Brooklynn takes Bella to meet Cinderella! Page 242 Downtown Disney

I'm late, and I definitely have to come back here and catch up but I just wanted to wish you guys a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Looks like you had some family fun yesterday, too, by your FB post. :)

MeMom, I don't have any Disney pajamas, either -- we definitely need to fix that since we have an imaginary DIS pajama party to plan for -- Walmart usually has some cute Disney pjs.

Jill, I had to laugh when you said you were thankful for getting to go home on Sunday. While I enjoyed our Thanksgiving at my SIL's yesterday, I was thankful to escape back to our quiet house at the end of it all.

, Congratulations on your little pirate!!! I am so excited for you! :hug:

We'll just hold a whole row of rooms right in front of the Hippy Dippy pool - then it'll just be a short walk in the jammies. :laughing: We need to set an imaginary date for our imaginary party...
but can the Mickey waffles be real?

Jill looks so not forward to her trips to KY.

Good Morning MeMom!
I'm sitting here waiting for Harper to wake up as we got to watch her overnight!
I hope her parents had some luck out shopping this morning....
They are picking her up around noon and then I suppose Shocker and I will venture out for a dose of Christmas spirit!
Baylor wants the Beatles rock band game for his Wii.....
Now that will be one that I enjoy listening to!

I went to Target to exchange an item, and it was no more crowded than usual. I was in and out quickly.

What else is Baylor asking for?


Yep. Crazy. That's why I was at home in my bed Dising instead of out in the cold and the crowds fighting. ;)

Oh and one more thing, Harper is a Yo Gabba Gabba girl.
We have contributed to bank account of the person that thought them up....
I keep telling Megan, Playhouse Disney, Playhouse Disney......

I have truly never heard of it. I will stick with Playhouse Disney.

can someone remind me.....what part of that is enjoyable?????? :scared1:

Not enjoyable in my book. I've never wanted anything bad enough to get in the midst of chaos for it. I've been out in the early morning shopping frenzy before, but it was just for fun, not because I had to make a purchase. In my old age, I've decided I'm happier at home watching the chaos as they show it on the local news.

I'm with you on the shopping. I've been thinking about going to Target all morning, but I haven't gotten up the nerve yet!:lmao: I'll probably keep thinking about it until my time is up too! They have some great deals that I would love to have for Christmas gifts, but it just isn't worth it here. You could get shot or beaten up. I'm not kidding. It happens in our town EVERY year! It's kind of sad really when you think about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Somehow, I can't see Jesus decking someone over an X-Box at 5 a.m. to celebrate His birthday!:rotfl:

I think I have solved that problem anyway. I've noticed that some stores are now having Thanksgiving Day sales that are just as good as Black Friday deals (on certain things anyway). I went to Walgreen's last night and got all the gifts for the kids I buy for. They had tons of very nice for toys for $4.99. They had lots of Barbie and Disney stuff. It was great. I got Barbies, Disney Princess tea sets, Disney bingo games, Disney dress up sets, a Toy Story game, a huge Tinker Bell make-up kit, a huge pack of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse play dough with molds, and more! I was tickled when I came out of there. I got all my shopping done for $45!!!! Now that is a bargain! And the store only had maybe 10 people in it! No crowds!!:cool1:I hated it for the people who had to work on Thanksgiving day, but they were all teenagers so maybe they didn't mind too much. I will definitley remember this for next year!

You got all that and we get no picture of the loot???
Come on, friend, let us in on it! :yay:

Imagine my surprise when I am multi-tasking (on the Dis while the parade is on) and suddenly those creatures appear and have a party in their tummy!!!:rotfl2:
Mine were little when Barney was the big thing. We have lots of Sesame street videos in our house too. I tried to stick with the classics.

Party in your tummy is a great name for a pj meet with mickey waffles:laughing:

Erica- congrats on the boy and I am sure you will have a blast in the world.

