*Girls DL Trip* OLD THREAD

Hi all, happy Friday!

Here are some pictures from when DBF and I went to Catalina:

DBF and I at Luau Larry's on Catalina Island

Jager Bombs

How we got there:scared1:

Here are some from Disneyland on Tuesday:

The "new" Sunwheel

The nice kitty at Hungry Bear. He liked the turkey from my club sandwich.

Still working on Wonderful World of Color

I beat DBF!
Sarah: DBF is a cutie!

Everyone--quick drive by--Bella is doing great--was a little dopey last night but up and rarin' to go today! She's at home with Grandma. I have the cutest pic--I'll upload it later.

Gotta run--ttyl!
Drive by hi!:wave:

:drive: :wave2:

A long distance hair dresser might get expensive but I love the way she does my hair and I can't seem to find anyone here who I like as well and besides it's a good excuse to visit my 'home'!
Aww, any excuse to visit "home" is always a good one. :goodvibes

Hi all, happy Friday!

Here are some pictures from when DBF and I went to Catalina:

DBF and I at Luau Larry's on Catalina Island
Thanks for sharing all the pics Sarah! You and your DBF are such a cute, young, fun loving couple. It makes me smile to see those pics. :) Looks like you had a fun time although you couldn't pay me to go up in that helicopter. LOL
And thanks for the ones of DL/DCA. I can't wait to see it all done!

Everyone--quick drive by--Bella is doing great--was a little dopey last night but up and rarin' to go today! She's at home with Grandma. I have the cutest pic--I'll upload it later.

Gotta run--ttyl!
That's good news. ::yes:: Can't wait to see the cutie pic!
Thanks for sharing all the pics Sarah! You and your DBF are such a cute, young, fun loving couple. It makes me smile to see those pics. :) Looks like you had a fun time although you couldn't pay me to go up in that helicopter. LOL
And thanks for the ones of DL/DCA. I can't wait to see it all done!

Although I was scared in the helicopter I have to say that it was way better than taking the boat over on Sunday with DBF's family. The boat rocked so much. :sick: And it was about an hour longer (compared to 14 minutes in the copter). Plus we saw a blue whale on the way over in the helicopter and the pilot circled around it so we could take pictures. I was using the video camera then but I think DBF got some pictures of it.
It's so sad... I honestly can't remember the last time that I was on the thread :confused:

Things have been uber crazy the last 6 weeks or so at both home and work, so there has been very little dis time. Everything is okay, but there are seriously not enough hours in the day!

Anyhow, I just wanted to pop on and say hello to everyone! I miss you all!!! It was fun to see everyone who was here last weekend and it seems like forever between now and the October trip.

Oh, I also wanted to report that I have officially booked a Premium Bldg 1 room for Feb, so all systems are ready, set, go!
It's so sad... I honestly can't remember the last time that I was on the thread :confused:

Things have been uber crazy the last 6 weeks or so at both home and work, so there has been very little dis time. Everything is okay, but there are seriously not enough hours in the day!

Anyhow, I just wanted to pop on and say hello to everyone! I miss you all!!! It was fun to see everyone who was here last weekend and it seems like forever between now and the October trip.

Oh, I also wanted to report that I have officially booked a Premium Bldg 1 room for Feb, so all systems are ready, set, go!

We've been keeping track of you on the LV thread and can't wait to see you in October!
It's so sad... I honestly can't remember the last time that I was on the thread :confused:

Things have been uber crazy the last 6 weeks or so at both home and work, so there has been very little dis time. Everything is okay, but there are seriously not enough hours in the day!

Anyhow, I just wanted to pop on and say hello to everyone! I miss you all!!! It was fun to see everyone who was here last weekend and it seems like forever between now and the October trip.

Oh, I also wanted to report that I have officially booked a Premium Bldg 1 room for Feb, so all systems are ready, set, go!

Jane!!!!! So great to see you on here! We have missed you so much!!!! Happy dance:dance3: Hope things settle down a bit for you soon so that we can have you on here more, but I know what you mean about having enough hours in the day!

Sara LOVE your Catalina pics! Very cute!!

Also love the Disney pics. What a cute little kitty! AWWWW!

Cheryl glad Bella is doing well. I must have missed the thread about her surgery. What did she have done? Whatever it was I am glad she is home and feeling better!

I am SO excited!! Shane called and Katy got into the Meet of Champions for Swim team!!!

