Looking for Printable scrapbook page Disigns

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here's some stuff for Lilo & Stitch


http://s143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/donatalie/Scrapbooking/Scrapbook Kits/lilo and Stitch/
Natalie the pictures in my layout are from the cruise. I would definitely recommend a cruise. We had a wonderful time and the kids LOVED it. We told them we probably wouldn't go again until we retire in 5 years so my son is already counting down and figuring out his age to determine what club he can go into..too funny.

What a wonderful way to celebrate such a milestone!

I can't see pictures when I'm at work so I can't see your layouts or get to your new Lilo and Stitch kit. UGH!! I've have to wait until I get home to see your new wonderful layouts and goodies :thumbsup2

Have a great day!
Choc latae and Sand thanks for your response.:lovestruc I haved loved the dis for planning my upcoming trip, I can't wait to start using it for scrapbooking. It's my 2nd hobby. 1st planning my disney trip!:love:

You have great hobbies!;)
You said you searched for scenes from Tinks movies, how did you do this? Google search? Was it hard to find? I was just saw the preview for the new Alice in Wonderland movie & thought those scenes would be awesome to include in a LO! So wanting to do that, and figured I'd ask for advice first.

Hi Kimberly! Google is my search engine of choice. I first searched "Tinkerbell wallpapers" then "Pixie Hollow Wallpaper", didn't find anything. It took a little time since I was looking specifically for scenes of Pixie Hollow without fairies in it. I found them by searching "Disney Silvermist Fairy" and came across disneyonlineworlds.com. They have profiles of each fairy and their favorite places which is where the screenshots are.

Alice in Wonderful movie directed by Tim Burton? I just saw a preview the other day on tv. I love all the bold colors. That should be a great LO! Please post some when you get a chance!! I just searched "Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton screenshots" and found Alice in the rose garden. Some of the flowers have faces! Cool! After the movie is in theaters, you should be able to find more. Hope this helps!
Love the Lilo and Stitch layout Natalie!

Pluto and Tink layouts are great!

A question for everyone--if I'm a paper scrapper is there a way for me to use a couple of these templates and then have a 12 x 12 sheet printed somewhere to put in a page protector in my album? If so, where would I print them? Or so I need special software to use these templates?

I just love this!!!!!! Are these pics all from your cruise? I am trying to plan something really special for my daughter's graduation. She's only in 9th grade but it really looks like she's going to accomplish this milestone. I had MANY professionals tell me that she would never even be able to have a conversation let alone attend regular school and graduate!!!! Either a Disney cruise or possible even a trip to Disneyland Paris is tossing around in my head. Would you recommend the cruise?

HOW AWESOME!!! What FANTSTIC news!! I LOVE when a parent's love and care changes despairing comments to hope and therefore changing their child's destiny. You and your husband should be very proud of yourselves!! If I had a glass of champagne in my hand, know that it would be raised to you!

I know this question is for Cynthia but I can tell you what I have heard and read about DCL are all positive comments. We are taking our first cruise in October. I was thinking about a 3 or 4 day cruise in 2011 with a couple of days in Disney (land and sea package). I was actually researching DL Paris yesterday during Superbowl. Paris is my favorite city! Charles de Gaulle Airport and Disneyland are both outside Paris. We passed DL going on a day tour of the champagne region (Epernay and Rheims). Just something to consider is waiting for the US Dollar to come back up again so the Dollars to Euros exchange is pretty much even. Right now it is 1 dollar to 0.73 Euro so the trip (today) would be about 25% more expensive. I figured while we are all waiting for a stronger economy, I could plan and save notes when the day comes we do go to DL Paris! Seeing all the Disney castles is on my bucket list.
Just want to throw another option on the table is Adventure by Disney. I was also looking into their tours for 2012 or 2013, when our girls are a little older. On the high dollar side but we can use our DVC point for it. I think I remember somewhere your daughter likes to ride horses? There is a Wyoming trip with campfires and trail rides. I just had a thought. You said you were considering DVC. You can use your DVC points for DCL cruises, stays in DL and WDW, and Adventures in Disney plus many non-disney resorts all over the world and it would be less out of pocket (in the long run). For instance DCL now and DL when Erin graduates high school (yeah!) all on DVC points.

