WISH Away the Pounds -- Fantastic February Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

Good morning Wishers. Today is Feb 25th. March is almost here, which means SPRING is around the corner.

I am trying to pull myself out of the funk I am in at the moment. Not feeling positive right now. My b-day is Wed and I will be 48. Yikes.

I need to do some organization today to get back on track. Things got away from me and did not go as planned.

So if you are like me, today is a new day and we can do it!!!:cheer2:
lisah0711...I find the cod liver oil really helps. I take one 1000mg capsule each morning with my breakfast. If we go away for a few days and I forget to take them with me, I start to feel a bit creaky!!

Interesting! And sounds promising but how is after you take it? I have switched to flaxseed oil from fish oil because of that nasty, nasty after taste. :crazy2: I just tell myself how creaky I would feel at times if I didn't keep moving. ;)

Well, when I signed up I did not expect to do much posting so I wasn't very creative. My name is Jill and Bur are the 1st 3 letters of my last name. I've thought about changing it, but don't have any idea what to change it to, so it's still the same.

Glad that you are feeling better, Jill. :flower3: Apparently the only way you can change your user name is to get a new one -- I have the same issue I would have used something else if I'd realized I was going to stay around forever. :rotfl:

Sleep well friends! It will give your metabolism a kick start! No lights, no noise, no sleeping with the TV on! Try it! ...................P

Thanks for the reminder of the importance of sleep! :flower3: Sounds like you had a very productive day yesterday. ::yes::

Mary•Poppins;47617125 said:
Mine is pretty obvious. I thought of my favorite Disney character and started to see if the name was taken .... which was of course it was. :lmao: However, I have done a lot of graphic work and knew the • symbol and tada ...

When I grow up, I hope to be like Mary ... :)

But I'm sure you are just like Mary now, Fran! :goodvibes Hope that cough goes away soon! :flower3:

Good morning Wishers. Today is Feb 25th. March is almost here, which means SPRING is around the corner.

I am trying to pull myself out of the funk I am in at the moment. Not feeling positive right now. My b-day is Wed and I will be 48. Yikes.

I need to do some organization today to get back on track. Things got away from me and did not go as planned.

So if you are like me, today is a new day and we can do it!!!:cheer2:

Happy early birthday! :bday: I've been so much happier and comfortable with myself in my late 40's and 50's so from this side of that scary number -- the water's great! :beach:

I will be updating numbers this morning when I get to my office computer so stay tuned. These are the last few days of our challenge. I know we are all looking forward to that frest start on Friday but we still have a few days in February to finish strong! :cool2:
Happy, happy birthday to my dear friend, mikamah! :bday: party: party: Can't wait to party with you in person for Princesspalooza 2014! :cool2:
Good morning everybody!:wave2: As usual, my weekend was packed from start to finish - camera class Saturday morning, dinner with BFF's Saturday night to celebrate DH's retirement/new job, and a 13 mile run on Sunday (ironically on the same day as the Princess), so I haven't checked in since Friday. Please indulge me while I catch up.:goodvibes

NSV-Most of the pants I bought almost 2 years ago when I started this job, no longer fit! I've been able to either buy new ones at smaller sizes, or can fit back into pants I haven't been able to get over these thighs in almost a year and a half! Whoo hoo!:cool1::cheer2:

DIS Name: Pluto has always been my fave Disney character :love: and I just love, love, love dogs!

After three weeks stuck at the same darn weight :furious:, the numbers finally went down at the last weigh-in! :dance3: I'm now only 6 pounds away from my goal weight that I want to hit before this summer's big trip. Keeping those fingers crossed! :rolleyes:
PlutoBaby said:
Good morning everybody!:wave2: As usual, my weekend was packed from start to finish - camera class Saturday morning, dinner with BFF's Saturday night to celebrate DH's retirement/new job, and a 13 mile run on Sunday (ironically on the same day as the Princess), so I haven't checked in since Friday. Please indulge me while I catch up.:goodvibes

NSV-Most of the pants I bought almost 2 years ago when I started this job, no longer fit! I've been able to either buy new ones at smaller sizes, or can fit back into pants I haven't been able to get over these thighs in almost a year and a half! Whoo hoo!:cool1::cheer2:

DIS Name: Pluto has always been my fave Disney character :love: and I just love, love, love dogs!

