To All Disboard Members... Please Help!

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Well he did say he was older then she was in his OP.

Joe, good luck, I do agree with the others, people will need more info if you're truly looking for help.

I wasn't there that day so I can't help but there are a lot of Disers who might be able to with more information.
To everyone who read what I wrote, thank you. To everyone who wrote something nice and encouraging, thank-you even more. I truly appreciate it.

I'm working right now, but my response is coming later tonight when I have more time.

To the moderator, I can't find my post anymore without going through the original link. Does anyone even go where you moved it? How do I find it? Am I missing something obvious?

That said, I think I know a losing battle when I see one. It's hard to recover from "creepy." That stings. I really hope she doesn't see this at this point.
As I kept reading, it felt more like a fictional story to me, a very good fictional story with 4 subheadings. It is set up like a well-written short story. Come on, bumping into the same person 4 times in one day! I don't know if it is true or not. Seems a little fishy to me too.
Joe, if it is true, good luck finding this girl.
To everyone who read what I wrote, thank you. To everyone who wrote something nice and encouraging, thank-you even more. I truly appreciate it.

I'm working right now, but my response is coming later tonight when I have more time.

To the moderator, I can't find my post anymore without going through the original link. Does anyone even go where you moved it? How do I find it? Am I missing something obvious?

That said, I think I know a losing battle when I see one. It's hard to recover from "creepy." That stings. I really hope she doesn't see this at this point.

I moved you to the Disneyland Community section of the board (which is basically a sub-forum of the main Disneyland section of the DISboards) rather than where you originally posted, which was the main Disneyland forum. The main DL forum is for planning-related threads and topics only. Yours has nothing to do with planning, so I moved it where it is supposed to go.:goodvibes And yes, people do check this section.:goodvibes

Unfortunately, you kind of set yourself up for being viewed as potentially creepy! That is not to say you ARE - none of us know whether you are creepy or not - but given what you are trying to do in finding this girl, it could be interpreted that way by some folks. (I mentioned in one of my previous posts that a guy 'found' me once and I ran for the hills!)

Somehow, I don't think you have to worry about the Mystery Girl being dissuaded by the term 'creepy.' I am sure she has her own mind and can read your posts and make her own decisions about your efforts to find her. BUT, you have to remember - if you don't provide any details such as your AGE, some photos of you and your family from that MLK day at DLR (you can post photos once you reach 10 posts total) or details of what you looked like or what you were wearing to jog her memory - as well as change the title of the thread to something specific Mystery Girl would catch - then your chances of her seeing this thread are not very high!

If you are totally on the level, then we are all pulling for you, Joe, but you have to be a little realistic! This is cyberspace, after all!:)
To everyone who read what I wrote, thank you. To everyone who wrote something nice and encouraging, thank-you even more. I truly appreciate it.

I'm working right now, but my response is coming later tonight when I have more time.

To the moderator, I can't find my post anymore without going through the original link. Does anyone even go where you moved it? How do I find it? Am I missing something obvious?

That said, I think I know a losing battle when I see one. It's hard to recover from "creepy." That stings. I really hope she doesn't see this at this point.

Joe, if Sherry put this somewhere no one goes then why would it be 2 pages long already? LOL The Disneyland Community Board forum is very easy to find. Just go to the Disneyland Board as normal and at the top there are 2 subforums, the Community Board is one of these. :)

This isn't a losing battle. So what if some people think your post is creepy, who cares? the only thing that should matter is what your Mystery Lady thinks right? As long as she doesn't think it's creepy you're fine. :)
I personally think that this is the most romantic thing I have heard in some time. It is nice to know that in todays society that there are still some hopeless romantics out there. Good for you Joe that you are not afraid to try to find your mystery lady regardless of what others may say! There is always going to be someone in life to tell you a negative about what you are doing or who you are and the important thing is that when this happens you keep moving forward. Imagine if we lived in a world where everyone that was told something negative about what they were doing decided to take the negative comments to heart and give up......what a sad world that would be.

I would like to request that since you brought this search to the DIS boards that you keep us all updated and please, please, please let us know if you connect with this woman.

