Disboutiquers Part 14 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I also found this cupcake fabric & thought it was so cute. I don't know what to do with it though. How do I incorporate this into a Disney custom? Any ideas? We'll be at Disney for DD's b-day & I had thought of something princessy, but again was trying to figure out what to do for her outfit. HELP!

Applique a Mickey cupcake of course!!
Here's another Captain Mickey Sparrow. ;)


OK, I can't resist sharing a couple July 4th themed items I made.





Here are some I did for boys - I'm still not totally confident of my designing for boys but I'm getting there. :thumbsup2



When I gorw up... I want to be just like you!!!! The last set is seriously Amazing!!!!! I know a couple boys in this house who would freak over that set! If I could afford that Lisa original, I would sooooo buy it from you...
We cloth diapered Corey, but not Arminda or Lydia. If I were to ever have another baby (which I'm not) I would cloth diaper again. It wasn't that hard to do, and like T said, it is much better for the environment. I just used the tri-folds (Gerber mostly) and rubber pants. I had a few of the all in one diapers (remember this was 17 years ago, so things have probably changed a bit since then!) and I hated them! They leaked horribly. I had a few different brands and then just gave up on them. I also used the diaper wraps, which I liked better (the kind where you put the diaper in and then it velcors on) But, honestly, my favorite thing and the easiest to use were just good old diaper pins and the rubber pants. I had some that were made out of a tafetta type material that were really nice, but I usually just bought the Gerber ones. And, the tri-fold diapers are just so versatile, they fit up until they are potty trained. And, they are so cheap too! I let everyone know I was cloth diapering while I was pregnant and got a lot of the diapers for shower presents. I think three packages were all I had for Corey's entire diaperhood! ;) And, like T said, he didn't get many rashes at all. Of course, I also breastfed all my kids and didn't feed him food very early either. I think that helps a lot. I could go on for another couple pages about the wonders of breastfeeding and delaying solid foods... and then don't get me started on carseats!!! Oh, my future daughter in law is going to just LOVE me!!!! :rotfl2:

I also bought a bunch of cheap washcloths to use instead of baby wipes.

Well, that was probably more info than you needed from someone who hasn't used cloth diapers in 15 years! LOL! Well, actually we used a few with Arminda when we were low on the disposables!

And, now that I've typed all that and lost all of you! I have a question. Lydia still wets the bed, and I would really like to get away from using the "side closing panties" Aka: diapers. Does anyone have any suggestions for a cloth diaper? She sleeps with Arminda so it really has to be leakproof!! :rotfl2:
I have a fleece trainer pattern that Pulls off and on Theresa. It is made for bigger kids, and would be perfect for night time. Pm me if you want it!

I am reading the cloth diaper responses very closely. We are thinking about CDing with this little one but DH is still unsure. Does anyone who CDs have a front loader washer? DH worries that since the washer uses less water, it won't clean the diapers very well.
I have had both while CDing. They both clean equally efficiently.

I made a boo dress as my first outfit, but now that I have improved a little I decided I don't like it much, so I made Taylor a new Boo outfit for Disney World since she loves boo.

Here are a few pictures of her and the boo outfit:





I think you are truly talented. To think that you started sewing just a couple of months ago! The fabric choices are great! Seriously fantastic.
I am blown away by the prices of the cloth diapers. The price of one used diaper would cover my diaper costs for over a month. Its a hard swallow knowing how many I would need and how I would need to get bigger ones as Cam grows. Plus the added laundry. I know its probably better for the environment (although I went to something about green parenting and they said the use of detergent & water was worse for the environment than the disposable dipes... that seems hard to believe but folks around here are cooky about what ends up in the Chesapeake Bay). I'm so overwhelmed and confused about it I'm not sure where to even start. I need more convincing. Can I sew my own using store bought cd's, like the kind I use to make burp cloths?:


When the cd says "all in one" does that mean you don't use a plastic cover? See, I told you I was confused :scared:
Defiitely don't use prefolds you can buy at Walmart or whatever. They have polyfill in them which absorbs nothing. Check out Green mountain diapers (T-beri posted the link) they are great prefolds. But to answer your question. A lot of people "cute-en" them up.
Also, the people who knock cloth for not being "environmentally friendly" for the water issue, never take into account the resources used in production of disposibles, besides in my book 1000 years in a landfill is worse.