After three weeks stuck at the same darn weight :furious:, the numbers finally went down at the last weigh-in! :dance3: I'm now only 6 pounds away from my goal weight that I want to hit before this summer's big trip. Keeping those fingers crossed! :rolleyes:

Awesome job! I'm sure you will get rid of those 6 pounds before your big trip :)
Good morning Wishers. Today is Feb 25th. March is almost here, which means SPRING is around the corner.

I am trying to pull myself out of the funk I am in at the moment. Not feeling positive right now. My b-day is Wed and I will be 48. Yikes.

I need to do some organization today to get back on track. Things got away from me and did not go as planned.

So if you are like me, today is a new day and we can do it!!!:cheer2:

That's right!

Meant to post quotd last night but watched the awards, then walking and talking dead (barely made it through that). I'm thinking about packing my bag and going straight to the pool after work. Haven't worked out since Wed. Have been holding though-- pretty good for me as I usually am up 2-3 pounds pre period.
Happy birthday Mikamah!

QUOTD:2/25 Monday

Do you find as you're eating less your appetite gets less?

I finally kicked in as far as that goes-- I find I'm satisfied with less, only in the last week though and I started in January.
Evening all! This day went by so quickly! But I dug into my cookbook cupboard and got it cleaned out! I pulled out a few cookbooks and pamphlets to get rid of plus a big cookbook to give back to my Mom. I also sorted my top shelf full of Taste of Home magazine (about 10 years worth!), and will get rid of all of the ones dated before 2011 after I've skipped through them and pulled out any recipes worth keeping. I don't care for the magazine but DMIL renews it for me every year and DD enjoys reading it...but so many were up there still in their plastic wrappers!

After I sorted the magazines I went through my collection of loose recipes, sorted them into "untried-but-sounds-promising" and "tried and true". The rest went into the trash. Then I put the "untried" into page protectors and into one binder (by categories) and the "tried and true" into their own binder. I figure as I try new ones they will either go into the trash or the "tried and true" binder.

The super OCD person in me would like to retype every recipe so that they look uniform and so that I would have them all in my computer, but if I waited to do that with all my recipes, I might be waiting forever! Better to have them as organized as possible for now.

I also went through every card in my recipe box and tossed about half of them. I did keep some for purely sentimental reasons (hand written by friends and relatives who are no longer with us), but for most of them they hit the trash if they weren't something useful!

Anyhow, after all that I have about 18+ inches of free shelf space...the magazines were jammed in there and stacked horizontally across the top. And my cookbooks actually have a little wiggle room!

I'll try to get through the entire pile of magazines by next week and pull out any recipes that sound promising...the rest of the pile will go to school with me next week to share with the staff.

The spicy black bean burgers I had for dinner were good and tasty and quick. Made Parmesan garlic beef cheeseburgers for the family. Big servings of roasted broccoli to fill up the plates. I also had pickles....MMMM!

Watching Amazing Race with the family in a bit. Will head out in the morning bright and early to swim practice. I'll try to pop on when I get home, but not sure I'll have time, as DD and I want to head out for a shopping day by about 9am.

Sleep well friends! It will give your metabolism a kick start! No lights, no noise, no sleeping with the TV on! Try it! ...................P

Wow. Sounds like you had a busy day! Have fun shopping :)

Mary•Poppins;47617125 said:
I spent most of the weekend sleeping. I think what I caught is a mild case of the flu. I am congested and it is now in my chest. I had a mild fever, but was SO tired. Feeling a lot better tonight, but can't shake this cough. If it is what is going around my school, the cough stays around for a few weeks .... :(

Have a great weight-loss week this week everyone!

Oh no :( I hope you are feeling better. I have the never ending cough. My mom has had it for about 2 weeks now. I'm hoping it goes away soon!

After three weeks stuck at the same darn weight :furious:, the numbers finally went down at the last weigh-in! :dance3: I'm now only 6 pounds away from my goal weight that I want to hit before this summer's big trip. Keeping those fingers crossed! :rolleyes:

Yay! Way to go!

