HydroGuy's Tokyo Disney Trip Report

I was asked on another forum my opinions on how DLR, WDW, DLRP and TDR rank. I wrote up this reply and thought it might enhance this thread. So I posted it here too.

TDS and TDL are great parks, but because they are rightly focused on serving their Japanese market it lessens the appeal for westerners, IMO. I mean, I would rather hear Tiki Room and Splash Mtn in English than Japanese because that is my first language. So for obvious reasons TDL and TDS did not connect culturally with me personally as well as the other parks. It does not detract from the beauty of the parks though.

Out of all DLR, WDW, DLRP and TDR the only park I just plain did not like was DLRP's second gate Walt Disney Studios. It has zero personality. Other than that I like all the other parks at the resorts for different reasons.

Rather than ranking the parks and resorts, it is easier for me to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of each one. So let me take that approach:


DL is my home park, the original and IMO the gold standard for all other parks. I am not sure if it is my favorite because I have been visiting my whole life, or because it is truly the best. I suspect it is a bit of both. DL has the highest concentration of rides of any Disney park and the most headliners. It has some fabulous shows. And it has so much personality.

DCA is not terrible IMO. But it is not great either. I am glad it is there, and the California theme works for me.

I like the weather at DLR, especially in the summer.

The proximity of the parks, hotels and DTD makes DLR something you can experience entirely on foot. If you have 3-4 days then DLR is the best of all the resorts.

DLR is weak on food, maybe the weakest of all four resorts.


WDW is the gold standard for a vacation resort. With four quality theme parks, two water parks, and all those hotels, etc., etc., it is the best of all Disney resorts to go on vacation. It is the most immersive. You need at least 5-6 days to experience WDW but 7+ days is better. It has the most food offerings and themed dining experiences.

IMO MK itself is not as good as DL or TDL. DLP is definitely more beautiful than MK, but DLP's rides are a bit weak. Not sure if I would put MK or DLP at the bottom of the Magic Kingdom type parks.

WDW has terrible weather in the summer and a lot of rain year round.

WDW's strength is not any individual park but the aggregate of the resort.


Now that I write this I would have to rank DLRP as the lowest of the four resorts. WDS is by far the weakest second gate, and DLP itself is either the weakest first gate or close to it. But the strange thing is I really have an affinity for DLP. Their castle is my favorite. Their Fantasyland is incredible and better than FL in all the other parks. Their Tarzan show they had running in 2007 was my favorite Disney stage show I have ever seen. And the tune from their Once Upon a Dream parade still rings in my head.

On the downside, I think DLRP has limitations with the local community on when they can do fireworks. So their night time entertainment looks weakest of all the resorts. Their northern latitude means lots of daylight in the summer and when I visited in June they closed at 9PM which meant their Candleabration was not very good because it was still daylight. I suspect it would be better at other times of the year.

They do a good job of mixing French and English languages. It is my understanding that 40% of DLRP visitors are French, 20-25% British and most of the rest European (Spanish, Italian and German mostly). So it is not a "locals resort" like TDR is. It appeals more to a broader audience.

If you stay at one of the Disney hotels (I believe there are six) you can do DLRP entirely on foot like DLR.

DLRP can be experienced fairly well in 2 or 2 1/2 days.


TDR has two very strong parks. TDL would probably rank as the second best first gate after DL, and TDS may be the best second gate. It is certainly much better than DCA at DLR and WDS at DLRP. Is it better than each of the other three WDW parks? I can't say. If it is not better then it is very close.

TDR is immaculately maintained, and detailed theming oozes out of every part of these parks.

I suspect TDR and especially TDL would have appealed to me a little more if it was not so crowded when we were there.

TDR is definitely a "locals resort" and hence the thrust of their effort is to appeal to their main audience, the Japanese. That lessens its appeal to me and maybe the other occasional westerners. Because of the predominant Japanese language it was harder for me to connect with TDR.

The Japanese workers at TDR and park visitors were unfailingly polite and positive.

Like DLR, TDR needs about 3-4 days to get a solid experience.
Great report, HydroGuy! It brought back a lot of memories.