I actually have things to post! Hopefully I'll get to them tonight!!
DisneyKings I wonder if you might share where you found that yummy cupcake fabric. I had not seen that print before. I think a mickey or minnie face applique of this fabric on a tee w/ a skirt to match would be delicious.

OK here are the 4th of July dresses I came up with. I was going for red, white, & blue but not just the usual stars & stripes. Pics of girls aren't together cause Sierra's was finished 1st & didn't want to remodel hers today with Morgan.
This is Sierra who just finished kindergarten last week.

And here is Morgan who just finished up 2nd grade:

back view:

I really like the halter back better than I thought I would, but I am not so sure daddy will like it when he comes home & sees them. Ha ha.
I wanted to agree with Jham. I really enjoyed stitching out Heather's Mickey cupcake design. It was simple to do and really cute too. I did a few designs where there are over 20 color changes. I think Marie the cat was around 20. Which was crazy because she is pink and white! I have a few of Heather's cutie Pooh's that I am doing for a baby shower. They will be fun to do.
I was thinking it must be for the oil on your scalp and hair that would make the pins go through smoothly like the soap but was curious also because I was not sure.

Yep, that's it!!
Defiitely don't use prefolds you can buy at Walmart or whatever. They have polyfill in them which absorbs nothing.

Funny you would say that, becaus that's all I ever used. Mostly Gerber ones, and never had a problem with them leaking. But, I did usually double them up, so that could be why. I really loved them.
I finished Georgia's dress, I didn't get pictures. BUT tonight I did finish up a dolly dress for her new AG cousin. (hehe) I really love the fabric she picked out.


I have plenty of it left to make another outfit and try a new pattern.

Well, drive by post kind of...I am heading to bed, I have to be up and out of the house early for NASCAR. I have to meet my dad at the high school at 6:50. We have to be at the track by 7:15am. Sunday will be even earlier. I will have to catch up later. I bet by the time I have time after workin the race there will be a new thread already. hahaha bunch of chattys
I love everything that has been posted! Those Tunics :worship: Georgia's dress:lovestruc The 4th of July dresses!:cheer2:
:cool1:Oh my goodness, Both of my Nephews are playing for the All Star teams in their age groups! :cool1: So I made Abby a baseball dress! I hope her mommy likes it!



tpjpul079898ipo[uuoykhiijkjyuuyhioyiyioptyyoiyiuyoiukiyuiuiuiiuyuorijtjutituyhui(Madi typed this ):rotfl::confused3

Now I know why I should never let Tyler play with my pin cushion:rolleyes1::confused:

I also need to get cracken on the girls 4th of July outfits! This is the fabric I bought for them.


:wizard:Now I must go clean up my Sewing/Dining room :rotfl2:
Let me begin by saying...I USED to think I was creative....now I see I am still such a beginner! I don't think I have EVER seen so much talent in one place!

So...what is the initiation to join? Do I have to prove myself with talent (if so I am in soooo much trouble!):worship::worship::worship::worship:

I always wondered why you guys were here in the family forum and not in the Creative ....after attempting to read through all these posts ( I confess, I ended up just 'borrowing' ideas and reading a few posts that caught my eye...and STILL spent 2 days getting to the end!) I now understand. You guys ARE a family. Albeit a very, very, VERY talented family!

I don't think it is fair to take and not give, so I'll have to get busy to see what I can come up with...we have 91 days before we go. Up until now I was obsessed with T shirts...now I've got a miliion other ideas. While I than you for the inspiration, my husband will probably HATE you...that's OK. We won't tell him where you are....

Now that I've got my hero worship out of the way....a previous poster (so sorry I can't find it now to quote or even get the name) spoke about Interactive Metronome. How is this delivered? In a therapy setting, doctor's office, home?

I have a 8 year old TBI survivor and we are spending 3-4 days a week in therapy and doc's offices, and I home school him...since so much of the brain was destroyed, we are having a tough time with some of his reasoning, anger control, impulsitivy (wow! was that ever spelled wrong!)short term memory...well just about the full spectrum.