I watched many episodes of Sesame Street back in the day. :goodvibes

This Mickey waffle talk is making me want to go fix one right now, since I just happen to have a Mickey waffle iron.
Hmmm, chocolate chip, blueberry, plain, pineapple and macadamia nut...???

Erica's Disney trips are about to get more magical than ever! :wizard:


I LOVE not having school today We're not gonna do any shopping today. Too crazy for us :laughing: Besides, it's raining and it's the perfect day to stay home and relax :thumbsup2

It's been pretty here, but we are supposed to have rain moving in later. I did go to Target, but just long enough to exchange something. I have school work to do, but I'm procrastinating, as always. Why should I give up a free day to school work?

We stopped at Waffle House to eat and then headed to Walmart where I stood in line for 2 and a half hours for a laptop. The sale started at 5 and we had gotten everything we wanted and had checked out by 5:17!

Now I am being tortured and held against my will. Can't wait for Sunday to finally get here so my children can crawl freely and spill stuff without fear of persecution!

There's that word again!!! :laughing:

I am praying for the next two days to go by quickly and without drama. I probably need to get down on my knees for that one, huh?

:lmao: sounds fun!

She can tell some stories that will crack you up!

I think it's much worse than that. That girl is still smiling! :laughing:

Memom I am all caught up I am so behind. I had to work from overnights for training at my job and between that and watching Lexi and trying to sleep during the day I wasn't able to get on the Dis for about 2 weeks!!!!!:scared1: I loved going to 4 parks in one day with you. I really feel like I am with you. I pray you had a great Thanksgiving. We had ours on Monday as my dh and I both had to work yesterday.

I have to say that I missed hanging around these parts and I amaze my self how I can just see something and I automatically think of my Dis friends. My dh thinks I am crazy and has no idea how I can think of people I have never met as friends, but then again he has never been to Disney and doesn't understand why I want to take him and Lexi so badly. His family never went on family vacations when he was growing up (they could afford it they just didn't go). I am very thankful that my parents did that with my brother and I. Well sorry to have rambled on. I really just wanted to say how nice it was to be back. :)

Erica, congrats on your little prince.

We all do the same thing, I think. Hopefully that means we're all still fairly normal.

I hope you can get your husband to Disney World someday. Maybe he'll get a little taste of why we love it so much.

Sorry you have had to work so much!
hey Memom,
Hope you had a great thanksgiving . I just got back from Disney yesterday. I took exactly 1,648 pictures, Ling to my new TR is in my sig. Hope to have you follow along.
We had a very successful shopping excursion. The line for Toys R Us was crazy long. At 11:30pm the line was equivalent to the distance if you were to start the line in front of Cinderella's Castle and go straight down Main Street through the train station. It took us 20 minutes to actually get inside the store when it finally opened at midnight. Half of our group found their items and went ahead and got in the checkout line and then we took our stuff to them, but then we were stuck inside and couldn't get out. They had locked the front door due to being at capacity and we couldn't get to the checkout lines without standing in line. We finally fought our way through the jillion people lined up to pay and then through the customer service area and out the exit. We stopped at Waffle House to eat and then headed to Walmart where I stood in line for 2 and a half hours for a laptop. The sale started at 5 and we had gotten everything we wanted and had checked out by 5:17!

Now I am being tortured and held against my will. Can't wait for Sunday to finally get here so my children can crawl freely and spill stuff without fear of persecution!

Now that's an anaolgy I think we all can relate to. :rotfl:

I am so sorry you are beig tortured! I never had that torture, only the kind where the house was not kid proof and spent the day rearranging things so no one got hurt. :headache:

I watched many episodes of Sesame Street back in the day. :goodvibes

This Mickey waffle talk is making me want to go fix one right now, since I just happen to have a Mickey waffle iron.
Hmmm, chocolate chip, blueberry, plain, pineapple and macadamia nut...???