Thanks for sharing your story.
The thing is, this is just an illusion--not a real relationship built on time, affection, mutual trust. A "real" love story is built out of time and commitment, not some passing glance. I knew this to be true not only in my teens, but as I have grown older. This is because I had two parents who were married for 57 years (until my mom died last month), and I saw proof of it at a very early age. I married at 24, and have now been married 20 years. I know from experience that the kind of "magic" isn't manufactured in a moment, instead it is built day by day by a deep loyalty and commitment. It is nice that you saw a girl you liked, but that really doesn't amount to much in the scheme of life. What really matters is the kind of person you are in a relationship, and the quality of person you pick to be your partner. Someone on the surface could appear to be perfect, but it takes time to really find out what people are made of. If you haven't found this with anyone else, maybe you haven't been looking for it dilligently.
But Lisa, you have to start somewhere and a meeting of the eyes at DL can turn into the kind of love you describe. DrHug and I are living proof of that. ;)
Hi everyone!

First, Lisa, I’m sorry to hear about your loss. To everyone else, thanks for taking time to post and the kind/encouraging words!!

Well, I found the community forum! Didn’t even see it before!

To start, I want to clarify something: Why I didn’t just go with a picture and a short statement. You see, I never, not in a million years, expected her to actually see this. Over 200,000 people on the forum is a lot, but the world has billions. I myself am a huge Disney fan, and I rarely visit the forums. I felt my best odds were “six degrees of separation,” so to speak.

Meaning, I thought that if I told everyone my story, yes, my 100% true story, I hoped maybe some people would find it interesting enough to mention to someone. And maybe that someone might know someone. And maybe eventually, she might actually hear about it.

If she is the right gal, she won’t need to see the picture. She’ll remember. If she doesn’t remember, then it was never a “magic moment” for her, and in that case it wasn’t what I’d felt it was. So obviously I’d leave her alone forever, if that’s the way the wind was blowing. But I think it was a pretty crazy moment, and I’m fairly sure she did too.

I’m not saying I was swept up by her looks. I’m saying her looks were amazing, her eyes, man oh man. But it was that unbelievably surreal moment that really knocked me flat on my backside. (<<<Family forum.) It was too much; so much, in fact, that some of you don’t even believe me.

I’m also not saying I found my soul mate or anything like that. I’m saying somebody out there actually made me feel like all that storybook romance could actually be possible. It was a feeling. That is what I’m after. Because of this, I’d really, really like to talk to her and see what she’s all about.

About me: On that day I was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt zipped most of the way over a gray Ghostbusters logo T-Shirt. It was really rainy so I let fashion slide, haha. I think I was wearing brownish cargo pants; I don’t remember for sure. My hair is dark brown, with really subtle highlights. Not super short, but not long. I have sideburns and a well-trimmed goatee with no mustache. 6’1”, Slender-to-athletic build. 185 pounds. Part of the day I wore a poncho, but not during the two times I saw her.

If you take off your -totally understandable- (I have them too many times) “cynic-goggles,” you’ll see a different picture. It’s only creepy if you don’t believe something out of this world can happen. There are two ways of looking at things: Things happen for a reason, or things are just random accidents. Like I said in my original post, I had given up on the “magic fate” side of things… but I really want to believe it’s real. I want to believe something like that can happen. That evening made me think maybe it could.

I know I’m toast. It’s impossible. Even if somehow I found her, maybe it’s all in my head anyway. But I’m trying regardless.

To address another concern I read. I’m not a 40-something. Not even close. More in the next post.

I certainly wasn’t staring at her. I looked over at her a couple times at the Pizza Port, and I looked up and caught her looking back at me once. Then, on Main Street, she did the same double/triple take I did.

To address another: I must not have written as well as I’d hoped. I saw the mystery woman twice, not four times. I saw her initially at the Pizza Port. Her group and mine were the only ones in the outside area, as far as I can remember. I saw her again on Main Street walking out, right next to me, before she just disappeared.

To the poster who said that “’5’4”-5’6” and with dark brown hair that fell in a unique way’ is not enough information, that could apply to many different ladies in the park”… I know it’s general. What I’m relying on is where she was, and when. At the Pizza Port exterior seating area, near Space Mountains’ entrance, just after lunch, with the people I described. Perhaps they were her family, perhaps not. Also, of course, on main street walking next to me, around 8:00.

As for the titled sections, I like to write in a way that’s interesting to read. I’m an artist, entrepreneur, and I write (and read) as hobby. I love creative flourishes, and try to use them in most anything I do.

To the kind soul who complimented my writing, a private message response is on its’ way pretty soon! Thank you!!!

I also want to say I’d be a total loser to be making this up.

Thanks again to everyone who read and posted, although I’m not sure the ZeitgeistDuck and a couple others like me very much. Regardless, to everyone who read and wished me well, I wish you well too!!