If you could point me in the right direction I would GREATLY appreciate it!


Let me begin by saying...I USED to think I was creative....now I see I am still such a beginner! I don't think I have EVER seen so much talent in one place!

So...what is the initiation to join? Do I have to prove myself with talent (if so I am in soooo much trouble!):worship::worship::worship::worship:

I always wondered why you guys were here in the family forum and not in the Creative ....after attempting to read through all these posts ( I confess, I ended up just 'borrowing' ideas and reading a few posts that caught my eye...and STILL spent 2 days getting to the end!) I now understand. You guys ARE a family. Albeit a very, very, VERY talented family!

I don't think it is fair to take and not give, so I'll have to get busy to see what I can come up with...we have 91 days before we go. Up until now I was obsessed with T shirts...now I've got a miliion other ideas. While I than you for the inspiration, my husband will probably HATE you...that's OK. We won't tell him where you are....


Awww...that was sweet!! Welcome to our family!! This thread started(2?) years ago when DISer cdotla asked to see pictures of disney customs for ideas on purchases. It started with people posting what they had bought, and soon the SEWers/crafters took over. ;)

what is a Mickey cupcake? A cupcake w/ ears?

Yep. Heathersue has a digital version if you have an embroidery machine, but I made one by hand about a month ago using a cupcake clip art and adding ears. That outfit has been sitting on my cutting board waiting to be finshed!!
Now that I've got my hero worship out of the way....a previous poster (so sorry I can't find it now to quote or even get the name) spoke about Interactive Metronome. How is this delivered? In a therapy setting, doctor's office, home?

I have a 8 year old TBI survivor and we are spending 3-4 days a week in therapy and doc's offices, and I home school him...since so much of the brain was destroyed, we are having a tough time with some of his reasoning, anger control, impulsitivy (wow! was that ever spelled wrong!)short term memory...well just about the full spectrum.

If you could point me in the right direction I would GREATLY appreciate it!


Hi Nini,

I am also a TBI survivor but I am much older and remember my life before TBI. I am sorry for the loss and hope the new person you have will do better. Wendy is an OT and she knows the Metro therapy very well. She has a nephew with an ABI and has him in the MT and it is helping.

I think she is wendybill or billwendy. Short term memory loss. It's a joke, not really but you know.
I finished Georgia's dress, I didn't get pictures. BUT tonight I did finish up a dolly dress for her new AG cousin. (hehe) I really love the fabric she picked out.


I have plenty of it left to make another outfit and try a new pattern.

Well, drive by post kind of...I am heading to bed, I have to be up and out of the house early for NASCAR. I have to meet my dad at the high school at 6:50. We have to be at the track by 7:15am. Sunday will be even earlier. I will have to catch up later. I bet by the time I have time after workin the race there will be a new thread already. hahaha bunch of chattys

I just love that!

I love everything that has been posted! Those Tunics :worship: Georgia's dress:lovestruc The 4th of July dresses!:cheer2:
:cool1:Oh my goodness, Both of my Nephews are playing for the All Star teams in their age groups! :cool1: So I made Abby a baseball dress! I hope her mommy likes it!



tpjpul079898ipo[uuoykhiijkjyuuyhioyiyioptyyoiyiuyoiukiyuiuiuiiuyuorijtjutituyhui(Madi typed this ):rotfl::confused3

Now I know why I should never let Tyler play with my pin cushion:rolleyes1::confused:

:wizard:Now I must go clean up my Sewing/Dining room :rotfl2:

That dress with that little pocket!!!!! TOOO CUTE!!!! How adorable is that!!!

And my goodness, Madi is very deep and thoughtful I will have to think about what she typed very carefully!

Is that a pin cushion pig? Funny!

I see nothing wrong with your sewing table!!! Looks better than mine!

Let me begin by saying...I USED to think I was creative....now I see I am still such a beginner! I don't think I have EVER seen so much talent in one place!

