Aline- so lots of curves.


I paid $16.75 for mine, but I just found it on sewingmachineplus.com for $11.95
You can use the guide at 1/4" or shift your needle to the left to where it fits in the little hole and it does 5/8"
I really liked that I knew my accuracy was perfect as long as my fabric touched the guide.
I have found that what kind of thread you use can alter your measurement ever so slightly.
I'm very eager to put this to work on my quilt projects, I have a king size quilt to start this summer or fall that has log cabin, courthouse step and greek-snail trail blocks that require absolute accuracy in order to fit together correctly and this little foot will be a great help.
My only issue is that my eyesight at night isn't the best and the guide is black- I wish the guide was white or something brighter in color...

If I am doing an A-line swing top (should fall below hip) should I do a straight short or a bloomer type short? I was thinking of running some elastic thru about 1.5" from the hem line?

Megan came down with a fever today, which might explain all the meltdowns we have been dealing with for the last few days. Temp was 101.5, I took her to Doc, just in case, the quick strip test for strep came back negative, but culture will come back tomorrow. Dr says odds are its just a virus at this point- wash my hands and if I have to kiss her, only on the top of her head!!! Do you have any idea how hard that is!!!!

Ooooh.. Thanks for posting the picture of the foot. I want one now. I know what to ask for now. I use 1/4 inch topstitching alot, so that would probalby be faster than having to go super slow to make it perfect!
I hope Megan feels better. I hope you don't get sick. That would be so bad for you right now!! It has to be hard for no kisses too. I usually catch broncchitus every year so I know how it is for no kisses!
I love bloomers with A-lines. It gives it that extra girly flair. I think the 1.5 from the hemline casing would work fine. I do like my bloomers extra poofy though. It makes the dress poof out if you do it that way. I use Kari Meccas underclothes pattern for my bloomers. They have lots of poof! I did use the commercial pattern ones until she got older though.

OOOH!!! Your fabric looks so pretty!!

It was really interesting when I went into the "nerd store" to get my comic book boards. They looked at me like I had 3 heads! I don't think they'd ever seen a "girl" in there before! But, the nice thing was, they waited on me hand and foot. They let me cut in line in front of all of the guys and they even offered to carry them out to the car for me! That is something that has NEVER happened!
I dated a guy that managed a comic book store, and I totally know how you feel. You get lots of drooling and blank stares. I love nerds.. I married one. :lovestruc We met online in a very nerdy way.

WOW! I haven't been on in so long and I have missed out! I wanted to post my little Rylie in her Sophie tunic:

This pattern is so cute and very easy! No gathering, elastic, zippers or buttons if you choose! Also wanted to show off an outfit I recently made for a customer:

Her little girl is about the same size as Rylie so that worked out well!
Omgoodness! Rylie is soooo adorable! Her smile just makes me giggle! Love the outfits too.

So cute! We love veggietales! By we I mean DH and I! Hannah thinks it is okay, but definitely does not adore it like I do.

Does anyone else have "Where is my Hairbush?" stuck in their heads now?

I asked a shirring ? but couldn't find the answerI want to learn how to shirr and I di the whole wind the bobbin with elastic thread. But it didn't work! Could i have not wound the thread enough? any help would be wonderful!!!!
Some people say to wind it tighter. That didn't help for me. I am having the same problem!! It just stays flat. No shirring happening. Did you try steaming it or putting it in the dryer a little damp?? People told me to try that, but it didn't help me. Someone told me it is my machine. If you have an older machine with a side bobbin that you don't drop in it supposed to work better. I am baffled because everyone says it is so easy.
Ooooh! Love it! I need some of those tanks now. Thanks Jeanne.. lol

Sorry!! Here is a better picture..

First one looks like a zipper foot to me. I use my zipper foot like that alot for attaching mini piping. The third one looks just like a basic clear foot. I use mine more than the regular foot. It is just so you can see better.

