YOLO Part Dos -- A Journey Beyond Your Wildest Imagination Updated 9/9 Trip Video

Loved that you guys swam the EAC!

I can't say a whole lot on the "Cars" part, we toured through that area of the resort, but neither of us had seen Cars, so even if it was perfect, I can't really comment haha. I do love the way they did the landscaping in the LK and LM sections though, with the plants all looking like the pridelands, the jungle, under the sea, etc.

But I'm glad to know that to a Cars fan it's realistic! Man, if Aoa, Tangled Bathrooms and FLE are examples of what's to come from Disney, I'm more than impressed!!

Also, I just have to comment that I just watched the first yolo trip video and the stay grand video on your youtube acct and loved them both. Your videos really show off just how much fun you guys have!! I also have to say that in Oct I loved the halloween costumes! You rarely see Mary and Bert at the parties!!
I love the EAC pictures they are so cute! My BF and I spent so much time in the Cars section when we stayed at AOA this past December, we loved it!
I guarantee you I had a mini freak out when u mentioned the song,so I was just as happy that u like it too n i'm not alone in this world anymore:thumbsup2 i sing it all the time too hahahahaha i love your hallways photo shoot thats Epic!!! I'm gonna make my kids do that in october lol
Brittany's creeper photo is the best of the batch! It looks like y'all had a lot of fun in the Cars section. I can't wait to take Paxton to see it!

Loved Alicia's Fillmore photo! :lmao: Seems like with this group, it's almost always a good time. :dance3:
Haha, those creeper photos and the Mater ones are the BEST!

I laugh every time I look at the creeper photos.​

Joining in :)

YAY!!! WELCOME!!! :wave2:

Subscribing! :)

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the adventure​

Loved that you guys swam the EAC!

I can't say a whole lot on the "Cars" part, we toured through that area of the resort, but neither of us had seen Cars, so even if it was perfect, I can't really comment haha. I do love the way they did the landscaping in the LK and LM sections though, with the plants all looking like the pridelands, the jungle, under the sea, etc.

But I'm glad to know that to a Cars fan it's realistic! Man, if Aoa, Tangled Bathrooms and FLE are examples of what's to come from Disney, I'm more than impressed!!

Also, I just have to comment that I just watched the first yolo trip video and the stay grand video on your youtube acct and loved them both. Your videos really show off just how much fun you guys have!! I also have to say that in Oct I loved the halloween costumes! You rarely see Mary and Bert at the parties!!

You need to watch Cars! I thought I wouldn't really like it but it's really good. Now I just need to take a trip over to carsland!
Seriously though Disney is really on their A game. Everything they are coming out with is PERFECT!! I cant wait for the mine ride.
Oh my goodness thank you! We love making videos now showing off our craziness in Disney, so I'm happy that people actually enjoy them. The Mary Poppins and Bert costumes were last minute, I was painting that coat like a week before we left.​

I love the EAC pictures they are so cute! My BF and I spent so much time in the Cars section when we stayed at AOA this past December, we loved it!

Thank you! The cars section is perfect, just thinking about it makes me want to stay there.​

:rotfl: Brittany planking is always entertaining.

It really is! Be prepared for more planking to come​

I guarantee you I had a mini freak out when u mentioned the song,so I was just as happy that u like it too n i'm not alone in this world anymore:thumbsup2 i sing it all the time too hahahahaha i love your hallways photo shoot thats Epic!!! I'm gonna make my kids do that in october lol

Seriously sometimes I think the citizens of hollywoods are under appreciated.
YES! people might look at you crazy for laying on the floor but it makes for great photos!​

Brittany's creeper photo is the best of the batch! It looks like y'all had a lot of fun in the Cars section. I can't wait to take Paxton to see it!

Loved Alicia's Fillmore photo! :lmao: Seems like with this group, it's almost always a good time. :dance3:

I can't wait too see the photos of Paxton in the cars section. He is going to love it I just know it!
Seriously YOLO trips seem to be the best, we just go crazy and don't care if people look at us funny. There is very little time for crabbiness!​
No Sleeping In Disney

On the walk to the lion king section we heard what seemed to sound like Monsters Inc. Thats when we saw that they were having the movie under the stars.

