Mum and moi take Orlando: the never-ending trip report (aka we are nuts) NEW 5/20 x4!!!

I'm finally caught up!!! How did I miss the baby gorilla?? I was there in September but I missed him somehow:sad::sad:
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January 24th: DISmeets and such!

Am I the worst trip reporter ever or am I the worst trip reporter ever?


No seriously, the last time I updated was in March. I blame that on life.

I am so sorry for no updates for like 5ever! I am sure no one follows this thing anymore but I miss writing and showing you guys my pictures. I have been editing a bunch of pictures and I have had several updates just sitting on our computer and have done nothing with them. (I am an awful person).

The end of school was insane, and so was summer. I got a job at a summer camp in our town and I was working almost 40 hours a week with a bunch of midgets aka 6-12 year olds. It was a lot of fun, with blood, sweat, and tears. Mostly sweat though.

I was also taking drivers ed, hanging out with friends, spending a long weekend in Savannah, GA, etc. It was crazy and I apologize for no updates again! I was also putting off doing some because I don’t know how to write them really. I have thought about different ways to write them, and I think most of March's updates are going to be mostly pictures and not a lot of commentary for reasons that I don’t need to go into on here. I know that makes no sense at all, but it is drama that I don't have time for. Long story short, I am not friends with Meg anymore, who I have mentioned plenty of times on here. She spent a lot of time with me during February and March at WDW, and I don’t really want to talk about those trips too much, but I definitely want to share all of the pictures I have! Hope you guys understand!

I am a junior in high school this year and I am hoping I will have some time to do updates between homework and god knows what else. I want to get back to regularly updating for you guys!

SOOOOOO let's do this thing!


My friend Kimberly I met on the DIS and Twitter was arriving in FL on this day and we were planning on meeting up. Her flight was late getting into MCO and DME was a mess so we chilled around Port Orleans waiting for her and her family.


We walked around POR for a little bit. I love it there so much. Hands down my fave moderate resort.



We waited for Kimberly in the Riverside Mill. We sat down with them while they got something to eat. It was so nice to meet them and I hope they had a great trip!


They were off to DTD for dinner so we took a bus to MK.


But why have I never noticed the pooh coo coo clock????! I need one of those please.

We went into Storybook Circus for a few.

and idk what that orange thing is next to my foot so

MK was pretty insane (what else is new) so we headed towards the front of the park.

I had to buy something on the way out though. Now, we all know how I feel about Starbucks on Main St, and if you don't, then let's just say we can’t have nice things.

But when I saw they were releasing the You Are Here mugs for the parks. I kinda needed the MK one. I asked Mum if she would just go in because I am a protestor but "If I was buying it, I had to go in."

Worth it though.
Except for the fact that I broke the mug while doing the dishwasher so yeah..............

Mug in hand/bag, we took a boat to the Fort.

We went to the Meadows Trading Post where I found THE BEST MERCH EVER. CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I NEED THIS?!!!


Of course we had to roast marshmallows! It is always necessary!

Best way to end the night ♥
January 31st: lol i am bored

Hollywood was in bloom.



We went to Tune In Lounge first because we wanted to get something to eat (aka I just wanted their flavor of the month aka the red velvet shake), but there were no seats and I am impatient. I looked on the world's greatest app and found an ADR for 50s about an hour later so I took it.

We moved on over to the Animation building and took a drawing class. We got to draw Jiminy Cricket which was a first for me!

We still had a ton of time to spare and lol there is nothing to do at MGM so we looked in a few shops and basked in the sun on Sunset.

Streetmosphere though >>>


I found these mugs somewhere in that park and HOLY CRAP I HAD WANTED THIS MUG SINCE I SAW IT ON INSTAGRAM LIKE 5EVER AGO.

So I bought it.

Seriously, could these be any more perfect?!

(Holy crap I am Chandler Bing)



At least MGM has some nice details. I guess.


We looked in the ToT gift shop as well.


FINALLY it was time for our ADR. I was getting bored.



We were seated shortly after we checked in.

I went straight for the red velvet shake.

I was a little disappointed though. I thought it was going to be better, and it really didn’t taste like red velvet, so there's that. I mean, it had a hint of it, but not a ton.

