2013 Canadian Club 33 Day planned for July.

We are over the moon! DH and I can do the July 13th date!:banana:
So count myself and my super de duper disney fanatic hubby as a definate yes for July 13th(ish) date (I know its still in the planning phase, so we are looking forward to more details)!
Thanks so much! We are deeply greatful.:love:
We just got back from DL but maybe just maybe I can talk hubby into another trip and another Club 33 visit.. we celebrated our anniversary there in October. :cloud9:
We attended this on a previous occasion and I can honestly say it was truly a day to remember.:flower3: The special guest we had was a legend. I got to cross this special day off my bucket list and am so grateful for the opportunity. The host was so amazing and his family was so gracious. The other guests who attended were dissers and it was so fun to finally put a face to a name. We would absolutely love to attend this again!!!
We attended this on a previous occasion and I can honestly say it was truly a day to remember.:flower3: The special guest we had was a legend. I got to cross this special day off my bucket list and am so grateful for the opportunity. The host was so amazing and his family was so gracious. The other guests who attended were dissers and it was so fun to finally put a face to a name. We would absolutely love to attend this again!!!

Thank you for your kind words drag n' fly hope to see you at the next lunch.
Thank you for doing this. Unfortunately I can't make it this time. I'm very sad to miss it. On the plus side, I have to miss it to volunteer at an event that brings together more people than the Olympics, but less publicity because it involves religion. Good luck. I sure hope I can make it another year.
Definitely keep me in the loop for July, once the date is confirmed, but I can't quite confirm yet. Have to see if I can get vacation arrangements for that week. Would really love to join you!
Oh wow what an amazing idea, so generous of you!! :worship: A visit to Club 33 is #1 on my bucket list, and getting to meet fellow Canadian Disers? What a treat! I just might have to book my 2013 trip around this meet!
Oh wow what an amazing idea, so generous of you!! :worship: A visit to Club 33 is #1 on my bucket list, and getting to meet fellow Canadian Disers? What a treat! I just might have to book my 2013 trip around this meet!

Perfect, that's a good plan as the chance this will land on a day you are already there is slim. I hope you can join us.

It will be July 13th. Of 2013. Hey 1313 is Disneyland's address.
So sorry I have to miss this again:sad1: I checked in here just to find out if you were planning another one. Now that we are travelling without our college age son, I am avoiding holiday times and summer trips. Let me know if you plan another one.
So sorry I have to miss this again:sad1: I checked in here just to find out if you were planning another one. Now that we are travelling without our college age son, I am avoiding holiday times and summer trips. Let me know if you plan another one.

Gee that's too bad, one of these years it will work for you. I have set up a few other meets. No special guest but fun activities. I can keep you informed if you like. We have enjoyed Walt's Firehouse Apartment, Circle D Ranch, Dream Suite and more. I expect to be there end of Dec 2012 Jan, July, Nov, 2013, Feb 2014 maybe one of those dates will work for you.
Wow! What a dream come true that would be!!!! I am going in January for the Tinker Bell half marathon, not sure if I could swing another trip for July. Please post pictures it would be lovely to see everyone there :)
Hi everyone,

We are still on for July 13th but I heard of a possible Club 33 renovation. I will try to get the facts and keep you all up to date.

Wow, okay. I was just coming here to check if things were still a go due to reno. We will await your information.
Just so excited to go that weekend! I cant wait to meet all the Canadian Disers and have others that are as jazzed about talking disney history. I love learning about the parks and Walt.

Has anyone else booked airfare yet? I made a reservation at the DLH so we are set to stay. I wasnt sure if it was confirmed for our lunch, and the timing on that. I will wait on pulling the trigger on airfare.

I feel like I know many people on this board even though I am not a high poster. I have been lurking in Disboards for years and became a member about a year ago when we were planning our last trip out. But, I still mostly lurk because I am a naturally reserved person.

