Girls-only Trip~Old thread, see first post for new one.

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Hi, Deb. Sorry to hear about Brooke. Poor dear. :(

Are you doing WDW in December, and DL in December? WDW in December is so pretty!! What a fun time you'll have.

Oops not both in December. DL in December, WDW in July/August. I know HOT! But we have a voucher to use it or lose it. And when you can trade a free week to DVC for CHEAP! We will go when its HOT!

HELLO everyone! :wave:

Capri and Deb, glad to see you here.
Deb, you are quite the Disney vacationer. When are you fitting WDW in?

In July & August. Brooke will still be free, she will only be 2.

Deb, I haven't heard of a case of chicken pox in years. I'm assuming you declined the vaccine.
All my kids had the pox but luckily very mild cases.

I didn't decline the vaccine. She had it, however, its not a 100%. When she had her blood test 2 wks ago she had zero antibodies to the vaccine. She had it BAD!! She was miserable for a wk!

Trudi, my grandson Luca, 2years old, had the chicken pox a couple of months ago. And he had the vaccine! :confused3

LOL, and I'm leaving for the beach on Wednesday. :cool1: it's the start of our annual beach camping trip. Dave and I always leave a few days early, and go to Pismo first, then on to meet up with the rest of the kids at Refugio, near Santa Barbara. It's been in the 100 's here too, so I can hardly wait to get out of here! :hyper:

Poor Luca, Brooke was just miserable! She barely slept for a week. But luckliy she wasn't very itchy. Plus her Dr. gave her some good meds!
Have fun at the beach!
There's no way I can catch up on what I've missed over the past several weeks, so I don't think I'm even going to try. I hope everyone is well and good things are happening.

Disneyland was awesome with all 11 of us. Kid #2 and I ditched everyone most of the time, but we all met up for most meals. I got my niece and her health nut boyfriend addicted to tigger tails, which was fun. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected, even on the 4th of July, up until fireworks time, which were incredible, and I have pictures but it's going to take me a while to get them uploaded.

Anyway, after Disney I left kid #2 with my parents to drive home and I headed straight to Camp Roberts for annual training on Friday. My feet were aching after 5 days at Disney, but on Sunday we did a 3 mile run. We also had issues with the internet, so I was unable to get much school work done, ack! I got home this last Friday, caught up on classes (thanks to understanding instructors), and then my dad had a heart attack on Saturday afternoon. He's fine, but not allowed to lift anything heavier than a milk jug as he was moving furniture when it hit him. Tomorrow I have finals for 2 classes, then I think I may be able to find some sort of normalcy.

Oh, and I have no idea when my new job will start, apparently although I was told that I should start in May (and have waited patiently for 3 months) it could be another 6 months. So I'm again looking for work. We may be moving back north to Washington, I've applied at Boeing, Child Support Services may be hiring, and the technical institute (underwater welding?) that my sister works for may be hiring as well. My parents want me to move north and I'm beginning to think it may be a good idea to be closer to them now that my dad's working on heart attack #5.

AND my dad called me this evening after I talked to my mom to let me in on a secret. He's going to propose to her on their anniversary this year, so they can renew their vows on their 50th anniversary. He wants my sisters and I to all attend and give her away. How sweet is that?

How's your month been?

Oops not both in December. DL in December, WDW in July/August. I know HOT! But we have a voucher to use it or lose it. And when you can trade a free week to DVC for CHEAP! We will go when its HOT!

And that's how I ended up in August! Well, free airfare and a DVC exchange.

Did you put in for Aulani as an exchange? I have had a search on for that for a year, but I don't think they will start hitting until 2014. That's ok by me, since we are going to do Alaska Cruise in 2013 for sure now, and I am hoping for a little family trip to DL Nov or Dec of 2013.

I didn't decline the vaccine. She had it, however, its not a 100%. When she had her blood test 2 wks ago she had zero antibodies to the vaccine. She had it BAD!! She was miserable for a wk!

I did not do the vaccine for my boys because it was so new and controversial. Both had a BAD case and I regretted not vacinating.]