QUOTD:2/25 Monday

Do you find as you're eating less your appetite gets less?

I definitely find that I eat less. I used to always have second helpings at dinner or dessert, but now I do not.


Just a quick check in during my lunch break. I brought a salad and fruit. I also brought my workout clothes so I can hit the gym right after work. I am planning on doing the dreaded treadmill. I need to get back to running so I can be back outside exercising if this weather ever warms up!

I have a new 6th grade student today. I will have his class at noon, but another teacher texted me to let me know he has tattoos. 6th grade. Tattoos. Unbelievable, but not suprising for the students that I teach. :(

Okay, I am off to work on my progress reports. Have a great day!

Happy birthday Mikamah!

QUOTD:2/25 Monday

Do you find as you're eating less your appetite gets less?

I finally kicked in as far as that goes-- I find I'm satisfied with less, only in the last week though and I started in January.

QOTD: For sure! Now if I try to snarf down as much as I used to, I feel slow and sluggish and like a potato that's about to explode in a microwave:crazy2:. I'm also trying to be very conscious about eating slowly, putting my fork down in between bites, and sipping water more during a meal. It makes me crazy how fast (and loud) the DH chews his food!:scared: But after 25 years of CopLand and having to eat quickly out of necessity, I understand why he does. Hopefully now, I can break him of that habit at least!:p
All numbers through PMs received yesterday have been updated in Post #3 but I am copying them here too for easy reference. Look at all the pretty colors! :rainbow:

Weight Loss Participants:
3Gsandme 30%
50sjayne 100%
akhaloha 57%
amready2go 10%
araes2102 50%
BernardandMissBianca 88%
cclovesdis 44%
Desiree 52%
DisFam95 84%
dismagiclover 60%
Eliza32 100%
fitgirl36 38%
Flossbolna 60%
goofyfigment 16%
Greenfield1984 78%
iheartjuppy 33%
jillbur 20%
liesel 0%
lisah0711 0%
MaryPoppins 60%
mikamah 103%
momofdjc 40%
NightAngelX 75%
njcarita 100%
nocomment711 18%
penguin1102 30%
pix13dust 163%
plutobaby 33%
quicklabs 113%
Rose&Mike 20%
sskem96 43%
tiki23 55%
TheMysteryMachine 75%
tinkerbye 40%

Maintainer Participants
myweegirls 3/4
Sorry I disappeared. Went away for a week. -.-

Gained almost 3 pounds. Not happy.

Welcome back! And I remember someone mentioning on this thread about how there is always room to hop back on the wagon. Don't worry about the 3 pounds. Just start from where you are now:)

I'm hoping to get one more pound lost before this month is over. That won't get me to my monthly goal, but it is one more pound lost. Wish me luck (and self control.)

QOTD: I definitely find as I eat better and less, my appetitie decreases. When I'm eating right, one cookie is enough. When I'm not I'll eat half a dozen. (Though thin mints do not work in this equation. I can alway eat a whole roll of those.)
Hi guys! :wave: I have out of commission for a week... first I was off the wagon for a few days, and then I got sick :sick: Still a bit under the weather but back up on the wagon now! I will never catch up so I will just jump in from here. I need to start exercising again, though it won't be near what I was doing before getting sick... my chest congestion and accompaning shortness of breath will be an issue for at least another week I think . But I do plan to start tonight with strength while watching the Biggest Loser :) Good news, while off the wagon I only gained 1 lb. MUCH better than I expected :cool1: And even better news... I finally ordered a Bodymedia Fit Link armband!! :cool1: I can't wait for it to come in the mail, should be just about the time I can start hitting the Y hard again :thumbsup2 I had planned to order the Core armband, because I really couldn't justify the $150 for the Link. But I wanted access to real time data so I had decided to get the Core + Display for $129. But then I checked Costco and they had the Link for $149 INCLUDING a 12 month subscription! :cool1: So ultimtaley I spent $10 less to get the Link, hope I love it! $149 is a lot of $ for us...

Well ttfn, be back tonight to check in (I hope).
Good morning Wishers. Today is Feb 25th. March is almost here, which means SPRING is around the corner.

