Who is destashing in 2010?

My kids have too many clothes so I have already taken a large amount of spring/ summer to be consigned. This is the first time for me to do this. I have even more to take when they begin taking fall/ winter. Some of the clothes I have taken still have tags on them. My mother-in-law likes to buy clothes that are too small and rarely gives me the receipts or it is to a store in the city she lives in (2 hours away). Of course, they get other clothes hand-me-downs or gifts from others. Then we have SO many tees from soccer/ tee ball/ dance/ swim/ basketball so I donate them.
Just took a car STUFFED with stuff for Goodwill, and have filled the 10 yard dumpster we're renting about 1/4 of the way full! (Cleaned out the bathroom, attic, my office, and the hall closet!) Kitchen and our bedroom left to go (DH is going to clean out his own office! :thumbsup2)!!! I'll tell ya, it feels soooooo good!
Funny that I found this thread today. My hubby and I are spending the day cleaning out my closet and bedroom. It has become the "catch all" of the house lately. We've been at it for a few hours, but I needed a "dis break". I'm throwing away all the clothes that are too small for me. Which is kind of tough, if you want to know the truth about it...lol. But I figured it would just give me a reason to shop when I lose weight!

Anyone have any idea what to do with old Disney VHS tapes?
Funny that I found this thread today. My hubby and I are spending the day cleaning out my closet and bedroom. It has become the "catch all" of the house lately. We've been at it for a few hours, but I needed a "dis break". I'm throwing away all the clothes that are too small for me. Which is kind of tough, if you want to know the truth about it...lol. But I figured it would just give me a reason to shop when I lose weight!

Anyone have any idea what to do with old Disney VHS tapes?

You could try to sell them. Lots of homes/vehicles still have VHS players and people need those tapes. :) Or you could donate them to your local library or maybe a hospital.
Listed 2 items on ebay and filled 3 large garbage bags for Salvation Army.

Hoping to fill 3 or 4 more tomorrow.
I am de-stashing too! We just moved and I am throwing/giving away as I unpack. Where does all of this crap come from? I swear I only bought some of it, the rest cloned itself or something.

:rotfl2:, that was very funny! I know what you mean though
Thanks to all of you for your inspiration. I listed 12 lots on Kijiji (kinda of like Craigslist for Canadians) and took six full boxes of clothes to our local benevolent store.
It took two full days, but I feel great!
Don't know about everyone else - but this past week wasn't too hot for my decluttering mission... Oh well. Time to get back on the wagon. :)
This weekend was very productive! :cool1:

I had my oldest three go through all their clothes while I went through my youngest's clothes. I am giving away 2 bags of clothes to a friend and dropping off FOUR bags to Goodwill after picking the kids up from school later today. I actually feel a sense of accomplishment!

Next goal is my master closet - it's a very, very scary place! I am guessing it will take me an entire weekend but will be totally worth it when all said and done.

Congrats to everyone who is continuing to post their progress. :thumbsup2

Let's continue to keep each other motivated!
Did my bathroom over the weekend.(DH and I use different bathrooms to get ready. His has all the medications, bandaids, etc and mine has all my various cosmetic 'junk'.) Feels great to have it all cleaned and organized.

Have 2 bags of clothes to go to goodwill. Still trying to pare down the wardrobe to pieces I LOVE to wear.

Our basement is a disaster. Feel like I'm trying to move a mountain down there, one grain of sand at a time.
I took a laundry basket of clothes to the consignment shop this weekend. Then today we went through my daughter's toys and books. I'm so proud of her. When I told her we were finding toys for other little kids who didn't have as much as we do, she got very excited and found over 2 laundry baskets of things to take to Goodwill. It even inspired me to get a few more items out of my closet I was holding on to for no good reason. Now my living room/playroom looks so much better. My husband was even inspired to put a few of his bass guitar pedals on ebay. Today was really productive for us.
almost everything I listed up for sale or free on thursday is gone! :cool1: And I have a few things that I'm sure I'll have buyers for very quickly.

Unfortunately, I missed the cut off for the school's yard sale donations so I guess it will all have to go to goodwill this week. I might call them anyway and see if I can drop the stuff off.

I also have another box of food for the food pantry.

This semester is almost over and I can't wait to have some real free time to finish tackling this clutter. Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I need the motivation! :thumbsup2
We had one big tote box for each Easter and Halloween decorations. Seeing as how we have not put them up for at least two yars we are getting rid of most of them. What we kept fits into a small plastic tote (16x24x8).

We even priced the stuff when we were sorting it out, so that it is ready for the yard sale!!

Can't wait until it's all gone!!!
My focus this week is going to be paper as the aforementioned shred day is fast approaching on Saturday.

Next week, old sheets and blankets to donate to the humane society.

After that, books from my to-read pile.
I just got rid of some books and Christmas decorations. And wowza, I have PLENTY of wrapping paper!:eek:

Need to go through my kitchen my stuff.
Really at a point where it is difficult finding things to destash. I need to put some Fenton Art Glass on Craigslist, just not in the mood to do either.

What have you destashed today??
well someone is coming for the last piece I had listed up for free, it's a big foot board for a queen sized bed that I planned to use for a project. But since I never got to it and it takes up a lot of space...away it goes! I'm surprised someone wanted it though, even for free! LOL

And the city is conspiring to create some clutter in my garage. They dropped off big rolling trashcans to everyone's driveway yesterday. Not sure why or if there are new trash rules but we aren't supposed to use them until sometime in June. Like I have all sorts of extra space to store a big unusable trashcan? Very odd.

Tomorrow I'll be going through the house to collect more goodwill drop offs. And I think I have a big enough box to mail out the out-grown boy clothes to my friend so that will clear a huge clutter pile out of the boys' room.

I think I'm also going to send in a giant bag of random pens/pencils to the school. We never take the stuff from that bag, we also get a new one so not sure why I'm still storing it.
And the city is conspiring to create some clutter in my garage. They dropped off big rolling trashcans to everyone's driveway yesterday. Not sure why or if there are new trash rules but we aren't supposed to use them until sometime in June. Like I have all sorts of extra space to store a big unusable trashcan? Very odd.

Thanks for posting that! We are almost in need of a new trash can but maybe I will wait and see if one of those shows up.

I can't remember who our trash co is- maybe republic?
Wow, thats awesome. I too have collections I need to purge. How do you decide what to sell / donate and what to keep when its all so sentimental? Its easy with clothes and household but meaningful collections are tough! I'm taking pics of stuff but still.....

And antique stuff, is there a good source for pricing it?

For the Antiques I took pictures and brought them to a few antique buyers. I went with the one that offered me the most. I am NOt getting rid of sentimental stuff but the antique pieces I got from flea markets, anything frm my family I will keep.

The Barbies went on ebay...big ole waste of time. Most didn't get a single bid. I am going to keep them for now. I don't want to donate them and in a year when the economy gets a little better I will try again.
I just got rid of some books and Christmas decorations. And wowza, I have PLENTY of wrapping paper!:eek:

Need to go through my kitchen my stuff.
Really at a point where it is difficult finding things to destash. I need to put some Fenton Art Glass on Craigslist, just not in the mood to do either.

What have you destashed today??

Where do you get rid of unwanted Christmas stuff? I think I may find a lot of that kind of thing in my basement!


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