So...what is the initiation to join? Do I have to prove myself with talent (if so I am in soooo much trouble!):worship::worship::worship::worship:

I always wondered why you guys were here in the family forum and not in the Creative ....after attempting to read through all these posts ( I confess, I ended up just 'borrowing' ideas and reading a few posts that caught my eye...and STILL spent 2 days getting to the end!) I now understand. You guys ARE a family. Albeit a very, very, VERY talented family!

I don't think it is fair to take and not give, so I'll have to get busy to see what I can come up with...we have 91 days before we go. Up until now I was obsessed with T shirts...now I've got a miliion other ideas. While I than you for the inspiration, my husband will probably HATE you...that's OK. We won't tell him where you are....


Oh, that is just too sweet! Yes, we are a family here!

Initiation? Ok,
FIRST you MUST read the entire first post
if you have't, go ahead and go back, we will wait........................................

Ok, all set?

Now,you have to buy some of CarlaC's patterns Easy Fit Pants, Simply Sweet and Portrait Peasant for sure, and I love the Precious Dress if you are feeling just a tad more adventurous. With those patterns you can make ANYTHING! Seriuosly, you can! :thumbsup2
Oh, you have a boy, right?
Then you need the Bowling shirt pattern too. :thumbsup2

Feel free to ask questions, we are a helpful bunch!
Applique a Mickey cupcake of course!!

DisneyKings I wonder if you might share where you found that yummy cupcake fabric. I had not seen that print before. I think a mickey or minnie face applique of this fabric on a tee w/ a skirt to match would be delicious.

I was thinking a Heathersue Mickey Cupcake would be really cute too!

So, is a Mickey cupcake shirt with the cupcake print skirt Disney ENOUGH???:lmao: That's kinda' what I had envisioned when I bought it, then I started doubting myself. I don't have an applique machine, but my friend does. Her mickey cupcake design is not as cute as heathersue's though... I may just have to buy her heathersue's design. I am horrible with matching colors, what color T would look best? Thanks for all your help!

The fabric came from Hobby Lobby (& is on sale this week!) If you can't find any, I'd be happy to go see if there's more. I wouldn't be able to today before the sale ends though since I have to make a b-day cake for a friend's DD (just found out yesterday!) & babysit another friend's DD tonight! I just finished a busy week at VBS, this is not the relaxing Saturday I had planned! LOL
So...what is the initiation to join? Do I have to prove myself with talent (if so I am in soooo much trouble!):worship::worship::worship::worship:


I'm still pretty new here. You don't have to prove yourself or they'd have kicked me to the curb, I came here with NO sewing experience!! There was no initiation, but let me warn you...they convert you! I now have a pretty new sewing machine and a pair of baby pants I made myself!

I guess I am finished with Cinderella's workdress.... I was going to put Jaq on the other side of the apron, but Taylor told me not to this morning, she said she doesn't want any boys on it. Taylor is going to wear this into BBB for some "before" pictures. Do you think this looks like cinderella's workdress?



Sorry my model just wanted to watch cartoons, so she isn't really paying any attention to me.
I'm still pretty new here. You don't have to prove yourself or they'd have kicked me to the curb, I came here with NO sewing experience!! There was no initiation, but let me warn you...they convert you! I now have a pretty new sewing machine and a pair of baby pants I made myself!


HAHA you are not kidding! I joined the thread like 6 weeks ago and had never touched a sewing machine. Now I have a sewing machine, an embroidery machine, a huge fabric stash, lots of Disney outfits for DD, and have been spending every free second I have sewing. I was warned by all of you that it was addicting, but I didn't listen (although I am glad I didn't listen, I am so happy to be making DD's Disney World clothes).
HAHA you are not kidding! I joined the thread like 6 weeks ago and had never touched a sewing machine. Now I have a sewing machine, an embroidery machine, a huge fabric stash, lots of Disney outfits for DD, and have been spending every free second I have sewing. I was warned by all of you that it was addicting, but I didn't listen (although I am glad I didn't listen, I am so happy to be making DD's Disney World clothes).

Cinderella's workdress is perfect, and I LOVE the before/after idea!!!

What embroidery machine did you end up getting? That is the next thing on my list!

And just think, I bet all the sewing is making the time FLY by while you wait for DH and your trip!
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