Disboutiquers Part 14 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


The outit is adorable, but lily is super adorable!!!! So cute
ummmm no to ironing.... will have to look at walmart or babies r us to see what they have...... I have to have them done by wed...
and I was hoping a kind person with a emb. program would help me with the lettering ;)
I think it is emblibrary that has a tutorial on making your own without the cloth diapers. I have heard some people put terrycloth in the middle underneath flannel. It is just a matter of personal preference. I used to make alot of them, and once I found out how bad they wrinkled I was horrified that I gave them out to new moms. This is going to be my first time making them without the diapers. Pm'ing you about the lettering.

Oh! I totally forgot to say that mine was a total case of Steph's that she made for Megan! The fabric came from Joann's. It is not with the 4th of July so just keep hunting! It is a big section of red, white and blue though.
Oh okay... I will try to find some. I love that it looks like it took so much time to sew all of those patches, and you don't have to. hehe

I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:

Love your Minnie set! I love that design. I bought that one from Claire too, and ended up making my own because I was too impatient to wait for her to email to me. Lilly is precious! I have to look away because it makes me want another one. :goodvibes

Well I thought I had the shirring down. It isn't shrinking enough. I guess I can play with my tensions some once I get more thread. I'm going to try it again on the sewing machine with some tips I have heard as well. I will try to post a picture later of what I did, and maybe you guys will tell me that it did shrink enough. I am trying to use it on the pink fig patterns and the shirring is pretty tight.

We bought some Amazing Tape at market. It is awesome! I am using it to wrap up my embroidery thread tails around the spools. Much better than all the other methods I have tried.

LOL Y'all are gonna start a babygirl bug with me, my husband will NOT be pleased. :laughing:

Love the Minnie dress!
My mom made my DD a Sleeping Beauty dress without the sleeves and just the collar. Is that what you guys are talking about? I can post pictures if necessary.

I think the gerber ones are horrible to embroider on. Even if you prewash them they stay all wrinkly when you wash them. they also get kinda fuzzy.
Most people love those. I bought some, and they were fine the first time I washed them and stitched on them. They definitely stitch better than the gerbers. After washing them a few times the batting inside bunched up and they had that horrible wrinkled look. I am going to make my own from now on. You can just use flannel for the middles and then use your fashion fabric on the ends and/or sides. I was thinking maybe fusible fleece in the middle of the flannel.. I haven't decided yet. Let me know what youf igure out. My friend just had a baby, and I plan on making her some.
The stitched and stamped ones are definitely better than the gerber as far as fabric quality and they are pretty straight rectangles... she will send out a sample if you email her. She ships fast. I asked others on sewforum if they had problems with them staying really wrinkled coming out of the dryer, and they told me to iron them... :rolleyes1
I don't think new mammas will want to iron their burp cloths, but that is just me.

Guess what?? I shirred!!! :woohoo:
I had posted here before saying I finally got it, but indeed I did not.. I think I do now. I'll have to try it on a real pattern and see if it shirrs as much as it is supposed to.
I asked the Babylock people about it at the MP Market, and they told me to try it with coverstitch on the serger. I am scared that it still isn't right, but it gathered up nicely and even shrank when I steamed it. Yippee!!! I hope it continues to work. I ran out of elastic thread, so I need to get more.

Please repost the sleeveless Sleeping Beauty. I don't remember it and would love to see it.

As far as burp cloths go, I use the super thick ones made by Gerber (I buy them at Target). I've made these for years and am personally still using some I made 10 years ago. Not sure what some mean by wrinkling? Its not flat fabric, its lumpy and soft. I prewash & dry mine 2x's before sewing. Here are two I've made recently:


I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


Beautiful! Girls and outfit!!
Please repost the sleeveless Sleeping Beauty. I don't remember it and would love to see it.

As far as burp cloths go, I use the super thick ones made by Gerber (I buy them at Target). I've made these for years and am personally still using some I made 10 years ago. Not sure what some mean by wrinkling? Its not flat fabric, its lumpy and soft. I prewash & dry mine 2x's before sewing. Here are two I've made recently:


Beautiful! Girls and outfit!!
Cute.. I am picking up the burp cloths in the am..... these are cute...... I think they look good... I'll have to see. I had some made for me a few years ago, I am going to compare
Please repost the sleeveless Sleeping Beauty. I don't remember it and would love to see it.

