SSRMonkey Trip Report--I'm kind of a big deal

I hope that your lack of updating so far means you're having a splendid time, not that things went badly in the hood.

You had a great morning in MK. You are one lucky monkey. I would have loved to sample that apple. I would never spend the $9.99 on the chance I would hate it.

And I agree with chellymouse - love the Pooh comment.
Honeymo--I do have all the luck! It was a great morning with some people I'd never met before. And I love meeting new people. And monkeys. :)

Chellymouse--Glad I could amuse you today. I will try to keep Koala away from all the gingerbread cookies, but I think we'll have to try one at the Christmas party.

DisneyPrincess--Thanks for your concern. We made it out of the hood without any throwdown like the one between news teams. No arms were lost. Or pride for that matter.

Mom and Dad did some window shopping tonight (after the cake store--there was actual shopping done there), and Koala and I went to the spa. We got our fur detangled and washed. We look fantastic if I do say so myself. There's nothing wrong with a couple of dudes getting pampered now and then.

After our spa treatments we did manage to find a few interesting things. I'll share them in the morning. It's waaaay past my bedtime.

One last thought for the evening...

I love poetry, and a glass of scotch, and, of course, my friend Baxter here. :)
After our trip to the spa, we joined Mom and Dad while they were shopping. I saw this giraffe on this bike and I was confused.


First of all, giraffes can’t ride bikes. Unless the bike has 4 pedals. Also, this bike has no pedals, so I don’t think anyone could ride this bike. So, the point of this display is…? I don’t know either. I asked for the manager to complain that their displays aren’t realistic. While I was waiting, I looked around and noticed that all of the clothes on the manikins were pinned so they actually fit. Is everything in this store a farce? I turned around again and saw manikins with no heads and no legs! What is going on here??? Their clothes were pinned on too. I couldn’t take it, so I just got out of there without waiting to talk to the manager. I felt like I was in a Different World, but Sinbad was nowhere to be found.

On another note, I saw this sign on the boat to MK yesterday morning.

I will leave this open to interpretation, but it appears to be a way to prevent people from sliding down the stairs on their bottom. Or to prevent them from having a Pooh experience on the boat. Just sayin’.

Tonight we are heading to DHS to see the Osbourne Lights, but we don’t have a plan for the morning. We’ll see what kind of trouble we can get into. I will be working on loosening up for TSM later today.
I love that may very mean the stairs aren't to meant for Pooh! Happy to hear you made it out of the hood safely! Hope mom found what she was looking for....and dad let her buy it! Sounds like you and Koala had a nice evening at the spa! I'm sure you both look fabulous! Can't wait to hear how your evening was!
So, today was pretty awesome. Mom and Dad went out for a bit this morning, but left the TV on for us so we could watch Sesame Street. They thought…As soon as they walked out the door, it was time for Maury. Followed by Judge Judy. And then some Jerry Springer. It was an excellent start to the day.

They stopped to pick us up for lunch at Paradisio 37. Koala and I manged to finish off a whole order of Mac and Cheese bites and then ordered mini ice cream cones. Mom and Dad had a more grown up meal of a Caesar salad for Mom and a burger for Dad. After that, I convinced them to walk through the gift shop at T-Rex. I wanted to check out the Build-A-Dino section. I’ve heard many things this week that sounded like Pterodactyls, but they turned out to just be kids screaming. Nevertheless, I wanted to see about building a Pterodactyl.

I decided to save my money, but Koala did get a couple really awesome shirts. He has such a unique body type that it’s hard to find shirts for him. He was pretty stoked.

After lunch, we headed back to SSR to get some laundry done. Mom and Dad were almost out of clean socks and that’s no good. The closest laundry area was by the main pool…which is also right next door to the Preview Center. They decided to go see when it was open and now they are taking people over every half an hour. Since we were waiting for the washer to be done, we had plenty of time to wait. Bad idea.

The VGF model was awesome. I thought the separate tub and shower was awesome and Koala liked the rain shower in the two bedroom. If only we had a billion dollars and Mom and Dad had more vacation time. Maybe someday…

After the laundry was done, we decided it was time to head to DHS. We had FP for 6:45 for TSM, so we wandered around for a while. Koala had a nice chat with this group of snowmen.


He was asking them about how they were still in one piece and hadn’t melted. Apparently it’s all about dry ice.

Then we ran into Princess Tiana and the frog guy. He said we were the first monkey and koala he had ever had his picture taken with. I told him he was the first frog I had ever had my picture taken with.


Koala checked out some of the upcoming movies. It appears that the bad dinosaur is attempting to eat Koala’s head.


