Lindsay and Chris PJ! WP/Italy Isola/AAR...Disneyland Paris Honeymoon added 7-19

The WP looked beautiful Lindsay! Caryn did a great job on the aisle runner. I'm sad that we didn't see the aisle runner catch on fire because I'm sure one of the taters ..errr girls would've taken a picture of it.

When I was in the Bride's room, I didn't hear the music that was playing while the BM's were walking in. Maybe it was pumped in and I just didn't notice.
Ceremony Continued

Okay, so we walk down the aisle. And Rev Miller holds up his hand to tell us to stop. (It's a good thing he did that because I wasn't really paying attention and we could have had an incident.)


Rev Miller starts the ceremony (I have no idea what he said and I don't have a copy of the ceremony at work so I can't check it now...) He said something. Then it was time to present me to Chris. It went something like this:

Rev Miller: Who presents this woman (insert long space here) to
Dad: Her mother and I do.
Everyone laughs
Rev Miller: Let's try this again
Dad: Okay, you tell me when to talk
Rev Miller: Who presents this woman (insert long space here) to
Dad: Her mother and I do
Everyone laughs
Rev Miller: Okay! One more time! Who presents this woman (insert long space here) to this wonderful man Chris
Dad: Her mother and I do.

This was great and amusing and really started our ceremony off on the right foot. Neither of us wanted our ceremony to be too stuffy or serious. We're funny. We don't know how to behave. This back and forth just worked well.

Then Rev Miller told Dad to take as much time as he needed to present me to Chris. My response to my father was "let's not get too emotional here." Dad laughed, gave me a hug, and handed me to Chris and then Rev Miller told him to go sit down. I turned to him and said "Don't step on my dress." Which was a joke because the whole time Caryn walked down the aisle she was yelling "DAD! You're stepping on my dress!".

So Chris took my hand and we walked up the steps. Rev Miller told us to face each other and told us to hold hands for as long as we wanted.



We're up here and we're really trying to behave. However, there was a bug flying all around us. In my ears, on Chris's glasses, everywhere. We were both trying to be incognito and get rid of it... I dont think that worked. Several guests told me how funny they thought it was that I was picking the lint off of Chris's jacket and asked what we were doing with our hands. Yeah. The bug.... That was another thing that was just "whatever, it's a bug".

Rev Miller starts talking again... something about our future happieness when I hear a ruckus behind me. Now, I can't turn around to see what trouble my bridesmaids are getting into, that wouldn't be very bridelike. Between my parents, Chris and Caryn I think I have figured out what went on.

When Rev Miller said something about our future happiness apparently all of the bridesmaids started to cry.


I guess Caryn wasn't too pleased about the crying thing because she then asked Megan and Mary to blow in her eyes. (Weirdo)
They laughed at her.

Then it was time for us to say our vows. (When Rev Miller sent us our ceremony a few days before the wedding the vows weren't your standard vows, so I asked him to change them) We both said our vows loud and clear


Then it was time for the rings. Dave gives Rev Miller the rings and he remarked at how cool they were (they are pretty cool) and then asked who picked them out. To which Chris replied "I did." Everyone got a big kick out of that too.

This is Chris taking my ring

Now it was time to give each other our rings. During my ring vows (I give you this ring, blah blah blah) I started to think about what my Dad said about my grandfather and got a little choked up. I decided mid way thru those vows that I was not going to cry and needed to think about something else.

After we were done with our rings Rev Miller said some other stuff and then told us to kiss, which we did, but I don't have a picture of it yet. (Can't wait for Randy pics) Then Rev Miller said "I know pronounce you Chris and Lindsay, husband and wife as of" and he looked at Dave who looked at his watch and said "7:59 PM!!" The Ever Ever After song from Enchanted started to play and we were done!


As we were walking down the aisle I asked my aunt who was on the phone who she was on the phone with. She told me she was on the phone with my other aunt, so I said (loud enough for her to hear me) "HI AUNT JEANNE!" (Aunt Jeanne couldn't attend the wedding so I thought it was REALLY cool that she got to hear the ceremony... the picture above is right after I said hi)

We walked out and were quickly whisked away to picture point where took a few quick pictures. We took some pictures at picture point and then some pictures in the WP. I was really happy that we did all of our bridal party pictures beforehand. In the meantime, everyone else was lining up for our staged exit.