As far as burp cloths go, I use the super thick ones made by Gerber (I buy them at Target). I've made these for years and am personally still using some I made 10 years ago. Not sure what some mean by wrinkling? Its not flat fabric, its lumpy and soft. I prewash & dry mine 2x's before sewing. Here are two I've made recently:



Beautiful! Girls and outfit!!
Okay, I will repost it as soon as I find it.. Lol.. I think it is in the laundry.
See.. I have some like that. I washed and dried before I embroidered them and then washed them again before I would give them as gifts. They would usually wrinkle a little, but not much. I decided to make one for Hannah to play with her babies. I guess about the 5th wash they looked horrible. They wrinkled really bad and washing them more made it worse. Maybe it is something I did?? I decided to do some more and test them out and had the same results. I'm going to try to find the one that I tested. I may have thrown it out. I think what was making them wrinkle is that the batting inside kept shrinking. I don't know why it would shrink at different washings though. Maybe it is that you didn't embroider?? It really bugs me that they were so wrinkly. I had no idea until I kept the one for Hannah to play with.
eeyore3847 i think you were the one that made a cute pink and purple princess dress and posted it the other day. if you are, did you have a certain pattern that you followed because I have that fabric with the 3 large princesses on it and I would like to make something like that. thanks!
Is this the same Martha that's on Martha's Sewing Room?

YES! It is! And a funny story - the first day we were there, I was in the Marth Pullen booth looking for the book "Sewing with Whimsy". I knew I wanted to pick it up. So, I'm standing there looking at the books, I find it and turn around to tell Kira that I found it, and about this time, a woman that is sitting to the left of me at a table talking to people says, "honey, can I sign your book for you?" I said, "Sure!" And Kira says, "That's MARTHA! MARTHA PULLEN!" So she signed my book. She didn't write the book, but she published it. Since I don't get her show in my area, I've only seen a few pictures of her in Sew Beautiful. I didn't have a clue that it was her until Kira told me! :rotfl::rotfl:

Oh, I wouldn't change a thing about our little family... although on days like today I wish she had a Dad. :goodvibes I also know that our struggles would be there in some way even if she was my biologic child. I remember my niece at about this age would disagree with my sister (her mom) on the color of the sky. :rotfl:

Oh, believe me, I understand this! I just dropped off my 12 year old son for camp for a month. I hate to say it because it makes me sound like such a bad mom, but I'm glad he'll be occupied in such a positive way and won't be in the house arguing with me about the color of the sky all summer!:confused3:confused3

:I so want to go next year!!!

You NEED to go next year! Seriously! It was awesome!

I decided to take pictures of the dress I used based on the Friends Around the World Fabric. I made this to enter into the machine embroidery contest at MP Market. I didn't win, but I learned alot about what they are looking for in case I go back. I figured I would try something different since I knew most things would be heirloom. I wanted to catch people's attention. It seems they definitely prefer heirloom! Either that or they just don't like my dress.. hehe :)

It appears my camera has a smudge on the lens.

I was so thrilled to see this in person! It is really an amazing creation. Kira's digitizing skills are great! When I learned how to do a madeira applique this week, I had a whole new appreciation to just the elaborate work on the hemline of this dress!

I will be offering the designs on etsy soon hopefully. I have some tweeking to do.

Guess what?? I shirred!!! :woohoo:
I had posted here before saying I finally got it, but indeed I did not.. I think I do now. I'll have to try it on a real pattern and see if it shirrs as much as it is supposed to.
I asked the Babylock people about it at the MP Market, and they told me to try it with coverstitch on the serger. I am scared that it still isn't right, but it gathered up nicely and even shrank when I steamed it. Yippee!!! I hope it continues to work. I ran out of elastic thread, so I need to get more.

YAY! I'm so glad you're gonna offer the designs on etsy! They're SO cute!