We split the sampler thing, whatever it is called. It was yummy except there were some weird green things on it. You really can't see it in the picture (no it aint the green beans). But they are in the bottom left under the chicken. It tasted nasty. Straight up nasty.

Of course we had to get dessert! So we got the smores, which I heard aren’t on the menu anymore??! That would be heartbreaking.

After we finished at the 50s, we walked over to the Boardwalk because why not.

The sky was on point!






And even though we had just ate, we had to get some marshmallows at the Beach Club. They are free so it had to happen!
February 7th: FoF, dole whips, and TTA aka my life

So we went to the Magic Kingdom. There's that.

We got a spot for FoF first thing right by the train station.


Flawless, girl.


Forever obsessed with this picture *pats self on the back*



Someone was excited.



After FoF got over, we strolled around the Kingdom.


We got a dole whip and walked around Adventureland.


And then we went on the TTA maybe????


Ok yeah we did.

And that's all I have for this chapter?? What was this? Ok then.
February 14th: BOB BOB BOB!

Since Mum is my Valentine, I was spending it with her! I actually had no choice. I spend every minute with her so

We parked at the TTC and walked to the Poly to take the monorail.

First stop was Uptown Jewelers where I obsessed over Dooneys and such.



My kingdom was looking lovely.

We went on the TTA where we had some weird dance party thing in the freezing cold (aka like 60 degrees). We also took some weird selfies.

We didn't have any plans for the rest of the night, and we did something that was brand new to us! Now, you are probably wondering "Meg, what haven't you done at Disney?" (or you are not wondering that whatsoever....)

A lot actually.

First, we took a bus to French Quarter.


And then we walked over to Riverside, where we got a table at the lounge that I think is called River Roost but I could be so off on that.

We were seeing Yehaa Bob for the first time ever!



I don’t know why this was our first time seeing Bob. Seriously, he is amazing. At first I didn’t know what we got ourselves into, but then as the show went on, I had SO much fun. It is very interactive so don’t be a Mr. Grumpy Gills.

After his first act, I went up and got my picture.

And a mandatory selfie!

We have seen Bob another time since this, and that time was even better! We have only been to his first act (his second one goes until midnight and that is way past my bedtime), but I went with my best friend and that was perfect.

After I got my selfie and a signed picture of Bob, we took the bus back to MK and headed on home.​
Great to see you back writing your trip reports! I've missed them, you take amazing pictures and point out fabulous details that I'm sure I would miss. Sorry to hear about meg but I'm glad you all are enjoying Florida and have adjusted so well.
We'll be back in October 17-20, Halloween party Sunday night! Can't wait!
Great to see you back writing your trip reports! I've missed them, you take amazing pictures and point out fabulous details that I'm sure I would miss. Sorry to hear about meg but I'm glad you all are enjoying Florida and have adjusted so well.
We'll be back in October 17-20, Halloween party Sunday night! Can't wait!

I miss writing them so much and I love sharing my pictures with you guys!
OH MY GOD NO WAY WE ARE GOING TO BE AT THAT PARTY!!!!!!!! I will message you!​
It makes my day to see you posting! You've been missed! I'm glad to hear it's just because life has been keeping you busy!

Gorgeous photography as usual!
I am so glad you are back!!!!! Your pics are amazing. I'm so jealous!!!! I hope you have a great junior year. My daughter is a junior too, just got done ordering her class ring--already. We are planning a trip to Disney for February and I am soooo excited. We are out of school for Mardi Gras so I thought--forget Mardi Gras, lets go to Disney:)
So glad to see you back! And really, your photos are just glorious :love:

Thank you so much!

It makes my day to see you posting! You've been missed! I'm glad to hear it's just because life has been keeping you busy!

Gorgeous photography as usual!

Yes, life has been crazy busy. Lots of stuff going on but I can't complain too much!
Thanks :)

People still read (aka me). Not sure about anyone else though. . .

Glad you are back! I can't wait to see more stellar pics!

I'm happy people still read this thing!
Thank you so much!

Glad too see you back on. Great updates. Hope schools going great so far.