Update on my "stuff"
I went to the endo specialist yesterday. Drove 3 hours to get there. I came out of there feeling alot better about everything though. He did offere me the hope that I was looking for. He is giving me medication to make my body go into menopause in hopes that the endo goes away. I am hoping it doesn't make me miserable.
He is not even sure that it is endo though. He said some of my story doesn't sound like endo. We didn't have trouble conceiving for one thing. We haven't tried since Hannah though. He said it is better to treat one thing and see if my pain goes away. I just am praying that it works. Some days I can not walk I am in so much pain. It is hard with a 3 year old too. I can't pick her up most days. She keeps putting bandaids on me to make my boo boo go away. Poor baby! My DH is such an understanding man. He is so supportive. I thank God everyday for him. We are going to also try accupuncture which is probably going to be very expensive as insurance doesn't cover it. He said that accupuncture has helped several of his chronic pain patients. Too bad the closest one is an hour away! I am desperate for pain relief though so I plan on trying it.
I love your new av, Mindi! So good to see you! I love both of the outfits and Rylie is such a cutie. :cutie:

Thanks! You are so sweet!

OK people you're killing me....hahahaha....I am sorry but I had to skim...sorry if I left anyone out! I love that cute zebra outfit on Lily! Too cute!! And Mindy, your dd is adorable in her tunic with her big smile! I wanna see more of her! I love your new avatar too! Those poodle skirts are wonderful...and Heather....you are still working on your tr????:confused3 Love all of the tester tunics! Great job ladies and gentleman!!! :cool1:

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the kind compliments! You all made my day! :thumbsup2

Thank you so much!

Omgoodness! Rylie is soooo adorable! Her smile just makes me giggle! Love the outfits too.

I went to the endo specialist yesterday. Drove 3 hours to get there. I came out of there feeling alot better about everything though. He did offere me the hope that I was looking for. He is giving me medication to make my body go into menopause in hopes that the endo goes away. I am hoping it doesn't make me miserable.
He is not even sure that it is endo though. He said some of my story doesn't sound like endo. We didn't have trouble conceiving for one thing. We haven't tried since Hannah though. He said it is better to treat one thing and see if my pain goes away. I just am praying that it works. Some days I can not walk I am in so much pain. It is hard with a 3 year old too. I can't pick her up most days. She keeps putting bandaids on me to make my boo boo go away. Poor baby! My DH is such an understanding man. He is so supportive. I thank God everyday for him. We are going to also try accupuncture which is probably going to be very expensive as insurance doesn't cover it. He said that accupuncture has helped several of his chronic pain patients. Too bad the closest one is an hour away! I am desperate for pain relief though so I plan on trying it.

AWWW, you are so sweet! I will continue to pray for you! It must be terrible to be in so much pain, especially with a little one! I hope you can find an answer and some relief soon!:hug:
Thank you sooo much!

Awww, you are too sweet! Thank you!

Look at you with your cute avatar! Love it!

I'll take research girl, lately since I don't sew I was more feeling like the pesky kid sister or the class pet, lol!

I'm having bad pain today but I promise I will make you a tut with photos. I watch a video tut to learn how but there were some little things I discovered while making the first shirt that I felt made it even easier than the guys showed:

In the meantime here's a stone setting tut (from another source)

and how to apply them:

I do think just printing a regular outline off the computer, while "easier" in the beginning, would be harder overall than using a hotfix pattern because you'd have to try to space the stones correctly using little tweezers with no guide. You'd also be guessing the different sizes AND how many studs you'd need, and those things aren't cheap enough to just guess, y'know?

wow, this is very helpful information! Thanks for posting!

If you have been reading my TR, you'll know that there was a mystery family by the teacups when we were there. There was a camera crew following them around and it was very curious.

Well, I was just watching Oprah and she had the wife of Randy Pausch, the guy that gave "The Last Lecture" before he died of pancreatic cancer last July.

The wife said that Randy loved Disney World and that they just took a trip there where they dedicated a plaque to her husband, by the TEACUPS! They showed this picture:


When I looked at the picture really close, I saw a white blob and a pink blob walking. That's MY MOM and ME!!


