Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

fab read . best of luck things will work out

sometimes you can spend a life time dreaming and planning and end up doing nothing as you are too scared to make the leap . i think its great what you have done
OP- I think finding a part time job in Hair is your best bet to supplement Disney wages
I may be out of line here but people are really giving the OP a hard time, and in my opinion it's unnecessary. She is 21, single and following her dreams! You go girl!

Let her make mistakes, learn from them, and have an adventure. I wish more parents let their kids do things like this at 21, the real world comes to fast and it's for the long haul.
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Sometimes following your dreams means taking a risk. Just because you wouldn't do it doesn't mean the OP shouldn't "inspire" others with her story. The world is full of examples of people who took similar risks, and turned out fine.

OP, congrats on answering that little voice we have inside all of us that wonders what would happen if we followed our dreams to the fullest...your story is certainly one I'd be happy for my daughter to be inspired by. Good luck out there.
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I was only 19 when I packed up everything I owned in my Toyota Tercel and moved from PA to Phoenix, AZ.
I didn't have a job, or apartment. My friend came with me and we stayed with friends for a week while we found what we needed. Ended up living there 13 years.
It might be worth looking into part time work at T&G or maybe picking up clients through the one your staying with. Yeah working a lot isn't fun but it will help you get on your feet faster since I can't see photo pass paying a whole ton.
Edit for full disclosure: My car was new to me and only a few years old. My dad also gave me $3000 seed money for travel, apartment, and a few weeks of food (this was 1995). I added this for the 13 year old that is lurking. The lesson is to always follow your dreams but on the same page, make sure you think of every single thing that can go wrong...assume it will happen...and plan for it. Kind of like planning a Disney vacation.
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Sometimes flying by the seat of your pants can be the best learning experience of all... teaches you creative problem solving skills for one. She's young so I say why not - go for it!

Honestly your 20's are the only time you really can just DO IT. Before you know it you're married or have kids or married with kids...
There has been more than one time that me at 39 will scroll through the Disney website and it takes all my self control not to apply for the RN position they have listed.
Beatrice from the Esurance commercial flashed thru my mind when I read this trip report. "That is not the way it works. That is not the way any of this works". I am sorry that I do not find any words of wisdom for this situation only to say that the 13 year old reader who was "inspired" by this act of adventure to please wipe that thought from your mind. Am I the only one to thinking this absolutely thoughtless and leading to train wreck? The only sensible solution would be to take the money from your first paycheck and buy a ticket home. Get a job, save your money and have detailed plan in place including your own lodging, reliable transportation and a savings account established for rainy days before moving "anywhere". It is good to have dreams/goals but they just need some planning and thought.
The OP is writing a report on the Trip Reports Board. She's not asking for advice on the Community Board. Big difference.

I don't understand the need to label her actions as "thoughtless" and "leading to a train wreck." :confused3
If what she says makes you shake your head with disapproval, don't read. Move along.
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Beatrice from the Esurance commercial flashed thru my mind when I read this trip report. "That is not the way it works. That is not the way any of this works". I am sorry that I do not find any words of wisdom for this situation only to say that the 13 year old reader who was "inspired" by this act of adventure to please wipe that thought from your mind. Am I the only one to thinking this absolutely thoughtless and leading to train wreck? The only sensible solution would be to take the money from your first paycheck and buy a ticket home. Get a job, save your money and have detailed plan in place including your own lodging, reliable transportation and a savings account established for rainy days before moving "anywhere". It is good to have dreams/goals but they just need some planning and thought.

Is her plan horrifically risky? Absolutely. Could she have potentially planned it better? Probably. However, she does seem to have landed on her feet for the most part, so maybe it's not as "fly by the seat of her pants" as some of us might think. She's training for a job at Disney and has a place to stay. She has a skill she can use to get by for the time being. Right now, the only huge misstep I saw was not checking her oil prior to a long car ride. I'm sure she learned from that, though, and will never make that mistake again.

She took a major risk, but if it all works out in the end, it would all be worth it. The alternative would be to stay in Boston for most of her life wondering what might have been. A wise man on an alt-rock album once said, "it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done." :)

Hoping for the best for her. Also hoping my kids are a bit less risky, but that's just me being the hyper-cautious dud that I am ;)

In closing, I think your comment IS valuable to this discussion, especially to the 13-year-old who cited her as an inspiration. It's always good, IMO, to give kids as much info as possible, from different perspectives, so they can ultimately make their own, informed decisions.
I cannot believe the negative comments on this TR. Why does anyone care or have the time to add up all of the things the OP has spent money on and compare it to the original amount she said that she had available? I also think it might be a little too late to tell her that her parents shouldnt have let her go on this trip, she is an adult and she made the decision to go. Even if she did check the car out before hand and do a thorough inspection (which come to find out she actually did) why would she post about that? Cars break down all the time and just because she is "young" in your eyes does not mean that her car breaking down is her own fault. If you dont believe that she should have gone on this trip then stop reading the TR. I think that the OP has done something that 90% of people in this world will not do and gave up her life to follow her dreams and do what she wants to do in life. I know i never had the courage to just get up and leave everything behind to follow my dreams. This is an inspiring TR, look at all she has been through and still made it to Orlando, still kept a positive outlook on everything, and is still following her dreams. This is exactly what inspiring is, will everything work out? Who knows, but even if it doesnt the OP and anyone reading will learn from this experience and be a better person from it. And when everything does work out the OP should be very proud of having the guts to do what she has done.
So excited for you! I hope the car situation gets worked out quickly. You took a scary risk but that's how some of the best things happen! I don't see the point in the "should haves" as it's already behind you. You're there! You did it! Enjoy :)
So glad to hear that things are going well for you! Ignore the negative comments- it's very easy to buy into all the negativity- don't do it! Keep following your dreams and do what's best for you!
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You are an inspiration and don't let anyone tell you different. Life is what happens when your plans don't turn out perfectly, but you know, that's the wonderful thing about life.......it's the journey and not the destination. Your story is amazing and as a 48 year old woman, I am soooo jealous of what you've accomplished so far! I'm sending more pixie dust and positive thoughts than you'll be able to handle girl!!! Keep it up!!! Love it!!!
A Brave Adventure. I Pray all works out Magically. My family will be vacationing At Disney in August will be watching for you....
I wish I had read this thread before we visited last week. We would've certainly looked out for you!
Sending lots of Positivity and Pixie Dust your way... Don't pay any mind to all the negative Nancy's on this board who probably haven't done anything spontaneous since leaving the womb! I am proud of you for doing what you are doing... even through the storms you manage to find a silver cloud and land right where you are suppose to. I am 44, with 4 grown kids and almost 8 grandchildren. I've been flying by the seat of my pants since i was 16 LOL... and I turned out great, with a great job, a great husband, great kids. I truly believe you can too.
I didn't even have enough money to buy the insurance on it - so i was so SCREWED if anything happened!

You didn't need it anyway. Your personal auto insurance would cover you. Same as with rental cars. Always skip the insurance if you have your own!

Good luck! Wish I had had the cojones to do something like this when I was your age. I drove from Mattoon, IL to Lexington, KY to visit friends in college, and that was my first big roadtrip on my own as an 18 year. Scary stuff at the time!
Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures! Don't let the negative Nellies bring you down. Skip over those posts. There are people here on the DIS that pore through posts, looking for discrepancies, or any little thing they can find to criticize, and make the original poster feel bad. I think you'll be able to tell who is concerned for you, and who are looking to poke holes in your story, merely for their amusement.


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