Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

Add me to the list of first timers who was glad they did this race.
I run a lot of races here in Atlanta were it is a huge running culture.
I will say this as a more "conservative" runner many times when
You get to the finish most of the crowd is not hyped. I have
Had the refreshments gone and just felt quite discouraged about my time.
But seeing so many of us finish and all the cheer squads and
All the encouragement around the course mile 11 to 13 were tough! The energy
Was still strong! I just really love this women race and
Just really understanding that we all accomplished something so huge.
Go Princesses Go!!!!
I think I'm partly frustrated with how long the porta pottie stops took. Wish they had more bathrooms. I lost more time there than I did anywhere else on the course. I ended up having to blow through three different character stops in and around MK I wanted to stop for but was afraid of being swept up because I had lost so much time. Without the bathroom break I was actually pretty damn close to a PR even with me mostly walking Epcot (at that point I was so tired and sore I kind of went screw it).

I absolutely loved the bright room photographer at mile marker 13 who was literally taking people's photos with the sign!

Trying to approach my parents about doing the Tower of Terror 10 miler (admittedly my Mom was the one who originally brought this up). I would really like to be able to do the Disney Halloween festivities just once (I've never been to either holiday party).
My only real complaint was in exiting as well- we took the buses back to the hotel but we had walked alll the way back to Epcot to catch where the buses normally pick up- there were no signs telling you where to go to get the busses except a small sign towards the front - the last thing i wanted to do was walk anther 2 miles after running 13.1:headache:- by the time we finally found the buses the lines were outragous although I will say moved very quickly only had to wait 10min- buses pulled up quickly soon as one left.

I caught the first bus out to the race from Riverside- so no prob with traffic of portapotties-the only real bottle neck for character pictures for me was with all the women villians and magic mirror- did not wait for that one just snaped a quick pic of someone else and kept running.
Icant wait to do this race next year:cheer2: had a blast for my first 1/2!
oh and just for the record -just checked ebay and the pricess crossbody is going for 250$:eek: a shame Disney did not limit the number you could buy-really had my heart set on the cross body- oh well next year- I alreay have the disney black barrel, the dcl and Dream bag and 2 wristlets.:lovestruc
Did it Got my coast to Coast! DD decided that we should wait in line for the "evils" group picture. Big mistake!! By the time we got through, we, too, were playing hide and seek with the lovely balloon ladies. Never happened before. It added a new dimension to our race! And the picture did not turn out! We laughed about this all the way home.
Congrats to all you Princesses! Sounds like a good time was had by all. Be proud of your accomplishment.

Congratulations, everyone!

We had a great time this past weekend. We were able to go to GF for the meet and that was neat; to be able to put a face with a name.

Loved the fireworks at the start times, especially the ones off the bridge! Great added touch.

We will be doing the Goofy Challenge 2013! Right now, I am considering doing the Tower Run in the fall. It is good to have goals! AND run with some girlfriends!
yay! First half marathon is in the books :goodvibes I am so sore today, but I have been stretching, rolling, and tried a bath with epsom salts. It's amazing how I have to strategically plan going down the stairs :lmao:

I had a great time on the course, but could've done without the porta-potties on the narrow lane. If runDisney feel they're needed, why not face them away from the lane so the lines don't run into the lane? I thought the weather was absolutely perfect too. Lucked out and the rain stayed over Daytona instead.

Anybody have an update about the runner who was down around mile 2.5? I was hoping it was just a collision, but heard it was medical. I really hope she's OK.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the support leading up to the race and all the advice! I saved my bathroom stop for Tomorrowland and was so happy I did! Even though I was struggling to wait a little bit. SIL and I had so much fun and can't wait to do it again next year. Although next year I'm taking Monday off work so I don't have to go back the night of the race. I'm so sore and I think it's mostly from being stuck on the plane and then driving the 1.5 hours from the airport.
Hey, Princesses! Glad to hear about all the good times had! Mild freak out the night before over predicted cold weather - foolishly, I didn't bring any throw away clothes or back-up running clothes besides the skirt and ss shirt. I did have some throwaway arm warmers that worked out okay, and the bus took so long to get to the start, that the positive was that I didn't sit out in the corrals that long before we started!!!

It was great to see Belle Runner, Julianna, Elyn & Michele in the corral! Hockey Kat, we looked for you but didn't spot you; Julie & I both left our phones in the room so couldn't find out where you were. Bummed that we didn't get to see you! Saw Patty during the race - so fun to be able to meet you all! It appears our "look for Tinkerbell and Mulan together!" worked!:rotfl:

Glad to report that the wings fastened securely and were "wearable" the whole race - no chafing, no excessive flapping!