Thank you again for sharing your generosity and amazing talent! The Lilo and Stitch kit looks like a lot of fun!! :goodvibes
Natalie - Absolutely love the AK page. It is simple and makes the reader look straight to the pictures and the beauty of the animals which is what AK is all about. Truly beautiful. I am only learning at the moment but I can only dream that one day I will be able to put together a layout like you. Thank you x
I need a little feedback on this one....
Everytime I try to add something more to this layout it doesn't look right to me. I like the simplicity but I'm afraid that it doesn't "go" with the rest of the pages. Any and all opinions are appreciated here.............


I am a HUGE fan of all of your LOs. I too prefer a simpler LO so the people in pics stand out. I know what you mean about something missing, left side. The only thing that comes to mind is, since Goofy is taking pictures of? Maybe soft - faded animal foot prints bottom left, where his camera is pointed. Footprints of one of the animals your family particularly liked on the safari. Something round - ish to balance the rectangular pics (which look great!). Your pages have a subtle bling, which I love. I think the shiny or sheen balances the matte giving a LO layers of dimension. I am not sure how blinged footprints would look :sad2: but you had put a gold mickey head scatter on one of your AK LO that was great. There is a golden tone in the animals (border), bottom paper and Goofy's shoes, so maybe something golden on top? So I guess my answer is something golden (to not add another color) and round - ish on the top far left side. Simba or explorer Mickey popping up from behind the far left pic? Or maybe Dumbo, even though he is not golden - grey works, since the premise of the safari is to find the baby elephant the poachers took? Just ideas. I am sure whatever you come up with, the LO will look fantastic! It already looks amazing!

Girl, I am LOVING how you used the stitches! They look so real!! The style of your Mickey's jungle parade would make a great cover to a photobook. I may "permanently borrow" ;) the wave with the stitching. I love that you used vibrant colors to mimic how vibrant the parade is. :thumbsup2

I was working on Belle and Aurora yesterday. We saw them both about 3 feet from each other in Epcot - France. I didn't want to do a 2 page LO of each. Once again you have solved another problem of mine, which now seems so obvious. The fleur de lys give the entire LO continuity which is what I was missing! And of course the fleur de lis is perfect because we saw them in "faux France". THANK YOU Natalie!!
Love the Lilo and Stitch layout Natalie!

Pluto and Tink layouts are great!

A question for everyone--if I'm a paper scrapper is there a way for me to use a couple of these templates and then have a 12 x 12 sheet printed somewhere to put in a page protector in my album? If so, where would I print them? Or so I need special software to use these templates?


Sure! You can email, take on a thumb drive or take a memory card with your layouts on them to a print shop (call ahead to see which they prefer). Staples, Office Depot, Office Max can easily print 12x12. Be sure to check your resolution. Most use Photoshop. I use PhotoImpact Pro. I have discovered it can not do several things that Photoshop can (like the wave without a template), so just bought Photoshop Elements from ebay (reputable seller, sold brand new without the box which I would throw away anyway). Now I am learning a lot by making mistakes which can easily be fixed so I get the look I want. There are MANY digital scrapbooking sites and blogs that offer "freebie" templates as well as papers, elements, kits, PSE brushes and tutorials. I started as a paper scrapper. My 12x12 books would be too thick and heavy trying to include all the special mentos. Now that I have very curious 2 and 4 year olds, there is NO way to paper scrap with out them getting into everything. It is more costly than digital, I never got the look I really wanted, and storing all the papers, ribbons and stickers was becoming a problem. Natalie (donatlaie) makes all of her kits. I am no where near her echelon but I enjoy the challenge of discovering the ins and outs of the software and have a lot of fun learning. I now prefer digital scrapping for many reasons: I enjoy the creative outlet, I can edit the photos, play with an infinite color palette (change anything to any color) and best part is I can scan my girls art work, and all the special mentos we gather on vacation, especially WDW and include them on the layout. I LOVE not having to store all the mentos I feel so obligated to keep! Now we just have digitally scrapped photobooks on our shelves and I also have everthing on a backup drive incase anything happens to my computer. I do have to warn you, this is VERY addicting!
I need a little feedback on this one....
Everytime I try to add something more to this layout it doesn't look right to me. I like the simplicity but I'm afraid that it doesn't "go" with the rest of the pages. Any and all opinions are appreciated here.............