I helped make some candy apples. This one is not poisoned, I promise.


It was time for the Osbourne lights!


We watched for a little bit, but once Koala started singing along at the top of his lungs (like he always does), we decided it was time to head to TSM.

On the way, we stopped to salute this guy.


On the way out of DHS, we found Koala’s Halloween costume for next year. The huge golf ball was from the pro shop at SSR. He likes to sit on it.


After heading to Olive Garden for dinner, we decided to turn in early and get rested up for MVMCP tomorrow. I can’t wait for cookies, hot chocolate and snow on Main Street.

I pretty much behaved myself today, but Ron Burgundy is on Conan tonight, so who knows what could happen!
I love that may very mean the stairs aren't to meant for Pooh! Happy to hear you made it out of the hood safely! Hope mom found what she was looking for....and dad let her buy it! Sounds like you and Koala had a nice evening at the spa! I'm sure you both look fabulous! Can't wait to hear how your evening was!

Thanks, Chellymouse. Mom did find what she was looking for. And more. That baking store is dangerous. But we all benefit from what she makes. And thank goodness for elastic waistbands!
Koala looks fantastic in his new costume. Will he be attending MNSSHP next year yo show it off? And please tell him I love his new dinosaur hoodie.

We've yet to see the VGF models - probably best that we waited. It would have just created a desire left unmet.

I hope you enjoyed watching Mr. Burgundy on TV. Did anyone mess with his teleprompter? Hopefully he kept it clean since you and Koala were listening.
This morning we ventured to Orange World. We saw petrified gator claws…literally the whole thing. Looked like Swamp Thing’s hand. It was too gross to take a picture. But we did find Seabiscuits…I thought Seabiscuit was a horse, but apparently that’s the scientific name for a chubby sand dollar. Glad I can speak scientifically now.


On the way back to SSR, we saw this.


Wouldn’t you think that gator jerky from a guy in a truck would be safe and delicious? Dad vetoed that idea. I told him they sold honey too, but it was still a no go. Bummer.

We headed to Beach Club and they had the gingerbread carousel up in the lobby. I would like to try to make one at home, but can you imagine how much that would cost? And how do you keep the horses from eating all your work?


Did you know I have my own line of wines? They only sell it in Germany. The artist’s rendering on the bottle is a little off, but I think my face is trademarked.


We saw Pluto on the way to see Figgy.


We got some good pictures of Figment and the Imagination Institute.



Stinky stinky stinky.


It’s downside up.





After finishing our trip around the world, we headed to Boardwalk. Here are the gingerbread houses they have for sale.



We were going to go to Beach Club for some ice cream, but decided to stop at the Fountain at the Dolphin. Mom got some fro-yo with a side of sprinkles.


Dad and I shared a peppermint shake. A little too much chocolate for me, but it was pretty good.


On the way back to the car, we saw these turtles at Beach Club.



Koala tried talking to them, but they wouldn’t respond. So he started talking like Crush. That drew a crowd…and not in a good way. People must think Koala is crazy.

I have some bad news…it’s raining now and I’m not sure if Koala and I are going to get to go to MVMCP. Wet monkey smell might close down the park. We may be able to figure out a way to rig up some ponchos, but it might be a no go. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Koala says thanks, Honeymo!

Cee--Nice one!!

DisneyPrincess--Koala says thanks. We are planning to attend MNSSHP next year. Hopefully it works out. Mr. Burgundy was excellent. He played his flute, he sang, and thankfully there was no teleprompter for someone to mess with. And, did you know his hair is real? Fantastic!
Koala looks very dapper in his new duds! Love, love, love the Sully costume! Koala looks adorable! It's a good thing you and Koala were a few weeks before and after us...I can't imagine the shenanigans the two of you would have had with our bunch! Thanks for the pics of the gingerbread houses....I will be gingerly bringing one far I'm 2 for 2 bringing them home on a plane! Hope you get to go to MVMCP!
Beautiful pictures of Figment. I'm sorry you're missing the party while mom and dad are away. Hopefully they left "sesame street" on for you again. That should at least pass the time.
When it was time for Mom and Dad to leave for the party it was still raining cats and Baxters, so it was too risky for Koala and I to accompany them. We were upset at first, but then we decided we would go have fun without them. There were a few plastic bags from Target sitting around so we handcrafted raincoats for ourselves and decided we would take the boat to DTD.

Lucky for us, Mom and Dad left their magic bands here so we could charge everything to the room. Just wait until they get the bill. And the call from package pickup…


First stop was Bongos for dinner and a little dancing. We thought Gloria Estefan might be there, but no such luck.

After that we headed to the movie theatre to see Free Birds. I really wanted to see Bad Grandpa, but Koala overruled me.