I am trying to pull myself out of the funk I am in at the moment. Not feeling positive right now. My b-day is Wed and I will be 48. Yikes.

I need to do some organization today to get back on track. Things got away from me and did not go as planned.

So if you are like me, today is a new day and we can do it!!!:cheer2:

Hey ... :dance3: Happy Early Birthday! I am 46 ... so right there with you. Hope you have a great birthday week!!

Good morning everybody!:wave2: As usual, my weekend was packed from start to finish - camera class Saturday morning, dinner with BFF's Saturday night to celebrate DH's retirement/new job, and a 13 mile run on Sunday (ironically on the same day as the Princess), so I haven't checked in since Friday. Please indulge me while I catch up.:goodvibes

NSV-Most of the pants I bought almost 2 years ago when I started this job, no longer fit! I've been able to either buy new ones at smaller sizes, or can fit back into pants I haven't been able to get over these thighs in almost a year and a half! Whoo hoo!:cool1::cheer2:

DIS Name: Pluto has always been my fave Disney character :love: and I just love, love, love dogs!

After three weeks stuck at the same darn weight :furious:, the numbers finally went down at the last weigh-in! :dance3: I'm now only 6 pounds away from my goal weight that I want to hit before this summer's big trip. Keeping those fingers crossed! :rolleyes:

You can make that number! Keep up the great work.

Happy birthday Mikamah!

QUOTD:2/25 Monday

Do you find as you're eating less your appetite gets less?

I finally kicked in as far as that goes-- I find I'm satisfied with less, only in the last week though and I started in January.

I find that when I finally start to get serious about losing weight, my body finally kicks in and starts to realize I don't need so much food. But I agree with others ... it has taken me since January to get to this point!

I have a new 6th grade student today. I will have his class at noon, but another teacher texted me to let me know he has tattoos. 6th grade. Tattoos. Unbelievable, but not suprising for the students that I teach. :(

Okay, I am off to work on my progress reports. Have a great day!


Wow ... 12 years old with tattoos. That is so sad. What tattoo artist does that even if the parent agrees? :confused3

Sorry I disappeared. Went away for a week. -.-

Gained almost 3 pounds. Not happy.

Come on back! We would love to help take those 3 pounds away from you.
Managed to finally motivate myself to go to the gym. Once i was there i was so happy! Maybe now i can start really losing instead of gaining and losing the same pound!
When I'm eating right, one cookie is enough. When I'm not I'll eat half a dozen. (Though thin mints do not work in this equation. I can alway eat a whole roll of those.)

Tis the season lol.

Hi guys! :wave: I have out of commission for a week... first I was off the wagon for a few days, and then I got sick :sick: Still a bit under the weather but back up on the wagon now! I will never catch up so I will just jump in from here. I need to start exercising again, though it won't be near what I was doing before getting sick... my chest congestion and accompaning shortness of breath will be an issue for at least another week I think . But I do plan to start tonight with strength while watching the Biggest Loser :) Good news, while off the wagon I only gained 1 lb. MUCH better than I expected :cool1: And even better news... I finally ordered a Bodymedia Fit Link armband!! :cool1: I can't wait for it to come in the mail, should be just about the time I can start hitting the Y hard again :thumbsup2 I had planned to order the Core armband, because I really couldn't justify the $150 for the Link. But I wanted access to real time data so I had decided to get the Core + Display for $129. But then I checked Costco and they had the Link for $149 INCLUDING a 12 month subscription! :cool1: So ultimtaley I spent $10 less to get the Link, hope I love it! $149 is a lot of $ for us...

Well ttfn, be back tonight to check in (I hope).

I'm sorry for you and the rest who have been sick or have some kind of injury. It is so frustrating to have some resolve and start seeing results to be just knocked down.
Sounds like you're making lemonade...good luck with your contraption. Ma kettle here is a bit technically challenged.:guilty:

Managed to finally motivate myself to go to the gym. Once i was there i was so happy! Maybe now i can start really losing instead of gaining and losing the same pound!

