Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.

I understand what you mean. :guilty::sad2:

To make a long story short a friend of mine had her cc stolen at WDW. There was a thread about cc issues on another site. Being that I am staying at the resort I went over to check it out. There was another thread about a TR. They were mercilessly making fun of a boutique Mom and customs in general. I even got pulled into because I had posted on another thread about packing for WDW. I very whimsically said how many outfits and bows we were bringing for our 15 day trip- 2 outfits per day per girl= 60 outfits + 2 bows per outfit= 120 bows. I actually brought a suitcase just for bows and honestly they worse sets over again so it was not 120 bows. They had a field day with what a pushy pageant Mom I am. If you know me you know that is not me!

Now I could have gone over there and said hey listen the girls love dressing up, they love wearing bows and I love sewing for them. I do not make them wear anything they do not want to wear. My youngest asks for her bows first thing in the morning. The suitcase was actually a child's glitter suitcase from the Disney Store. Get a life etc . . .

Then I thought the whole purpose of this site is to make fun of others. How sad is that? At least I have a hobby. LOL It was not worth it to try and defend myself. I have a 1000 better things to do than make fun of strangers.
I have made fun of myself for the sewing that I do. I have gone over board with the outfits that I make for Jenna. I have a bad habit of starting out making her something simple and ending up with matching bows, socks, jewelry..... If I could match this child's glasses to each of her outfits I think I would. Although one time she was wearing red and I told her to wear her red glasses because they would match better. :lmao:That is when I realized that I have a problem. I have been trying to scale back the fancyness so she can get more wear out of her stuff. I wouldn't let the things that other people say about the Boutique stuff bother anyone. You don't know these people and they don't know you. Life is too short to fight over clothes. Now hairbows is another story. :rotfl2:

Cindee that is why I do not post pics of Jen on here. I have tons on my facebook. Photos were also taken from the Disboutiquer's photobucket account. I know this because you can get the link of where the photo came from by quoting the photo and also by right clicking the photo and selecting properties. My albums on Facebook are only visible to the people that I want them to be visible to. My sister had an issue with my niece's pic being in my Facebook album so I made them all private except to certain people, since I don't let just anyone on my friend's list. Also so that some of the sellers on my list don't have access to my designs they are on a separate list and are not allowed to see certain pics.
Such sweet pics! The time will fly now ~ just a couple more months!

THANKS!! I'm getting nervous. . . but keeping busy ;)

One of the sites with our pictures is www.google.com click on images type your disboards name and pics will pop up.
Funny - I did an image search with my username and got NONE of my own picture s- I got lots of avitars and pictures from others, but none of my own at all! Stinks that you are having that issue :(
I googled my dis name and in 30 pages I only saw on photo of my DD. Funny though there is a design co. name Aimeeg. :)
I googled my dis name and in 30 pages I only saw on photo of my DD. Funny though there is a design co. name Aimeeg. :)
yeah - I did a regular search and an image search. I did see board tracker and boards reader - but they both said I have zero posts . . . which is clearly not the case, so not sure how those work, or who care about what I post. Seems ridiculous that people want to sit there and track others.
I understand what you mean. :guilty::sad2:

To make a long story short a friend of mine had her cc stolen at WDW. There was a thread about cc issues on another site. Being that I am staying at the resort I went over to check it out. There was another thread about a TR. They were mercilessly making fun of a boutique Mom and customs in general. I even got pulled into because I had posted on another thread about packing for WDW. I very whimsically said how many outfits and bows we were bringing for our 15 day trip- 2 outfits per day per girl= 60 outfits + 2 bows per outfit= 120 bows. I actually brought a suitcase just for bows and honestly they worse sets over again so it was not 120 bows. They had a field day with what a pushy pageant Mom I am. If you know me you know that is not me!

Now I could have gone over there and said hey listen the girls love dressing up, they love wearing bows and I love sewing for them. I do not make them wear anything they do not want to wear. My youngest asks for her bows first thing in the morning. The suitcase was actually a child's glitter suitcase from the Disney Store. Get a life etc . . .