Again, no Randy pics lead to no real pictures of our staged exit but we had pink rose petals and it was lots of fun

Everyone got on the busses to go to cocktail hour and Diane bustled my dress. Caryn saved us the two front seats on the bus and we got on. I switched from my pretty shoes to my ballet flats and Caryn took my veil out. Caryn had made a DVD of pictures to play on the bus. Unfortunately, it wouldn't play. It plays in every DVD player we've tried EXCEPT for the one on the bus. That was kind of annoying, but not a big deal. We were supposed to give the DVD to Diane a month in advance and Caryn gave it to her at the rehearsal so there wasn't time to test it on a bus... The bus ride was fun and I think everyone got a kick out of being backstage at Epcot. The security lady who checked our bus was a little bit rude and said something to one of our guests about bringing in a wrapped gift. But that was it... (you'd think that it was the first time someone tried to bring a wrapped gift to a wedding)

The bus

Anyway, we parked right behind AAR and we were escorted into Epcot by our very own light saber ladies. HOW COOL!! Randy was there to take pictures of us walking in all of the guests in the park shouted congratulations. It was very cool. We were the first ones in (I think) and we had just enough time to say hello to a few people and have two quick bites of Mickey Roni and Cheese (which was phenomenal! and apparently everyone had some) before Randy brought us onto the bridge for pictures.

Everyone walking in to cocktail hour

We stood on the bridge for Illuminations and followed the tried and true method of: look at each other, look at the fireworks, kiss, look at the camera, repeat.

As soon as fireworks were over we rushed to get one of our special guests and quickly disapeared into AAR.

Coming up next: We rock the reception
Have you got a photo of your wedding rings?

Did you veil come out ok or did it mess your hair up?
The WP looked beautiful Lindsay! Caryn did a great job on the aisle runner. I'm sad that we didn't see the aisle runner catch on fire because I'm sure one of the taters ..errr girls would've taken a picture of it.

When I was in the Bride's room, I didn't hear the music that was playing while the BM's were walking in. Maybe it was pumped in and I just didn't notice.
I only really remember hearing the groom's music, but that might be because I was listening for it....
I wish that someone would have taken a picture of the fire... It's pretty amsuing.

Have you got a photo of your wedding rings?

Did you veil come out ok or did it mess your hair up?
Randy should have a picture of the rings. We took some while we were at picture point.
I don't think that the veil removal messed up my hair. I think Caryn just smoothed it out and everything was fine.
That's so nice that your aunt was able to hear the ceremony, you look so happy in the shot where you said hello :) That sucks about the DVD, but that is a great idea. Did your guests get to see it some other time? I can't wait to see the shots from the AAR!
That sucks about the DVD, but that is a great idea. Did your guests get to see it some other time? I can't wait to see the shots from the AAR!

I know that my parents watched it the next day and we watched it a few days later with Caryn and Mark. We're going to have both families get together and watch it the next time we're home... It stunk that it didn't work, so advice to future brides... GET THE VIDEO THERE EARLY SO THAT THEY CAN TEST IT.

*********Now, this is the part where I get to our big guest surprise. I'm going to write up until the part where we have the surprise and then I'm going to do some background information***************

We quickly grabbed Leonard, his guest and Randy and made our way over to AAR. The room was sooo beautiful. Just lovely. The chair covers really made a difference in the room. It brought everything together.

The cake was setup on a little table and I noticed that they didn't put the pink ribbon behind the crystals, like the cake I saw in Franck's at the PS. The cake was beautiful without the ribbon and I loved it :love: so I didn't even bother to mention that to Diane. (I think Caryn did...)

We moved a chair onto the dance floor and Leonard helped us run through our choreographed first dance. We ran through it twice and then told Diane that we were ready for our guests to come in. We stood in the little lobby area of AAR so that we could greet everyone who was coming in. Everyone walked in and started to find their seats. We were walking around and greeting everyone when my Aunt Judi asked where the bathroom was. Now, none of our guests knew about our dance. So I calmy, but firmly, told her that we were about to do our first dance and she couldn't miss it. I must have seemed very strange to her telling her that she couldn't go to the bathroom!! But she sat down and it was time to start.

Leonard had the microphone and welcomed everyone and said that he was pleased to announce our first dance. :woohoo:

*****And now, for some background information.
When we first got engaged Chris said that if we were going to do a first dance, we were going to do it right. And to him, that meant a choreographed routine just like Dancing with the stars. So, his first official wedding job was to find us a dance instructor.