I felt like this was a very odd place to have the movie

Mufasa is just overlooking the movie. I also didnt like how the walk way went right through the seating.

So we ran passed the movie and headed towards the elephant graveyard. On our way there we just happened to look up and see 2 guys looking out there window, I waved too them and they just looked at us like we were crazy.

Then we saw it, the Elephant graveyard. Andy was so excited to be reunited

Brittany and Alicia seemed too enjoy themselves also

After running around in the little tunnel we decided to move on to the little mermaid. But before we did we played a quick little be that statue game

Onto the little mermaid section
Alicia was really feeling the dingle hopper!

As we passed the treasure box Brittany was planning on planking it but then we noticed the do not climb signs. So being a rebel Brittany decided to give it a go but do it quickly before anyone saw. So the picture turned out looking like she is swimming, which fits the theme of the section.

Conga time!

Then we passed Ariel who is a little to shiny and glossy for my liking

Our time under the sea had come to an end but before we did us girls found some dates to the prom.


We walked back to the room to get our stuff before we left for DTD. It was still early in the night and who wants to go to be at like 9pm when youre in Disney?! Thats just not the YOLO way.

So we were off to catch a bus to DTD. This is when we ran into this wonderful mother. And by that I mean she was crazy! Why was she crazy? Well we sat on a bench and she was waiting with her baby in her stroller. The bus pulled up and she cut us off. She apologized, so that was ok.

While we were waiting in line for people to get off she decided to take her baby (maybe 5-6 months) out of the stroller and put her on the railing. I was afraid that child would be going head first to the ground. Thats when she noticed she was in the wrong line and she wanted to be in the Hollywood Studios line. So she quickly put the baby in the stroller and pushed it under the chains, which ended up whacking the baby in the face.

I didnt know what to do, I then watched her get on the bus as she put her baby in a seat by itself and held onto the stroller&..

Anyways we got on the bus to DTD and as we were making our way there we saw some Illumination fireworks going off. When we got to DTD we went to the Christmas store for Brittany to choose the lucky winning ornament she would bring home for her mother. We looked around but Brittany waited to get one.

Then we made our way to trend D and looked at the new limited time make up. Brittany just snapped some pictures of things she would have liked to purchase? (I really dont know Im making that up, but they were her pictures)
B is for Brittany, B is for Belle

From there it was off to Basin for some hand scrub. While we were there Alicia told us a very disturbing story

WARNING: Read If You Dare

So Alicia told us that people enjoy smelling the bath salts. I guess one guy was obsessed with inhaling them that it made him turn into a cannibal, where he ate a hobos face off. Like I cant even imagine this happening! After we heard about this Brittany was afraid that a cannibal would try to break in our room so she locked the door ever night :rotfl:

Anyways, Brittany never tried the hand scrub so she was in for a treat! I love that stuff so much. After we got our hands silky we looked around at the cute soaps

After our fun time in Basin we walked over to get some ice cream at Ghirardelli. When we arrived the lines were out of the building! We decided to wait it out because that was the main reasons we came to DTD and it was my first time getting ice cream there. After we finished ordering the waitress said it would be about 20 minutes. So we went off to look for a sit, it was so jam packed inside and outside that there was no where to sit.

After maybe a good 10 minutes we saw a family leave and we ran to that table fast. We got a table by the water so it was a bit chilly with the breeze. I would not want to work here, all the workers were running around in the crowds looking for table numbers. That must be horrible.

Soon our ice cream arrived.
Brittany got the Cookie Bottom Sundae

I got the Very Berry Sundae

Alicia got mint-chocolate chip ice cream in a sugar waffle bowl

Andy got cookie dough ice cream in a waffle cone

Once we finished our ice cream a worker came over to take our dishes. He was there for a long time and seemed like he was going in slow motion, it was just awkward. After he left Alicia made a comment that is not appropriate for the disboards, and then went on by saying you were all thinking it too. Definitely not!!!!

We decided to call it a night, so we made our way back to the bus stop.

We got back to the room, got everything ready for the next morning. I took a quick shower and came out to find my bed waiting for me. Brittany and Alicia were kind enough to pull it out. They get a best friend and best sister award!