Only 18 days til we leave for DW. I finally broke down and went to the walk in clinic. The doctor assured me that my foot and ankle are in wonderful shape all except one little thing (forgot what she called it) that is sending the shooting pains through my foot. Good news is that the podiatrist can give me a shot in that area and it is fixed instantly! Yeah! Going to podiatrist tomorrow:)
Trudi, my grandson Luca, 2years old, had the chicken pox a couple of months ago. And he had the vaccine! :confused3

LOL, and I'm leaving for the beach on Wednesday. :cool1: it's the start of our annual beach camping trip. Dave and I always leave a few days early, and go to Pismo first, then on to meet up with the rest of the kids at Refugio, near Santa Barbara. It's been in the 100 's here too, so I can hardly wait to get out of here! :hyper:

I didn't decline the vaccine. She had it, however, its not a 100%. When she had her blood test 2 wks ago she had zero antibodies to the vaccine. She had it BAD!! She was miserable for a wk!

Poor Luca, Brooke was just miserable! She barely slept for a week. But luckliy she wasn't very itchy. Plus her Dr. gave her some good meds!
Have fun at the beach!

Oh these poor kids with chicken pox. I haven't heard of any cases in my area in ages.
Mel, do you have the shade of blue picked out for the tee? I want to start looking when you do so I can find a good match.
Fingers crossed Kerri! pixiedust:
Thanks Mel! :)

So my class last night was HUGE!!!!!! I was so freaked out. LOL I did have a lot of awesome people willing to help me so that helped a LOT! It ended well, with everyone who took the class doing the dance at the end of the lesson but was a massive class! lol
I need to email the manager today to see what he's got for me in August.
The rest of the week is OK, not much planned until the weekend. But again, the weekend is packed. LOL Friday night class, Saturday BBQ with Micah's family and we've invited friends as well, Sunday BBQ at their house (Micah's parents) and birthday party for his niece, Sunday night I have class, Monday I have, it's no wonder I'm tired all the time.....LOL Thank goodness for week nights so I can relax......:rotfl:
Hello, ladies!! :)

I got a very good phone call from my doctor yesterday. (sorry if this is TMI) My endometrial biopsy came back benign. :cool1: I was really worried there for awhile so this is great news.

Tomorrow I have to get the girls squished. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I'm not worried about the pain. Been there, done that, didn't really hurt me much. Just the results. My mom had BC, so it's a bit of a concern for me. I need to get through that. Waiting for test results sucks!
Then next Monday I go back for another EKG. The one I had earlier this month was "abnormal", not sure what exactly that means. Hopefully it will be ok. So, two more tests to get through, and then I can go on vacation with a clear head! :cool1: (hopefully!! LOL)

I normally don't share so much, but, it's been a helluva month (all after having 3 moles removed and biopsied last month) and I just wanted to say thank you to those who've been so supportive. You know who you are!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Convention was a BLAST, as always. It will be a week before I catch up on my sleep, for sure! Laundry may take that long as well...
Welcome back, Lisa!! :banana:
Glad you had fun. I hear ya on the laundry! Have fun at DL with your friend.

Work is still busy, we are supposed to relocate this warehouse to Hayward in probably about 6 weeks. At that time I'll be telecommuting!! I keep asking (ok not like every day but every couple weeks or so) and word is still that I'm going to do that. I hope so!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
:wizard: Fingers crossed for ya!!!

Deb, I haven't heard of a case of chicken pox in years. I'm assuming you declined the vaccine.
All my kids had the pox but luckily very mild cases.
My kids all had the vaccine, and none of them had chicken pox. Now, it seems like I hear a lot about shingles. But, I don't know what much about it. Just that it can strike older folks, and it's awful, and it has something to do with chicken pox. :confused3 I'm not sure I want to know...
LOL, and I'm leaving for the beach on Wednesday. :cool1: it's the start of our annual beach camping trip. Dave and I always leave a few days early, and go to Pismo first, then on to meet up with the rest of the kids at Refugio, near Santa Barbara. It's been in the 100 's here too, so I can hardly wait to get out of here! :hyper:
Fun, fun, fun!! :cool1: I'm jealous. We LOVE Pismo. Eat at Splash Cafe, 'kay?