After that, we went to Splitsville and played a few games and had some drinks. Koala opted for the 32oz ICEE and I wasn’t driving so I had a Frozen Schooner. It was as big as my whole self. I had to rent a scooter to get back to the boat.

We made it back a few minutes before Mom and Dad and pretended to be asleep. Until Mom found Koala wearing her magic band. He said he was just pretending that he was at MVMCP so she let it go. Good thing we hid the souvenir bowling pin cup that Koala’s ICEE came in. He’ll have to explain his blue ICEE moustache in the morning.

Mom and Dad took some party pictures for us.


Aww...looks kinda like my evil cat, Chloe.







Apparently Pooh needed a snack and his paw was the only thing available.


I’m totally going to make one of these and beat it up. It’s on, Chip and Dale.


How is he even going anywhere? His wheels aren’t touching the ground!



If you look closely, you can see one of the reindeer lost his harness. Mom said you should have seen the other reindeer trying to put it back on him. It was hilarious. Apparently hooves are not helpful when trying to fasten a harness.


SANTA!! I know him!!!!! I know him!!! (I can’t wait for ELF to be on TV!)


This morning we are going to play some mini golf and get some EOS. I'm thinking it's a Hawaiian day! :)
Wow, Chellymouse! Your gingerbread preservation skills are impressive! The combined shenanigans would have been epic. Maybe someday we will be here at the same time!

DisneyPrincess--While I like "Sesame Street", the Frozen Schooner beat it out last night. :)
So sorry it was raining too hard for mom and dad to take you out! Very sneaky of you and Koala to head over to DTD! I want to see Bad Grandpa too! What's up with Koala????? :confused3 Looks like you had a great time! Hope there was no wet monkey smell to give your "unauthorized DTD trip" away! btw.....there is a nasty snow storm heading our way with the worst of the lake effect on Sun and right smack into the NW PA and NE OH snowbelt! Please be safe!!
Well, we never made it to mini golf, but we had a great day anyway. First things first, we headed to the Grand Floridian to check out the decorations. Who am I kidding? We wanted to see the VGF. And it was awesome.

Welcome Home!!



I chatted up this penguin a little bit. He said he hangs around for the halibut. Hahaha. Get it?


The fountain outside was pretty too.


We went over to the main lobby to see the gingerbread house. I’m a little washed out, but you get the point.


I am going to try to figure out how much this would cost to make. And when I win the MegaMillions tonight, I will make my own.

Koala and I played around a little bit. Doesn’t Koala look like Art in Monster’s U? I’m gonna touch it…


On the way back, I stopped to watch a few cartoons.


We decided to head to EOS. It was a little busy, but not too busy for me to get a Hawaiian and a grilled cheese for Koala. After a little shopping we came back to SSR before heading to Epcot.

Epcot was busier than it has been all week, but it wasn’t bad at all. We had FP for TT and that’s where we started. I’ve said it before, but TT is so much more fun at night. The high speed loop just seems way faster. Koala screamed his head off. Well, not literally. That would be bad.

After that, we started walking over to the WS. This tree is so big!!


Hidey-ho, neighbor.


I tried some lipstick in France. I don’t think it’s my shade.


Koala wanted to help bake in France.


That didn’t work out so well, so he wanted to try some strawberry sorbet. Koala decided to tell the girls working at France all the things he knows about strawberries. Including the fact that they are part of the rose family and each strawberry has about 200 seeds. I know, who cares, right? Koala reads too many non-fiction books.



We didn’t get to go Squatchin’ this trip, but you’re not going to believe what we found. Inconceivable!



We took it with us and are going to get in touch with Ron Burgundy to launch an investigative report. Surely he would be able to get to the bottom of this Bigfoot mystery. Could you imagine what would happen if Ron Burgundy teamed up with Bobo?

We had so much fun this week and wish that it didn’t have to come to an end. Tomorrow we have to head home to the snowy north. Sunday temperatures are supposed to be 24 degrees. I’m not kidding. Not cool. Ok, too cold. But on a good note, we get to see my evil cat, Chloe, my grandparents, and we get to put up the Christmas trees!
Thanks very much for following along with Koala and I! Until next time, stay classy, DisBoards!
Loved your trip report. Looked like a lot of fun. :) I'm signing off from the snowy north. (Pittsburgh,PA). Safe travels!!
Thanks so I know what to ask Santa to put in my Squatch's stocking!! Hope you made it home safely! If you win the mega millions...I will happily help bake gingerbread for your house! Yummy! Awesome TR as always! We head home in 12 days....or as I like to's time to go defrost!


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