I WAS ON OPRAH!!!! :lmao::lmao::rotfl:

OMG now I know an honest to goodness TV star!! That rawks! :worship:

JHam, did you sew the ribbon the ruffle? I'm guessing? It looks so adorable!

Toadstool I'm sorry you've been feeling bad. :hug: I really hope the meds bring you relief. Hang in there!

And...believe it or not... drumroll please...


It's just a 2.5 hour class at our local Joanns where you learn how to use your machine, but it's a start! I can even bring in my own machine (I bought it at a garage sale 2 years ago and promptly stored it, I'm too scared to try it) so maybe by the time I'm done I'll know how to turn it on and load the thread!

And here is the 50's Primetime "dress" I "made" last night. Of course it's all done on my computer in photoshop. It uses the "Sweetheart Dress" pattern by Pretty Baby Boutique at youcanmakethis.com


I actually think it would be cuter with a yellow or pink dot dress and the same main color sash and zigzag trim, though, but all I could find in a photo of a dress with that pattern that was close to what I had in my head was a picture of the black dot. I'm not sure about the eyelet on the apron. My respect to the original sewer of the dress, I thought it would be okay to use it for illustration purposes since I made it just for fun and it's from a pattern that's readily available

Here's a larger copy of the apron logo I designed, a copy of the sign for the restaurant but with the name in the place of the clock:

So what do y'all think? How could something like this be improved? I feel like it's "missing something." (Of course it will probably be 3 years or so before I could actually attempt sewing it, lol!) Like maybe instead of the name on the apron in the logo, it should be sewn on a patch up top like a name badge for a waitress.
Jeanne I LOVE this! I was wanting to do something zebra, this is FANTASTIC! Hope you don't mind me casing you??!!


If you have been reading my TR, you'll know that there was a mystery family by the teacups when we were there. There was a camera crew following them around and it was very curious.

Well, I was just watching Oprah and she had the wife of Randy Pausch, the guy that gave "The Last Lecture" before he died of pancreatic cancer last July.

The wife said that Randy loved Disney World and that they just took a trip there where they dedicated a plaque to her husband, by the TEACUPS! They showed this picture:


When I looked at the picture really close, I saw a white blob and a pink blob walking. That's MY MOM and ME!!


I WAS ON OPRAH!!!! :lmao::lmao::rotfl:

I am so proud to know you! :hug::lmao:
For those of you with shirring issues, here is my story. The first time I tried shirring, with my original machine, I think it was maybe a cheap old singer? It was soooooo easy, nothing to it! It shirred up like magic! Then that machine broke and I got my drop-in brother and I have not been able to shir since. I have tried and tried and I steam and heat and wind to no avail. I will have to try again on my mom's 50 year old singer because it has the other type of bobbin.
OMG now I know an honest to goodness TV star!! That rawks! :worship:

JHam, did you sew the ribbon the ruffle? I'm guessing? It looks so adorable!

Toadstool I'm sorry you've been feeling bad. :hug: I really hope the meds bring you relief. Hang in there!

And...believe it or not... drumroll please...


It's just a 2.5 hour class at our local Joanns where you learn how to use your machine, but it's a start! I can even bring in my own machine (I bought it at a garage sale 2 years ago and promptly stored it, I'm too scared to try it) so maybe by the time I'm done I'll know how to turn it on and load the thread!

And here is the 50's Primetime "dress" I "made" last night. Of course it's all done on my computer in photoshop. It uses the "Sweetheart Dress" pattern by Pretty Baby Boutique at youcanmakethis.com


I actually think it would be cuter with a yellow or pink dot dress and the same main color sash and zigzag trim, though, but all I could find in a photo of a dress with that pattern that was close to what I had in my head was a picture of the black dot. I'm not sure about the eyelet on the apron. My respect to the original sewer of the dress, I thought it would be okay to use it for illustration purposes since I made it just for fun and it's from a pattern that's readily available

Here's a larger copy of the apron logo I designed, a copy of the sign for the restaurant but with the name in the place of the clock:

So what do y'all think? How could something like this be improved? I feel like it's "missing something." (Of course it will probably be 3 years or so before I could actually attempt sewing it, lol!) Like maybe instead of the name on the apron in the logo, it should be sewn on a patch up top like a name badge for a waitress.
soooooooooo cute! And yes, I just sewed the ribbon on the ruffles, but I did heat seal the edges of the ribbon first.