Anyway, cant wait to hear more about the plans...Thanks again!
Club33forme said:
Hi everyone,

We are still on for July 13th but I heard of a possible Club 33 renovation. I will try to get the facts and keep you all up to date.


I had to cancel my trip to Rio. There might be a possibility of me joining you along with a friend, if this is a go and we can get things worked out. :-) of course this is if you still have room and rthe renos don't get in the way.
I have lurked on this board for a while but have been planning a trip to Disneyland in July to meet up with some friends that now live in Utah (I'm a Vancouverite and now in Toronto) for one of their son's birthday and for my daughter's first time to Disney. I am also thinking of a trip to Disneyworld in October or November but now think that the DL trip in July wins.
Am I allowed to attend even though you don't know me? Is the lunch on July 13? You are so incredibly kind and generous that this seems to good to be true.
I have lurked on this board for a while but have been planning a trip to Disneyland in July to meet up with some friends that now live in Utah (I'm a Vancouverite and now in Toronto) for one of their son's birthday and for my daughter's first time to Disney. I am also thinking of a trip to Disneyworld in October or November but now think that the DL trip in July wins.
Am I allowed to attend even though you don't know me? Is the lunch on July 13? You are so incredibly kind and generous that this seems to good to be true.

You are most welcome to join us. Within the next week I want to confirm the Club can accommodate us so everyone can go ahead with their travel arrangements. Being you are new to the boards tell us a little of your Disney interests.
Club33forme said:
You are most welcome to join us. Within the next week I want to confirm the Club can accommodate us so everyone can go ahead with their travel arrangements.
We are over the moon about this, and just beyond thankful for this opportunity. The most exciting part of this meeting is to meet all the other Canadian Disers.
Thanks again!
You are most welcome to join us. Within the next week I want to confirm the Club can accommodate us so everyone can go ahead with their travel arrangements. Being you are new to the boards tell us a little of your Disney interests.

I have been to Disneyland twice, once as a child with my family (3 sisters and parents and my aunt/uncle and cousins) and once as an adult with friends as a part of my bachelorette stag. I have been to Disneyworld once, as an adult.
I love love the magic of Disney and now that that Disney has evolved with the ages and has some strong heroines and not just princesses waiting for the prince to rescue them, I love Disney even more. My daughter is 3 and half and will be 4 in the summer and I believe age 4 or 5 is a perfect time for a child's first time at Disney. They are still young enough to feel the magic and wonder of it all. I still recall the first time I saw the Magic Kingdom and was in awe. At that age, they are old enough to go on some rides and don't get as tired or need to nap as much as younger toddlers. Although a day at the park wears out even me, a kid at heart.
I have to admit that I am a fan of Disney Pixar as the films have an adult humor and are for all ages.The other day I was at the Disney store and they play clips of films in the store for children on a big screen all the time. Well I sat with the toddlers and watched for a while and was laughing out loud and having as good a time as the children.
Having a child now of my own has had me explore Disney all over again. We own pretty much all the movies but I honestly don't allow my daughter that much television. She gets to watch a movie as a treat at certain times and is just at the age where she is asking who the characters are and getting interested in Disney. We went to a "meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse" at Christmas time here in Toronto and she was over the moon. She keeps asking to see Cinderella's castle and meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
I have been waiting for my daughter to be old enough to go to Disney with me and to see her face when she sees the castle and feels the magic.
I am not sure exactly what else you'd like to know but I'd be happy to answer any questions and give my info via private message.
I was planning to travel to Disneyworld with a friend who is also widowed and has a son that same age as my daughter but if I come to Disneyland, and it is looking that way, I would be meeting a different couple and their children. However, they wouldn't be joining us at the Club.
Is my daughter able to come to Club 33 with us?
Hi everyone.

I'm still waiting for confirmation from the Club that the upcoming renovations will not interfere with our event. I know it's only only 6 months until our date and we all need to make travel arrangements. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm doing my best to get some answers. We have a great special guest on board to join us if everything continues as planned. *


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