Then I thought the whole purpose of this site is to make fun of others. How sad is that? At least I have a hobby. LOL It was not worth it to try and defend myself. I have a 1000 better things to do than make fun of strangers.[/QUOTE]

I think this sums it up well. I understand the site is intended to make fun of people. But it is one thing to make fun of my sewing, it is quite another to copy a picture of my child and make rude comments. If I wanted to "go overboard" (which I don't) why in the world should it matter to a stranger? How I dress my child does not affect THEM so what so what is the big deal?
One of the sites with our pictures is www.google.com click on images type your disboards name and pics will pop up.

I'm not understanding this. Are you saying that Google is using the pics some way? Or are they just referencing back to our posts here on the DIS cause you did a search?
I think this sums it up well. I understand the site is intended to make fun of people. But it is one thing to make fun of my sewing, it is quite another to copy a picture of my child and make rude comments. If I wanted to "go overboard" (which I don't) why in the world should it matter to a stranger? How I dress my child does not affect THEM so what so what is the big deal?

:hug:I am so sorry this happened to you.:hug: When it comes to blogs/boards/threads I am SO clueless; I realize that there are people out there that are up to no good, but I just assume that everyone's here to be honest. I am way to trusting of people. I hate that some ruin things for others (I loved seeing your creations) but I COMPLETELY understand though!
FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.

One of the sites with our pictures is www.google.com click on images type your disboards name and pics will pop up.

I googled my Dis name and I did see my avatar, and saw a pic that my DH has on his blog. Fortunately, there is some guy named Revrob that seems to be much more famous than I am. He got all the image hits. Good for us.

I think I'll stick with my general standard - post pics of outfits on dress forms. I'll post pics of my children on facebook only where I can control who sees them.
The ribbon shelves I ordered from ebay. I think I have them book marked- if you want the info, juts shoot me a pm and I'll send it to you. I did not have to modify these shelves at all. they are made specifically for ribbons. Right now I have 60 rolls of 3/4" ribbon in each shelf. Of course, if you used 1/4 ribbon rolls, more would fit on there. I love these. It took me a long time looking til I found them too! Of course, they only holds a small amount of my ribbon! I have jars and shoe boxes of them too.

My husband and I were watching a show the other day about people that hoard things. I looked at him and said to him, "You think I'm a hoarder- don't you?" He just looked the other way and mumbled something about having hoarder "tendencies". Well, I think that just because I have boxes and jars and shelves of ribbon, and paper , and stamps, and cricut cartridges and...... well you know ..... doesn't mean I'm a hoarder! RIGHT??? :lmao:

Thanks!!! If you can find the link that would be great. If not I will search around!! They hold quite a bit!

My husband thinks I am a hoarder as well. I don't have half the fabric some of you have, but he thinks I am crazy and have way too much. Plus, I have trouble getting rid of things (I am very sentimental) and he just doesn't understand!

Thanks again. I really hope I can get my room organized like yours!
I seem to have lost some of my mulitiquotes ...

April, I did want to mention I'm glad you have closure on your Mom's baby. I am not on FB, but it doesn't sound like it was a happy outcome. :hug:
I googled my Dis name and I did see my avatar, and saw a pic that my DH has on his blog. Fortunately, there is some guy named Revrob that seems to be much more famous than I am. He got all the image hits. Good for us.

I think I'll stick with my general standard - post pics of outfits on dress forms. I'll post pics of my children on facebook only where I can control who sees them.

ooh, I haven't thought about that. Outfits only here and outfits modeled on facebook (now that I've FINALLY on facebook thanks to ya'll!)
FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.

i am so upset to hear this. it amazes and saddens me that people have nothing better to do with their time and energy. i understand how you feel but i will be sad not to see her pretty little face on here.
May I say? Here is a message to anyone coming here with an eye toward being snarky about us.

If your own personal idea of sport includes making fun of me, my kid, or anyone else here and their family because we like to sew them things and they like to wear the things we make...

Kiss my butt.

We'll go on being happy within our families the way we want, and you can use up your energy being negative. I hope you have something in your lives that fulfills you the way sewing fulfills us and that you are just too myopic to see that criticizing us is a ridiculous waste of your energy.
I finshed the nemo set.