Had a great time with only one minor complaint - there were ABSOLUTELY more characters out last year. However, Julie opened a can of whoop @#$ for breakfast that morning b/c she was ON IT! The girl who "just wanted to make it to the castle" kicked it the entire 13.1. Glad we took the bus back to the resort. Freezing, but they were smart and actually doubled up the buses so the super long line went pretty quick.

Will have to work on the blog later - got home this afternoon and am so tired I am ready to drop! This is definitely one of those "need a vacation from my vacation" kind of trips!!! :banana:
All of the girls in my family participated in the race this weekend and are planning to go back next year. I am trying to keep some notes fr when the planning begins. Where did everyone get the sparkle skirts?
I heard about the girl down before mile 3 from some two girls I was talking to at the airport....the one girl said when she went by she was down, and when her friend went by they had her hooked to an IV.

There was another girl down at the Gospel choir. She looked bad...sort of out of it and cross eyed and was being attended to, it was about 2 hours and 20 min into race so she was probably running a good race until then.

Bring on 2013..looks like I will be solo. So I should be able to make it to meets. I had planned to go to GF and forgot after our mixed up day due to flights being delayed.
yay! First half marathon is in the books :goodvibes I am so sore today, but I have been stretching, rolling, and tried a bath with epsom salts. It's amazing how I have to strategically plan going down the stairs :lmao:

I had a great time on the course, but could've done without the porta-potties on the narrow lane. If runDisney feel they're needed, why not face them away from the lane so the lines don't run into the lane? I thought the weather was absolutely perfect too. Lucked out and the rain stayed over Daytona instead.

Anybody have an update about the runner who was down around mile 2.5? I was hoping it was just a collision, but heard it was medical. I really hope she's OK.

I saw her too...and felt awful! I hope she is ok!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the support leading up to the race and all the advice! I saved my bathroom stop for Tomorrowland and was so happy I did! Even though I was struggling to wait a little bit. SIL and I had so much fun and can't wait to do it again next year. Although next year I'm taking Monday off work so I don't have to go back the night of the race. I'm so sore and I think it's mostly from being stuck on the plane and then driving the 1.5 hours from the airport.

Agreed!! Everyone at my work couldn't believe I came in today and came home last night!
Agreed!! Everyone at my work couldn't believe I came in today and came home last night!

Prices meant I flew back last night, and my legs held up better than I thought they would. I still took today off because I was in no mood to work today, and I needed to run errands. I also took a 2-hour nap, so I'm really happy I didn't go into to work. I'm still not feeling up to putting my feet in heels tomorrow, but c'est la vie.
Can someone tell me what the "balloon people" were that were mentioned a few times? I saw the 2:45 pacer take off with me from corral D and wondered what it was....that was just to let you know to keep up with them if you wanted that time, right?
1st half down! Finished with plenty of time. Never saw the sweepers. When I came up to the bridge at Mile 10 and saw the sea of people, I turned the person next to me and said "well, we aren't finishing last!". She laughed and said she was thinking the exact same thing.

I did notice some characters on the list weren't out. Maybe they were switching them out.

Who were the people in WISH shirts? I waved at them, and while I had my WISH bondiband on, I am not sure they could see it...I probably seemed crazy.
Anybody have an update about the runner who was down around mile 2.5? I was hoping it was just a collision, but heard it was medical. I really hope she's OK.

I heard on another board from someone who stayed with a runner somewhere around the Pirates a lady fell and broke her shoulder - they were in Corral A....I am pretty sure we saw her when we ran by. One of the ladies on that board stayed with the poor princess for a while...and she was ok that she had tripped and broken her shoulder.

Another interesting comment from someone on that board not injury, but sweeper related......she said she was doing a 14 minute mile in the last corral and she looked back before going up the cloverleaf to the overpass and it was a crowd of people behind her, not packed but people were there......then after she got to the top and on the bridge.......ghost town down the road, no one was there.....just alot of buses... :eek: That would freak me out!

Did I mention before how bummed I was about NO Haunted Mansion ladies on the course? Sad but true.

JOAN4MICKEY.......we might have been on the same bus....Amy and I were meeting Juliana at 3:30, but we ran a tad late, not much........there was a LONG line and 2 buses pulled up when we got to the front and loaded up. Next year we need to yell out "DISBOARDS>>>>WHO IS ON THIS BUS?", ok we will get some stares but hey its early.:goodvibes
Safely home!

What terrific weather...took 18 minutes off last year's time...was smiling all the way thru Epcot!

DH, DD, and I walked to start corrals from was so easy! We left at 4:30 and reached the start area before any of the runners coming from the staging area. The walk took maybe 10 minutes.

If the Belle and Ariel that followed us over are on here....I hope you had a great run! You seemed worried about the 16 minute pace...hope you made it to the finish!

Will take it easy for a few weeks then start training for the DL Half!


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