I didn't want to post about our dance on the DisBoards because a lot of our guests read the PJs and TRs and I wanted it to be a surprise. The only people who knew were: Leonard (our dance instructor), my parents and select DisBrides (Caryn included). Here are some posts I wrote out and saved from our dance lessons:

July 28, 2008 Okay... so Saturday we had our first ballroom dancing class. The school is thinking about doing a ballroom class, so they had a free one to see how much interest. We started off with the fox trot. Chris and I did okay. Certainly not great, but okay. (It probably didn't help that he started speaking with a latin accent and twirling me around ) Anyway. We did fox trot for about 45 mins. Then the lady tried to make us swing dance. That did not go over well at all. It was horrible. We literally tripped over each other.
So the guy (Leonard) asked what we liked more for our dance. We both told him that the fox trot would be great, and it will be. So now we have 1 hour lessons twice a week. He said that we are starting with ballet so that we stand correctly and then we'll go to our actual dance.

PS we aren't telling anyone about our dance. We want it to be a surprise.
Our song is "I've got the world on a string" by Frank Sinatra

July 30, 2008
So Chris and I had our first dance lesson yesterday. Leonard said that for the first two months we are gonig to do mostly ballet so that our bodies learn how to stand correctly... so that's what we did.
We started out on the bar and did the 5 feet positions. Then we did plies and grand plies. I thought they were boring. Then he had us put our feet up on the bar and lean over our leg. Not okay. Really. Then we had to swing our legs out and hold onto the bar, stand on one leg (the other leg was sticking straight out to our sides) and we had to bend at the knee. That HURT! Even Chris was whining that this was harder than he thought!
After that torture, he told us that we needed to walk across the room together. (Keep in mind that I am 5 inches taller than chris and my legs are a lot longer...) SO that wasn't too pleasant either. Then we had to walk 4 steps, turn around, walk 4 and turn around again. It took about 20 minutes to get this right. Then, he had us "glide" across the floor instead of turn. That took another 20 minutes. Then he had us spin (he called them Sashays or Shanaes or Cheyennes... something like that) yeah. Chris almost fell flat on his face. (This is also when I kicked myself for not bringing the camera) He also made us spin our heads around and look at a blue mat.

Overall I think itw as fine. I hurt all over, so I guess that means its working. Our first dance should be really nice though.... we have a lot of time to practice.

August 13, 2008
Some pictures from dance class

Chris and Leonard.... stretching, it hurt


Me chatting with Leonard


Modeling with the crinnie (I am wearing the hoop skirt under the crinnie)


You can see the pink from the crinnie here


You get the idea.... I'm VERY happy that we did lessons so far in advance. It was a great thing for us to do together. It was hard. And there were days that we both wanted to quit and there was even a time when Leonard had us take lessons separately because we just couldn't dance together. I'm also very happy that we kept it a secret from (most) of our guests. I call my parents every night and it's hard to keep a secret like that so we told them, which turned out to be a great thing because we had Dad take the video that you will see shortly. The reaction from our guests was worth all of the time and work we put into this.
ADVICE FOR FUTURE BRIDES: If you are going to do a dance like this, GO EARLY. We had 8 months of dance lessons and you can tell. Instead of being like the people on Dancing with the Stars the first week, we were more like week 6. The extra time and lessons are worth it. Leonard has had two other couples sign up for dance lessons in the time that we were working with him. One couple signed up in August and their wedding was 4 weeks away. The other couple signed up in Dec and their wedding was Valentine's Day. He said that there was a noticeable difference between our dance and their dances because we had the extra time to learn the technique.

Coming up: The video of our first dance!!
I know that my parents watched it the next day and we watched it a few days later with Caryn and Mark. We're going to have both families get together and watch it the next time we're home... It stunk that it didn't work, so advice to future brides... GET THE VIDEO THERE EARLY SO THAT THEY CAN TEST IT.

*********Now, this is the part where I get to our big guest surprise. I'm going to write up until the part where we have the surprise and then I'm going to do some background information***************

We quickly grabbed Leonard, his guest and Randy and made our way over to AAR. The room was sooo beautiful. Just lovely. The chair covers really made a difference in the room. It brought everything together.

The cake was setup on a little table and I noticed that they didn't put the pink ribbon behind the crystals, like the cake I saw in Franck's at the PS. The cake was beautiful without the ribbon and I loved it :love: so I didn't even bother to mention that to Diane. (I think Caryn did...)

