From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 4

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Did anyone else read about the Panama Canal closing last Wednesday? It's open again, but was closed because of flooding.....

I can't imagine being on a cruise ship that is suppose to go through the canal and have them tell them it's been closed....

I sure hope the rain season ends down there, I know it's suppose to end in November, but it sounds like it's been going on and on....

Yeah! I saw that! so what happens when that happens? does the ship just wait a day to through or what?

everyone - good luck and pixie dust - i'm having trouble keeping up!!
Alan, have fun at TRON opening! I'm not a huge Jack Black fan, but the preview for Gullivers looks fun:3dglasses!


Thanks. Like I said, it has been a long 28 years. I am just tired of the reviewers. They are already slamming it. Not the best reviews. I don't care. They did the same to the original and look. Also I think the popularity if this movie shows by the fact that more than 100 midnight shows have sold out. To end this post I will take my closing line right from the MCP in the original Tron. End Of Line.
Tenya - we love our bracelets. Thanks for taking care of all of us.

Another foggy gray day here, I can't wait to see some sunshine!
Just got back from the Ghiradelli warehouse sale - what a mad house. Got all my little presents for the girls at Bob's doctor's offices. Also picked up hot chocolate mix for my girl friend in Connecticut, white chocolate, peppermint, mocha and regular milk chocolate, 3 pounds cans of each. That should keep her in hot cocoa for a while.

Stopped by the Coast Guard base on the way home to pickup more Brandy from the exchange. Got to feed them fruitcake.

Now back to making the Christmas teal sheers for the front window, 4 windows down, 2 to go. Then I start on the dining room windows, 20 yards down to many to count to go. Funny, seemed liked a good idea when I ordered the material. Isn't that always the way with projects? Oh well, at least my regular window coverages will go out for cleaning now.

OK so here is the lesson. Do not do the online check in until after you get your docs. Even if you don't complete the process and print those forms out.

TA at DU has talked to DCL and they will reissue the docs to my mailing address not physical address. With no fees.

I do so love me DU.

I will still get to do the doc dance. Hope they arrive on time or their hard work is for naught.

I am glad that DU came through for you. I had the same problem on our Med cruise and they sorted it out for us. I love DU. I keep my fingers crossed that the documents get to you in time.

That's a good point. Also don't forget to check the expiry date of your passports, especially for kids as they are only valid for 5 years. Someone I know was flying to the states with their kids and didn't realize that the kids passports were only for 5 years and had expired. They found this out at the airports. 2 of the party flew as booked, while the dad and the kids had to stay behind and get emergency passports. The mom felt sooo bad that she didn't realize, and the kids were upset too. It all worked out in the end, but the kids did loose 3 days of their vacation. (It was a vacation to WDW too!)

Check and double check!

As a reminder too...remember that all passports have to be good for 6 months past our cruise. DD's was going to expire in May so I had to get her a new one.
Tenya, bracelets are great! We're going to WDW Jan 1 and i'm going to wear it starting then, so if any of the rest of you are there then, say hi if you see it! (if it's freezing, i guess it'll be covered by the coat but what can you do, except hope for warm weather!!)

thank you Tenya!
Thanks for the thanks on the bracelets everyone.
International folks, I'll have yours at the port or on the ship.
Harole Ann, you said to bring yours to the port, so I'll look for you there.
Carly and I will be wearing ours starting Jan. 2 when we get to WDW.

I baked several different kinds of cookies today. It's the first time in a couple of years we've been home for Christmas, so I have done that much baking in a long time. It was fun, but I'm already hurting and tomorrow will be worse. Oh well, the cookies taste extra good because of it.

Night all,
Tenya - got our bracelets yesterday. They look great. Thanks for taking care of this for us.


I just showed them to my Mom, and she wants to ware it from now till the cruise! LOL We love then thanks for all the work that went into them.:dance3:
Does anyone have any favorite bug repellent? Do you obtain Mexican Peso's ( any other money) before the trip?
Thanks in advance.:confused3
We have had a snowy 24 hours here in Minnesota with snow totals of 15 - 20 inches in the area. Being stranded at home today gave me time to start going through my closet and to figure out what I have to wear on the cruise. It also gave me an opportunity to catch up on my DIS reading. So, all was not lost. I exepct to stay put tomorrow as well, so maybe I can get some of the cosmetics, paperwork and miscellaneous items set aside for packing.

The zipper on my biggest suitcase is ripping, so I need to get out and find a new suitcase. Figured maybe Santa would bring me one for Christmas. I keep wondering how I am going to get everthing packed in a couple bags. We are going to WDW for a few days pre-cruise, then the cruise and then a couple days at DL afterwards. I think there is no way around doing laundry this trip. But I hear it's tough to find the laundryroom idle on the ship. Anyone have experience doing laundry while cruising?

I don't know how I am ever going to be ready, but I am SO looking forward to getting away from cold and snow! Winter started early this year and I am getting close to my fill already and winter hasn't even officially started. We have already received 2/3 of our normal snowfall and we have 4 or 5 months left. We have been in a drought situation the last few years, so the high snowfall amounts should help alleviate the drought problems. And hopefully, spring flooding will not be big an issue.

So, much for going on and on about the weather!!! Looking forward to the cruise and all the activities! Conk Cooler, please! :beach::drinking::drinking1
I had read on cruisecritic that there has been a change in the accceptance of US$ in Mexico. It sounded as though Pesos were now mandatory.

Today DS and DD decorated Gingerbread houses with lollies for their school teachers as a christmas gift. School finishes for us on Wednesday and we dont return to school until 1 February. Both children are starting in a new school for 2011. This week has been busy new school uniforms etc as we will not have much time after the cruise to get all the bits and pieces ready,
Quick post - home from a LONG day. Spent 10 hours flying with Scouts, then 5 hours at work. Back at work in the wee hours of the morning.

I had an awful thought, tho' - I COMPLETELY forgot about Visa requirements for the various ports !!!

Can any of the Aussie DISers help me on this ? Looking at the various consulate pages, I'm reasonably sure we don't need Visas for anywhere, but hoping someone may be able to confirm this for me ? Could you PM me please ? I'm kicking myself over this one ! (yes, we've got our US Visa Waivers).

Anyway, brace yourself for it, but here is an AWFUL picture of three of us - again taken with my phone, as my SLR battery died on me :( It's DS and DD2 and I at the airfield today - we flew in tiny little Cesnas, but wow, it was exhilerating !


Sally :)
Hello all! Just ducking in to assure everyone we're still alive and looking forward to the cruise, just so busy at work that it's hard to find time to think about it, which I'm sure will make it all the better when it arrives. :cool1: Gosh, I didn't think about visas too, NZ passports are visa free with so many countries it didn't occur to me. I guess more boat time for us if visas are needed!
Good Morning, Happy Cruisers!

DEluge here - I wish it was snow, it would be prettier.

No place to buy pesos here in upstate NY, so I guess I just won't have them.

My secret to doing laundry? Do it before you need to - do it before you get on the ship so you start out all clean clothes. Pay attention to your time - take your clothes out promptly - other people are waiting for the limited number of machines and they *will* take your stuff out if it's done and you're not there.
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