Did you make waffles today ? I have been craving waffles since I found out Eggo has a shortage until about Jan since the plant in Atlanta flooded with all the rain.:laughing:
But Mickey waffles - OOOOHHHH You can always fit a Mickey waffle in an overstuffed post thanksgiving day tummy.
we went shopping but didn't leave until 7am today. we did not want any of the major deal busters so we didn;t feel the need to get up that early. we went to kohls, jcpenny a couple of stores in the mall and then target. it was crowded but lines went fast and people were not rude (which i was surprised since we went to the bigger city) my mil was buying clothes for the kids and we got some real good deals and had some coupons too...soo we did pretty good. My mil got all the kids done and btwn the 3 of us we had the van packed full! We even went to red lobster later around 1:30pm and walked right in! oh yeah and i went to the disney store but the line was crazy long...i'm buying the t shirt i want online now!! did not want to wait in that line!:scared1: SIL realized on our way home that she forgot to pick up playing cards for her DH poker party tommorow night. so we stop at the walmart by my house. i go into the store with her while my MIL rests in the van. we got to the toy section and what do i find....the rocking mickey (like a rocking horse only mickey mouse) it was only $15. I had found it last year after xmas last year and i thought that it would be good for caleb this xmas but decided not to buy it at that time. well i went back about a month later and it was gone and i had not seen it since! well...i am very thankful for my forgetfull SIL this year because without her I would have never found it!! Caleb was done but I had to get this for him!! mommy like it better than him but he is the only one who can fit on it!! :lmao:

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!
Oh, you are right. I should have taken a picture of my deals. What was I thinking?? Problem is that I just finished wrapping it all! Sorry!!!
does anyone know if you can still get disney dollars?? the lady at the disney store told me I can only get them online anymore that they only sell gift cards at the stores but i cannot find them online anymore and they took them away from the rewards on sunshine rewards? I really hope they still have them as i think my 3 yr old nephew will understand using the money than a gift card...he will think the gift card you could use all the time and not understanding there has to be money on the gift card to use it!
does anyone know if you can still get disney dollars?? the lady at the disney store told me I can only get them online anymore that they only sell gift cards at the stores but i cannot find them online anymore and they took them away from the rewards on sunshine rewards? I really hope they still have them as i think my 3 yr old nephew will understand using the money than a gift card...he will think the gift card you could use all the time and not understanding there has to be money on the gift card to use it!

You can only get them in the park or by calling Disney merchandising or by having great Dis Friends who have trips planned before you that can pick them up and send them your way!
Jill, thats awesome you got all your stuff!!

We left this morning around 4 and got to Target and changed our mind about going in! :rotfl2: The line wrapped around the back of the building. Then we just went to the mall (I get most of my stuff at the Disney store) and it wasn't bad at all!!! We didn't have to wait in any kind of line. Then we went to Walmart and it was crazy!!!!
Continuing July 31st, Trent, Jarvis, and I went to ride Star Tours.






I enjoy this ride, in spite of it being enclosed. I just don't look when they shut the side doors, and I keep focused straight ahead. I'm looking forward to seeing this updated in the next couple of years and seeing how much more fun it will be.

Into the gift shop.



Some Star Wars training activity.


I asked the guys to get on this, and they kindly obliged.



Then we headed toward Backlot Tour.




Having seen this before, Trent decided he wanted to become a participant. He made Jarvis do it, too, and having never seen it, Jarvis had no idea what he was getting into!

Here they are getting their orders.


The girl is a CM who was ending her College Program that week, and the other guy was just a dad they got from the crowd.

Taking their places.


The girl CM was put in the water torture chamber.



The dad was the boss of the ship, and Trent and Jarvis were the scrubs! :laughing:


So here they are just scrubbing away,


when they suddenly find themselves under attack!





They played it up big and got a nice round of applause.

:rotfl2: I love the pictures of Trent and Jarvis doing their acting debut!! That part is always one of my favorites!
After the performance, we headed toward the actual ride.