I'm now done with Alexis' disney outfits...
Yep I'm only doing 4 outfits for Alexis for our 13 day trip the rest of the days she will be wearing reg clothes.. :thumbsup2

Now I need to work on a shirt for my son
thanks for letting me share..
Cute!! Love the color combo!
I completely agree Nicole. For Lisa's next post, we'll have to say.....Wow, Lisa that is such a "kajshd;fjahsd;fuayeruwehjsdf" outfit!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.

I understand what you mean. :guilty::sad2:

To make a long story short a friend of mine had her cc stolen at WDW. There was a thread about cc issues on another site. Being that I am staying at the resort I went over to check it out. There was another thread about a TR. They were mercilessly making fun of a boutique Mom and customs in general. I even got pulled into because I had posted on another thread about packing for WDW. I very whimsically said how many outfits and bows we were bringing for our 15 day trip- 2 outfits per day per girl= 60 outfits + 2 bows per outfit= 120 bows. I actually brought a suitcase just for bows and honestly they worse sets over again so it was not 120 bows. They had a field day with what a pushy pageant Mom I am. If you know me you know that is not me!

Now I could have gone over there and said hey listen the girls love dressing up, they love wearing bows and I love sewing for them. I do not make them wear anything they do not want to wear. My youngest asks for her bows first thing in the morning. The suitcase was actually a child's glitter suitcase from the Disney Store. Get a life etc . . .

Then I thought the whole purpose of this site is to make fun of others. How sad is that? At least I have a hobby. LOL It was not worth it to try and defend myself. I have a 1000 better things to do than make fun of strangers.

Aimeeg: what site are you referring to? I'd like to see if they have any of my pics.

OK, I'm officially freaked out; under my name on google was a tracker of all the threads I'd started, and convos I'd had; and even worse, some of my cake pics on someone's blog I've never heard of (and definitely don't agree with)... at least they credited the pic to me?!?!?! I'm just stunned. Apparently my pollyanna days are over. And like the rest of you, no more pics of my kiddos except on facebook.
Nope, no pattern, just math. I can post how I did it if you'd like. There's alot of fabric in that skirt and that's what makes it so full, but I think the quality of the fabric must help. It is full and I LOVE how fluffy it is! Emily loved dancing in it while watching tv last night ;)

This one?? It's one of my favorites!! It's the same concept for the tiered skirt as the AG Place skirt, very full and no petti under it!!

That is indeed the one! And I like the fact that no petti is required. My dd also loves a good twirl factor -- she hated the back to school dress I made her as she disliked the fabric, but once I showed her it twirls she wants to waer it everyday!

FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.
What?!!! Absurd. People are sick. All I got from the google site was my avatar. I am anti-facebook b/c I've heard of so many prolems with that but who really has the time or desire to look at a thread like this and copy pictures? Bizarre. Perhaps I'm too naive. I think I may take my location of my avatar now though.

Also, I would think if you delete the photo from your photobucket account it will start showing up as a red X wherever it was copied to. I would suggest doing that.
That is indeed the one! And I like the fact that no petti is required. My dd also loves a good twirl factor -- she hated the back to school dress I made her as she disliked the fabric, but once I showed her it twirls she wants to waer it everyday!

What?!!! Absurd. People are sick. All I got from the google site was my avatar. I am anti-facebook b/c I've heard of so many prolems with that but who really has the time or desire to look at a thread like this and copy pictures? Bizarre. Perhaps I'm too naive. I think I may take my location of my avatar now though.

Also, I would think if you delete the photo from your photobucket account it will start showing up as a red X wherever it was copied to. I would suggest doing that.

Not always. If the pic was posted and copied from here and the thread is now locked, even it you delete the pic from photobucket it can still show up.
:confused3I have a question: I just went into my photobucket and made it private and chose to not allow anyone to copy my images; will that be enough to keep people I don't want out of my acct?

Or do I need to block all users? I'm just wondering, because I have been using photobucket to take my facebook images from, but if I block everyone, then my friends on facebook won't see them either, right?

Oy, I'm so confused.


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