Oops not both in December. DL in December, WDW in July/August. I know HOT! But we have a voucher to use it or lose it. And when you can trade a free week to DVC for CHEAP! We will go when its HOT!
Oh, ok. Yep, it will be hot! But, I suppose as long as you know what to expect, it's ok. You know the drill. Take breaks, swim a lot, wear light clothing, lots of water, etc, etc. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to be able to go places. It will be fun!
There's no way I can catch up on what I've missed over the past several weeks, so I don't think I'm even going to try. I hope everyone is well and good things are happening.
Welcome back, Heather! :) Glad to hear you had fun at DL. Can't wait to see pics!
Sorry to hear about your dad, but I am glad he's ok. And, omg, what a super sweet thing for him to do for your mom. That's true love. :goodvibes

Good luck on your move back to WA and in the job hunt! :wizard:

Only 18 days til we leave for DW. I finally broke down and went to the walk in clinic. The doctor assured me that my foot and ankle are in wonderful shape all except one little thing (forgot what she called it) that is sending the shooting pains through my foot. Good news is that the podiatrist can give me a shot in that area and it is fixed instantly! Yeah! Going to podiatrist tomorrow:)

18 days!! How thrilling! I was just going to PM you and ask about your foot. I'm curious to what it is and what they are doing for it. At least whatever it is, sounds like they've got a quick cure. :thumbsup2
Hello, ladies!! :)

I got a very good phone call from my doctor yesterday. (sorry if this is TMI) My endometrial biopsy came back benign. :cool1: I was really worried there for awhile so this is great news.

Tomorrow I have to get the girls squished. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I'm not worried about the pain. Been there, done that, didn't really hurt me much. Just the results. My mom had BC, so it's a bit of a concern for me. I need to get through that. Waiting for test results sucks!
Then next Monday I go back for another EKG. The one I had earlier this month was "abnormal", not sure what exactly that means. Hopefully it will be ok. So, two more tests to get through, and then I can go on vacation with a clear head! :cool1: (hopefully!! LOL)

I normally don't share so much, but, it's been a helluva month (all after having 3 moles removed and biopsied last month) and I just wanted to say thank you to those who've been so supportive. You know who you are!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I haven't said much to you regarding your health but I am so relieved that things are looking up for you! I'll continue to think positive thoughts and just know that ALL the test results will be good!!! And you're right waiting does suck! Then it's off on vacation!!! :thumbsup2
My kids all had the vaccine, and none of them had chicken pox. Now, it seems like I hear a lot about shingles. But, I don't know what much about it. Just that it can strike older folks, and it's awful, and it has something to do with chicken pox. :confused3 I'm not sure I want to know...

Shingles are AWFUL! My DH had it a couple of years ago and believe me that's one thing I never want to get. As soon as I was old enough I made the doctor give me the shot to prevent it!
Hi Diva's. last Disboard visit was 6/11! Ooops
Sending good thoughts to you all.
Hugs & pixie dust to those having medical issues, but good for you for taking care of business. You know as mom's, we are always last to be taken care of.

Beth, looks like I missed the trip info post while I was on vacation. I'll be there Wed - Thurs, but will be going home in between, as usual :)

Not much going on here that is very exciting. I'm keeping busy driving the kids around. Kallie has cheer practice every day 7-9:30am and she goes to Cheer camp at UCLA for 4 days this friday. She's having fun and learning alot. This week she is teaching at VBS with my niece, which she loves doing.

I've been dragging since we got back from vacation. Just feel like somebody pulled my energy plug. My Vit D was low a few months ago so they put me on supplements in addition to upping my iron because my feritin level is still too low. I hate being tired.
Hello, ladies!! :)

I got a very good phone call from my doctor yesterday. (sorry if this is TMI) My endometrial biopsy came back benign. :cool1: I was really worried there for awhile so this is great news.

Tomorrow I have to get the girls squished. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc I'm not worried about the pain. Been there, done that, didn't really hurt me much. Just the results. My mom had BC, so it's a bit of a concern for me. I need to get through that. Waiting for test results sucks!
Then next Monday I go back for another EKG. The one I had earlier this month was "abnormal", not sure what exactly that means. Hopefully it will be ok. So, two more tests to get through, and then I can go on vacation with a clear head! :cool1: (hopefully!! LOL)

I normally don't share so much, but, it's been a helluva month (all after having 3 moles removed and biopsied last month) and I just wanted to say thank you to those who've been so supportive. You know who you are!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

YAY!!!!! So glad it came back ok! I had 2 moles removed and biopsied and a patch of weird skin on my arm removed and biopsied, mine came back benign too. :) That was a relief so I can empathize. I need to make an appt to get my girls squished too, and I need to go back for more bloodwork, was supposed to do that last month but life has been too crazy so I haven't done it yet.
I've heard of a few kids getting chicken pox lately. I'm not sure if it's going around or if it's because the kids recently had the vaccine.