If you have been reading my TR, you'll know that there was a mystery family by the teacups when we were there. There was a camera crew following them around and it was very curious.

Well, I was just watching Oprah and she had the wife of Randy Pausch, the guy that gave "The Last Lecture" before he died of pancreatic cancer last July.

The wife said that Randy loved Disney World and that they just took a trip there where they dedicated a plaque to her husband, by the TEACUPS! They showed this picture:


When I looked at the picture really close, I saw a white blob and a pink blob walking. That's MY MOM and ME!!


I WAS ON OPRAH!!!! :lmao::lmao::rotfl:
Haha!! That is so awesome! I will go and watch the episode.
For those of you with shirring issues, here is my story. The first time I tried shirring, with my original machine, I think it was maybe a cheap old singer? It was soooooo easy, nothing to it! It shirred up like magic! Then that machine broke and I got my drop-in brother and I have not been able to shir since. I have tried and tried and I steam and heat and wind to no avail. I will have to try again on my mom's 50 year old singer because it has the other type of bobbin.
Glad you posted this. Now I don't feel as dumb. Seriously.. It is supposed to be easy. I just felt like I was so inadequate sewing wise because I can't do it!!!!!
I wonder if those kiddie machines they make would work??
OMG now I know an honest to goodness TV star!! That rawks! :worship:

JHam, did you sew the ribbon the ruffle? I'm guessing? It looks so adorable!

Toadstool I'm sorry you've been feeling bad. :hug: I really hope the meds bring you relief. Hang in there!

And...believe it or not... drumroll please...


It's just a 2.5 hour class at our local Joanns where you learn how to use your machine, but it's a start! I can even bring in my own machine (I bought it at a garage sale 2 years ago and promptly stored it, I'm too scared to try it) so maybe by the time I'm done I'll know how to turn it on and load the thread!

And here is the 50's Primetime "dress" I "made" last night. Of course it's all done on my computer in photoshop. It uses the "Sweetheart Dress" pattern by Pretty Baby Boutique at youcanmakethis.com


I actually think it would be cuter with a yellow or pink dot dress and the same main color sash and zigzag trim, though, but all I could find in a photo of a dress with that pattern that was close to what I had in my head was a picture of the black dot. I'm not sure about the eyelet on the apron. My respect to the original sewer of the dress, I thought it would be okay to use it for illustration purposes since I made it just for fun and it's from a pattern that's readily available

Here's a larger copy of the apron logo I designed, a copy of the sign for the restaurant but with the name in the place of the clock:

So what do y'all think? How could something like this be improved? I feel like it's "missing something." (Of course it will probably be 3 years or so before I could actually attempt sewing it, lol!) Like maybe instead of the name on the apron in the logo, it should be sewn on a patch up top like a name badge for a waitress.

I think that's cute! And SERIOUSLY, I don't know why you think you can't sew? I'm sure that once you take that class, you're gonna be off and running! It really is not difficult!

Glad you posted this. Now I don't feel as dumb. Seriously.. It is supposed to be easy. I just felt like I was so inadequate sewing wise because I can't do it!!!!!
I wonder if those kiddie machines they make would work??

Adding myself to the "shirring disabled" list! My shirring never seems to gather up as much as I would like. That's why I don't use that technique!
The pink one is SisBoom fabric and the short sleeved one is just some fabric I got from walmart but when I saw the pattern I KNEW I had to make it with this pattern. Not as soft and pretty as the sisboom though.
Aww, thank you. I just love all the new fabrics!!!

I'll take research girl, lately since I don't sew I was more feeling like the pesky kid sister or the class pet, lol!