Sometimes less is more. I love it, wouldn't change a thing.
MarieS - I'm not really sure where you can print just the paper...maybe like Sand stated Office Max, Office Depot... I never had done paper scrapping and found many that started Digital scrapbooking never looked back. You should give it a try :)

Now a tip about printing finished layouts that I use if you switch to digital..:thumbsup2

When I finish a group of layouts before I do a final print in my Shutterfly book I upload to Wolf (RitzPix) and have them printed 6X6 so I can proof them better and actually get a feel for what they will look like printed. The 6X6 prints are inexpensive at only .49 a print plust they fit great to take along and show off and get feedback from others. A 12X12 print runs you about 14.99. Just my thoughts....

Love your advice on the DVC. The only thing I dislike is to use your points for DCL or Adventures by Disney takes a lot of points compared to staying at a DVC resort. Those are one of those adventures you save points for a couple of years vs yearly visits to WDW. Thanks for the tips and tricks for the Fairies pages. We also make sure to visit the fairies so this gives me new ideas :)


Your new kit rocks as usual. Stitch is my daughters favorite character so new ideas for layouts...SWEET! :banana:
Your layouts are GREAT. Everytime I see them I always say WHY DIDN't I think of that.... Your anminal kingdom layout is great as is or with Sand's recommendations. Either way AWESOME!. I'm totally lifting your Jungle Parade Page. I'm not sure which layout I like better your first or second jungle parade layout. For the first time in December we actually stayed to watch the parade!! You wouldn't happen to have that kit to share would you ;)
I love all of your new layouts, Natalie. Thanks for the inspiration. I love the Stitch kit, he is our favorite!
Natalie by any chance do u have a kit for goofy and donald. I love the one you put up on pluto. i am working on my first book so it's taking me a little time.

Your layouts are fabulous as always! The thing that floors me is your journaling....your pages turn into a real story book, love it! I'm excited if I can come up with three sentences to write.:rotfl2:
Sand and ccmystic16, thanks for your advice. I am really inspired to try something digital after seeing Natalie's Lilo and Stitch layout. I'll need to look into some free tutorials to see how to use one of these kits.

Your new kit rocks as usual. Stitch is my daughters favorite character so new ideas for layouts...SWEET! :banana:
Your layouts are GREAT. Everytime I see them I always say WHY DIDN't I think of that.... Your anminal kingdom layout is great as is or with Sand's recommendations. Either way AWESOME!. I'm totally lifting your Jungle Parade Page. I'm not sure which layout I like better your first or second jungle parade layout. For the first time in December we actually stayed to watch the parade!! You wouldn't happen to have that kit to share would you ;)

Ask and ye shall receive............. I love parades and I take a lot of pictures of them!!! So I have made a fair amount of scrapbook stuff for my books. Let me know if you need anything else!!!


http://s143.photobucket.com/albums/r132/donatalie/Scrapbooking/Scrapbook Kits/Jammin Jungle Parade/
I worked a little more on my Safari layout......
I took your advice, Sandy and punched up the Disney and added just a touch of bling to stay with the "magic " theme I have going in this book.


Here is the first one for comparison....

Natalie OMG!!! I was literally sitting her on my laptop watching American Idol working on my Animal Kingdom Parade layout when I took a quick break to check your photobucket to see if you loaded anything new!!!

I started laughing and my husband asked me what? I told him guess what Natalie has done? Let me guess... I showed him what I was working on and what you just uploaded!! He asked "How does she do that?" I told him it was a girl thing.... Shhh:thumbsup2 He doesn't have to know I asked you if you had one!!! ;)

YOU ARE AWESOME!! Thank You!! Thank You!!

Love the new kit!!
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