Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

I'm totally kicking myself today for not getting a visor at the expo. I even tried a couple on, but I kept telling myself that I didn't need it. Now the weather channel is calling for a 50% chance of showers:sad1: I'm going to find one at the gift shop, but hopefully won't need it tomorrow. Praying for the showers to hold off, at least until 10ish!

Thanks for the headsup on the weather. I talked to someone at the Grand Floridian who said rain isn't expected until afternoon but I went ahead and grabbed a cheap poncho just in case.
I am kicking myself even more for not going to the meet now!


Because I'm about 95% sure that I saw Heather for a good stretch - I'm pretty sure I was right om front of you at Belle, then you were in front of me at Jasmine and/or Stitch (we were back and forth on who was ahead)! Sadly, I think I was no longer able to keep up for much longer....

I'm not completly sure it was you - I only vaguely remember you from your other race recaps.

(I promise, I'm not a stalker!)
Hi guys back at the hotel until I have to catch the ME for my flight home. So sore right now. I'm sore enough that my muscles still hurt even when I'm sitting. I don't even want to think about how bad I will be when DOMS sets in.

Anyway planning to do a TR as soon as I have all my photos compiled.

Also did anyone else noticed the older couple at Main Street who were wearing W.I.S.H. shirts? If you two are reading this, sorry if I seemed awkward I kind of got a bit excited when I spotted what I thought were two DIS board members. Anyways...

Funny Fact: So yesterday I was at MK and did the Ariel and Eric meet and greet. The Eric there at the time told me he would be there tomorrow now at that time I took it as the actor being in character and his character would be on course. Today I stopped for a photo with the princes etc and there was an Eric there. And well...its really funny because it was the exact same Eric! His actor remembered me and asking me if I was having fun. It was great.

A bit of a downer was by the time I finally got to Epcot the Fairy Godmother was gone. And this was the one photo I really wanted since I was dressed up as Cinderella. I didn't have the time since I was involved in a game of hide and go seek with the pace balloons (well not really but you get the idea) so I didn't have time to stop for Cinderella, Prince Charming, or the step family (that was a bit of a disappointment since I wanted to get that photo with the Evil Queen but the line was just moving way too slow).
Hi guys back at the hotel until I have to catch the ME for my flight home. So sore right now. I'm sore enough that my muscles still hurt even when I'm sitting. I don't even want to think about how bad I will be when DOMS sets in.

Anyway planning to do a TR as soon as I have all my photos compiled.

Also did anyone else noticed the older couple at Main Street who were wearing W.I.S.H. shirts? If you two are reading this, sorry if I seemed awkward I kind of got a bit excited when I spotted what I thought were two DIS board members. Anyways...

Funny Fact: So yesterday I was at MK and did the Ariel and Eric meet and greet. The Eric there at the time told me he would be there tomorrow now at that time I took it as the actor being in character and his character would be on course. Today I stopped for a photo with the princes etc and there was an Eric there. And well...its really funny because it was the exact same Eric! His actor remembered me and asking me if I was having fun. It was great.

A bit of a downer was by the time I finally got to Epcot the Fairy Godmother was gone. And this was the one photo I really wanted since I was dressed up as Cinderella. I didn't have the time since I was involved in a game of hide and go seek with the pace balloons (well not really but you get the idea) so I didn't have time to stop for Cinderella, Prince Charming, or the step family (that was a bit of a disappointment since I wanted to get that photo with the Evil Queen but the line was just moving way too slow).

Congrats! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read your TR - hope you have a safe trip and the soreness goes away soon!
Tabetha, was your I Did It shirt printed badly too, mine is way off centre, I am thinking to check to see if an exchange is possible too, I should have checked it at the expo.


I was actually talking about the race tech shirt. I went to try and grab an "I did it" shirt, but they were all sold out of my size by the time we got there on Saturday. Bummers for real.

Also a bummer was that they were out of the mouse-ear 13.1 magnets and stickers. My husband totally wanted one, and we never in a million years assumed that they'd run out of so much by noon on Saturday.

A valuable lesson for our trip to the Disneyland Half in September. Go to expo day one and buy what you like. Do not look back.

Hope you got your shirt worked out.
Overall liked the race (LOVED the fact my team had made me 2 signs by the 'contemp) had my whole left leg cramp at mile 10 (never experienced that before...) which caused me to be 1.5 min behind my PR but it was 9 min below my previous 2 races so am not complaining...

Race Retreat was interesting. Not sure if I'll ever do it again but enjoyed it.

really really disliked the "drive" out of the epcot lot. It should NOT have taken me 72 min to exit the $*%) lot.

