Christmas is all done till next year !.

I made myself a snowball,
As perfect as could be,
I thought I'd keep it as a pet,
And let it sleep with me.

I made it some pajamas,
And a pillow for its head,
Then last night it ran away,
But first - it wet the bed!
Christmas is coming,
The stores are getting fat,
Just use a plastic card
To pay for all of that

If you haven't got a credit card
A overdraft will do,
If you haven't got an overdraft
Then God bless you!
Many have asked, “What is the reason for the angel on top of the Christmas tree?” Once upon a time Santa was rushed to get ready for Christmas. He had told Mrs. Claus to wake him at 5 a.m. and to have his breakfast ready with a lunch to bring along. He also told the elves to have all the Christmas presents packed in the sleigh and the reindeer harnessed by 5:30. At 5:30 the following morning Santa Claus awoke and jumped out of bed furious with Mrs. Claus for not waking him up on time! Santa’s mood only got worse when he realized Mrs. Claus had not fixed breakfast or lunch! Santa then ran out to his sleigh only to see that the elves had no presents packed and the reindeer were running wild in the pasture! About this time a little angel walked by dragging a large Christmas tree. Santa tried to ignore since he wasn’t his jolly old self. But, the angel spoke up and said, "Santa what should I do with this Christmas tree?" And that is the reason for the angel on top of the Christmas tree.

Christmas Tree at Trail's End

Christmas Peacock at the Fort.
A White Christmas Peacock,


A couple things I've learned about Christmas,,:santa:
1.Santa is a procrastinator, at least in my house.
2.Christmas comes at the same time each year, yet are folk are shocked when it's upon us.
3.Snowmen take on the personalities of their ancestors.
4.When I was a kid, Santa usta start at my house first.
5.And one thing I've learned from drinking is that if you ever go Christmas caroling, you should with a group of people. And also go in December.

What have you learned about Christmas ?
If you make a snowman, try not to use snow from under pine trees. It looks great at first, but when it starts to melt and the pinestraw starts sticking out, well, it looks more like a bigfoot than frosty.

Personal experience...

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Christmas became a national holiday in America on June, 26, 1870

The first state to recognize the Christmas holiday officially was Alabama

Not only is 'The Nutcracker" something that some folk do off of the high dive, but is also the most famous Christmas ballet

The first president to decorate the white house Christmas tree in the United States was Franklin Pierce.

7.6 million Christmas trees are sold each year


Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall. pixiedust:
Great pics Frank

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I have 2 Christmas Wishes for all the Fort friends,
1. that everyone gets a chance to enjoy the Fort on some level this year,
2. and I want you to have a safe holiday, so on Christmas morning, do not stand between the kids and the presents!
After seeing the pictures, I am soooo excited to go to FW this year for Christmas. I just can't go overboard with decorations as we are not taking the camper back home with us, it is staying in Daytona for my parents to use in February, so we have to bring the decorations with us home. I know we will have rope lights, an inflatable Mickey and we might have an inflateable polar bear. As soon as I know what site we will be at, I will post it here.

I have 2 Christmas Wishes for all the Fort friends,
1. that everyone gets a chance to enjoy the Fort on some level this year,
2. and I want you to have a safe holiday, so on Christmas morning, do not stand between the kids and the presents!

Was this in the 700 loop last year? The last spot in the loop towards the Marina? There was a camper there last year that went all out with their Thanksgiving display. Unfortunately we left before they got out their Christmas decorations.
Was this in the 700 loop last year? The last spot in the loop towards the Marina? There was a camper there last year that went all out with their Thanksgiving display. Unfortunately we left before they got out their Christmas decorations.


I'm not sure but I think the loop was 700, but the picture was taken in 2005/2006.
The three wise men arrived to visit the child lying in the manger. One of the wise men was exceptionally tall, and bumped his head on the low doorway as he entered the stable.
"Jesus Christ!" he shouted.
Joseph said, "Write that down, Mary; it's better than Clyde!"
Something Silly To Do At Christmas

Randomly replace one bulb in your neighbor's lights so they
no longer work. Repeat this every day until Christmas.

Get a job as a mall Santa and then tell all the children you
are sick of the milk and cookies crap and you'd prefer a beer
and a hot blonde instead.

Decorate your yard for the holidays using you neighbor's

Call Park Rangers in your area and tell them Rudolph is sick.
Ask if you can borrow one of their reindeers. If they tell you
no, then yell at them telling them they are heartless jerks for ruining Christmas for all the children around the world.
Sooo, can you guess what this is and where it is ? Merry Christmas, oh, I mean,Good Luck !


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