Next, the age topic. Back in a few.
Wow, these are long. Sorry Guys! haha. The next one is gonna be kinda long too. I've got to learn to edit!
Edited for Zeitgeist Duck. I'm 30.

After some of you guys assumed I was some creepy 40-something, I felt weird telling you I was 30, and felt I had to explain. If I didn't explain, someone would've probably made a mean-spirited comment about the possible age difference. I saw a no-win situation.

A couple of you guys say that this is creepy, stalkery and weird; I respectfully disagree. With no ill will intended, I do just have to ask, ZD: What privacy am I invading? Telling the world she has great eyes and dark hair, and ate at pizza port? She'll be mortified if she ever finds out I told you guys!! heheh. Sorry for the sarcasm, but if she somehow actually finds this & doesn't want to email to me, she simply won't.

As far as a picture, I'll think about it, but it really feels weird now because some of you seem to think I'm a bit of a joke...

To all the super-cool, ultra-kind people here, thank you!!!
Make friends with the edit button, my friend. All you had to say was "I'm 30". I don't think anyone thinks your pervy for being interested in a girl 5-8 years younger. Pervy is a middle aged man jonseing on a teenager.

Good luck. I still think this is stalkery and weird, but you find the right person in life.

ETA: its not that I don't like you. I don't know you. Its that I find the story a little strange and maybe a little invasive of the lady's privacy. I'm far too happily married to think that these grand moments have anything to do with the kind of love that lasts a lifetime and carries you through the good and bad times together. What do I know, though?
I still stand by my ideas of: 1) changing the title of this thread to something like, "Were You at DLR on MLK Day?" to catch the attention of anyone who may have been there that day - the current title, "To All Disboard Members...Please Help!" is not enough to get everyone's attention if you are trying to zero in on one girl in particular; and 2) when you reach 10 posts, put up a photo of you and your family from that very day at Disneyland so she can recognize you.

Joe, I know you think that somehow the magic will be negated if you post a photo of yourself and the family from that day, and that the spark wouldn't have been real, etc. I am not suggesting you do that so that she can rate you on your level of hotness, per se - we don't even know that she belongs to the DISboards, let alone has seen this thread with a very non-specific title, let alone has read through the whole explanation of events - but I am putting myself in the girl's shoes. Let's say I was this girl. I have been pursued by people and I have pursued in the past, and if I am reading a man's soliloquy on a message board about a mystery girl with dark hair and gorgeous eyes at Disneyland, there is nothing to make me think he is talking about ME. Why would I be so presumptuous as to think he was talking about me? BUT if I saw a photo of him with his family from that day, it might jog my memory and I would say, "Oh yes! I remember that family! I saw them over at the Pizza Port." And that is a step in the right direction! It just makes practical sense, IF you truly want to find Mystery Girl.

Take it from a woman. Take it from a woman who has lived longer than you have. Posting pictures from that day and changing the title of this thread to be more MLK Day-specific will get you much further in your quest than where you are getting now. This is not the movie "Serendipity," where the two people in the movie are relying solely on fate. This is reality, and in all of your information that you have given us, there is just not enough information to make Mystery Girl know you are talking about her. She may have just been minding her own business but realizing there was a magic moment with anyone, but she may be delighted or flattered to know that someone was so impressed with her out of thousands of people in Disneyland that he is trying to track her down in cyberspace.

If you had been at the bank or in a supermarket and provided the same information (which is not much in the scheme of things), it would be much easier to narrow down the women in that location on that day. But we are talking about a very busy amusement park with thousands and thousands of visitors on a daily basis, and this is very needle-in-a-haystack-ish.
As for age, I didn’t make myself very clear in my post. I have no idea how old this lady was. My very best guess is she couldn’t have been over 27, couldn’t have been under 20.

I’ve met women I thought were 19 who turned out to be 28. I’ve met 35-year-olds (my best buddy’s fiancé, who also has a child, for example) who I would’ve guessed as being 24. She looks 24… or even younger. When people meet me they think I’m under 25.

If I tell you I’m 30, would you think that’s bad? Depends on where you’re from and your background I suppose.

She very likely could’ve been 25-26. But if I say I thought she looked 26, and she turned out to be 21… and she somehow, by some miracle, reads my post… it’s possible I’ve just insulted her by insinuating she looks 5 years older than she is. Now I’m not looking for a 21-year-old, but if she were interested, and she’s really awesome, it’s not necessarily a deal-breaker. Depends on how mature she is. And I certainly wouldn’t want her to think I thought she looks 5 years older than she is.