Came home instead of hitting the MK as planned to do the 'medal picture' cause it was chilly and raining- will try tomorrow after work
What an amazing race! the foot held up till about mile 12- finished in 2.28! Can't wait to do it again! Glad the rain held off!
Congrats everyone. Had a great time today, especially watching my DW finish her first half. Really enjoyed seeing all the costumes. Lots of creativity out there today. I'll do this race again for sure.
Congrats to everyone on the race today!! :) I got a new PR - 2:27. Only 3 minutes faster than my last one, but hey - 3 minutes is 3 minutes! :)

I second the annoyance with the parking lot exit today. I got too frustrated and just went into Epcot to get lunch - thankfully I brought my pass with me in my car. Even rode Test Track - used the Single Rider line and got right on!! :)

Lessons learned:


- If no one is meeting me at the end (which is normally the case), check a bag and having something warm to put on! Holy cats was I freezing!! I wasn't even smart enough to put a sweatshirt in my car, so I had to get my beach blanket-thing out of the trunk to wrap myself in. :)

- Bring my desired fueling method. I forgot to do this today, and I do NOT like the gel!! :sick:

- When running with a pedometer, clip it to the inside of my pants. Mine fell off before I got into MK. It was a nice one, too - tracked my steps for the current day and previous 7. :( I was tracking my steps for a contest on base. But, I can 'best guess' my steps based on my weekend at Tink. :)

I still think I prefer the night races, but if I have enough friends doing Princess, I'd do it again next year.

Oh, and I got my CtC medal today. That was cool. :woohoo:
I signed up two weeks ago on a whim - wasn't planning on running another Disney race until Disneyland (and then that sold out BOO!), and then Tower of Terror. Decided if I didn't do the Princess half, I may regret it.

I actually shaved 20 whole minutes off of my Walt Disney World marathon relay time from last month - and about 35 minutes off of my first half marathon (Wine and Dine in October). When my time came through on my runner tracking on my phone, I seriously started bawling as I headed to get my medal.

I will admit I was quite disappointed with the beginning of the race. What was up with the walking start? It took forever to actually begin to run while out there - the fireworks went off and it seemed like we were all there for a stroll through the parks, not a half marathon.
Oh, and yes - I HATED EXITING TODAY!!!! I sat in my car for 53 minutes and moved two car lengths. I was in an aisle that was right by the finish line, so I watched the minutes tick away well after the end of the race. I only live about 5 minutes behind WDW so I was quite irritated to just sit in my car and do nothing.

Somehow, my friend left less than 10 minutes before I did, and she encountered no traffic.
Great race today.....remembered the camera, so Amy and I took tons of pictures! We had one 20 minute worth it. I even shaved 5 minutes off my time from last year! Wahoo!

We took the bus from POFQ, man traffic was nuts. At the bus before 4, got off bus walked straight to the portapotties by corrals, lines not bad, then walked to corral. Race started shortly after which was nice since it was cold...we were in the bus a while. Wondering if anyone walked frm POFQ to corrals, as MAN they were close!

Thanks to Bellerunner and Patti from TX for the shoutout today! This mulan had a blast and SO happy my prince was one of the heroes! ;-)

Glad I didn't deal with that parking lot this year....last year was a cluster as well.....though MAN the wait for the bus though not too bad was COLD!

See you guys next year....took a ton of pics, so will let you knwo when Blog or video if I do it is done.

I loved how the Fairy Godmother told me in Epcot as we left...."Go do honor to us all".
Home! Not my fastest but DD was struggling a bit and we got LOTS of video and photos during the race. The morning bus from POFQ took a while to get to epcot...lots of traffic. We got to bus stop at 3:30ish and to Epcot around 4:30. Also hated the porta potties right after walk to corrals. Just created a bottleneck.

I thought the expo was very good...better than pervious years with lots of give aways. I liked the entertainment course changes. The box of food was cute at end of race.

I gotta go to bed.
I had a lot of fun today.
It was nice seeing some of you at the "W" tent after the race.:cool1:
I took a lot of great photos during the run. I'll try and post some when I get home.
I wore my Tinkerbell, Coast to Coast and Princess medals to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot today. They were quite heavy. But it was fun showing them off!
Congratulations to all of you ladies and gents who went out there and did your best today!
Keep on running/walking and staying fit!:banana:
I will post more later, as I just got home from traveling as well, but absolutely amazing!

This was an incredible experience from start to end. I can't wait to run again..but there isn't a time like the first! I struggled to keep it together as I got the medal...and decided it would be a great idea to jump over the finish line, which I'm sure made for an awkward picture! I went out with the hopes to finish between 2:45 and 3:00...and did it in 2:41! Mile 11 is a killer!
I had a lot of fun today.
It was nice seeing some of you at the "W" tent after the race.:cool1:
I took a lot of great photos during the run. I'll try and post some when I get home.
I wore my Tinkerbell, Coast to Coast and Princess medals to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot today. They were quite heavy. But it was fun showing them off!
Congratulations to all of you ladies and gents who went out there and did your best today!
Keep on running/walking and staying fit!:banana:

Hi and Congrats !!! I met you at the WISH meet before the Tink 1/2. Glad to took your Tink medal to WDW. I would love to hear what race you enjoyed more.

I've got a question about the Coast to Coast....when you signed up for both Tink and the Princess, on what race sign up did you mark that you will be participating in the Coast to Coast ??
I'm confused if you mark both or just the last race that will qualify you for the C2C ? Thanks


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