For those that don't know about swim at the end of the year you have what is called Championships. EVERYONE on the team goes to that and you compete and then the top 10 of each event gets to go to the MEET of Champs. It is a very big honor. At Champs it is just the 5 teams that we compete against during the year. But at MEET of Champs it is like 45 teams from all over the area. And of course it is all the BEST of the BEST cuz they are all the top 10 swimmers from each team in each event!

Anyway Katy didn't make top 10 in anything at our champs but she came within 1 of making it last year in the Medley relay. Her team got 11th place. But this year they didn't put her on any relay teams and the closest she got in any indiv events with 20th.

So we thought we were done but we JUST got a call from the coach and apparently a few swimmers that WERE in dropped out and she was the alternate. She had the next best times!! I am SO excited for her!

So it appears we will NOW be going to Woodland the next two days but since she is only in 2 events we only have to go in the afternoon and not for the whole day. But I am so excited. We don't pick them up from VBS for another hour but I can't wait to tell her!

Anyway just wanted to share my exciting news!! :)
I agree Dawn, Divas should definitely not have to do laundry! :sad2: And even worse, ironing, which is what I'm getting ready to do next. Oh well.

I hate laundry & ironing. I'm getting a steamer when I move out. I can't be looking all wrinkly at college, especially if I want to find a bf ;) I don't think guys like girls who looked like they rolled out of bed but I think it's super sweet when they say a girl looks beautiful even when they do!
Sara LOVE your Catalina pics! Very cute!!

Also love the Disney pics. What a cute little kitty! AWWWW!

Cheryl glad Bella is doing well. I must have missed the thread about her surgery. What did she have done? Whatever it was I am glad she is home and feeling better!

I am SO excited!! Shane called and Katy got into the Meet of Champions for Swim team!!!

For those that don't know about swim at the end of the year you have what is called Championships. EVERYONE on the team goes to that and you compete and then the top 10 of each event gets to go to the MEET of Champs. It is a very big honor. At Champs it is just the 5 teams that we compete against during the year. But at MEET of Champs it is like 45 teams from all over the area. And of course it is all the BEST of the BEST cuz they are all the top 10 swimmers from each team in each event!

Anyway Katy didn't make top 10 in anything at our champs but she came within 1 of making it last year in the Medley relay. Her team got 11th place. But this year they didn't put her on any relay teams and the closest she got in any indiv events with 20th.

So we thought we were done but we JUST got a call from the coach and apparently a few swimmers that WERE in dropped out and she was the alternate. She had the next best times!! I am SO excited for her!

So it appears we will NOW be going to Woodland the next two days but since she is only in 2 events we only have to go in the afternoon and not for the whole day. But I am so excited. We don't pick them up from VBS for another hour but I can't wait to tell her!

Anyway just wanted to share my exciting news!! :)

Yay! for Katy (and you!)

Bella got spayed yesterday . . . . no puppies at my house! (Well, other than Bella . . . . . )
I posted this on the October meet thread but wanted to make sure everyone saw it:

Hey ladies--just a reminder that if you have an Annual Pass and you haven't bought your Trick or Treat Party tix yet that they go on sale to the general public tomorrow--so dates will probably start selling out.

And if you don't have an Annual Pass--be sure and go online tomorrow and buy them before they sell out for the 23rd!

(Dawn and Boo Bear--we're all set! )
Poor Bella. I remember when we got our little Izzie and she have just had the procedure. Had to cone her for a while.

Hope Steph is doing fine in Vegas.
Hi Ladies!

I'm so happy to be back home catching up with this thread. My DH and I work shift work and very seldom have the same days off, but this week and last week it just worked out that way. Last week we took the kids overnight to Seattle which was fun. This week we decided to go to my in-laws cabin about 5 hours away. We had 2 full days off so we figured we'd leave by 7am this morning and be back i time for our shifts at 1:30 and 2pm. At 8:30 traffic came to a stop because of an accident and it would be an hour before they let traffic through, being out at the lake there's really only 1 way in or out. My DH figured he know a road that would get us around so off we went. When we finally pulled into a rest stop with a map I realized we(DH!) had driven 2 hours THE WRONG WAY! I phoned work had had someone cover for me but hubby had to go in 4 hours late and face everyone who knew his mistake. It was a great 2 days though, loved being in the lake!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Plus we saw a blue whale on the way over in the helicopter and the pilot circled around it so we could take pictures. I was using the video camera then but I think DBF got some pictures of it.
Oh, I bet that was really cool!