I do want to mention something about the merchandise, though. Yes, it's pretty much impossible to find a tee shirt or sweatshirt there. They don't carry the same kinds of items that are sold in the U.S. because the Japanese like different things. However, the merchandise that TDR sells is quite unique...you won't find most of it anywhere else. We brought an entire suitcase full of souvenirs home because they were just so cool and different. I have a Chip and Dale tote bag, Chip and Dale water bottle carrier, and a cool Monsters Inc. eyeball keychain. My husband got this awesome figurine of Stitch as a samurai. Also, you can get desserts from different restaurants and carts...and the desserts come in souvenir ceramic mugs and cups. They are really cute and unique (and there are different ones all over the parks). Take them into one of the stores and the cast members will wrap them in bubble wrap for you for the flight home.

Anyways, just expect the merchandise to be different, but still fun and totally unique to TDR.

Also, I have food pictures for the person who asked earlier...let me dig them up and I'll post a few...
I found my food pictures, and we took a TON!!! I don't want to hijack HydroGuy's post...so if anyone is interested in seeing the food pictures, I'd be glad to start a new post and then link to it here. Just let me know!!!

Thanks again, HydroGuy, for your review and pics!
I found my food pictures, and we took a TON!!! I don't want to hijack HydroGuy's post...so if anyone is interested in seeing the food pictures, I'd be glad to start a new post and then link to it here. Just let me know!!!

Thanks again, HydroGuy, for your review and pics!

Leelee, I would love it if you could post your food pics!
I've been waiting to read your report when I could relax at home since I couldn't see the pics at work.

I really enjoyed your report, and how you included pictures and videos to enhance your descriptions.

What a fantastic experience for you and your son!
I've been away from the DIS for a while and had forgotten that you were heading to TDR. Glad your link on your sig caught my eye.

As usual, I'm right in line with your opinions. Like you, I've been to 4 of the 5 resorts so I was interested in seeing your trip report.

I've been trying to figure out my family's big vacation this year and lately have had an interest in visiting Tokyo again but this time bringing my son. Your report and pictures are tempting me even further.

Tokyo DisneySea is my all time favorite Disney resort, after the original DL of course.
we were at TDL and TDS the same time as you. i just could not believe how rude the locals were when it came to character greets. An adult man pushed my 4 year old (celebrating his birthday) to the ground to get his photo with pluto. it was my first and last time at this park. my third day was spent riding only one ride, Journey to the center of the earth, two and 1/2 hours in line. did the child swap and went home.
we were at TDL and TDS the same time as you. i just could not believe how rude the locals were when it came to character greets. An adult man pushed my 4 year old (celebrating his birthday) to the ground to get his photo with pluto. it was my first and last time at this park. my third day was spent riding only one ride, Journey to the center of the earth, two and 1/2 hours in line. did the child swap and went home.
Bummer. We did not do any characters so did not see anythign like that.

It was strongly emphasized in Kevin Yee's book to get to the parks early. We did that (40-65 minutes early) and it really paid off for us. :)
Hydroguy, glad you had a terrific time. We visited back in 2008 and I think your takes were spot on. I would say, however, that Sindbad's was the worst single attraction I've ever experienced at a Disney Park, and I've been to all of 'em save Paris and Hong Kong.

I also enjoyed your take on the strengths and weaknesses of the Disney Parks. Some comments to build on yours:

DLR - I was just there this past week and I was amazed at how much improvement there has been since my first visit. First, what a charmer DL is. It's smaller than its WDW cousin, but I think it is the best of all the MK-like parks I've seen. I was particularly charmed by their Small World attraction. I have a lovely night pic of it in its holiday garb, which I will share later this week. DCA was much better than I was expecting. IMO, the BEST Disney coaster is there...California Screamin'. And Grizzly River Run is, IMO, superior to its close cousin Kali River Rapids. I don't care for the design of the new Mark VII monorails...too throwback-ish for my taste.

WDW - My home park in my home state, my laughing place away from home. Epcot may just be the single finest park in the Disney Parks family. Animal Kingdom and DHS are much improved over these past 10 years. The best hotels are here, the best food is here...it's Disney at its finest. What else can I say?

TDR - I continue finding myself thinking of TDL as a weak stepsister. I just couldn't bring myself to do it after studying it carefully and looking it over. TDS, however, was right up there with Epcot in terms of uniqueness. Nothing else like it anywhere...thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall, food was weakest. I agree that TDS is better than DCA, though I cannot say it is the best second gate when we consider the choices at WDW.
Hydroguy, glad you had a terrific time. We visited back in 2008 and I think your takes were spot on. I would say, however, that Sindbad's was the worst single attraction I've ever experienced at a Disney Park, and I've been to all of 'em save Paris and Hong Kong.

