New rumor!


Oct 8, 2008
This weekend while sitting in the hot tub at FW. A woman said the lifeguard at the pool told her that Disney was looking into tearing down the old River Country area and making more premium sites along the lakefront. What do you think? This this will happen?

I hope not- I thought it was pretty crowded this weekend almost every site was full and they turned over very fast. One hour they were empty the next someone had moved in. I think they already have the right balance of cabins and campsites.
I would welcome more sites as long as they also added more pool for it and perhaps another small Outpost. As long as the campground is selling out Disney will look to capitalize on it. They would also look to add more check in perhaps to support it. How many spaces could fit over there? Is it another 50 camp sites or is it another 300? That could make a big difference as well.
I consider lifeguards at the pool about as reliable as FW bus drivers.
But "Lakefront" sites would probably bring in some higher buckos..There are people who would love to have a lakefront lot and would gladly pay a premium..You see it at alot of regular cg's as well.
Lots of rumors, huh? I heard one that said they wouldn't do anything. THAT one I believe.
Wasn't there a rumor floating around a while back that they were going to create a DVC section of campsites along the lake? Or am thinking of the speculation during the 600 loop expansion regarding those sites?
This rumor holds even less credibility than I thought - it didn't even come directly from the lifeguard - it came from a lady in the hot tub who claims to have heard it from the lifeguard. I once told my kids that Spaceship Earth weighed only 80lbs and was placed on the supports by a single maintenance worker on a stepladder. Imagine my surprise when, as we exited the monorail, the guy who had been sitting behind me was telling his group the same story and they were all soaking it up as fact. Rumors are easy, and sometimes fun, to start.
Didn't say I believe it or give credence to it -just passing it along for speculation. DVC might be an answer though. This could be a way to get those who camp there often to buy in because they are losing that revenue from campers since we don't usually stay in their hotels.
Fact or fiction? I would love to see them do something to that area that would benefit the campers. Now, I'm not willing to pay over $100 a night for a spot - I do have my limits, well maybe $110 but that's it. Anyway that land is just litting idle and not making Disney any money. If the sites are higer priced and could clear out some of the other sites that would be fine. I'd like to see another restaurant, something like WL has, that you can go right in get a sandwich or something and not have to have reservations. Specultion is always fun.;)
Maybe they could use some of the RC buildings as comfort stations. I have heard crazier ideas.
Maybe they are gonna use it to put in a giant pump to filter all the water in Bay Lake so we can swim in it again.:lmao:
Well for any of you who put any faith in rumors, especially by a Disney bus driver (off duty), we heard one talking to some guests last week while on a boat from the Contemporary to the Fort, that Disney can't do anything with River Country or Discovery Island because they are now considered to be protected wetlands. What a croc! If Disney REALLY wanted to do something with those properties they could make it happen.

Also this bus driver had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him about the "shoe tree" out in the lake near River Country. Real knowledgeable guy huh? :confused3
Fact or fiction? I would love to see them do something to that area that would benefit the campers. Now, I'm not willing to pay over $100 a night for a spot - I do have my limits, well maybe $110 but that's it. Anyway that land is just litting idle and not making Disney any money. If the sites are higer priced and could clear out some of the other sites that would be fine. I'd like to see another restaurant, something like WL has, that you can go right in get a sandwich or something and not have to have reservations. Specultion is always fun.;)

Speculation is always fun, but if I had to guess, Disney is writing RC off as a tax loss each year.Prob wouldnt be too hard to close off the lake, and filter and treat it so that it wont harm the rest of the lake wildlife,but then again thats logic and Disney doesnt always follow logic.

Well for any of you who put any faith in rumors, especially by a Disney bus driver (off duty), we heard one talking to some guests last week while on a boat from the Contemporary to the Fort, that Disney can't do anything with River Country or Discovery Island because they are now considered to be protected wetlands. What a croc! If Disney REALLY wanted to do something with those properties they could make it happen.

Also this bus driver had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him about the "shoe tree" out in the lake near River Country. Real knowledgeable guy huh? :confused3

I used to work in busses (7 years) and the shoe tree is news to me.Not doubting it, but Ive never heard about it even when RC was open when I was there.Now the lawn mower tree and the million dollar tree I know about.

I do know that most of FW that is undeveloped is considered wetlands and cant be developed.Not sure about RC and DC.Ive heard that there was several ideas for DC, but nothing ever materialized.
I hear Ferris Bueller is dying, my sister heard from a guy at Baskin Robbins, who heard it from some gal...
Well for any of you who put any faith in rumors, especially by a Disney bus driver (off duty), we heard one talking to some guests last week while on a boat from the Contemporary to the Fort, that Disney can't do anything with River Country or Discovery Island because they are now considered to be protected wetlands. What a croc! If Disney REALLY wanted to do something with those properties they could make it happen.

Also this bus driver had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him about the "shoe tree" out in the lake near River Country. Real knowledgeable guy huh? :confused3

The wetland story was used by Disney when they needed an excuse for not rehabbing the Treehouse Villas area. Guess what - when they decided it would be lucrative, wetlands were no longer an issue. As it has been explained to me by more knowlegable planning people than I, all that is required to develope a wetland area is to set aside a like sized plot of land somewhere else and designate it as remaining undeveloped. Disney has used this tactic time and again to develope wetlands in desirable areas. Disney has plenty of property to do this with, and in fact has a nature preserve offsite which probably more than covers any development they may wish to do in the near future.
I would love to see them do something with that area. River Country is so unique.

They already have a swimming pool and a snach bar., What more could you want.

I would book over there in a heartbeat. LONG LIVE RIVER COUNTRY.:dance3::dance3::dance3:
If they do move forward with this plan, I hope they fill it in first. I'd hate to have to back my RV down into that cesspool. :scared1: :lmao:


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