So, did you figure out the shirring thing? Did you tighten your bobbin case? I haven't tried mine yet. I'm not sure that I have elastic thread, I'll have to check and give it a try.

I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


A few pictures of last week. I am going to do a mini TR on my blog hopefully soon but here is a picture of Nicole (mommyof2princesses) and I at Great Wolf! It was so fun to see another disboutiquer while on vacation!


Next up is the outfit that I stayed up to make the night before we left. I made sure Dallas liked the fabric and had the pants almost all done but not finished up so he could okay them. He LOVED them! UNTIL he was supposed to wear them the other day and then decided they were too babyish! Let's just say that I am not happy! I made the shirt and a hat AFTER he okayed them!!


I think it is the hat that made him think it was babyish but I told him he didn't have to wear it.

Here is a picture of Lin and Dallas putting up the tent. They are counting pole pieces. No camping trip is complete without a custom! Right?!?


And then this is him eating a marshmallow. His favorite thing to do!


Today, Marlo (minnie2 - I think) is coming over with Kyle and Nikki! They'll be here in a few hours! I am full of meets in the past week!

I also got to go to my best friend Jill's house in NC but she only lurks here! Silly girl!

Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun! FWIW, I love the 4th outfit!

Look at walked into my backyard last evening. We were all sitting at the table when he walked in for a quick visit. It is not snowing, that is cottonwood in air.
Love your new pet!
here are some bags I made as teacher gifts - they are both totally reversible and each have a matching zipper wristlet. My DS's teacher loves moose and he picked the materials- sorry the pics are so big





these are lovely, and I'm sure will be well used also. Your DS has a great eye for material!
Some pics from the weekend.

This is DS at his 8th birthday party with the family. He just got a sewing machine of his own.

This is the last of the bags that I made for the teachers. This is for the Phys Ed. Teacher. She loves Bugs Bunny and even has a BB tattoo.

And lastly, a little dress I made for the neice of my BFF.

Great stuff! DD thinks she wants a machine, but she's soooo ADHD and has ASD as well, so I'm gonna wait a while. Let us know how the machine does.
I made these for both of the girls for my DD almost 3 bday trip in August. I think this might be my favorite outfit I have made in a while. DD's cute little seashell jellies are from the Disney Store.





I really love this outfit! Gorgeous! And the colors are beautiful
I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


Awesome outfit! Still can't compare to how beautiful the girls are, though!
Oh, believe me, I understand this! I just dropped off my 12 year old son for camp for a month. I hate to say it because it makes me sound like such a bad mom, but I'm glad he'll be occupied in such a positive way and won't be in the house arguing with me about the color of the sky all summer!:confused3:confused3

You're not a bad mom at all. I remember going to summer camp at that age. I loved it because I got to be away for awhile. It wasn't a full month but I think I'd have loved to be able to go for that length of time if it had been an option.

I signed Zoe up for 2 weeks of day camp through the city parks and rec department. Today was her first day and she loved it! They have a total of 8 weeks so we're making sure she likes it before we commit to more. However, I hope she wants to continue because it will mean I don't have to deal with the petty squabbling and 'mean girl' tricks some of the neighborhood girls subject Zoe to. I get so tired of the 'I'm not your friend' head games these girls play. Honestly, although Zoe can be a real 'girly girl' at times, she actually seems to get along better with the boys because she likes to play soccer, wall ball, etc. rather than Barbies. With the day camp, she'll have lots of different kids to play with in a supervised setting and I won't have to feel guilty for sewing much of the day.
Oh, believe me, I understand this! I just dropped off my 12 year old son for camp for a month. I hate to say it because it makes me sound like such a bad mom, but I'm glad he'll be occupied in such a positive way and won't be in the house arguing with me about the color of the sky all summer!:confused3:confused3

Shannon, if you miss the arguing I will be more than happy to loan you Morgan! It seems the sky is NOT blue, it has clouds Mommy! ;)
She also could not taste the meat in dinner last night (Any meal without meat is a crime)
I do not have the right to tell her no......
She is 8 and BEDTIME is for babies.......
NONE of the other kids have to do school work in the summer (said the child who has spend many a weekday at WDW during the school year)

And my personal favorite....... She has NEVER had a meal of just rice:cool2:
I made these for both of the girls for my DD almost 3 bday trip in August. I think this might be my favorite outfit I have made in a while. DD's cute little seashell jellies are from the Disney Store.