Thanks! Yes, school is going well so far!

I am so glad you are back!!!!! Your pics are amazing. I'm so jealous!!!! I hope you have a great junior year. My daughter is a junior too, just got done ordering her class ring--already. We are planning a trip to Disney for February and I am soooo excited. We are out of school for Mardi Gras so I thought--forget Mardi Gras, lets go to Disney:)

Thank you!!
Yes, Disney is so much better than Mardi Gras! Maybe I'll run into you on your trip :)
February 21st/22nd: Stuffing my face and penguin pals

We had a breakfast ADR at Kona because red velvet pancakes!!!!! Most important time of the year, duh!


I really do love the new lobby so much better than the old one featuring Mr. Moldy Fountain.


We checked in and didn’t have to wait too long until we were seated.

I didn't need no menu. I knew what I wanted! But the menus are pretty.


After breakfast, we took the monorail to MK, and first stop was the TTA duhhhhh like why is this even a surprise to anyone cause it shouldn’t be!

I really don't remember what else we did besides meeting Mary Poppins and two penguins, which was very exciting! One of these penguins was ALL over me and gave me some giant hugs. It is like we knew each other or something....

We had to leave for the day at this point because we had tickets to a Lifehouse concert in Orlando and I needed good spots! Very important to me.


So I am gonna combine this with the next day because I don't have too many pictures to share, so here we go!

We parked at the Beach Club because we had an ADR for lunch a little later. We had time to kill so we strolled on over to Epcot.


I saw my friend Shelly, who was on her CP! It was so nice to see her and hear about her job.

We really didn't stop anywhere, just took it all in. It wasn't too busy so it was nice to take some pictures and such.


When we were heading back to the Beach Club, they were doing some character training at World Showplace, so I got to meet Captain Hook and Goofy! Works for me.

Back at the Beach Club.


We checked in early at Beaches and waited about 15 minutes to be seated.



God, It was so good.

And god, I love BC. We chilled in the lobby for a few and smelled lovely smells. Seriously, where is my resort specific perfume or air freshener at?!


February 28th: Rain, rain, and Epcot

We had a friend from MA visiting us on this lovely rainy day in February. (Seriously, it rained all day long). Her name is Wendy and Mum used to work with her. She was staying at da Fort and doesn’t usually go to the parks, but got a one day ticket (....) to hang out with us at Epcot.

First stop was Spaceship Earth.


Is this guy trying to do the nae nae?

Since it rained so much, we spent a lot of time indoors, which is fine, so next stop was Living with the Land.




We headed over to the Seas and watched the dolphin presentation, which was so cool. We had never seen it before. Basically, they put up these small projection screens on the tank. One on one side, and then three on the other. The dolphin is on the side with the one screen and the CM puts up an image and the dolphin then has to go over to the other screens and find the same picture. They got it right almost every single time. It was really cool to watch! I would so recommend going to see this.


We walked around World Showcase next in the pouring rain, so we decided to go on the Grand Fiesta Tour, my amigos. Amigas. Whatever you people are.

My peeps.



Why I don’t have any other pictures from this day, I don't know.

We spent the rest of the day at Epcot, mostly eating of course. Duh. It was so nice to see Wendy even though the weather was awful!​
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March 13th (part 1): 3 pack and plays and there is STILL room for activities

Are we ready for cruise chapters or what?!!! You should be ready because cruises >>>>>

Like I said before, these chapters are mostly going to be pictures without a ton of commentary. We went on this cruise with Meg and that is something I don’t want to talk about. I had a great time on this cruise, but... yeah I'm just not gonna get into ranting right now.

We parked about a mile from the port, which is where we parked last year. It is SO much cheaper than actually right at the port, and we have never had problems with this place. They have shuttles running back and forth to and from the ships.

We hopped aboard the shuttle and it drops you off right in front of the terminal for Disney.

And oh btw! This cruise started on Mum's birthday! Happy really really really belated birthday to the best Mum ever!

Almost there!

Check in was a breeze, as per usual. I mean, we are Castaway Club and all, and that has its perks.

After we were all set, we met Goofy who was out in the terminal! I have never seen a character out there before so that was cool.