Oh, I also wanted to report that I have officially booked a Premium Bldg 1 room for Feb, so all systems are ready, set, go!
Hey, that's great news!! :banana:

So we thought we were done but we JUST got a call from the coach and apparently a few swimmers that WERE in dropped out and she was the alternate. She had the next best times!! I am SO excited for her!
How cool! :cheer2:

I can't be looking all wrinkly at college, especially if I want to find a bf ;)
:thumbsup2 That would be a cute tag. lol

Had to cone her for a while.
Eek! The dreaded cone.

It was a great 2 days though, loved being in the lake!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sounds like a fun time. Well, other than the wrong way detour. ;)
Hi Ladies!

I'm so happy to be back home catching up with this thread. My DH and I work shift work and very seldom have the same days off, but this week and last week it just worked out that way. Last week we took the kids overnight to Seattle which was fun. This week we decided to go to my in-laws cabin about 5 hours away. We had 2 full days off so we figured we'd leave by 7am this morning and be back i time for our shifts at 1:30 and 2pm. At 8:30 traffic came to a stop because of an accident and it would be an hour before they let traffic through, being out at the lake there's really only 1 way in or out. My DH figured he know a road that would get us around so off we went. When we finally pulled into a rest stop with a map I realized we(DH!) had driven 2 hours THE WRONG WAY! I phoned work had had someone cover for me but hubby had to go in 4 hours late and face everyone who knew his mistake. It was a great 2 days though, loved being in the lake!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Glad you had a good week! What lake did you go to?

Vicki - where are you staying in Victoria?
Just a fast hi! Tomorrow will be the first day in over a month I don't have to be gone from the house. Gonna do laundry and get everything back in order before my surgery.:laundy:
I'm doing laundry today too.
What's up with that???

DiVa's shouldn't be doing LaundrY!

Thanks Capri! :hug:

Courtney, I was looking at the pics of Hojo's in your trip report. I'm thinking maybe my mom and i might stay there on the girl's trip. I'm trying to find out the A.R.T. information. We've never stayed there.

Dawn--my MiL stayed at the Hojos this summer and says that the Art stop is the closest to the DL security check. She can't walk far, and it worked out well for her.

The GCH is a bit of a splurge for me too. I'll be checking in on Friday afternoon for one night only. Let me know when you'd like to see the room and we'll work it out.

Are you coming to the meet?


I'm not planning on coming to the September meet. I'm just whining about wanting to.

Good morning Divas. Hope you're all having a good day, looks like LOTS of laundry going on. I stayed home today, feeling reaaaallly crummy. Think it was something I ate yesterday. Blech!

I'm bummed I'm missing a ice cream sundae potluck at work. :rotfl:

It's supposed to be 84 here today..............totally weird for us this time of year but I guess enjoy the ac bill while we can. :)

We're heading up to Lake Tahoe on Saturday to do some exploring. It will be Ayden's first time....I think he'll love it.

Hope you all have a productive day... :laundy:

I love Tahoe! Have a great time, and I hope you feel better!

Sara LOVE your Catalina pics! Very cute!!

Also love the Disney pics. What a cute little kitty! AWWWW!

Cheryl glad Bella is doing well. I must have missed the thread about her surgery. What did she have done? Whatever it was I am glad she is home and feeling better!

I am SO excited!! Shane called and Katy got into the Meet of Champions for Swim team!!!

For those that don't know about swim at the end of the year you have what is called Championships. EVERYONE on the team goes to that and you compete and then the top 10 of each event gets to go to the MEET of Champs. It is a very big honor. At Champs it is just the 5 teams that we compete against during the year. But at MEET of Champs it is like 45 teams from all over the area. And of course it is all the BEST of the BEST cuz they are all the top 10 swimmers from each team in each event!

Anyway Katy didn't make top 10 in anything at our champs but she came within 1 of making it last year in the Medley relay. Her team got 11th place. But this year they didn't put her on any relay teams and the closest she got in any indiv events with 20th.

So we thought we were done but we JUST got a call from the coach and apparently a few swimmers that WERE in dropped out and she was the alternate. She had the next best times!! I am SO excited for her!

So it appears we will NOW be going to Woodland the next two days but since she is only in 2 events we only have to go in the afternoon and not for the whole day. But I am so excited. We don't pick them up from VBS for another hour but I can't wait to tell her!

Anyway just wanted to share my exciting news!! :)

That's great news for Katy!!!


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