Most kids don't get very sick from the chicken pox, but I ended up in the hospital with them. The pox went down my throat causing it to swell shut. I could barely breath, I couldn't swallow anything, and also nothing could come up (gross, sorry). I became so weak that I couldn't walk or even lift my head up. Long story short, I was rushed to the hospital where I spent a week in an ice tent and being a pin cushion. I couldn't feel any of the shots though because, as my mom puts it, I was basically like a rag doll. After about a week or so, I was able to swallow liquids in sips, suck on popsicles, and eat a little ice cream, and eventually got my strength back, but gosh it took a couple of weeks. The first solid food I was offered after all that was....wait for it....saltine crackers! Exciting huh? Yeah, it wasn't that exciting of an offering for a six year old either. :goodvibes

Beth - So happy for your good news! Have fun getting your girls squished tomorrow. :crowded: :thumbsup2 ;)

Mel - Have fun on your camping trip! :woohoo:

Deb - How exciting to have two trips planned! :banana:

Tracey - I bet you're getting excited about your big trip! :hyper:

Jill - Hope you start to feel better soon. I'm always tired too. Must be a mom thing. ::yes::
Glad that everything is looking good, Beth!

I'm FINALLY caught up on laundry and groceries are restocked and now I'm trying to figure out what I need to do before I head down to DL next week. Sounds like we will be running to the Bay Area this weekend too. Whee. LOL. I need to clean up the disaster area I made out of my craft room. It looks like a bomb went off in there. LOL Hopefully tomorrow.
I've heard of a few kids getting chicken pox lately. I'm not sure if it's going around or if it's because the kids recently had the vaccine.

Most kids don't get very sick from the chicken pox, but I ended up in the hospital with them. The pox went down my throat causing it to swell shut. I could barely breath, I couldn't swallow anything, and also nothing could come up (gross, sorry). I became so weak that I couldn't walk or even lift my head up. Long story short, I was rushed to the hospital where I spent a week in an ice tent and being a pin cushion. I couldn't feel any of the shots though because, as my mom puts it, I was basically like a rag doll. After about a week or so, I was able to swallow liquids in sips, suck on popsicles, and eat a little ice cream, and eventually got my strength back, but gosh it took a couple of weeks. The first solid food I was offered after all that was....wait for it....saltine crackers! Exciting huh? Yeah, it wasn't that exciting of an offering for a six year old either. :goodvibes

Beth - So happy for your good news! Have fun getting your girls squished tomorrow. :crowded: :thumbsup2 ;)

Mel - Have fun on your camping trip! :woohoo:

Deb - How exciting to have two trips planned! :banana:

Tracey - I bet you're getting excited about your big trip! :hyper:

Jill - Hope you start to feel better soon. I'm always tired too. Must be a mom thing. ::yes::
Good grief woman! That was a horrible experience!! :scared1:

So how has your week been so far? Any better?
Hey Lisa, did you watch the Next Foodnetwork Star Sunday? Did you like who won? I did. Although I had a soft spot for Martie. I love southern cooking, no matter how much it is shown. I even have a subscription to Southern Living. Anywhos, Justin will bring a different edge to cooking. I hope just not too much, or I might be too scared to try it. :rolleyes1
There's no way I can catch up on what I've missed over the past several weeks, so I don't think I'm even going to try. I hope everyone is well and good things are happening.

Disneyland was awesome with all 11 of us. Kid #2 and I ditched everyone most of the time, but we all met up for most meals. I got my niece and her health nut boyfriend addicted to tigger tails, which was fun. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected, even on the 4th of July, up until fireworks time, which were incredible, and I have pictures but it's going to take me a while to get them uploaded.

Anyway, after Disney I left kid #2 with my parents to drive home and I headed straight to Camp Roberts for annual training on Friday. My feet were aching after 5 days at Disney, but on Sunday we did a 3 mile run. We also had issues with the internet, so I was unable to get much school work done, ack! I got home this last Friday, caught up on classes (thanks to understanding instructors), and then my dad had a heart attack on Saturday afternoon. He's fine, but not allowed to lift anything heavier than a milk jug as he was moving furniture when it hit him. Tomorrow I have finals for 2 classes, then I think I may be able to find some sort of normalcy.

