The Movie Up

They were there the weekend before Star Wars weekend began, here's a pic with us and the Up! Characters, they were inside the Animation building along with Sorcerer Mickey and Frozone.
Sad I missed Bolt though :(

OMG...LOVE your pic!!!!
We are going next husband's name is Kevin and he LOVES chocolate and said after we saw the movie last night, "I want to get a picture with that bird...its me!" and I said I didn't think the bird was there, but yes!!! Thanks for sharing your adorable pic!:hug:
Just went last night to see UP, and it was well worth the wait. Seems like I have been waiting forever to see this movie. So well done, sad and funny , and just a stunning movie to watch. There wasnt one thing that I didnt like about Up. Think I might go and see it again today. Make sure you see it in 3D the way it was meant to be seen. later! have fun if you go!:)
My husband, DS7, and I saw UP last night in a sold out theater. I highly recommend seeing it in 3D, I absolutely loved it! I was crying and laughing all throughout the whole movie. The one thing Disney/Pixar does do is make sure you feel for the characters (like in WallE too). I couldn't wait to see if Carl was going to make it to Paradise Falls for Ellie. Disney/Pixar made another success, yet again!!
We saw it in here in WI last night and we LOVED IT!!

First off, the short before it with the Clouds, BRILLIANT!!! We laughed our heads off- kudos to you Pixar!

Secondly, this movie made me cry many times, and that is a cool thing because they made you FEEL for Carl and Ellie. All of us have a little of Carl and Ellie in our relationships. :love:

Third, I had read the ice cream parlor at the very end is the exact one in Emeryville, CA where the Pixar team has been to often.

OH and when the baloons go past the little girls bedroom in the beginning, the infamous Pixar ball and the teddy bear are symbols of Pixar present and future. The bear plays a big part in Toy Story 3. :)

My husband took my 10 yo to the 9:55p.m. showing last night! I didn't go...too late, for me.

My son loved it. He just got done re-telling half the movie to me!

7 days!:yay:
We went yesterday morning and it is sad. I cried the entire way but most of the sad bits went over my kids head. It does start slow for the kids but they did love it. Dd, 5, was scared in some parts but she's sensitive and Monsters vs Aliens was much scarier to her. We didn't watch it in 3D (neither of my kids will wear the glasses so why pay) but I think it would have been amazing in 3D. Lots of scenes for 3D to really make an impact. I will say I cried throughout the whole thing. It was so sad.
I cannot wait to see Up!

I have one question about the 3D aspect though - I wear corrective lenses, would these 3D glasses fit over them, or would it be too much of a hassle?

That's the one reason I haven't seen ANY film in 3D, I'm afraid that my glasses will get in the way!

Either way, we'll see this film - I'd much rather see it in 3D, though! :thumbsup2
I have one question about the 3D aspect though - I wear corrective lenses, would these 3D glasses fit over them, or would it be too much of a hassle?

I wear glasses as well, and if they are the same 3D glasses they had for Monsters vs. Aliens or any of the 3D shows in WDW, it won't be an issue. I also saw Bolt in 3D on DCL in Jan, and there was no issue w/ said 3D glasses fitting over my normal so-blind-I-can't-see-10-feet-in-front-of-me-without-them glasses.
I also saw Bolt in 3D on DCL in Jan, and there was no issue w/ said 3D glasses fitting over my normal so-blind-I-can't-see-10-feet-in-front-of-me-without-them glasses.

:lmao: That's how I am as well... this is great to know!! Thank you so much!
My parents & I went to it last night and we all LOVED it!!!!!!!!!! :lovestruc

We saw it in 3D and I plan on going to see it again, as I got a free ticket for the Up movie( when I bought a Bug's Life movie)!

I am really looking forward to my Sept. trip to Disney World so I can get my picture taken with them too!
I am going today at 12:10 pm, me DH and our 5 yr old....I am bringing tissues, but then again I sobbed during Finding Nemo ( I was 2 days Post PArtum then)..I cried during Wall E too.
I am glad to know I was not the only one that cried. I think it because it really touches an emotional part in most of us. There are some hilarious parts too, so don't let the sad parts scare anyone away. We loved it and will probably go see it again sometime this week.
i loved this movie.....I went with a bunch of coworkers (college kids) and we all enjoyed this movie. It just so happens that we have a manager at work that is named Kevin (and also a good friend of all of ours) and when that bird pop'd up and the kid started yelling KEVIN we all died laughing. I didnt find that it was in 3D though...the 3D before the movie was better. Loved the short clip with the stork...wonder how many kids will be confused now ???
I took my 5 old son last night and we both loved it. There were some sad/touching parts but a lot of funny parts as well.

I hope the characters are out the next time we go.
very cool to read all of your reviews about the movie popcorn:: . i havent gotten the chance to see it yet. also, very cool to see the characters out and about already!
We just got back..Both me and DH were teary eyed..It was sad,funny, and had a great message.Our 5yr old loved it as well but the sad parts were much over her head.I have to say out of all the Disney/ Pixar films this one is my favorite.Dh's too.
It was really well done. Amazing attention to detail - Carl's beard stubble!
There were definitely some scary parts with the dogs for my 4 year old but I think the sad parts went over her head.
Totally on our way to see it in an hour!!!!:3dglasses Anxious for some great lines to use on t-shirts for next weeks trip!


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