Love it. And she is such a cute little model.

I am excited to be sewing again now that my little one is 2 months. I have been lurking and have seen some beautiful stuff! I live the Friends Around the World outfit. I still have not found that fabric anywhere.

Here is my first of the summer to get ready for our trip in september. I was able to borrow a friend's Disney sewing machine! I have two little girls to sew for now. Though I am going to wait for closer to the trip to sew for Lily since she will change so much between now and then.

Here is the new outfit:


And here is my little Lily:


Love the new outfit. And what an adorable baby too.

Great stuff! DD thinks she wants a machine, but she's soooo ADHD and has ASD as well, so I'm gonna wait a while. Let us know how the machine does.

The machine is good. It sews slower than my machine, which is a good thing. It does not have a stitch length adjuster (only 3 choices for length of straight stitch A,B,C and 2 for the zig zag) My parents got it for him on sale, and it works, so we are happy. Also, it came with a Superman needle - he sewed over a pin, the pin is now bent at a 90 degree angle, and it did not break the needle. I laughed, cause my needles would have been in like 4 pieces.
I wanted to thank everyone on the compliments of my DD's Ariel skirt set. It was really fun to do and cannot wait for the girls to wear these in 42 days!!

My oldest started summer camp today as well. We have her signed up for a variety of things but she will be occupied everyday until the Friday we leave for vacation. I love my girls dearly but they have been driving me crazy. They have been picking at each other. They have also run out of constructive things to do!! My DD5 is really active. She needs a lot of activity and stimulation. She is not hyper. Just needs to think all the time. I am thrilled she loved camp so much. My youngest daughter was very peaceful today. I think she had a much better day. Even though she missed her sister the break was nice.

Lori, I love the new princess outfit. The colors are great and the sayings are really cute on the pants. :)
Shannon, if you miss the arguing I will be more than happy to loan you Morgan! It seems the sky is NOT blue, it has clouds Mommy! ;)
She also could not taste the meat in dinner last night (Any meal without meat is a crime)
I do not have the right to tell her no......
She is 8 and BEDTIME is for babies.......
NONE of the other kids have to do school work in the summer (said the child who has spend many a weekday at WDW during the school year)

And my personal favorite....... She has NEVER had a meal of just rice:cool2:

:rotfl::rotfl2::rotfl: Don't you just love our kids! :rotfl::rotfl2::rotfl: AbbyGrace thinks that just because her feet have hit the floor in the morning, it MUST be time for breakfast. She almost acts like she's insulted that she should have to get out of bed for it! :rotfl::rotfl: However, she would much rather eat vegetables any time! She doesn't prefer meat. But she keeps a schedule of exactly what meal she ate and exactly when she ate it, and we better not decide to have a late "brunch" and count it for breakfast and lunch, because she'll definitely put on a show like we have completely neglected her by causing her to miss a meal! :scared1:
:rotfl::rotfl2::rotfl: Don't you just love our kids! :rotfl::rotfl2::rotfl: AbbyGrace thinks that just because her feet have hit the floor in the morning, it MUST be time for breakfast. She almost acts like she's insulted that she should have to get out of bed for it! :rotfl::rotfl: However, she would much rather eat vegetables any time! She doesn't prefer meat. But she keeps a schedule of exactly what meal she ate and exactly when she ate it, and we better not decide to have a late "brunch" and count it for breakfast and lunch, because she'll definitely put on a show like we have completely neglected her by causing her to miss a meal! :scared1:

Ok that is funny. Morgan doesn't care what time she eats but she MUST eat 3 meals. (They can be three meals in a hour) But it HAS to be three. Brunch is not welcome in her world. Morgan likes veggies too (she did not get that from me LOL) but will make a sour face if I mention going vegetarian.
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