We moved a chair onto the dance floor and Leonard helped us run through our choreographed first dance. We ran through it twice and then told Diane that we were ready for our guests to come in. We stood in the little lobby area of AAR so that we could greet everyone who was coming in. Everyone walked in and started to find their seats. We were walking around and greeting everyone when my Aunt Judi asked where the bathroom was. Now, none of our guests knew about our dance. So I calmy, but firmly, told her that we were about to do our first dance and she couldn't miss it. I must have seemed very strange to her telling her that she couldn't go to the bathroom!! But she sat down and it was time to start.

Leonard had the microphone and welcomed everyone and said that he was pleased to announce our first dance. :woohoo:

*****And now, for some background information.
When we first got engaged Chris said that if we were going to do a first dance, we were going to do it right. And to him, that meant a choreographed routine just like Dancing with the stars. So, his first official wedding job was to find us a dance instructor.

I didn't want to post about our dance on the DisBoards because a lot of our guests read the PJs and TRs and I wanted it to be a surprise. The only people who knew were: Leonard (our dance instructor), my parents and select DisBrides (Caryn included). Here are some posts I wrote out and saved from our dance lessons:

You get the idea.... I'm VERY happy that we did lessons so far in advance. It was a great thing for us to do together. It was hard. And there were days that we both wanted to quit and there was even a time when Leonard had us take lessons separately because we just couldn't dance together. I'm also very happy that we kept it a secret from (most) of our guests. I call my parents every night and it's hard to keep a secret like that so we told them, which turned out to be a great thing because we had Dad take the video that you will see shortly. The reaction from our guests was worth all of the time and work we put into this.
ADVICE FOR FUTURE BRIDES: If you are going to do a dance like this, GO EARLY. We had 8 months of dance lessons and you can tell. Instead of being like the people on Dancing with the Stars the first week, we were more like week 6. The extra time and lessons are worth it. Leonard has had two other couples sign up for dance lessons in the time that we were working with him. One couple signed up in August and their wedding was 4 weeks away. The other couple signed up in Dec and their wedding was Valentine's Day. He said that there was a noticeable difference between our dance and their dances because we had the extra time to learn the technique.

Coming up: The video of our first dance!!

I LOVE the pic of chris with his leg up in the air.

NOw for those of you who don't know - my sister Caryn and I have been dancers our whole lives and then we were both cheerleaders. We understand just how hard Lin and Chris worked and man did it pay off. Their dance was AWESOME!!!!!
How exciting about the first dance. Kris and I took dance lessons too, but definitely not as intense as yours so far in advance. We started about 4 months early, but it was hard because we could only do lessons when DH was up from Ohio for the weekend (he was working down there and I was still in Michigan at the time). Anyway, I'm so exciting to see the video, in ours you can see how hard DH was concentrating remembering the counts and all the steps in it. How nice that your instructor was able to be there to run through it with you one last time. I'm so excited to see how the AAR looked for your reception; it is definitely my favorite location ;)
All I want for my birthday is a trip report update! Haha--my birthday is over in 20 minutes though...but I'm bored and I LOVE this trip report--I'm especially excited about AAR pictures! :lovestruc
Great update Lindsay! I can't wait to see the video!!!
Coming up!

I LOVE the pic of chris with his leg up in the air.
I like that picture too. Leonard did that a lot to the both of us

Oh I can't wait to see all the pictures from Randi and of course the dance.
I wish Randy would hurry up and post them!

How exciting about the first dance. Kris and I took dance lessons too, but definitely not as intense as yours so far in advance. We started about 4 months early, but it was hard because we could only do lessons when DH was up from Ohio for the weekend (he was working down there and I was still in Michigan at the time). Anyway, I'm so exciting to see the video, in ours you can see how hard DH was concentrating remembering the counts and all the steps in it. How nice that your instructor was able to be there to run through it with you one last time. I'm so excited to see how the AAR looked for your reception; it is definitely my favorite location ;)
We were so excited that Leonard could be there!

All I want for my birthday is a trip report update! Haha--my birthday is over in 20 minutes though...but I'm bored and I LOVE this trip report--I'm especially excited about AAR pictures! :lovestruc
Sorry I'm a little late! Happy Birthday
That's good to know as I want to remove my veil.

Can't wait to see the dance.
I really don't remember any sort of problem with my hair after the veil removal. It was so long that there was no way I could wear it all night
Linds - your first dance was awesome! You and Chris did a great job and it shows that you guys worked really hard. Leonard and his date were really nice, we had a great time chatting with them!
It looks great. I had to watch it on my phone, but I'll check it out again when I get home.
Great job Lindsay and Chris!

Loved your bustle, you couldn't even tell the dress was up in back. You must have had a great seamstress!


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