Truth is, 23 is a safe guess. She could’ve been 23… and if she’s 21 she won’t be insulted, and if she’s 26, maybe she’ll be flattered. I really don’t know. I’ve got nothing to go off of here. I’m trying not to drown.

I just want to talk to the magic lady haha.

I was working on a trade show floor recently, and I was approached by a woman regarding business. She was very cute, and my rapport with her was fantastic. She was adorable and fascinating. I could’ve probably asked her out and enjoyed her company over a nice dinner. But something kept going through my head. How old is she? My gut said about 24, she could be older... but my paranoid side said maybe she was as young as 18. So I assumed about 21, but not confidently. I literally couldn’t tell. So I kept it professional, got a business card because that’s how the show floor works in my business, was cordial, and I basically sent her on her way.

I came home to do my post-trade show follow-ups and research. I stopped by her web site. I see her age. She’s 25. I sent her away because I couldn’t tell. Being thirty and single in this modern age can be a tough, confusing cookie sometimes. People often don’t look, act, or dress their age.

I’ve found that a pack-a-day smoker who sits on a couch drinking and eating Doritos daily at age 22 can look many years older than a 35 year old who eats well and exercises regularly. Like I said, my buddy’s fiancé, you’d think she was in her early twenties.

Another example. I was on an airplane about 4 years ago. And I was seated next to a young lady who I had pegged for probably 21-22. She was reading a book that was beyond my level. She had cleavage spilling out of her top. And very adult-style clothing. Slight wrinkle smile lines, and a slight wrinkle line across her forehead. I struck up a conversation. She spoke at my level. Ten minutes later, it turned out she was freaking 17. You can imagine my horrified embarrassment and apologies. I’d never in a million years knowingly approach a 17 year old, or even an 18 year old for that matter. It’s embarrassing to even type.

I was always taught it’s rude to come right out and ask a woman her age.

This mystery lady at Disneyland- Without her “family” there I might’ve guessed her at 22-26. But with what might have been her siblings there, (I don’t know if they even were,) I assumed maybe more towards 23, definitely in her 20’s somewhere.

…However, I once had a roommate in college who was 22, and he had a 10-year-old little brother. So technically, the siblings tell you nothing. I really have no basis for the 23 guess, and pegging her at that age or younger might actually be hurting my cause. But again, her “siblings” looked young. Maybe they were her cousins or something. My cousins are ten years younger than me, and I’ve gone to WDW with them multiple times. No clue.

A few months back, when I was hanging out with those younger cousins, I had someone tell me they thought I looked 20.

So for anyone thinking this mystery lady might potentially be a bit young for me, consider this. If I were to dismiss every single female who could potentially be a bit young for me, I’d be missing a lot of cool, mature women in the 23-28 range, and in my experience, a very, very high percentage of women try to get married by the time they’re 25-28.

I’m just looking for someone who meshes with me. Makes me melt, but also jibes with my personality. This one made me absolutely melt with her eyes, and blew my mind with her appearing/disappearing act on main street. I felt an electric current. But some of you are right: Is the jibe there? Again, no clue. I want to know.

I’ve watched old girlfriends get married and have kids. Since I work with only my brother, and most of my friends are either scattered across the country or married, I don’t get hooked up often, and I don’t have dozens of women in my life.

I see the same women over and over at the gym, the bike trail has been no good for meeting, and I have a major ethical problem with hitting on women while they’re working, like a salesperson, cashier, or waitress. They shouldn’t have to deal with guys “hitting on” them while they try to work and earn a living. Maybe that’s a stupid way to be.

So I’m left with basically bars, which are dead ends, or internet dating, which for me personally takes all the magic out of the process. Magic is my favorite part; I have a hard time believing in it, but I want to. I want to find someone in a special way. Have a great story. Find actual storybook romance and not sift through online catalogs, or go from woman to woman trying to push myself on someone till one sticks. People find the loves of their lives that way, but it’s not what I’m after. Maybe that’s why I’m alone.

My brother is 29. His girlfriend and he are talking about marriage. She’s 23. And they have just about the best relationship I’ve ever seen. They are both mature, respectful, awesome people. She works with disabled and handicapped folks, as well as people with autism, and he’s my super-dedicated, kind, respectful business partner, whose dream is philanthropy. Their dream together is to create a non-profit organization to help underprivileged kids. I can’t say enough about how well they compliment each other, with a six-plus year age difference.

They once told me they never even thought about the age thing, though her protective father had a slight issue with it. Of course now her dad loves him.