Good! It's nice to have that social support too.
Good morning on Feb. 26! Well, I made some headway yesterday on getting out of this funk. Not quite there yet though. Where is SPRING, I need you!?

Today I go to the podiatrist and I am still waiting on my bloodwork results. I think it is starting to get to me.

QOTD for yesterday? Yep, my appetite is busted, thank goodness. That took about a month I would say.

I will say I am having trouble meal planning. I am sick of everything. Anyone else?:rolleyes1 Also I read that you are not supposed to have more than 12ozs of FISH in a week. That depresses me. I could eat it everyday. WAAH.

Enjoy your day today WISHERS!!!!:yay:
After three weeks stuck at the same darn weight :furious:, the numbers finally went down at the last weigh-in! :dance3: I'm now only 6 pounds away from my goal weight that I want to hit before this summer's big trip. Keeping those fingers crossed! :rolleyes:

:woohoo: for new numbers on the scale! :yay: Congratulations!

QUOTD:2/25 Monday

Do you find as you're eating less your appetite gets less?

I finally kicked in as far as that goes-- I find I'm satisfied with less, only in the last week though and I started in January.

I think that I am getting better at listening to my body's signals about having enough food or thinking about whether I am really hungry, or am I bored or cranky, rather than eating. I do know I feel full most of the time when I eat now. It is a process! :hippie:

Jill, hope that you are able to shake that cough soon. :flower3: There is a special place in heaven for teachers, you know! :littleangel:

Sorry I disappeared. Went away for a week. -.-

Gained almost 3 pounds. Not happy.

Phooey! Glad you found your way back to us. Luckily the wagon is always close by so hop in, get back on track and use those regrets to move yourself forward again. ::yes::

Welcome back! And I remember someone mentioning on this thread about how there is always room to hop back on the wagon. Don't worry about the 3 pounds. Just start from where you are now:)

Yep, always room in the wagon and it's never too late to join one of our challenges. :goodvibes

Hi guys! :wave: I have out of commission for a week... first I was off the wagon for a few days, and then I got sick :sick: Still a bit under the weather but back up on the wagon now!

Sorry you have been feeling sick! :flower3: Glad to have you back!

Mary•Poppins;47628282 said:
I find that when I finally start to get serious about losing weight, my body finally kicks in and starts to realize I don't need so much food. But I agree with others ... it has taken me since January to get to this point!

It is nice when that idea kicks in! :idea:

Managed to finally motivate myself to go to the gym. Once i was there i was so happy! Maybe now i can start really losing instead of gaining and losing the same pound!

:woohoo: Don't you wish you could bottle that feeling and take it with you everywhere? :thumbsup2

Good morning on Feb. 26! Well, I made some headway yesterday on getting out of this funk. Not quite there yet though. Where is SPRING, I need you!?

Today I go to the podiatrist and I am still waiting on my bloodwork results. I think it is starting to get to me.

QOTD for yesterday? Yep, my appetite is busted, thank goodness. That took about a month I would say.

I will say I am having trouble meal planning. I am sick of everything. Anyone else?:rolleyes1 Also I read that you are not supposed to have more than 12ozs of FISH in a week. That depresses me. I could eat it everyday. WAAH.

Enjoy your day today WISHERS!!!!:yay:

Good luck at the podiatrist today! :flower3:

I would do some more research on the fish consumption amounts. I did some quick research and could only find the 12 oz recommendation for pregnant women. I did find limit to 6 oz a week of the fish they say could have mercury. Some of the information that is out there is several years old, too, so look for more modern info and let us know what you find. :thumbsup2

Minichallenge for the rest of February: Write down 100 things you could do besides eating.

This was inspired by our QOTD and another discussion I have been having about eating when you are hungry. One of my friends challenged us to write down 100 things you can do besides eating. Write your list and share some of your ideas. Then whip that list out next time you are tempted to eat "just because."
I dunno what was up with my scale yesterday, but I don't think it is possibly that I dropped nearly 5 pounds overnight... I don't know what to believe.
just saying I'm still here!!

Just been a busy few weeks with winter break and back to back to back dentist appts, etc.

BTW, can someone please send a memo to Old Man Winter that he can go on vacation now?!?!?


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