I'm having bad pain today but I promise I will make you a tut with photos. I watch a video tut to learn how but there were some little things I discovered while making the first shirt that I felt made it even easier than the guys showed:

In the meantime here's a stone setting tut (from another source)

and how to apply them:

I do think just printing a regular outline off the computer, while "easier" in the beginning, would be harder overall than using a hotfix pattern because you'd have to try to space the stones correctly using little tweezers with no guide. You'd also be guessing the different sizes AND how many studs you'd need, and those things aren't cheap enough to just guess, y'know?
Awww you are such a sweetie!!! Thank you for the links, I will be checking those out shortly. I would love to see a tutorial if you create one. You Rock!!!

I am sorry you are in bad pain!!! Did I miss something, did you get hurt?? I hope not. I sure hope you feel better soon!!!

LSo I wasn't loving the Garanimals tank tops having ruffles, I mean that kind of gets in the way of applique, KWIM? But then I sewed ribbon around the ruffles and I love it! :thumbsup2


Awww what a GREAT idea!!!! It looks awesome and Lily looks so dang cute.

I know I am late, but congrats! How relieving this must be!
:goodvibes Thank you so much!!!! I am completely relieved!!!


If you have been reading my TR, you'll know that there was a mystery family by the teacups when we were there. There was a camera crew following them around and it was very curious.

Well, I was just watching Oprah and she had the wife of Randy Pausch, the guy that gave "The Last Lecture" before he died of pancreatic cancer last July.

The wife said that Randy loved Disney World and that they just took a trip there where they dedicated a plaque to her husband, by the TEACUPS! They showed this picture:


When I looked at the picture really close, I saw a white blob and a pink blob walking. That's MY MOM and ME!!


I WAS ON OPRAH!!!! :lmao::lmao::rotfl:
OMG goodness, how cool is that!!!! I Tivo Oprah so I am going to have to watch this one!!!!

And...believe it or not... drumroll please...


It's just a 2.5 hour class at our local Joanns where you learn how to use your machine, but it's a start! I can even bring in my own machine (I bought it at a garage sale 2 years ago and promptly stored it, I'm too scared to try it) so maybe by the time I'm done I'll know how to turn it on and load the thread!

And here is the 50's Primetime "dress" I "made" last night. Of course it's all done on my computer in photoshop. It uses the "Sweetheart Dress" pattern by Pretty Baby Boutique at youcanmakethis.com


I actually think it would be cuter with a yellow or pink dot dress and the same main color sash and zigzag trim, though, but all I could find in a photo of a dress with that pattern that was close to what I had in my head was a picture of the black dot. I'm not sure about the eyelet on the apron. My respect to the original sewer of the dress, I thought it would be okay to use it for illustration purposes since I made it just for fun and it's from a pattern that's readily available

Here's a larger copy of the apron logo I designed, a copy of the sign for the restaurant but with the name in the place of the clock:

So what do y'all think? How could something like this be improved? I feel like it's "missing something." (Of course it will probably be 3 years or so before I could actually attempt sewing it, lol!) Like maybe instead of the name on the apron in the logo, it should be sewn on a patch up top like a name badge for a waitress.
WOW, I love that.....!!! Maybe I should change your nickname from "rockin' research girl" to "a totally diggin'-designer dame".....hehehehehe....you rock girl and I agree, as soon as you are done with that class you will be whipping out customs left and right!!!!:banana::banana:
We didn't have trouble conceiving for one thing.

Just a note: I have/had endo pretty bad. My right ovary and ureters were adhered to my abdomen wall, there was endo tissue on my kidney. My back always hurt, felt like I had a constant UTI, my periods were awful, I was taking perscription pain medication that only partially worked and was seriously considereing narcotics before I had a hysterectomy. BUT, I could get pregnant at the drop of a hat. Seriously, one month for each child.

I hope your treatment works :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes!

Kira-:hug: I hope you can get some relief!

For those of you with shirring issues, here is my story. The first time I tried shirring, with my original machine, I think it was maybe a cheap old singer? It was soooooo easy, nothing to it! It shirred up like magic! Then that machine broke and I got my drop-in brother and I have not been able to shir since. I have tried and tried and I steam and heat and wind to no avail. I will have to try again on my mom's 50 year old singer because it has the other type of bobbin.