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No sleeping in Disney is right!! Haha, glad you guys had fun exploring the resort! Paige and I never really got back to do posed photos in all the sections. Man, DTD has too many things that I want to buy! I'm really glad the whole bathsalts thing has died down now, people were seriously going crazy over it. Sigh.
Delicious looking ice cream!!
Epic prom picture! What handsome dates. I'm a little jealous!

Did you get that lady's address so you could send her Mother of the Year award? Geez. I can't imagine anything better than sitting him on a ledge and letting a chain smack him in the face!

OMG Ghirardelli!!! The most delicious ice cream concoctions ever. That cookie bottom sundae is HEAVEN!
Love the YOLO TR's!! You guys are so fun and I'm excited to keep following along! :)
Great pics! :)

Thank you!​

No sleeping in Disney is right!! Haha, glad you guys had fun exploring the resort! Paige and I never really got back to do posed photos in all the sections. Man, DTD has too many things that I want to buy! I'm really glad the whole bathsalts thing has died down now, people were seriously going crazy over it. Sigh.
Delicious looking ice cream!!

Yep no sleeping in Disney there is just too much stuff to see and do!
I never even heard about this whole bath salt thing. People are crazy.​

Epic prom picture! What handsome dates. I'm a little jealous!

Did you get that lady's address so you could send her Mother of the Year award? Geez. I can't imagine anything better than sitting him on a ledge and letting a chain smack him in the face!

OMG Ghirardelli!!! The most delicious ice cream concoctions ever. That cookie bottom sundae is HEAVEN!

of course I got stuck with the short one :rotfl:
I wish I would have! We ran into a lot during this trip too!
I need to try either the cookie or brownie sundae they sound delicious!​

Love the YOLO TR's!! You guys are so fun and I'm excited to keep following along! :)

YAY YAY YAY!!!! WELCOME!!!! :wave2:
What A Not So Magical Morning

At 6:30 my alarm went off, Brittany was already up and getting ready. While we waiting for Alicia and Andy we decided to get ready by listening to One Direction….YOLO!

We then realized Andy was still sleeping! Get up you lazy bum, no sleeping in Disney!!!

Andy finally woke up and we were out of the room at 7:15.
As we were leaving a CM told us “Have a fun adventure, sketch you later!” How perfect is that?! The little things.

As we were waiting for the Magic Kingdom bus the lady behind us started talking to us. She wanted to let me know that she was in love with my headband, she was wondering where I got it because her daughter would love it. I told her that I actually made it from the sleeves we cut off from our shirts.

She then asked me how I made it, so I told her that we made Mickey tie dye shirts and cut them into tank tops. Then I just cut up the sleeve and braided it and BAM you have a headband. I didn’t expect them to be so popular.

The magic Kingdom bus pulled up and we were on our way

We arrived at about 7:40, just in time to get through security and ticket gates before the morning show. We were all excited for our first day back into the parks. We walked over to the CM entrance, Alicia handed the CM her pass and that’s when he told us that it was blacked out. WHAT?!

Our good morning took a horrible turn for the worst. We already had the day planned, we were going to eat at Be Our Guest for lunch because out of the four of us I was the only one to experience it. Brittany wanted to see the new fantasyland but at that moment it looked like that was not going to happen on this trip.

That’s when we heard the morning show music

Alicia went on the Hub to see if the Magic Kingdom and Epcot were actually blacked out this day

It’s a horrible feeling being so close and not being allowed in

There was no point in standing around, we left the park and got on a monorail to the transportation and ticket center. This was our crabby moment on the trip. Brittany didn’t talk the whole way to the bus, Alicia and me felt badly because we knew she wanted to go to the New Fantasyland.

While we waited for the Animal Kingdom bus we talked about how dumb we were for not checking the black out dates. It never crossed our minds because MK was blocked from December to February. We then decided to get a one-day pass because going to Disney World and not going to the Magic Kingdom is just not right. So we planned on staying at Animal Kingdom till lunch then take a trip over to Company D to get some tickets.

When we arrived at Animal Kingdom we went straight to Everest.

I took everyone’s tickets and walked quickly ahead to get fastpasses. It was only a 10-minute wait so we decided to just jump in line. This ride seemed to make everyone a bit happier. No more time for crabbiness.