I also enjoyed your take on the strengths and weaknesses of the Disney Parks. Some comments to build on yours:

DLR - I was just there this past week and I was amazed at how much improvement there has been since my first visit. First, what a charmer DL is. It's smaller than its WDW cousin, but I think it is the best of all the MK-like parks I've seen. I was particularly charmed by their Small World attraction. I have a lovely night pic of it in its holiday garb, which I will share later this week. DCA was much better than I was expecting. IMO, the BEST Disney coaster is there...California Screamin'. And Grizzly River Run is, IMO, superior to its close cousin Kali River Rapids. I don't care for the design of the new Mark VII monorails...too throwback-ish for my taste.

WDW - My home park in my home state, my laughing place away from home. Epcot may just be the single finest park in the Disney Parks family. Animal Kingdom and DHS are much improved over these past 10 years. The best hotels are here, the best food is here...it's Disney at its finest. What else can I say?

TDR - I continue finding myself thinking of TDL as a weak stepsister. I just couldn't bring myself to do it after studying it carefully and looking it over. TDS, however, was right up there with Epcot in terms of uniqueness. Nothing else like it anywhere...thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall, food was weakest. I agree that TDS is better than DCA, though I cannot say it is the best second gate when we consider the choices at WDW.
Thanks for your input! Single worst attraction? There are some really bad ones out there, of course. For me Sounds Dangerous at DHS is the worst all time Disney attraction. Truly awful. Waste of space. :cool2:

Long time WDW folks seem to have a strong affinity for Epcot. It has never clicked with me and seems very weak on its "Disneyness" IMO. I like DHS better than Epcot. But that is just me. I will say I liked Epcot more after our second visit there. And I really go for Off-Kilter. I have all their CDs on my iPod and listen to them regularly. :goodvibes

As for California Screamin, it is at my home resort but I am in the minority around here in that I think it is one of the worst Disney coasters. That does not mean it is a bad coaster. I like Screamin'. But it is just Six Flags/Cedar Point fare. Theming is almost non-existent. I like Disney rides more than Six Flags/Cedar Point because they tell a story. Like Space Mtn, BTMRR, EE and RnR. They are immersive stories. Screamin is not. :crazy2:
Hi, I'm Joe.

I have to agree with you. I like the immersive coasters. Screamin' is a cool one, but give me either of the two Space Mountains or Rockin' Roller Coaster any day. :cool1:
This was so interesting to read- thank you so much! I loved your pictures too. What a neat experience for you and your son.

So...flavored popcorn? I love Dole Whips, but I know I wouldn't wait in a line of 50 people for one!

It sounds like you did a good job with the language/cultural differences. I think I would have had a really hard time with the people running (even knowing about in advance I would have to mentally prepare myself to not get annoyed).

Thanks for this neat report!
A couple questions.

Did you see the water show at TDS? Do you see elements of it in Fantasmic or WoC?

When you ranked Space Mountains, you had DLP versions last. I was under the impression that it used a launch system up the hill and had inverted elements inside. Now I don't really know and haven't come across any lights on pics like I have of the US rides. Why TDL's Space Mountain ranked last?
A couple questions.

Did you see the water show at TDS? Do you see elements of it in Fantasmic or WoC?

When you ranked Space Mountains, you had DLP versions last. I was under the impression that it used a launch system up the hill and had inverted elements inside. Now I don't really know and haven't come across any lights on pics like I have of the US rides. Why TDL's Space Mountain ranked last?
I am not sure what water show you are talking about. We saw Mythica but I do not think you are talking about that. We did not see anight time water show. Not sure if they had one. It was holiday season and some shows were changed for the season.

As for Space Mtn, yes DLP has a "launch tube" and inversions inside. I ranked DLP's last because I did not like it. I rode it twice to be sure. It was rough and confusing and IMO lacked any semblance of Disney magic. The launch tube was the only cool portion. Some people of course do like DLP's Space Mtn. I like almost all Disney coasters. The only two I plain do not like are at DLP - Space Mtn and Indiana Jones. On the other hand DLP has the best Big Thunder Mtn coaster. :)
I am not sure what water show you are talking about. We saw Mythica but I do not think you are talking about that. We did not see anight time water show. Not sure if they had one. It was holiday season and some shows were changed for the season.


Yeah it would be Mythica in TDS. I was under the impression that it ran during the day and night.


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