I was set up on a date with a 20-year-old last year. It was kinda strange, but the matchmaker insisted. Although it didn’t pan out, she was smart, fun, and responsible. She was a little immature in certain ways though. I was also set up with a 35-year-old recently. She wasn’t very bright, was obnoxious, wore teenager’s clothing that was two sizes too small- (to the point that she was bursting out her top,) had a tongue ring she bragged about “using” regularly, and wanted to drink and party all weekend, every weekend. Neither were right for me, but in this case the 20 year old was more grown up than the 35 year old. You really never can really tell, until you get to know someone a bit. Some people are 25 going on 50, some are 40 going on 16.

So I’ve got to cast a wide net. And a moment like that one on Main Street, in my favorite place… I just can’t ignore it. Can’t let it go without a fight. It was utter perfection. Like I said, magic. Not because I wanted it to be, but because it just was.

I’m posting this stuff because I simply want to know more, have the chance to see what her deal was; the chance that I missed.

If it sounds like I’m defensive, I just needed to explain, because some people would judge me for being thirty and looking at this mystery woman- who could easily be either in her early or mid twenties. That’s why I just desperately want to find a way to talk to her. Find out. Is she mature? Cool? Where is she from? How old is she? Were those folks her parents? Siblings? Cousins? What was she doing in Anaheim? Where’s she from? Was the spark real? How on earth did she happen to end up next to me on Main Street? Where did she go? I don’t know. And I’ll probably never know. And I hate that. Because for a second it was pure magic.

Sorry for the length of this message and the one before it. I wanted to explain fully. And of course, thank you, sincerely, for once again taking the time to read my post.

To all the wonderful and encouraging posters, you are truly rad.

All the best,

Thanks for the update. I just want to say don't give up just becuase there are some who may in their opinion think that this is creepy or weird. You have guts and I as a person admire that quality, not that my or any other opinion matters but I just had to say it.
I do agree with one thing however, and that is the changing of the title of this thread to what Sherry E put out there. "Were you at DL on MLK day???"

I will be a regular on this thread becuse I very much hope that you find this woman and that she and you did have that connection.

Oh and one more thing if she is in her 20's and you are 30 that is not creepy or bad at all if she were 16 or something then that would be bad!
OP, can I ask you a question? Do you like stuffed animals?
As I was reading your story I thought at some point you were going to say, "I found myself on the ground and she was pulling on my leg, just like I'm pulling yours." But seriously I wish you the best with that, I think.....popcorn::
I will never understand why some people can only be negative. Why must you rain on his parade?

If you are so bothered by the way he writes...don't read his posts. It is not for anyone to tell him how he should write his story and convey the way he interpreted his feelings.

I also don't think you should change your title of this thread.(It certainly has got quite a few of us to check it out)I am also sure she would know if she were there with 4 other adults at the Pizza Port

I look forward to more of your posts...please keep us updated.

And yes..Magic does happen....I met my husband on a blind date...we were married less than a year later...15 years ago.

Oh yeah....your posts are way better than me asking which grocery store is closest or can I really do laundry at the DLH! :lmao:
I will never understand why some people can only be negative. Why must you rain on his parade?

If you are so bothered by the way he writes...don't read his posts. It is not for anyone to tell him how he should write his story and convey the way he interpreted his feelings.

I also don't think you should change your title of this thread.(It certainly has got quite a few of us to check it out)I am also sure she would know if she were there with 4 other adults at the Pizza Port

I look forward to more of your posts...please keep us updated.

And yes..Magic does happen....I met my husband on a blind date...we were married less than a year later...15 years ago.

Oh yeah....your posts are way better than me asking which grocery store is closest or can I really do laundry at the DLH! :lmao:

The point is, Mystery Girl would have to be reading this thread in the first place to know about 4 adults at Pizza Port! Not every person reads every thread - not even the moderators such as yours truly! That is why changing the title of the thread would actually get her attention if she is out there and cause her to read it when otherwise she might not! Frankly, Joe wrote a very, very long description, and not everyone is going to sit through it. That is not to be mean at all - I write too, and I can be very descriptive and long-winded. And not everyone reads it because they don't have the patience or the time. And they tell me they don't have the patience or the time. That's just the simple truth. I am trying to deliver some reality to this situation here. So if the thread title is changed to something that Mystery Girl can connect with specifically because it would pertain to her, then she will be motivated to read through the whole story.
After a while, I assumed I missed her, and I walked down to the big Disney store, now foolishly praying maybe she’d gone to Downtown Disney, unable to cope with the fact she was gone.

Didn't know Anaheim had a Downtown Disney. :confused3
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