Advertisement for a then new/now old movie.




Ears tower.







Trent purposely put Jarvis on the side nearest the fire and the water.





Some friend, huh? :goodvibes

Walt's plane.


Herbie divided.






Where zillions of people will sit later.



The time was now:

Having seen this before, Trent decided he wanted to become a participant. He made Jarvis do it, too, and having never seen it, Jarvis had no idea what he was getting into!

Here they are getting their orders.


:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: The look on Jarvis's face is priceless. It is almost like " We are going to do WHAT???"

Looks like a great time was had.
Poor Jarvis! :rotfl2: Loved all the pics from the Backlot Tour. I haven't done that since 1998, and it's a lot different now.
A little shopping.




Jarvis wanted to check out the playground.


You recognize this hat, I'm sure!


This guy would require some major repellent, wouldn't he? :scared1:


Time for the Power Rangers to make their appearance.



Do you know where we are standing now?




One of our little cousins, Parker, is sooo into Buzz!


Only when he says it, it sounds more like Booze. :laughing:

If you have any money left from your trip, you can buy a cool bank. :)


Anybody getting this for Christmas?


Street performers are always fun to watch.



Inside Villians in Vogue.


Cool bad guy shirt.


DeVine's cousin? :laughing:


More street performers.


Waiting on a bus.


The guys were going to Pop, but I was headed elsewhere.

THANKS everyone for the sweet well wishes!!! :goodvibes

This trip should be more exciting than ever knowing what your baby is! Have a great time, and don't go bankrupt buying him things. ;)

I will have to control myself I'm sure, but I am fairly good at that so we will see!! Also already made a BIG purchase today....see below :rolleyes:

Plan on sending you guys pics and text, Dawn has said she would put our pictures up on her TR, so you can follow there :thumbsup2

I was up early, but not quite as early as all the crazies ;), at 6:15 and headed to Electronic Express to buy a camcorder!! I walked in with the flyer showed it to the guy, had 2 people in line in front of me, checked out, went and got breakfast and was home in prob 30mins flat! Now that's my kind of shopping!! But looked nothing like this at Elect. Express :laughing:

GREAT picutre!!! The faces are hilarious!!


We are settled in Perry for the evening, got here about 5pm. Had a nice, yummy dinner at Red Lobster ::yes:: and came on back to the room. Still listening to a sweet 4 year old whisper b/c she is obviously to EXCITED to go to sleep!!! :rotfl: We've been 'laying down' for about an hour and 1/2 now :rolleyes:. Oh well, she'll give up the ghost soon, and be out like a light!

Doubt I'll be able to check in here through the week b/c we won't pay to get the internet at Disney. Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend and a wonderful week :goodvibes
I love Trent's expressions! They are hilarious. :rotfl:

Marc & I are watching Home Alone right now talking about how it's one of our childhood favorites and now looking at that Bug from Honey I Shrunk the Kids, I want to watch that now too.

Oooh, the villain shop! I've been planning on getting a Disney Tee in January to celebrate all my weight loss and I totally forgot about that option! I'm excited now! I can get my Ursula on!
thanks for the info jill. my mom wants to get them so i will let her know her options, but she will probably just wait til we get there because most likely she will not be able to make up her mind about how much she wants to give the boys. :lmao:

speaking of little kids saying things that do not sound like the word at all. For about a week i have been hearing out of caleb the bad word that starts with an "s" but apparently he is saying sis which is what he is calling my niece. makes me feel a little better but still a little embarrassed. DH is trying to get him to say bo-bo to which is another nickname for her. :lmao:

p.s do they handy manny and the tools in the plush form in the parks. they have them online at but they were not part of the $10 plus black friday sale. they were soo cute but if we can get them there then the boys can pick out which one they want!
Great update! The pictures of the boys volunteering are too funny. We skipped BLT this trip but we did do LMA.


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