Glad you posted this. Now I don't feel as dumb. Seriously.. It is supposed to be easy. I just felt like I was so inadequate sewing wise because I can't do it!!!!!
I wonder if those kiddie machines they make would work??

This makes me feel better! It sounded so easy and then I tried and assumed it was me! Maybe it is my machine! :scared1::headache:
So how do you give something a shirred look with out shirring? Do you just do casing for the elastic and use really think elastic?
Thanks! I *think* I'm finish with Mary. I need to try it on her & see if I think the bloomers would be too much or not.

I used this tutorial for the dollhouse. I made mine a little bigger than hers though.


I considered this for the house, but decided I wanted one that she could carry around. This is also where I got the idea for the dolls.
Thanks! I think Teresa posted that tutorial a while back. I would like to try to figure out how to make it into a dog house for my DD who loves her little plastic dogs. You did a super job on the doll house!!!!

So I wasn't loving the Garanimals tank tops having ruffles, I mean that kind of gets in the way of applique, KWIM? But then I sewed ribbon around the ruffles and I love it! :thumbsup2


So cute!

Update on my "stuff"
I went to the endo specialist yesterday. Drove 3 hours to get there. I came out of there feeling alot better about everything though. He did offere me the hope that I was looking for. He is giving me medication to make my body go into menopause in hopes that the endo goes away. I am hoping it doesn't make me miserable.
He is not even sure that it is endo though. He said some of my story doesn't sound like endo. We didn't have trouble conceiving for one thing. We haven't tried since Hannah though. He said it is better to treat one thing and see if my pain goes away. I just am praying that it works. Some days I can not walk I am in so much pain. It is hard with a 3 year old too. I can't pick her up most days. She keeps putting bandaids on me to make my boo boo go away. Poor baby! My DH is such an understanding man. He is so supportive. I thank God everyday for him. We are going to also try accupuncture which is probably going to be very expensive as insurance doesn't cover it. He said that accupuncture has helped several of his chronic pain patients. Too bad the closest one is an hour away! I am desperate for pain relief though so I plan on trying it.
:wizard:Hope you find relief soon!!!!!:wizard:


It's just a 2.5 hour class at our local Joanns where you learn how to use your machine, but it's a start! I can even bring in my own machine (I bought it at a garage sale 2 years ago and promptly stored it, I'm too scared to try it) so maybe by the time I'm done I'll know how to turn it on and load the thread!

And here is the 50's Primetime "dress" I "made" last night. Of course it's all done on my computer in photoshop. It uses the "Sweetheart Dress" pattern by Pretty Baby Boutique at youcanmakethis.com


I actually think it would be cuter with a yellow or pink dot dress and the same main color sash and zigzag trim, though, but all I could find in a photo of a dress with that pattern that was close to what I had in my head was a picture of the black dot. I'm not sure about the eyelet on the apron. My respect to the original sewer of the dress, I thought it would be okay to use it for illustration purposes since I made it just for fun and it's from a pattern that's readily available

Here's a larger copy of the apron logo I designed, a copy of the sign for the restaurant but with the name in the place of the clock:

So what do y'all think? How could something like this be improved? I feel like it's "missing something." (Of course it will probably be 3 years or so before I could actually attempt sewing it, lol!) Like maybe instead of the name on the apron in the logo, it should be sewn on a patch up top like a name badge for a waitress.
You'll do great in the sewing class!!!!!

That dress is really cute!
How to plan a trip to Disney (according to my 9 year old):

Lots of $
plane tickets
something to celebrate

Step 1: Choose how long you are staying. I would say about 9 days. If this is your first time, you may want to stay a week.

Step 2: Choose your resort. My favorite is Pop Century.

Step 3: Buy your Key to the World card. This is you r room key, but it also lets you into the park. We suggest adding the Water Parks and More, too.

Step 4: Pack. Make sure you have enough clothes and money.

Step 5: Wait. We know its hard.

Step 6: Have fun in Disney World!

Step 7: Start planning your next trip.
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