From there we walked over to Dinosaur, where we made a pit stop at primeval whirl. I just love being thrown around in that car. After all our laughing we decided we wanted to do more time traveling so off to Dinosaur we went!

Time to go catch us a Dino

When we looked at the ride photo we wished we would have known that the whole party behind us was going to look the other way because we would have all been down for that!

Soon it was time for a dinosaur photo shoot.

We then walked around not knowing what to do.

Then Alicia told us to go take a picture with the dinosaur in the bushes. So being the rebellious child I am I decided to go for it.

We weren’t caught which was a good sign. Sneaky sneaky!
As we made our way out of the little dinosaur area there was this thing that had a shovel, I don’t even remember what it was there for.

We then walked back into the gift shop by the dinosaur building. There was a very important dinosaur I needed to see. Before the trip I was looking at the disney world tag on instagram and saw a group of guys sitting on a dinosaur. I sent it to Brittany and Alicia, and Alicia said she would never do it. When the moment came I was by myself, no looking back now

I wore the wrong shoes for this, it was real slippery

Mission accomplished!
Next came time to figure out how to get down. This was quite entertaining for other people than me.

I just jumped to my death nbd


With so much excitement, it was almost like we forgot about the whole magic kingdom situation.

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Shame about not getting into MK, but you look like you had a great time in AK anyway :thumbsup2 Looking forward to hearing more!
Shame about not getting into MK, but you look like you had a great time in AK anyway :thumbsup2 Looking forward to hearing more!

Just a little minor tweaking in the plans​

Great update! :)

THanks! :thumbsup2

I love it,I think the best tr's are the ones where people aren't afraid to have fun and let loose.

We were definitely letting loose this trip! I like to tell myself that I will never see any of the people every again so just enjoy yourself....YOLO!​
A Yeti Named Yeeta
Our fastpasses were burning a whole in our pocket, time to get to Everest we have a date with a yeti.
But before that we decided to play be that statue

Time to go visit Yeta again. Yes the yeti’s name is Yeeta, it’s eastern European.
If you watch this at 1:09 you will understand why I call the yeti Yeeta

As we got in the fastpass line I noticed a family with a tour guide. That must be a fun job.

Off to go visit YEETA!

I guess Alicia was just not feeling Everest

After our time with Yeeta we walked around to see what we wanted for lunch. That is when we noticed that Pocahontas was out, so we decided to be extra creepy and watch her from afar.
Alicia was telling us all about her friend Pocahontas and the character attendant. We watched a couple of groups interact with poca. We almost got in line but Alicia said it would have been weird so we didn’t. I asked Alicia is she could do her best Pocahontas accent but she wouldn’t

About a good 10 minutes we decided that was enough creeping. We walked back to Discovery Island to the pretzel stand because Alicia wanted a jalapeño pretzel. Unfortunately it was not open so she decided she would just wait for lunch.

In the meantime we had a very important place to be. Off to my favorite show in Animal Kingdom…. Finding Nemo the Musical!

When we got into the theater we noticed that a good amount of the front was still available, so that’s exactly where we went. Front row!!!!
Well maybe not exactly the front row more like the second row

As we waited for the show to start we had to find some way to entertain ourselves. For Alicia and Andy it was resting their eyes and for Brittany it was braiding her hair.

I loved being able to see the performers faces, nemo had the perfect facial expressions throughout the whole show.

Mr Ray!
Take a look around you, the oceans alive.

I guess I should explain, I’ve got this problem with my brain. Things get really scrambled in my head. I have no short-term memory I forget things almost instantly I’m not even sure what I just said.

Remember fish are friends not food

When you’re raising sons and daughters its like surfing the mighty waters. Woah woah woah go with the flow

The show came to an end

My favorite part of sitting close was seeing all the leads being other things throughout the show. Like Mr ray and Bruce moved crush around.
As we were making our way out of the theater I made Brittany pose with the stage

We got split up from Alicia and Andy, when we found them we decided it was time to eat. We all wanted something different so we made a game plan to adventure out through animal kingdom purchase what we wanted and meet back at Flame Tree Barbecue.

Let the food hunt being!

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Great Finding Nemo photos! I love that show! Also, I love that sweatshirt that Alicia is wearing; is it part of the 2013 merchandise?


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