Oh, and I have no idea when my new job will start, apparently although I was told that I should start in May (and have waited patiently for 3 months) it could be another 6 months. So I'm again looking for work. We may be moving back north to Washington, I've applied at Boeing, Child Support Services may be hiring, and the technical institute (underwater welding?) that my sister works for may be hiring as well. My parents want me to move north and I'm beginning to think it may be a good idea to be closer to them now that my dad's working on heart attack #5.

AND my dad called me this evening after I talked to my mom to let me in on a secret. He's going to propose to her on their anniversary this year, so they can renew their vows on their 50th anniversary. He wants my sisters and I to all attend and give her away. How sweet is that?

How's your month been?

Your Dad sounds like a peach! How absolutely precious. I hope he continues to stay heart healthy. Tell him to take a bunch of Mega Reds. My DH had a heart attack, about 8 years ago. He has to take lots of meds now for his heart. A few years ago, his heart doctor started him on the Reds. It made such a difference that the Doc upped the amount. Had better results again, so he upped it more. ::yes::
Good grief woman! That was a horrible experience!! :scared1:

So how has your week been so far? Any better?

So far it hasn't been too bad....except today when I colored my hair there was a hole in one of my protective gloves. I now have a dark reddish-brown middle fingernail that matches my newly-colored hair perfectly. It's super sexy. :thumbsup2

Other than that, it's been pretty good. :smokin:
Trudi, my grandson Luca, 2years old, had the chicken pox a couple of months ago. And he had the vaccine! :confused3

LOL, and I'm leaving for the beach on Wednesday. :cool1: it's the start of our annual beach camping trip. Dave and I always leave a few days early, and go to Pismo first, then on to meet up with the rest of the kids at Refugio, near Santa Barbara. It's been in the 100 's here too, so I can hardly wait to get out of here! :hyper:
I know my oldest got it when she was just about 14 months before the vaccine. Youngest got the shot but she was a tween when it came out. She hasn't ever had it. Her baby girl 15months got the shot back in May but came down with them just last week. She had a mild case but still she got the. I have since learned a few people have had them after the vaccine but not bad.

There's no way I can catch up on what I've missed over the past several weeks, so I don't think I'm even going to try. I hope everyone is well and good things are happening.

Disneyland was awesome with all 11 of us. Kid #2 and I ditched everyone most of the time, but we all met up for most meals. I got my niece and her health nut boyfriend addicted to tigger tails, which was fun. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I expected, even on the 4th of July, up until fireworks time, which were incredible, and I have pictures but it's going to take me a while to get them uploaded.

Anyway, after Disney I left kid #2 with my parents to drive home and I headed straight to Camp Roberts for annual training on Friday. My feet were aching after 5 days at Disney, but on Sunday we did a 3 mile run. We also had issues with the internet, so I was unable to get much school work done, ack! I got home this last Friday, caught up on classes (thanks to understanding instructors), and then my dad had a heart attack on Saturday afternoon. He's fine, but not allowed to lift anything heavier than a milk jug as he was moving furniture when it hit him. Tomorrow I have finals for 2 classes, then I think I may be able to find some sort of normalcy.

Oh, and I have no idea when my new job will start, apparently although I was told that I should start in May (and have waited patiently for 3 months) it could be another 6 months. So I'm again looking for work. We may be moving back north to Washington, I've applied at Boeing, Child Support Services may be hiring, and the technical institute (underwater welding?) that my sister works for may be hiring as well. My parents want me to move north and I'm beginning to think it may be a good idea to be closer to them now that my dad's working on heart attack #5.

AND my dad called me this evening after I talked to my mom to let me in on a secret. He's going to propose to her on their anniversary this year, so they can renew their vows on their 50th anniversary. He wants my sisters and I to all attend and give her away. How sweet is that?

How's your month been?


So sweet he want so to do this. My DH and I have been talking about doing this for our 25th on the Disney Cruise but I may change my mind after looking over the cost. :(

Today my baby DD turned 21. She is hitting the club tonight. She was out last night at midnight just to try gambling. Oh the joys of living in Vegas. ugh. Not my cup a tea but then again I was pregnant with her when I was
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