Before we knew it, this was our view.

And 3 nights on the beautiful Dream started now!

First stop was Cabanas because let's be real now. I am hungry 24/7, I never stop eating, food is what makes the world go round, and I needed to eat my weight in food in 3 days. Real talk, I gained five pounds in 3 days. I wish I was joking.


Cabanas wasn't too crazy yet, which was shocking. but we had gotten on the ship pretty early.

And LOLOLOLOLOL this was our next stop. Who is even surprised.

Ice cream counter: #1

Why we went into the clubs next, I have no clue. I do love this chandelier in Pink though.

At this point, it was about 1:30, and my fellow cruisers know what that means!


We had cabin number 8504, and I don’t know if I can go on another cruise again without getting this stateroom.


This is one of the "special" staterooms aboard the Dream. There are several of these rooms and they are category 9A, which is a deluxe oceanview. It is a corner room at the forward of the ship.

Let me just post these pictures, we can all die together, and then I will rave about how amazing this room was, ok? Ok.





Photobomb by the birthday queen.








As you can probably tell, this room is GIGANTIC. It is almost like an attic room with the slanted wall. But oh my god, the amount of room I had for activities! I could seriously do carpet angels in the middle of the floor and roll around and not hit anything. Usually, you have no room in a regular stateroom, but this is on a whole other level. It sleeps the regular four with a bed coming down from the ceiling and then the couch bed thing. If you have kids, you wouldn’t be squished at all and you would have room to set up like 3 pack and plays and still have room for activities. I'm not even kidding.

You still have the split bath which is always wonderful. I can do my business on the toilet in one and then someone can shower in the other. So perfect.

You always have the slanted window, which is whatever. Who needs natural light when there is SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES. That made no sense at all. Who cares. You have a view of like the whole ocean and yes, the Vibe is at the front of the ship but we didn’t hear a single noise from that joint. Those annoying teenagers didn’t ruin anything, trust me.


Book this room. Except if I am there. You are paying SO much less than a verandah or something and you are getting A TON OF SPACE. Like I said, 3 pack and plays and there is still room for activities. Who doesn’t want that?! Oh my god that should be this room's motto. You're welcome, Disney. Call me.

Moving on...

We checked out the Senses Spa next! They were giving away some spa treatments later that afternoon and we had to drop our little slip with our info on it, and while we were there, we demanded a tour. Yes, demanded. We will go with that.

I got to try out the best thing ever though. I have no clue what it was called, but you lay down in this thing and it practically folds you up into a cocoon and then you come out as a beautiful butterfly and it is amazing and I don’t know how I lived before experiencing this. Go to the Senses Spa, ask for this amazingness, and then thank me later.

And if you were wondering, we went back to the spa later and didn’t win nothin'. At least I became a beautiful butterfly for free so that is what matters most.

We had our wonderful lifeboat drill next just in case we hit an iceberg and had to know what to do. It wasn't thrilling. People were standing too close to me. I didn't enjoy it very much.

At least the sail away party was next!

But dear god people have big heads and block my view. I wasn't pleased.





When is our wedding

(remember when I said there wouldn't be a ton of commentary in these updates? Well yeah, this is what you guys get when I write these things at almost 11 at night)​
So I am not the ONLY one that likes the Poly Lobby better now!?!?! I thought for sure I was!

Oh my word. That Beaches burger needs to hop off the screen and onto my plate. Now.

We haven't managed a cruise (yet). Hoping to do that someday. I can't wait to see more of it.
So I am not the ONLY one that likes the Poly Lobby better now!?!?! I thought for sure I was!

Oh my word. That Beaches burger needs to hop off the screen and onto my plate. Now.

We haven't managed a cruise (yet). Hoping to do that someday. I can't wait to see more of it.

me too - I love the new version, all mid century fabulous, bright and airy. I could live in that lobby. or one of the new studios.

More fabulous photos. And there should always be excitement for cruise, is there anything better than DCL?!
YAY!!! You're back!!!! I'm sorry for the drama. I follow you on twitter and assumed something had happened. :(

I leave tomorrow for WDW! We'll be in WDW for a week, then we board the fantasy for a week!


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